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Response to Jean CLEMENT

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Hi Jean,


I like the following point from Mark Kincaid's posting.


Maharishi Parashara, says:


"In the beginning Lord Vishnu, entered into the Grahas to bestow upon his

devotees, the consequences of their actions..."


So, in essence the Planets are really just God, in disguise...


I think even Hindus, can learn that Jupiter, himself, ...is just the Lord,

in disguise...


To pray to them, is not as necessary, except the extent to which the prayer,

teaches us how our own actions are causing us our grief's...


God doesn't do anything to us.



This is inline with your observation that in truth, no Planet is Malefic.


On the contrary, as per astrological definition


Saturn, Mars, Rahu & Sun are malefic by nature.


Jupiter, Venus, Unafflicted Moon & Mercury, Ketu (by most people) are

considered very auspicious and good by nature.


Even though 4 planets are malefic by nature, their nature may be nullified

in chart either if they get the lord ship of 6,8 or 12th House, get a Square

or a Trine. So their bad nature might by nullified by their position on a

specific natives chart.


Taking this probability any bad planet by nature can become good by

positioning in a chart and the contrary is also true.


Why is this happening? This is only a probability of placements.

It is only by the virtue of our past Karma they got into such positions to

bestow what is rightly ours (Our past desired results of our karma's)


On the following passage from your posting,


When a Graha is acting maleficaly it is not to give us a lesson. Grahas do

not give "lessons". You can "draw" lessons from their "play" but their

purpose is not to give lessons (except when you are open to them and ask for

guidance). When you act against their nature (that is YOUR nature as well,

as you are the "Togetherness" of Grahas) then they reflect this disharmony

back to you as Nature has to counterbalance your action to reestablish


I personally like to understand all the 9 planets as 9 great teachers trying

to teach us some lessons. We might not apparently understand this lesson

with out a willing ness from out part.


This might seem to be in contrary to your viewpoint...............



In regard to this I would like to reiterate, with due respect, to Mark

Kincaid a point excellently explained by him.


Irrespective of any other thing of a native's chart, Mark Say's understand

where Saturn is placed in a chart. That house has some bhava's. (For a

moment keeping aside the contradictions to this observation.)


Understand it in such a way that in this life a restriction has been placed

on all the Bhava's of this house for this life of the native. This might be

because the native has misused them in a previous life.




On Planet Giving Lesson or a Native Drawing a lesson........following is my



Grace is bountily available in nature, Be it from the Father of Jesus, from

Allah of Mohammed or our own Dakshinamurti, just like the all pervading sun



All we have to do is make an effort to open our eyes to behold the beauty of



Well both the viewpoints are correct,


Your viewpoint is like the responsibility of a Monkey baby in holding to the

Monkey Mother when the monkey is jumping hither thither, (Jnana)


My viewpoint is like a Mother Cat holding its Kitten at all times....



I would like to stick to the viewpoint of planet teaching the lesson. :-)



You see when they give the lesson we can take it with a cushion by putting

in our effort.

Or by means of a stick hardly from the planet with resistance.



I had very insightful points to learn from your posting. Thanks for writing.





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