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kindly analayse my chart

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d. o. birth : 19th sept 1979

time: 4.52 am early morning

Place of birth : Bombay

Latitude : 018 : 58 N

Longitude : 072 : 50 E


Lord of 01st Ascendant The Sun

Lord of 07th House Saturn



In the Lagna Chart I have


Shukra / Ravi / Budh & Pluto in the 6th House

Chan / Guru / Rahu / Sani in the Lagna 5th House

Mars in the 4th House

Ketu in the 11th House

Neptune in the 8th House



In the Chalit Chart I have


Budh / Sani / Sukra & Ravi in the 6th House

Rahu / Chan / Guru in the 5th House

Mars in the 4th House

Ketu in the 11th House again



I am already married and have started facing problems in my life, I would be

obliged if you could analyse my chart and recommend Remedies, to please the

Planets that are creating Adverse Effect on my Life.


Thanks and awaiting an early response.



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As far as I can see there are already 2 Sannyasi yogas in this chart (2x 4

planets in one

house). What kind of profession do you have? Are you into religion?


, Mama Rao <meriawaz> wrote:


> name : mansi

> d. o. birth : 19th sept 1979

> time: 4.52 am early morning

> Place of birth : Bombay

> Latitude : 018 : 58 N

> Longitude : 072 : 50 E


> Lord of 01st Ascendant The Sun

> Lord of 07th House Saturn



> In the Lagna Chart I have


> Shukra / Ravi / Budh & Pluto in the 6th House

> Chan / Guru / Rahu / Sani in the Lagna 5th House

> Mars in the 4th House

> Ketu in the 11th House

> Neptune in the 8th House



> In the Chalit Chart I have


> Budh / Sani / Sukra & Ravi in the 6th House

> Rahu / Chan / Guru in the 5th House

> Mars in the 4th House

> Ketu in the 11th House again



> I am already married and have started facing problems in my life, I would be

obliged if

you could analyse my chart and recommend Remedies, to please the Planets that


creating Adverse Effect on my Life.


> Thanks and awaiting an early response.


> Mansi.





> Messenger - Communicate instantly..."Ping" your friends today!


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Hello Mansi,

Has i know the house you are staying is having some

problem especially at south east or south west corners

,so i suggest you to just change the sleeping position

,and before sleeping just a chant of godess durga for

108times and just see the changes in the morning .this

is just a request ,as frd ,if you want more details

pls let me know .


--- Karin <flugellahm wrote:

> As far as I can see there are already 2 Sannyasi

> yogas in this chart (2x 4 planets in one

> house). What kind of profession do you have? Are you

> into religion?


> , Mama Rao

> <meriawaz> wrote:

> >

> > name : mansi

> > d. o. birth : 19th sept 1979

> > time: 4.52 am early morning

> > Place of birth : Bombay

> > Latitude : 018 : 58 N

> > Longitude : 072 : 50 E

> >

> > Lord of 01st Ascendant The Sun

> > Lord of 07th House Saturn

> >

> >

> > In the Lagna Chart I have

> >

> > Shukra / Ravi / Budh & Pluto in the 6th House

> > Chan / Guru / Rahu / Sani in the Lagna 5th House

> > Mars in the 4th House

> > Ketu in the 11th House

> > Neptune in the 8th House

> >

> >

> > In the Chalit Chart I have

> >

> > Budh / Sani / Sukra & Ravi in the 6th House

> > Rahu / Chan / Guru in the 5th House

> > Mars in the 4th House

> > Ketu in the 11th House again

> >

> >

> > I am already married and have started facing

> problems in my life, I would be obliged if

> you could analyse my chart and recommend Remedies,

> to please the Planets that are

> creating Adverse Effect on my Life.

> >

> > Thanks and awaiting an early response.

> >

> > Mansi.

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > Messenger - Communicate

> instantly..."Ping" your friends today! Download

> Messenger Now







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Career Report for Mansi


You are hard-working and may have to travel long grueling distances to comp=

lete your

work. You work most efficiently. You seek out ways to increase your influen=

ce. You make

ambitious plans, make sure that your efforts are honorable and not merely s=



You may have to put in hard labor in your everyday occupation. Your job cou=

ld have

periods of instability or calamity. You may be tempted to use improper or i=

llegal methods

in your occupation. Social service or cooking are good fields of endeavor f=

or you. You are

likely to be involved in some service profession and may have some tedious =

aspects to

your work.


You have an entrepreneurial spirit, eager to take advantage of opportunitie=

s. You are hard

working, practical and skilled at building trades.


Business partnerships work favorably for you. In business, either you attra=

ct inferiors or

you refuse to give equal partners their due. In business partnerships, you =

are likely to have

a bad experience at one point, due to secretive or at least unexpected beha=

vior on the part

of someone with whom you deal. You can be harsh toward your partners in bus=

iness or

battle. Your partners look to you for direction. It would be better to try =

to assist your

partner instead of dominating.


You are a great talker and therefore may excel at sales - especially a trav=

elling salesman.


You are more likely to be an employee than an independent entrepreneur. You=

are an

asset to companies or employers for whom you work.


You may get into disputes with your own co-workers or employees.


Family business problems can harm your fortune. Family disputes may reflect=

on the

business. Due to spiritual obligations you may not be able to work hard and=

succeed in

your career undertakings. A career of your choice might be connected to pub=

lic speaking,

education or finances. Some nurturing or caring aspect will be part of your=

work, and likely

you will be involved with the public or groups of people. You are intereste=

d in public



You may earn fame or notoriety as a competitor in athletics, a litigator or=

as a soldier. You

are likely to see a big change in status during your lifetime. You rise thr=

ough favor from

people in power and gain only moderately from the help of your father and t=


partly because you may be skeptical of their teachings to begin with. Your =


determination and strength can secure success for you in your line of work.=

You are

generally lucky in getting results. Success is attributable to your own eff=

orts; it is not just

handed to you. Your well-integrated personality brings you much popularity =

and success.


You may have challenges to face in acquiring or maintaining the position yo=

u want. You

could benefit from foreigners or foreign lands. Your work may take you abro=



Your efforts may not yield the desired results. Attaining a career, reputat=

ion and status

might prove problematic for you, since your efforts in that direction appea=

r to become

diluted and ineffective. Good relationships with authorities or government =

will develop.

You can be unscrupulous in your dealings, especially financial.




Gemstone remedies for Mansi:


1) Sun

First Choice: Ruby, Red Spinel, Red Garnet, Rubellite


Astral Influence:

Develops determination. The individual approaches life in positive and corr=

ect way. I may

help develop spiritualism and an insight to oneself. Ruby strengthens the h=

eart and helps

digestion and metabolism



Aum Hrim Hansa Suriyaye Namah Aum (108 times)


Metal(s) Preferred:

7 parts Gold, 1 part Copper


Propitiation Details:

The gem for the Sun is best set in gold, though copper can be used as an al=

ternate. If a

ring, it should be worn on the ring finger. Begin to wear it on a Sunday at=




2) Jupiter

Second Choice: Yellow Sapphire, Yellow Topaz, Citrine, Heliodor


Astral Influence:

It develops generosity, compassion, a philosophical approach towards life a=

nd wisdom.

Helps one gain material abundance. Yellow Sapphire enhances immune system, =

gain body

weight, increase energy level.



Aum Brim Brihaspataye Namah Aum (108 times)


Metal(s) Preferred:



Propitiation Details:

The gem for Jupiter is best set in gold. If a ring, it should be worn on th=

e index finger.

Begin to wear it on a Thursday one hour before sunset.



3) Mars

Third Choice: Coral, Carnelian, Bloodstone


Astral Influence:

The individual becomes more persistent and completes what she takes in hand=

.. It may

help enhance the immune system, body muscles, male reproductive system.



Aum ang Angarakaya namah(108 times)


Metal(s) Preferred:

3 parts Gold, 4 parts Copper


Propitiation Details:

The gem for Mars is best set in silver, though if the desire is to increase=

one' s courage,

strength and energy then it should be set in gold. If a ring, it should be =

worn on the ring

finger, or index finger. Begin to wear it on a Tuesday, one hour after sunr=








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