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6/23 Wednesday's Star Report Moon's In Leo, Today! with Jupiter, Saturn, & Rahu! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000




Coming to you, this Evening,.....6/22 Tuesday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......6/23 Wednesday's Star Report, .....









Special Quote of the Day!



"To do great work a man must be very idle ....

as well as very industrious."





Samuel Butler (1835-1902)


(sent in by r, Donna, New Mexico)


Wonderful expression of how both Saturn & Mars....must be integrated!



Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Wednesday, 6/23....9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 12th degree of Leo,

starting today....at 9am....


Moon, moving about 40% of Leo,













Dear Friends:


Wow, did you see the beautiful, Waxing Moon last night? It was so nice to

finally see after all this rain & cloudy skys.


It was especially great because the Moon's transit through Leo, means it was

also fairly close to Jupiter. Jupiter was the bright star looking object,

just to the right. Wednesday evening the Moon should be even closer to



See, if you notice, and feel, that unmistakable, Jupiter quality. Spiritual

thoughts dominate, grace, optimism, faith, etc.


Also, Saturn & Rahu are also influencing Leo, so see if you feel them as



Moon's starting out at 12 degrees, and moving 1 degree, every 2 hours, means

it'll be colliding with Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu's influences at different



Jupiter's at 18 degrees, so expect the greatest Jupiter influence in 6

degrees, or 12 hours, from 'now', 9am, CDT.


Rahu's at 15 degrees, Aries, so it's influence especially upon the 15th

degree of Leo, means the Moon will experience 'it's influence', in 3

degrees, or 6 hours.


And finally, Saturn. Saturn's at almost 21 degrees Gemini, so it's maximum

3rd House aspect upon Leo, will mean the Moon will collide in 9 degrees, or

18 hours.


All these 'simultaneous', influences tends to mean a more dramatic, intense

kind of day.


Moon & Jupiter, very happy....


Moon & Rahu,....kind of chaotic,.... wild....exchausting....


Moon & Saturn,....delays..... quality of loss, sadness, or inwardness, inner

bliss.... depending upon whether Saturn's acting malefically or benefically,

for you!


With Jupiter 'there', in Leo, the Benefic side of Jupiter, may seem more

obvious with the Moon!


Waxing Moon....and Moon in Leo, great for leadership, ambition, and doing...








Other Important Transits:

Still Going On.....




Mercury In it's Own Sign....

Gemini, Now

(14th degree)C


Mercury is in it's Own Sign in Gemini, so take advantage of this

very nice Transit.

Mercury in Gemini,...represents good strength of intellect!



Venus - still in Taurus...

(16th degree)R


Venus, too, is in it's Own Sign...

in Taurus...


So, both these very important parts of us...

are strong and powerful,

for good,

right now!


Mars, still in it's Sign of debilitation,


(6th degree)




So, stand up for oneself....

be strong....

As strong as you know you should be...


Don't allow Mars/Cancer....feelings of timidness,...

steer you wrong...





Alerts ....

still going on










Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu Alert .....Report

For Tuesday, June 16th........

to....Wednesday.....June 23th....









Jupiter's Today:June 16th: 17:31 deg/Leo.,....on 6/23, : 18:30 deg/Leo.

Saturn's Today: at 20:04 degrees & in 7 days, will be at: 21:02 Gemini

Rahu's Today:at 16:38 degrees Aries, & in 7 days, will be at: 15:43







Follow the Significations of....





Rahu....right now...


and if they seem sluggish, this is why...


Allow oneself...to not to strain...

and things will evolve, ....

even if a tad sluggish....








Special Quote of the Day!




"Become Buddha - Sit still and listen to your inner wisdom.

Confusion comes from listening to others.

Enjoy yourself so that you may be filled."




(sent in by r, Janna Lynn)



"Mark, I just love the quote of today. 'be like Buddha'...

silence...and listen to yourself!

(more below)







Special Quote of the Day!



"To do great work a man must be very idle ....

as well as very industrious."





Samuel Butler (1835-1902)


This quote, today, is especially appropriate...because there has been

this strong mutual influence between Rahu, Saturn & Jupiter for

such a long time now, that it's important to 'see', how we can

be balanced....in 'opposite' energies....


going,...and being....

doing & not doing....!






Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!






Questions regarding anything!




>From Michael, California.....USA





"Hi Mark, I just love the quote of today, (yesterday), - be like Buddha -

silence - and listen to yourself!!

How true - for myself anyway.

Since being in Sadi Sat - this has been a wonderful lesson to learn - not to

push Saturn, and now as I look back over my life, like the last Saturn

Transit - it was really quite wonderful as I bather myself in myself.


I guess the challenge is always the demands being put on one by the

(outside) relative as that is where the strain creeps in. it's just our

environment and the pusy materialistic world we live in. One other part of

the quote I loved was "confusion comes from listening to others" - everytime

I have listened to others on important matters I've regretted it. The Big

Self always has the right answer. Once Maharishi said: "If you are not

sure what to do, then do nothing for a few days."







"Dear Michael:


I'm enjoying these 'quotes' too.


I find so many of them, have or reflect so much Jyotish 'wisdom', it's fun

to include, especially if we're going through such a quality.


I also found your words interesting because I know your chart, and you have

a good Saturn which allows you to appreciate Saturn more, and take more

advantage of Saturn's good qualities.


I found it also fascinating because your words expressed 2 of the 3 Pillars

of Jyotish. The Transits, but also your Chart.


Always, I find all 3 parts of our Jyotish, 'Transits, Chart, & Dasas'.... go

on simultaneously, all the time!


So, to see how the Transits, are joined by our Charts & Dasas, is a great

Jyotish exercise!


Thanks for your experience!"










Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid





Jai Guru!





















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