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7/16 Friday's Star Report Moon/Gemini & Sun moves into Cancer! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000




Coming to you, this Evening,....7/15 Thursday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......7/16 Friday's Star Report, .....










Moon still in Gemini, today...


Sun moves in Cancer....now







Special Quote of the Day!



"The problem with many things....

is the pre-conceived ideas we have about them!





Meditation tip.






(See below for thoughts about this quote...)






Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Friday, 7/16th.......9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 20th degree of Gemini,

starting today....at 9 am.......










Dear Friends:


Moon moves to the 20th degree of Gemini, today!


Moon in Gemini is fine generally, but this Month, Year, Saturn is also in

Gemini, and also at 23 degrees, so be careful and don't strain or push too

hard today.


Planets colliding with Saturn, will reflect 'malefic' effects, unless your

own, Saturn, 'inside'.....is balanced.....


Otherwise, Saturn 'collisions' include:




or set-backs,




if we're out of balance....


If we're 'in-tune' with Saturn..... then,


Saturn, 'moments', can include....


spontaneous fulfillments of desire,

deep silence...

inner peace....

and joy....


Saturn's generally, got a poor, 'malefic' reputation, but that's a



Saturn, as every planet, is just an innocent reflection of our



Momentary Saturn experiences....show us how we're doing with that planet.


Discover how you're doing with Saturn,....TODAY!





Most Important Transits....:


New Moon on July 17th!


2days from now....


Take advantage of these last 3 day's of the Waning Moon,






Finish up the details of previous projects...


allows us to get better prepared for the next 2 Week

Waxing Cycle...


Which will be fabulous, by the Way!




Sun Moves into Cancer,

today July 15th...


See if you can begin to feel the shift....from Gemini, to CAncer...


Sun in Cancer....will emphasize 'careing', 'compassion', and



whereas Gemini, was about learning to juggle many things at once,

while still staying centered....


Venus remains in Taurus....


It's own Sign....


till July 31st....

when it moves into Gemini!


Take advantage of these remaining....




Venus days....



Love, relationships....



Inner happiness and Positivity!










Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!




>From Allen, USA







"Hey Mark, Noticed the saturn switch, today. Things seemed kind of slower.

I felt like most things were not moving fast enough. And frustrated,

especially, when trying to meet with people and communications. However, it

did really help knowing this was a predictable possibility. Thanks for your






"Dear Allen. I was happy to hear that you both experienced, vividly, the

qualities of Saturn today. And that you were able to take that info, and

let it help you accept these suble shifts.


The next step is to be able to anticipate this 'shift', ....next time...


Whether it's during the next Moon & Saturn, collision, or even during the

days when Saturn will be found 'aspecting' the Moon, or other planets....


But, Jyotish has an amazing ability to help us better understand the nature

and qualities of the 'flows' of Nature....


Knowing these things will allow our personal evolution, and growth to be

more smooth, effortless,....and successful!


Next time, see if you can even do some extra things, to be:


1) resting....

2) more patient....

3) more....balanced....


so, this natural, 'slowdown'....due to Saturn....will be less



Thanks for your feedback!








For those of you, recently joining our 'Star Reports'...


Check out our ..... 'Nature's Astrology'....Group....


Lots of wonderful Jyotish/Astrology.....




and Reflections....


Go to:








Main Primary....Alert ....

still going on






Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu Alert .....Report


From.....Thursday.....July 15th.......to July 21st....




Jupiter's Starting:July 15th: 21:42 deg/Leo.,....on 7/21, : 22:44 deg/Leo.

Saturn's 7/15... 23:48 Gemini & in 7 days, will be at: 24:35 Gemini

Rahu's 7/6......14:25 deg/Aries., & in 7 days, will be at: 13:16









Follow the Significations of....


Jupiter, Saturn,... and Rahu....

right now...


Jupiter & Saturn...are Still..... within 2 degrees of influence...


There are about 4 or 5 Jyotish, Planetary configurations that we should

take into account every day!


#1...The Moon...


Is it Waxing or Waning...


#2..... What are the special....'benefic' situations...


Like for example, Venus, right now...


Is strong, in Taurus, which means when we flow through our own,

Venuses,....we'll find more success, now!


#3..... Understand the major 'Malefic'.... configurations....


because in better anticipating,....what will be goings on in our


we'll make less mistakes...


encounter ....less obstacles...


Like this present Moon & Saturn 'collision'...


Also, this subtle, behind the scenes.... Saturn....fully aspecting the all

important Jupiter...


Which is the primary planet of progress and expansion....


Jupiter & Saturn help us understand the pace, and intensity....

of grown and change....


Allowing those energies to be more understood,

will help us in our practical....lives!





Special Quote of the Day!



"The problem with many things....

is the pre-conceived ideas we have about them!





Meditation tip.





This quote today, speaks about the Geminish....

'many things'.....


Whenever planets are transiting Gemini, one gains the ability to do 2, 3, or


things at the same time...


However, the danger to watch is that we 'do' too many things at once...

and get spread too thin,

or don't have enough time to go into depth....

about the few....


These last 2 1/2 years Saturn has been transiting Gemini,

and many have been learning this lesson...


This last Month, Sun has been transiting....Gemini

and contributing to this quality...


Today, at 22:00pm CDT....the Sun moves from Gemini into

Cancer to start a completely new, Month long, Sun....journey...










Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid







Degrees of Sun & All Planets from .....

July 15th.. to July 22nd....






Friday, July 15th!...










Sun 00:26th minute/degree Cancer 6 degrees Cancer

Moon 20th degree Gemini 4 degrees Virgo

Jupiter 21:52 degree Leo 22:55 degrees Leo

Venus 20th degree Taurus 23:55 degrees Taurus

Mercury 25th degree Cancer 2 degrees Leo

Mars 20th degree Cancer 24 degrees Cancer

Saturn 24th degree Gemini 24:42 degrees Gemini

Rahu 14:14 degree Aries 13:10 Aries

Ketu 14:14 degree Libra 13:10 Libra












Jai Guru!















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