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Venus in Cancer and Leo

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Venus in Cancer Love for Venus in Cancer is best when

it is committed and rather predictable. These people

are sensitive in love, even if their Sun sign is the

more playful and outgoing signs of Gemini or Leo. You

may even say their egos are a little underdeveloped

when it comes to love, but they have a lot to give in

return: namely, security, comfort, and care.

Venus in Cancer men and women show their love by

caring for you. They pay more attention to your

feelings than your words, and observe you rather

carefully. They want a safe, solid relationship. They

can be a little moody in love, and some go so far as

giving silent treatments and engaging in pouting

routines to get attention from their mate. They are

turned off by anything impersonal, and too much

rationalizing leaves them cold. They are not afraid of

emotional confrontations (even if they have a Gemini

Sun and appear flighty in other areas of life). Still,

these lovers are always worried they'll be left high

and dry. If you've hurt them, they'll have a hard time

forgetting. Every so often, they'll retreat into

themselves (not unlike a Crab), and it can be

difficult to pull them out. This is when they use

their extraordinary "nursing" abilities on themselves,

instead of you...and you simply don't want that!

Pleasing Venus in Cancer involves lots of snuggling

and sentimentality. Recognize their attachments to

their family and home. Help them to feel confident

with you -- when they are fearful of being rejected,

they can resort to some frustrating tactics to find

out just how loved they are. Think about how a crab

(the symbol of Cancer) moves towards its goal, and you

will get a fair idea of Venus in Cancer's approach. Do

your best to make them feel secure and cared for, and

you will be rewarded with a patient, dependable, and

loving mate.

My Personal Ad Bio: "I'm just a regular guy/gal. I've

built a solid foundation. I'm comfortable and

comforting. I care. I stick around. My ideal date

consists of eating in, and snuggling up to each



Venus in Leo When Venus in Leo people are in love,

they are proud, even boastful. This position of Venus

can turn humble Virgo Suns or retiring Cancer Suns

into somewhat demanding lovers. Venus in Leo loves to

court and be courted, and they need to feel very

special. They are warm, generous, and even grand.

Though really quite loyal to their partners (remember

that love is THE most important thing in Leo's life),

they thrive on attention from the opposite sex. Be

prepared for their displays: they will tell you about

any advances members of the opposite sex make on them.

Remember, they're just showing off to you, and it's

likely harmless. It's a different story if you do the

same, however. That's when you'll hear the lion

roar...and, no doubt, you'll want to keep these cats

purring. Venus in Leo wants to appear experienced in

love, even if they have little or no experience


Venus in Leo men and women have high expectations, but

once you know that these expectations revolve only

around how much attention you are giving them, you'll

see that they are really quite big-hearted about most

everything else. They are threatened by a relationship

that appears to have settled too much, or one that's

lost its spark. They are also threatened by

indifferent or impersonal behavior on your part.

Although their needs for physical expression through

sex are generally quite strong, their need for love is

perhaps even stronger. It is hard for Venus in Leo

people to separate love and sex, and even their most

erotic fantasies are infused with love and affection.

For this reason, few Venus in Leo folk would last long

in a relationship that is mostly sexual. On the flip

side, they may last longer in a love-only relationship

in the absence of satisfying sex, but they are

unlikely to feel very satisfied.

Pleasing Venus in Leo involves paying loads of

attention to them. If you're willing to make only one

adjustment in your ways, it should be to remind Leo

how wonderful they are. Respect and appreciate them,

always. Put up with their childlike moments and their

tall tales. They want to be seen as attractive by you,

so avoid (at all costs!) putting them down in this

area. They actually lose interest when they perceive

the slightest loss of interest in their partner, and

you can expect that any letdown will be acted out in a

dramatic fashion. Remind them, in a gentle way, that

your emotions count too. If you are feeling a little

jealous, let them know. Remember, to Venus in Leo,

your small jealousies are affirmations that you find

them attractive and expect the rest of the world to as

well. Let them decide where to go on a date, and let

them pay too. When Venus in Leo feels loved and

appreciated, they reward you with loyalty, a big sense

of fun, and plenty of physical expressions of their


My Personal Ad Bio: "I'm warm-hearted and fun. I'm

funny, and experienced. Let me show you a good time."





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