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6/1 Tuesday's Star Report g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000

Coming to you, this Evening,.....5/31 Monday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......6/1 Tuesday's Star Report, .....




Special Quote of the Day!

"You believe that you live in the world,

when in fact the world lives within you!"

Deepak Chopra

Nature's Astrology: Star Report

Tuesday, 6/1....9am...CDT, US

Moon moves to the 25th degree of Libra, starting today....


Dear Friends:

Did it rain where you were yesterday? Moon collided with Ketu yesterday, and we

had an intense hour to hour and a half.

Today, Moon starts out the day at the end of Libra, which did feel good, last 2

days.... so expect even more of 'that'...today...

In 10 hours, however, Moon moves into one of it's least favorite signs, Scorpio,

so try and not buy into that undue, extra anger during these days...

But, as even the Malefic influences have a positive purpose, see if you can see

the silver lining.... even then....

Name That Planet!

See if you can 'name' that Planet or collection of

Planetary Influences...

that Nature is trying to help you see!

A Jyotish Planetary Survey....See if we can discover which Planets are most active in us?

For me, I really noticed....a Saturn effect today.

Haven't been doing enough yoga lately, and today, got up and twisted my back

...... and spent whole day on the coach....

For me, this is a Saturn, delaying influence....and when I think of my chart,

dasas, or transits,.... Moon was found dipping into my 12th House, along with

Mars' 4th House influence from my 9th House in Gemini, carrying Saturn's mutual

influence with it...

explains it...

Though regardless of the 'reason',....I can identify the Planet...


and deal more fully with it....

More rest, more flexibility,.... taking it more easy, this weekend....

is the need....

Identify the Planet that's most active with you?

Right Now?


Mail in your experience....and your thougths about what Astrological....

qualities are going on in your life...

Full Moon Coming...

June 2nd...23:20pm.....


Tomorrow!, now....

Other Important Transits:

Venus has moved back into Taurus....

now, at 28 degrees, traveling backwards, so to speak...


Enjoy & take advantage of this Benefic Influence...

2 Alerts ....

still going on right now...

Mars & Saturn....


Jupiter, Rahu & Saturn.... Planetary Tug of War...,....



Mars & Saturn Planetary Alert, less, though still very close

Mars & Saturn's .... Now 4.... degrees apart....

which is good...!

Though if you notice still, any slight tension...

between the Mars, 'going' part of you...

and the Saturn, 'patient' part....

this is why....

Now, they're moving even farther apart....

Therefore, let both of these 'energies',....wisdoms...

be a necessary part of your every day....

especially...because 'right now'....

you might not feel you have the time!

Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu Alert .....Report

For Monday, May 31st....

to....June 6th....

Jupiter's Today: at 16:02 degrees Leo.,....in 7 days, June 6th: 16:35 deg/Leo.

Saturn's Today: at 18:07 degrees & in 7 days, will be at: 18:54 Gemini

Rahu's Today:at 17:06 degrees Aries, & in 7 days, will be at: 16:46 deg/Aries.

Every day, Jupiter & Saturn & Rahu are getting closer and closer...

in their mutual influences....

Today, they're....

still this 'locked',....together...

a kind of.....stuck quality....

And even over the next 7 days....this quality....will be continuting....

between Rahu, Saturn & Jupiter....

Sluggish.... aspect goings...on....still


Don't push, strain, your Nature Support....

Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....

Question regarding the present Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu Tranist.

>From Dot, USA

"Dear Mark, Thank you so much for the very detailed analysis of the important

transit of Jupiter, Saturn and RAhu. It helped me also to understand many

things in my own life. Since mid-1999, I also have led a very inward life.

First, I thought it was due to Sadi Sat but my Sadi Sat had started already.

When you mentioned that Jupiter takes 12 years to travel around the Zodiac, then

I remembered that Saturn takes about 30 years. Then, I realized that 60 years

ago between 1939-1945, it might have been the last time the two collided.

Do you think there is any correlation between these 2 periods?

If you think it's worthy and interesting to compare these 2 periods, I'd love to

hear about it. Maybe others would enjoy reading too.

Thank you so much indeed.

Best wishes, Mara."

"Dear Mara, I was very happy to hear you make this connection between the 2

different Jupiter & Saturn periods. And, you're right. Though Jupiter &

Saturn do collide more often then every 60 years... In fact, they collide

about every 15 years. And 30 years ago we had the Vietnam war.

But, you're right the last time they both collided, while Saturn was

'debilitated' in it's Sign of Aries, was 1940.... and during that time, over 40

million people died.

This period, has also been very 'rought', but I'm happy to say not as 'bad'.

I've thought a lot about it, over these last 3,4 years, and it occured to me

that when we had World War II, Jupiter & Saturn were colliding while Saturn was

very strong running about 15 degrees in Aries.

This last time, Saturn was in Aries, too, but when Jupiter & Saturn were

colliding at the same degree, Saturn was much later in it's degrees, which

would have correlated with a weaker Saturn.

So, we had a mini-recession, much unemployement, etc, but not as catastrophic, as before.

I also wanted to mention, how good it is of you to try and look at your

experience, including such things as your Sade Sat period as well.

We mostly only have a chance to cover the Transits, here, but in Reality, there

are 3 primary areas of our Jyotish which we should all know how to look at.

There are the Transits, but there are also our Dasa periods, and of course,

there's all the realities, of our Birth Chart.

Look at all 3 and you should be able to determine the 'why' of your every day experience.

Then, when you locate the real, Astrological, 'why'...then ask yourself...

'What can I do about it!'....."

Special Quote of the Day!

"You believe that you live in the world,

when in fact the world lives within you!"

Deepak Chopra

Some famous Vedic Scholoars have said, 'when you study the 'Stars',

you are learning to connect that which is outer....

to that which is inner!'....

This is a remarkable thing.

I've noticed even studing the Astronomy, has that effect of

bringing the 'outer' Universe...


more intimately...

Then, Adding...Jyotish...to that...


one's Consciousness of Astrology.

Good Luck!


God, Guru.....bless....

Mark Kincaid

Jai Guru!

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