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3/14 Sunday's Star Report.... Sun Moves Into Pisces today! g4sf

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Coming to you, tonite, 3/13 Saturday, in the pm, cst,

for tomorrow's transits...3/14 Sunday. cst.




Sun moves into Pisces, today....so go to my website/page:


for the entire next Month at a Glance....

Also,....Calendar Maps for March & April can be found there too!


Nature's Astrology: Star Report


Sunday, March 14th

Moon Moves to the Beginning of Sagittarius,


Dear Friends:

The Moon has moved to 10 degrees Sagittarius, today,

as of 9am, Sunday, ... March 14th...2004.....



For the Eastern Hemisphere.....

This next day Star Report starts 6 hours later, simultaneously at 3pm , Sunday,...March 14th!...

in London, England

.....for example....

If you want to know what the Transits will be doing as your day, begins...tomorrow...

re-read the Star Report for the preceding day!


Dear Friends:

Moon moves to the beginning of Sagittarius today.

Look forward to a couple of much nicer days!

Moon loves Sag! and combined with Jupiter's influence from Leo, into it's Own

Sign of Sagittarius, so we should see some more good luck, now!

There are also a lot of other simultaneous Jyotish aspects going on... so it

should both feel good...and feel a little intense....

Here's hopeing.....Guru...wins out....

Good couple of days...to enliven...any kind of real good, spiritual Knowledge!

Guru, is especially, awake and lively during these 2 days!

Most Important Other Tranists....Today:

o Mars in still in Taurus...1:48 degrees...

Mars aspects Sag! from it's 8th House aspect in Taurus... but being so 'early'

in the degrees of Taurus, it's influence shouldn't be too strong.

o Rahu's at 18:29 degrees of Aries, so ....it too influences Sag!...but because

it's later in degrees, it's influence may not be felt till Monday....

o Saturn's at 12:25 degrees of Gemini, so ....it's influencing Sag!....too

Saturn's direct, 7th House aspect may be the most 'felt'....and the Moon

starting off the day at 10 degrees, may be felt in the 'am' of Sunday, cst...


then Moon quickly moves past....

o Guru's at 18 degrees of Leo, so ....it too influences Sag!...but because

it's also at 18 degrees of influence, look for it's strongest influence....tomorrow,


o Sun moves' into Pisces today! ....Sun's at 00:27 degrees Pisces, right now.

Go to my website: webpage;


to find this Next Months' Month at a glance!

o Mercury's StillCombust right now....Sun's at 00:27 degrees Pisces... while

Mercury's at 10 degrees of Pisces...Because of this 'too bright' Sun, Mercury's

significations often get washed out, during combustions... (10 degrees apart is

better then it's been, but....)

So, take the necessary time to think things through! Though 10 degrees apart is

almost enough to disallow Mercury to be too troublesomely combust!

Also Mercury's movement into Pisces, represents the weakest time of the year for

Mercury. Mercury's said to be in debilitation in Pisces and so this time,

represents a hard time, (3 weeks) for intellectual decision makings...

This is because Mercury represents boundries and focus of attention on specific

and detailed qualities, whereas Pisces represents just the opposite; no

boundries, freedom and transcendence.

Mercury has a hard time in Pisces for just this reason. If you find yourself

feeling your 'heads', in the clouds, quality, take a deep breath and focus....

This will bring Mercury out of that Piscian, clouds, quality and back to Earth.

o Venus now... at 15:47 degrees of Aries, now, so enjoy the naturally more

aggressive and outward qualities of Aries...

However, beware of Rahu's too often, negative or malefic quality as it's

simultaneously...at 18:29 degrees...of Aries, too. Rahu seems stuck at 18:29

degrees.... but Venus is moving closer and closer!

Now, both, only 3 degrees apart. So, beware of any especially troublesome, or

chaotic, or bizarre affairs of the Heart!

Good time, to be careful with the heart.....

And not buy into anything like that... just because that 'storm' of the heart is coming...

Nexttwo days will be the worse regarding this Venus & Rahu....collision!

Subscriber's Comments & Feedback:

>From Venkatarama: India

"Ah Mark: I think I definitely felt Mars and Rahu's influence on Libra, (the

other day)! Weird and inclined to be negatively effected by the littlest

things.... Libra is also in the 4th House in my natal chart so no wonder the

impact was pronounced at home. Thanks for sending out these reports, very

helpful indeed! - Venkatarama."

"Dear Venkatarama: It's so fulfilling to me to hear people's describe such

clear, precise Jyotish experiences. It shows that we're supposed to have such

helpful experiences. Looking back, now, I'm sure I experienced these kinds of

things only it wasn't till I discovered the general frame work of Jyotish that

I was able to put it into a more overall format! This way, we're able to

really understand 'why' and what we might do to take more advantage of these

kinds of multi-faceted.... Astrological experiences. Well done!"

>From Mike: California, US

"Hey Mark. I had a powerful dream last night. At some point it occured to

me....and someone said: 'Saturn will make you invincible.' I woke up feeling

so great!"

"Dear Mike: This is a very good and a very real experience. At some point it

occured to me, too, that all these Planets exist within. The Vedic approach

that they're somehow really connected to real live 'entities' or Consciousness,

within....means...that they're there inside...representing our very real, Cosmic


My teacher Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, is fond of saying: "the nature of human

life is Cosmic!" I always loved that experience though I'm sure I thought it

was a little grandoise, till I realized...that it was true!

And then, I realized that the whole Cosmos, the whole Universe, exists there

inside of us! And he's also said: "Study Jyotish, because when you study that

which is supposedly outside of you, you enliven that which is really inside."

This too stirred within me, when I started to notice that there were stars,

flickering.... within. And these Planets...they're not just interesting

Philosophical concepts... but they really represent different aspects of our


Anyone every see that movie, 'Men in Black'. Remember the part where the alien

says, 'find, the Galaxy on Orion's belt!'

I think of that when I realize as we study our Jyotish, we're enlivening that

connection of Consciousness....such that the Universe can be found within!"

Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

Some friends reminded me about putting my website

address on her. So, especially for our new r, friends...


For More Jyotish;

please go to:

Nature's Astrology Website:


The Website Is Still Under Much Expansion & Construction.

Please don't mind the Re-modeling!

For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....

Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.

See below for some more information.

Main Basic Chart:

#1 Natal - Birth Chart

Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

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