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3/12 Friday's Star Report - New Section: Specific Jyotish Remedies! & Survey: New Financial Markets/Jyotish Newsletter? g4sf

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Coming to you, today, 3/12 Friday, in the am, cst,

for today's transits...3/12 Friday. cst.



Nature's Astrology: Star Report


Friday, March 12th

Moon Moves to the Middle of Scorpio,


Dear Friends:

The Moon has moved to 12 degrees Scorpio, today,

as of 9am, Friday, ... March 12th...2004.....



For the Eastern Hemisphere.....

This next day Star Report starts 6 hours later, simultaneously at 3pm March12th!...

London, England

time....for example....

If you want to know what the Transits will be doing as your day, begins...tomorrow...

re-read the Star Report for the preceding day!


Dear Friends:

Moon went through the end of Libra today and now has moved into Scorpio.

Did anyone feel that transition? Due to the interesting influence of the

aspecting Planets, ie. Mars & Rahu.... these days when the Moon's in either

Libra or Scorpio...both Signs.... will be aspected by Mars and Ketu.

So, if you experienced any 'roughness' due to the Moon's recent transition

through Libra; then, don't be surprised if the Moon's movement through Scorpio

reflects a similar effect.

Moon's poor in Scorpio, #1, ....secondly...it's more 'tender' when getting

smaller, ie. Waning, and #3, Mars aspects 8 Houses away from where it is, which

mean's it's aspecting Scorpio from it's present transition in Aries,....and

#4....brings Rahu's influence along with it...

So, if you felt weird yesterday, don't be surprised.

I've been watching the stock market in the US the last couple of days and the

news commentators have said for 2 days, there were no reasons why the market

should be jittery.

"But for some unknow reason, investors have been 'worried'."

Well, if there was any area of life where it would be imperative to know how

people are 'going' to be feeling....

the stocket market is one of them.

Some day I'll have to do a special newsletter regarding Astrology and the

Markets. I've seen the Astrological trends, for years.

Unfortunately, I just can't seem to get excited about the application of it.

Oh, well, maybe some day.

So, stay the course today....in terms of not being 'irritable' due to the

various Malefic influences upon the Moon, these next few days...

Look at below Subscriber's for more....remedies!

o Mars has finally moved out of Aries, into Taurus, so that will we an

interesting transit. Both, good and bad; for reasons described below.

o Jupiter & Rahu...are exactly at the same degree....at 18!....

This means that Rahu will be having it's most intense influence upon Jupiter,

and Jupiter will be having it's most intense influence upon Rahu....

So, it'll be like a mexican stand off..... 2 paces towards, and then, 2 paces back!

o And Venus getting awfully close to RAhu! Slight Rahu/Venus Warning!

Other Tranists....Today:

o Mars & Rahu are still very close, today. As of Friday 3/12...,

Mars is at 00:31 degrees Taurus, now! and Rahu's at 18:28 degrees of Aries.

Mars & Rahu, are finally..now.....12 degrees apart!!!

Eureka.... This intensity that so many have experienced these last few weeks,is

finally becoming less and less!

o Mars has moved into Taurus! which is both better and worse in certain ways.

Mars is less powerful in Taurus then Aries because Aries is Mars' Own Sign.

However, Mars is moving farther and farther away from RAhu, which is

good...which is a positive... But, Mars in Taurus, is generally considered,

slightly malefic. Because it's transiting Venus' Sign, Taurus, so qualities of

the heart can be disturbed. Certainly Mars in Taurus represents an angry or

fixed quality so 'Stubborness' is often described in such a plancement!

o Jupiter's still going through Leo, and today is at 18:57 degrees, Retrograde

Jupiter, going 'backwards' so to speak or Retrograde means it's influence is

less 'strong' right now.

Note: Especially.....So if you notice things are progressing more slowly than

you'd like, chalk this up to Jupiter's retrograde and also being aspected by

Saturn...situation... and simultaneously by Rahu in it's position in Aries.

o Saturn recently stopped being Retrograde and now begins its direct motion.

Now, at 13:37 degrees Gemini, which means any planets on that 12th degree of

aspect will experience the most affect.

This should, however, make Sani more powerful right now....for better or worse.

So, if your recent Saturn poll was benefic, then that'll spell good tidings, if

not... then pay attention to this stronger Saturn!

Saturn will be moving, then, even at it's normally 'slow' pace, back towards Jupiter's placement....

So, this will be a slightly more 'negative' effect upon Jupiter too!

o Mercury's StillCombust right now....Sun's at 28 degrees while Mercury's at

06:32 Pisces...Because of this 'too bright' Sun, Mercury's significations often

get washed out, during combustions...

So, take the necessary time to think things through!

Also Mercury's movement into Pisces, represents the weakest time of the year for

Mercury. Mercury's said to be in debilitation in Pisces and so this time,

represents a hard time, (3 weeks) for intellectual decision makings...

This is because Mercury represents boundries and focus of attention on specific

and detailed qualities, whereas Pisces represents just the opposite; no

boundries, freedom and transcendence.

Mercury has a hard time in Pisces for just this reason. If you find yourself

feeling your 'heads', in the clouds, quality, take a deep breath and focus....

This will bring Mercury out of that Piscian, clouds, quality and back to Earth.

o Venus now... at 13:37 degrees of Aries, now, so enjoy the naturally more

aggressive and outward qualities of Aries... However, beware of Rahu's too

often, negative or malefic quality as it's simultaneously...at 18 degrees...

Now, both, only 5 degrees apart. So, beware of any especially troublesome, or

chaotic, or bizarre affairs of the Heart!

Good time, to be careful with the heart.....

And not buy into anything like that... just because that 'storm' of the heart is coming...

New Section on Jyotish Remedies:

There are many simultaneous possibly 'malefic' effects going on right now...

#1 Moon's Waning - Therefore more delicate then normal

#2 Moon's in debilitation, in Scorpio....more irritable, 'rougher' then normal!

#3 Moon is being aspected by Mars, which has moved into Taurus.

#4 Venus is getting awfully close to Rahu.

#5 Jupiter and Rahu are locked in a simultaneous mutually, 'opposing' kind of


#6 Saturn's gone direct which in some ways is supposed to be 'better than Ret-

trograde, but because of it's simultaneous effect upon Leo, will be more


ative then otherwise.

I've been trying to see the 'goodness', or positive side of these generally

malefic or otherwise, 'negative' producing configurations....

And only thing I can think of is Jupiter's nature....

Jupiter likes being in Leo...and is strong there...

However: Look to these Remedies....for transforming any of these negative effects!

The main thing here is to try and identify the primary 'negative' or malefic

quality if indeed it's going on.

ARe you 'feeling' rough? That's the Moon!

Are you feeling chaotic or out of balance? That's the additon of Saturn.

Are you feeling confusion and a strange bizarre quality? This is Rahu!

Are you feeling unusually irritable or angry? These are Mars & Moon!

First....identify....which Planet is causing you your discomfort.....!

Then, look to the unique Planetary Remedy, below!

#1 Primary Malefic/Remedy: influences of Saturn or Rahu.... can be neutralized by more

devotion to Silence. Taking more time, being more patient. Doing more yoga,

for the mind and body.... Creating smoothness where there is chaos or out of


#2 If you're feeling unusually 'fiery', 'irritable' or 'Marish'.... these are

all Mars qualities.

The primary remedy for Mars, even Moon in Mars Sign Scorpio can produce these

effects. Remedy: Diminish Pitta! Pitta teas, soothing, cool, settling teas,

foods, and activities can really help right now!

Mental Attention is the Most Powerful Application of this kind of Transformative Jyotish!

#3 If you're feeling rough, lonely, upset, worried, anxious... which are all

very possible right now; small Moon, debilitated...and aspected by Malefics!

All good reasons to find yourself feeling out of sorts!.....Remedy: Moon too

responds to rest, soothingness of attention and intention. Also, pay more

attention to those very feelings.

We so often ignore how we 'feel' and do what we think needs to be done.

But, if Jyotish has taught me anything it's the great importance of not only

paying attention to the feeling level....but also....

nurturing and strengthening the Moon!!!!

Meditation, love, softeness, being gentle....these are all things that will help soothe the Moon!

Especially Meditation, which is a direct way to increase the mental...peace and

happiness within!.... is unparalled in the Vedic sciences.....!!!

Question For Subscribers: Poll Q?

I'm considering creating a daily Jyotish, Financial Markets Newsletter.

If any of you have any interest in such an application, which will look at the

trends of the Market and especially certain industrys through Jyotish.....

Let me know.

_____ Yes.... I'm interested!..... Please let me know.....

Subscriber's Comments & Feedback:

>From James: California, US

"Dear Mark: I've been feeling very strange of late. So, I find your transits

helpful cuz they really explain blow by blow what's going on. But, I have

another question. What should we do if we both feel like we need to be taking

it more easy and yet, we have a zillion things to do on our desk, either at

work, or at home, in our personal life?"

"Dear James: This is a very good question because this is often the Jyotish/life dilema!

My suggestion is #1, to do what has to be done, but keeping in mind that the

most important thing to do each day, is to produce more silence, integration of

more expanded Consciousness and more peacefulness within!

If you're developing your inner being and life, then this will have the best

influence upon all your outre details....

Allow your inner life and needs be #1....

then, #2, focus on the outer....

They're not mutually exclusive.... and in fact depend upon each other.

Also, your description is a typical one that's heard in stress seminars and

workshops I have taught. The most important advise, is to do the best you can

but not pick up stress!

So, if you don't strain and exchaust yourself...then you've honored this inner side...

And you'll find you eventually get more accomplished!

Just resolve to be Strong...and not let life!,...or the chaos of the World....

pull us off our selves!

Do you know the story of the tortoise and the hare?

I grew up as a kid hearing this story. It's the story of these two, running a

race. The hare obviously is so much faster then the tortoise. They start the

race, the hare booms forth, and the tortoise, moves out slowly, rhythmically,


Very soon, the hare is all alone ahead, and he's so self-confident, that he

slows down. Realizing he's obvioulsy got the race run, he decides to detour

here and there. Maybe he falls asleep or gets distracted.

Meanwhile, the slow, steady tortoise, is plodding along, step by step.... but he's continual.

Eventually, he even wins the race!

And the hare awakens from his 'vatta' degranged state and rushes across the

finish line, completely baffled and perplexed how he could loose!

Living life out of tune with it's inner, silent, peaceful nature....is like being that chaotic hare.

Let's all resolve to learn to flow, to be, to act, even...like that slow moving tortoise....

because even strong dynamism....can be anchored deep within,...a deep....all

abiding peaceful/quietness!

Good Luck!


God bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

Some friends reminded me about putting my website

address on her. So, especially for our new r, friends...


For More Jyotish;

please go to:

Nature's Astrology Website:


The Website Is Still Under Much Expansion & Construction.

Please don't mind the Re-modeling!

For Personal....

Jyotish Charts....

Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts.

(641) 472-0000.

See below for some more information.

Main Basic Chart:

#1 Natal - Birth Chart

Life Reading, including an analysis of the next 2-5 years.

Cost: $ 100.00

Includes Tape Recorded Session - Followed by short follow-up

session 1-2 weeks, apart.

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