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2-& Souvik....from Mark Kincaid...4/2....re Astrology + Christianity + Islam: From Souvik

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Dear Souvik, friends & all:

I was asked to write a description of myself....for this other group I'm on

called: The Truth, will set you free. So, I thought I might reproduce


It was a response to a lady who wrote in saying how 'alone' she was...

I also think this is important, because in Jyotish, 'loneliness'. can be a

product of the Moon, and especially Moon & Saturn, and even sometimes...the

Sun, or even Rising Sign....

For me, having my Moon in the 12th House, only 1 house away from my Sun in the

11th House, and with Saturn in the 12th House.... this was something I could

relate to....

but...what do they....say...."what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!"

I don't know if that was exactly true for me,...but it sure made me search out

that....which finally dispelled...that 'loneliness'....

But, it wasn't until I learned Jyotish and also learned how to pay attention and

honor, and heed the Wisdoms of the other Planets....that inner comfort and

joy....became more!!

Okay here's this other...correspondence...

I list it because it relates to our present converstation here about religion,

god & Astrology....

Dear all:

Here's my definition of God, as requested.....

I believe, that God...is

God, to me, represents the 'totality' of life...

He, or She, as you might say,....are 'that'...from which this Universe came...

Scientists may try and describe what the state of 'existence' was before the big bang...

but I believe that which was before, was ....'God'....

We use the word, 'God', because God is beyond all opposites of even male or female...

And we say, God, because we believe this 'something' that was before...is awake...

is aware of itself...

is conscious...and therefore Consciousness, itself...

I also believe, that God...is way beyond even the debates as to whether he is or not...

When I was young, in my Christian, Episcopalisn background, we 'debated',

'reflected', upon 'God'...all the time....

and it was fun, exciting, meaningful and stimulating...

But, when I went to college and stumbled upon a little book called: 'How to Know God'....

'Wow, no one ever told me he could be experienced....

So, began a new chapter in my life, with God...from one of reflections,

ponderings, and thinkings, to looking into ways and means to have my own


I came across, of course, all the mystical traditions, of both the West and

East...and they all, described fairly interestingly similar experiences....

So, I was very excited to start my own research...in experience....

I learned to 'meditate', not too long after that, and began my own...inward,

non-linear, pre-thought, beyond thought experience....

After about a year of meditating, I realized 'I' was very different...

Instead of thinking the way I used to ....

I started to notice, that there was more of a comfort inside, .....

there was a kind of buffer....something was different....

as if a cloud...of ....something...had begun to descend....

and it descended....upon me....

Another few years later...and I began to wonder how did I get along without this inner reality...

All the time, I still thought my same thougths, but marveled at the difference

in my reflections as this ...innerness continued getting deeper, more

still....more......and more....

I remember when I first heard the words Consciousness expansion....

but they meant very little to me...

But, then, when I started to have my own experience....suddently it meant a lot to me....

About 10 years later...a new kind of experience started to dawn....

I remember years earlier when one of the meditation teachers I studied with said:

"In the beginning of your meditations, the world will continue being concrete,

and this new inner reality will seem abstract .... but a time will come with

regular experience....that the World will suddenly be experienced as phenonenal

and abstract and this inner area of Consciousness will become the concrete


I realized then, after even 10 short years that this had happened to me!

The World was just the same, but now, it seemed to shine and glimmer as if on a

concrete.... ball of 'something'.... and now, that inner, something...was

becoming more and more familiar,

steady,....non-changeing....and yes, concrete!

A number of years later, I had a new experience.... and it happened like this...

One day I had the thought, 'Mmmm, I haven't talked to God for awhile, .... And

so I started back in with a familiar refrain and back and forth,...and then, I

stopped. Suddenly it occured to me, I wasn't the only one talking. There was

an actual dialogue going on back and forth. So, automatic, and familiar I

almost didn't notice.......

but then, my intellect kicked in...so I said...

"Wait a minute, how do I know it is you, God..." And then, I'll never forget

this, in my whole life,

for I heard..."because every thought you've ever had, in fact every thought

anyone has ever had, ....comes from Me!"

Woahhhhhhhh....... I said, thought, jumped...."Wait a minute. You mean to tell

me I'm right now, talking to God?!!!"

And the voice, thought, whatever...said..."Yes!"

Well, believe me, I couldn't believe it. I'd been talking to God for years...

Like most people, I think...

but, now...and yet, what he said...was true....

I believed God was that from which everything comes, so it must be true that

every thought, every thought everyone has ever had....comes from Him....

So, I felt myself ....letting go...and embracing the ....for lack of better

words,...the 'truth' of that statement.... and I felt this

joy....indescribable.... to anything I'd ever had before...

and then....

I found myself saying....

"Well, if this is true, then, I should be able to ask you anything....

and on and on we went.... 5 minutes, 10 minutes...back and forth...for who knows how long...

till I had to stop to just catch up.....

Wow...my lord.... I believe you.....

The next few days, weeks and months, you might imagine...were heavenly....

I looked forward waking up each and every day.... because I was having this

dialogue... unbelieveable.... in every single way....

I even....started a book which I called Conversations with God...

boy, did my intellect do a number on my head...when I came up with that title....

So, of course I didn't act upon it....


About a year later, I was working in a friends house, I do

construction....sometimes...and I looked down...and upon my friend's coffee

table was a book which said: "Conversations with God".

Waittttt, a minute, I thought ....that's my book!

I reached down picked it...up.....

And then, God said....it was your book, but you didn't believe in it, so I wrote it with another....

Wow.... did I feel left out.....

Now, I realize...'well, if all thoughts do come from God, maybe next time, I'll

pay better attention!"

Now,.... I've gone back....to the inner development of that ....inner....something...

which we call God, the Self... Brahman....

the Lord....

I have a clear notion today, of an inner path of Self....or Self-Realization...

Some even call it God-realization....

Now, I know, ...believe, if you may..... that there is a path,...we all are on...

one...of different and varying degrees of 'waking up with God'.....

Wow, now, wouldn't that be a neat book!

And now, that my belief is strong...and experience, inner dimension,....more stable...

now, I want to develop more and more of that....

Who would have ever guessed....

That once you discover God,...even learn to talk to him....

that ....that, wouldn't be enough!

Boy, are we greedy or what.....

So, now, I'm thinking each day, more and more...

what can I do, that allows me to be more and more...in-tune...with that inner Reality...

we call God....

He speaks to me now,

He...also has a female part...with I now, know, as Mother....

So, she....can speak to me, too....

So, now.... I can't help but get back to the original reason why I picked up

this topic/discussion was because...of Stacey's comment about being alone.

I can so relate to this. All of my earliest life, I was very much like this, too.

I felt alone, lonely, isolated,....and even depressive....

Maybe that's one of the reasons..why I wanted to know more about God....

because I felt so bad,...on the inside....

Stacey: I just want to say.... for each step, that I took inside....

meditating...more and more...

less and less of the time,....did I feel...lonely....

And when I time came where I realized I didn't feel alone, again....ever....

then I knew something great and wonderful had happened to me...

So, I wish the same for you.

This great group, about people who, 'believe' in God...

is about finding that great comfort, from which all worries, anxieties...and

discomforts... can be banished!

Good luck to you!


Mark Kincaid

"mightyquinn333" <mightyquinn333 >


Thu, 08 Apr 2004 04:31:30 -0000


[The_Truth_Will_Set_You_Free] Re: I don't want to be Alone?

The_Truth_Will_Set_You_Free, "Stacey"

<sleaemtp> wrote:

> The_Truth_Will_Set_You_Free, "Michael"

> <smikeusa> wrote:

> > Has anyone ever felt Alone, I mean realy Alone. I had an

> > experience once that I forgot everyone I knew and I felt Alone,

> yes

> > drugs were involved. LOL But I remember the experience very


> > and what I got out of the experience is the important reason I

> bring

> > this up. In the end we\everything will be as one. Which we will

> come

> > to the Final realization you are alone. I feel the existiance of

> > life is preparing us for that final realization. We are all

> evolving

> > to that final realization in our own way and speed. The funny

> thing

> > is, that as long as we hold the notion of God in our minds we

> never

> > feel alone, but ultimatley it is when we finaly become one with

> God

> > is when we will truely be Alone. I just wanted to share my Alone

> > experience with you and wanted to know if anyone else ever feels

> > Alone?


> If holding the notion of God in our minds makes us feel better,


> the realization that we ARE God and ARE all one, should make us


> even better.


> Stacey

Life is a little less lonely for a man when he can find a Mary

Magdalen :)

Souvik Dutta <explore_vulcan >


Thu, 8 Apr 2004 07:47:30 -0700 (PDT)


To Mark, Raman and JR: Astrology + Christianity + Islam: From Souvik

Hi Members,

What I am writing now is a result of motivation and energy I received from a

wonderful posting (as below) by Mark Kincaid on Astrology and Christianity.

However, what I write now is completely my view and may differ from the


Religion is a sensitive and personal issue and one should be very careful when

commenting on such issues. So I would just mention some statistical and

classified data and end the mail with a question.


Christians "worship" (or pray , or observe religious concerns) on Sunday.

USA (dominantly) a Christian nation "domiantes" the world activities.

WTC and the threats to US occured during the Moon dasa of US.

America starts with the letter 'A', supossedly a representation of the 'SUN'


Muslims ""worship" (or pray , or observe religious concerns) on Friday.

Islam (perhaps) has the largest followers (Muslims) in the world.

Women (Venus) are reverred in Islam and highly respected in the original form of Islam

Women are safe gaurded and considered prized "possesions" in Islam

Muslims are the greatest cooks (Venus) in the world.

Please do ponder upon the few lines I have written and please do let me know ur views.

Mark, I am sure you will find the emperical pattern of human religion!!

Are we above celestial concerns?



Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com> wrote:

Dear Friends:

Here's a wonderful question about whether Astrology is compatible with Christianity!


Mark K.

Dear Raman:

Astrology and Christianity are definitely compatible...

Remind them of the story of the Christ child & birth...

It was 3 wise, men kings who had been led by their astrologers....to follow the Star!


to find the Christ child...

So, Astrology's greatest purpose is to help us evolve, to find the Spiritual nature of life,

which is beyond the Stars...

The stars, are the path, through which God, created.... us..to live to find Him....

I understand the anxiety that is there in Christianity, .... but ....anyone who

understands that anything of value, in the relative world, from positive

thinking seminar, to an economics course, to Astrology!...all...can be

helpful...to help us understand...the true purpose of life, is to become


hope this helps..

Mark K.

ps... in the famous book of one of the founders of Astrology; Maharishi Parashara, he says:

"in the beginning Lord Vishnu, entered into the grahas to bestow upon his

devotees, the consequences of their actions..."

So, in essence the Planets are really just God, in disguise...

I think even Hindus, can learn that Jupiter, himself, ...is just the Lord, in disguise...

To pray to them, is not as necessary, except the extent to which the prayer,

teaches us how our own actions are causing us our griefs...

God, doesn't do anything to us.

God, has 2 rules....#1, God gives us complete freedom to doing whatever we would like...

#2...however, we're also going to be help accountable for the consequences of our actions...

So, we get born with malefic Astrological situations, which mean, that God, or

Nature is innocently giving back to us..the product of our 'wrong' of imperfect

actions, and if by praying we learn how better to perform those actions,...to

turn that malefic into a benefic!...

then the prayer is okay...

hope this answers and helps...


Mark Kincaid


"Calla, Raman" <rcalla (AT) sempra (DOT) com>


Wed, 7 Apr 2004 10:39:23 -0700


RE: 2- & Deepak, from Mark K....4/7......re.... Lagna Lord -Benefic or Malefic?


I have few questions for you:

Jyotish and Christianity, are they compatible ?

For Upaya offering prayer to Jupiter or other planet is against the Christianity.

I have been asked this question by friend.

Can you talk about it.




Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com]

Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:48 AM


2- & Deepak, from Mark K....4/7......re.... Lagna Lord -Benefic or Malefic?

Dear Deepak & All:

There's actually 2 ways of thinking about the relative benefic or malefic

status of our Planets...

Yes, I think the Lagna Lord is always, 'essentially benefic'...

but if the first house lord, is in the 12th house, 6th or 8th....

then, it may be potentially, benefic, but certainly may be found functioning

as a malefic.

Take the example, too, of Planets that are ruleing the traditionally,

considered, malefic 6th, 8th or 12th houses...

They're generally thought of as malefic, but they can certainly be found

acting benefically, especially if they're in their own, sign, or Exalted!

I love what the sage, Mahrishi Parashara was supposed to say about the


In the beginning of his book, on Hora Sastra, he says: "In the Beginning

Lord Vishnu entered into the grahas to bestow upon his devotees, the

consequences of their karmas."

I love this expression because it helps me understand that basically,

essentially, all the Planets are benefic or good!

Only sometimes, the lord, radiates back to us, less then desirable results,

to teach us, so we aspire to develop and improve that side of us....

Let's say, someone has Sani, in the 12th House. And it's definitely acting

malefic there!

Ah...take my chart, yikes!,....but having a Libra rising my Sani, though

it's in the 12th house, is still supposed to be benefic!, being yogakaraka,

and all...

but, my experience, is it's been completely malefic for me!

There with my Moon, too, I've experienced a lot of Saturn 12th house,

'losses', due to Sani, including...loss of emotional happiness, sadness,

loneliness, lack of money and lots of losses due to too many expenditures..

But, immediately when I started strengthening my Sani, and practicing other

jyotish remedies which can be said, to directly improve Saturn....I've

noticed a complete turn about in my experience of what was previously a very

malefic Saturn...

Both, medititation and studying Jyotish, and especially, the daily Transits,

all, have had a very powerful effect on allowing me to reap, the more

positive, and Benefic qualities of Sani!

Hope this helps...


Mark Kincaid

PS....I don't know if you've heard, but I also write a Jyotish newsletter.

It includes a daily, Transits newsletter as well as other aspects of

Jyotish. If you, or anyone else in this group is interested, in

subscribing, feel free to contact me personally at: m.kincaid (AT) mchsi (DOT) com

I, also have a new /message board, called which

is a nice blending of both Western & Eastern Astrologys. You can check that

out at:


> "padmanu" <padmanu >


> Wed, 07 Apr 2004 15:40:22 -0000


> Lagna Lord - Benefic or Malefic


> Namasthe Group,


> In general is the lagna lord always benefic?


> Specifically in my case lagna lord saturn is he benefic or malefic.

> I have him in my 5th house in Taurus,


> Details:

> Aug 10, 1972 6:30 PM

> Bangalore, INDIA


> Thanks

> Deepak





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