Guest guest Posted April 11, 2004 Report Share Posted April 11, 2004 Coming to you, this Evening, 4/11 Sunday's Star Report, in the pm, cst., for tomorrow's transits.......4/12 Monday's Star Report cst.... Sincerely, Mark Special Quote of the Day! "Well you see...... it is like this. Absolutely everything is fixed, and absolutely everything can be changed.... at any time." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Website Correction: >From >From yesterday's quote.... If you have any Nice or Favorite Quotes, Send in & I'll 'Astrologize' them! too, ....hehehe Nature's Astrology: Star Report Monday, 4/12th....9am...CST Moon Moves to the Beginning of Capricorn, today.... (5 degrees) Transits Dear Friends: Well,.... how was your Moon in Sagittarius....time....?, last few days! Mine was amazing. So many wonderful Jupiter energies, thoughts, realizations.... Could almost write a chapter in my book from last few days... Enjoy the the Last day of the Jyotish/! Sun's at 29 degrees and goes into Exaltation, in Aries tomorrow!, Tuesday, April 13th.... Moon's going through Capricorn for the next few good opportunity to take the blissful, pure, Jupiter energy of the last few days....and flow.... into Capricorn....flavors of.....'Accomplishment'! Capricorn is accomplishment & Ambition. That's why Mars, which is 'the' #1, planet of 'ambitiousness' Exalted in Capricorn... So, enjoy 'focusing' ...on the 'practicalities...over these next few days! o Full Moon Was, Monday....: April 5th.... so Moon's 7 days, after the Full Moon... Now begins the last Quarter of the Waning Moon.... o New Moon.... Solar Eclipse.... is a week from Now...on April 19th.... Moon, still Waxing, so these reflections will continue a few day's into the Astrological New Year... Don't be surprised if you feel a little bit like that hibernating bear, that's been inside all Winter, and is still a little sleepy, and groggy after the long Winter! Most Important Other Transits.... Today: Look Up the Week At A Glance Newsletter I sent out, 4/6th.... for the details of the this week's Transits of the other Planets. o One Important Transit, going on, Mercury has been Retrograd since... Wednesday, April 7th.... Lots of people are experiencing the frustrating, repercussions of Mercury's Retrograde, motion.... Allow yourself, therefore, more time, to 'think', 'decide',... and 'do'! o A Couple of Important Changes Coming Up..... Jupiter's also Retrograde right now, till.... Jupiter Retrograde, ends, on May 5th.... !!!! This means Jupiter will be done, in it's Resting, Retrograde mode... and will start moving again.... This will be the time, especially with the Sun Exalted.... to Accomplish! a lot! o And Mercury ends it's Retrograde motion on April 30th!!! Subscriber's Question & Experiences... Reactions, Comments & Questions.... (Comments about Up-coming Nature's Astrology Website.) >From Diane "Hi Mark, Congratulations on your new up-coming website. It's beautiful!" >From Chandra "Hi Mark, I nice first page, indeed. Wishing you all the best luck!" >From Morgan "Mark, This is a warm introduction to your website. Warm wishes." >From Sharon "Greetings Mark New website image is beautiful, but on a dialup, the image does take too long to load." Dear One & All: Thank you all for your many Congratulations & warm wishes. I wanted to share with you, because I've been desiring a great, user friendly Website now, for a long time, and the desire is finally coming true. This will be a great place where we can meet and congregate. And enjoy increasing waves of Jyotish/Astrology Wisdom, together.... Oh, yes, not to worry about the loading time, my friend Angelia, said once she's finished, it should load, very fast! Thanks again for all your encouragements... PS... Oh, yes.... I created this image, depicted in the picture. About 10 years ago, I went through this 'frustration' period, because after going through all the books of Jyotish & Astrology...I wanted to 'see' the birth... All the Astrology charts, that were out there.... the Western Chart, Eastern(s), North Indian and South Indian styles.... I couldn't 'see' the Stars... So, I looked around, and noticed....that the 'picture' of the Astronomy of our Solar system,.... combined... with the 6 lines, or 12 slices of a pie.... could be put reflect the .....Jyotish/Astrology chart! This picture is of someone who was born...with the Sun in Cancer..... on the right.... in their 10th House... The first House, is the slice at the top, with both Jupiter and the Moon in Cancer.... Saturn's in the 4th House, Exalted in Libra.... Mars is in the 7th House, Exalted in Capricorn.... and Venus is exalted in the 9th House, in Pisces..... Take your Charts, at home.... take a piece of paper.... Put a dot in the middle of the page.... and make it a little bigger.... that's the Earth... And from that dot, put 6 lines through you get 12 slices of a pie... Now find all your Planets in your Chart.... Find the Sun first....put it in the slice where the Sun is in your chart.... And if you draw circlular lines now, around the Sun... you'll find, Mercury, Venus, Earth, (is third), Mars, Jupiter & Saturn.... Don't worry if your lines for Mercury don't quite match.... The graphicness of this drawing isn't quite, perfect....but the rest of the Planets should fit quite nicely their ellipse, circular orbits.... around the Sun....! Sun goes Exalted Tomorrow! Tuesday, April 13th.... May the blessings of the Sun, be yours during this wonderful next Month! Special Quote of the Day: "Well you see...... it is like this. Absolutely everything is fixed, and absolutely everything can be changed.... at any time." Maharishi Mahesh Yogi I love this quote, today. It expresses very nicely...the co-existence of Saturn and Jupiter! Saturn represents the 'causal' aspect of life.. When you plant a banana seed, you're going to get a banana tree... But, at every moment you can change the script... You can graft that seed, and get a wonderful hybrid! That changeable aspect of life, is Jupiter....! And if you notice the relative size of both Saturn & Jupiter... they're both about the same size... only Jupiter's slightly bigger! So, embrace, the power of Jupiter.... to grow... to transform... to exand... to do, to accomplish! everything! It's Jupiter that takes up to the Absolute, unbounded...glory of Life... All the Stars are pointing in that direction! Follow the Light! to the Self! Jai Guru! Feel free to contact me with any of your favorite quotes for a brief, Astrological analysis.... Good Luck! And... God, Guru.....bless.... Mark Kincaid Jai Guru! For those of you who are new to this Newsletter, we also have a Web site on Nature's Astrology, see below. For More Jyotish; please go to: Nature's Astrology Web site: Old Site.... New Website Coming Soon! Eureka! Another: Nature's Astrology.... Site: Still in Progress! Will Announce when ready.... Also, recently, I created a new , Group or Message board which is serving as a wonderful, medium, from which to discuss in much more detail many of the pressing ideas of Astrology, Western, Eastern,....and even Modern! Please go to: / to join this group! For Personal.... Jyotish Charts.... Don't forget I can be contacted directly for personal Jyotish Charts. (641) 472-0000. See below for the 3 Basic Charts that I do. 3 Basic Charts: #1 Natal - Birth Chart Life Reading, includes a very complete description of one's strengths and weaknesses. This is the basis of all Jyotish transformations and how we can literally change and improve any aspect of our lives! Cost: $ 100.00 Includes Tape Recorded Session, (1 1/2 Hrs) - Followed by short follow-up session 1-2 weeks, apart. (30mins) #2 Progression or 1 - 2 year Chart People who have had charts done in the past, enjoy this shorter Reading, focusing on the next 1 to 2 years, especially. Also, good at identifying the 2 or 3 malefic areas in our chart that are causing us our greatest problems! (60Mins.) Cost: $ 50.00 #3 Questions & Answers: Chart People who have particular questions about their life or charts, enjoy this Reading as it focuses on applying the Wisdom of Jyotish to 1 or 2 different areas, or questions presently, going on. Cost: $ 25.00 (30Mins.) Payments: All payments can be made through my account Please use my below account name/email address when submitting. kincaidmark Otherwise payments can be sent to: Starlight Unlimited Checks or money orders c/o Mark Kincaid PO Box 1831 Fairfield, Iowa 52556 >From Sheryll, Chicago, Illinois US "Mark, I've dubbed, the 'Practical Astrologer'. I've had charts done before that focused on my natal chart, or maybe transits, but I didn't feel like I had the whole picture. The information I got didn't exactly fit my experience. I started reading Mark's star reports and his descriptions of the impact of chart, transits and dasas. All three must be considered to get an accurate picture. I decided that I needed a reading that would focus on all three as they relate to many aspects in my life. The information that Mark gave me, the questions that he asked in order to clarify what he saw in the chart/transits/dasas, the experience of moving through these areas....all I can say is that I wish I had done this sooner. The chart reading is like an overview of your life, while the "3 point reading" is a thesis on one aspect of your life. I'd whole heartily, recommend it!" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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