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7/17 Saturday's Star Report Moon & Sun moves both - Cancer NEW MOON! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000





Coming to you, this Evening,....7/16 Friday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......7/17 Saturday's Star Report, .....











Moon moves into.....Cancer.. today...


Sun's already in Cancer....now












Special Quote of the Day!



"A living heart, a heart full of love,

is the precious essence of human life.

And that, when it flows in abundance, when it flows

in unbounded tidal waves of bliss, is the glory of the Supreme,

the blessing of Mother Divine and the grace of God.






Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


from his book:

Love & God



(See below for thoughts about this quote...)






Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Saturday, 7/17th.......9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 2nd degree of Cancer,

starting today....at 9 am.......











Dear Friends:


Moon moves to the 2nd degree of Cancer, today, at 9am CDT!


NEW MOON, today!


As of 7am, CDT, Moon & Sun are both at 1 degree Cancer.


See if you notice the immediate, swing of the Moon, as it quickly shoots

past the Sun.....


This stage of the New Moon, feels, sometimes, like a 'Clock Pendulum'...

swinging back and forth.


By 9am, already the Moon begins it's Waxing Moon cycle, and you'll feel an

immediate 'relief'......


Add on top of that, the fact that the Moon is extremely 'happy', in



And the next 2 1/2 days should feel quite wonderful!


Especially since the Moon & Saturn, 'both', don't like being in the same

space, generally.


Hope yesterday's 'Collision'....wasn't too rough...


Next few days, also with Venus, too, strong, in it's Own Sign....


Might feel as grand.....as today's Special quote....


Only.... thing to watch, in about 36 hours, the Moon will slip past Mars,

which is also in Cancer....


though at the 20th degree, won't fully impact...till then....






Most Important Transits....:







IF YOU still feel a little quiet or low energy....






Sometimes even the day of, and the next day or two past the New Moon,

still feel a bit inward....






Finish up the details of previous projects...


allows us to get better prepared for the next 2 Week

Waxing Cycle...


Which will be fabulous, by the Way!




Sun Movef into Cancer,

on July 15th...


See if you can begin to feel the shift....from Gemini, to CAncer...


Sun in Cancer....will emphasize 'careing', 'compassion', and



whereas Gemini, was about learning to juggle many things at once,

while still staying centered....


Venus remains in Taurus....


It's own Sign....


till July 31st....

when it moves into Gemini!


Take advantage of these remaining....




Venus days....



Love, relationships....



Inner happiness and Positivity!












Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!




>From Gail, USA






"Dear Mark, I've been feeling awfully tired, lately. No energy, very

little motivation, or get up and go. Can you tell me why?"





"Dear Gail: There can be a few reasons why we feel things such as



Sometimes, we're inclined 'by the stars', to stay up too late, to work too


etc. And therefore feel exchausted....


There are ennumerable things we can do, or not do, that can cause this.


We should look to our Charts.....for these general tendencies.


However, if you've been following these Transits, 'Star Reports'....


you'll also be hearing about a few other simultaneous possibilities.


These last 2 weeks, in fact, we dominated by 2 Astrological configurations.


#1,....the Moon was Waning.


I often find I need more sleep, and do feel more tired, during this last

quarter of the Waning Moon, cycle.


#2..... there was this very unique Sun & Saturn collision, that occured

during this time that you mentioned.


Most 'tiredness',.....'no get up and go'......is caused or complicated, by

an aggravated, Sani....


In this case, Sun & Saturn's collision, though it happens each year, is

worth following.


Even a few month's of looking at the transits, will help you understand more

clearly....the exact 'whys'.....


Then, next month, or if it was the Sun.....


Next year, even we can aspire to be more in-tune, and get more rest, during

these kind of traditional,.....Saturn.....happenings....


Once you find the reason, or reasons, then, you can begin to strengthen, or

adjust to the Astrological 'cause'....and therefore, 'diminish'......


the negative or malefic affects.....


Try and begin to see the difference, between Transits,....


and Dasa periods.....because the time durations....are importantly,.....


very different....


In future, Star Reports, we'll begin to look at how to identify...... those,

Dasa periods..... vs. the more phenomenal, Transits!


Hope this helps!








For those of you, recently joining our 'Star Reports'...


Check out our ..... 'Nature's Astrology'....Group....


Lots of wonderful Jyotish/Astrology.....




and Reflections....


Go to:








Main Primary....Alert ....

still going on








Jupiter, Saturn & Rahu Alert .....Report


From.....Thursday.....July 15th.......to July 21st....





Jupiter's Starting:July 15th: 21:42 deg/Leo.,....on 7/21, : 22:44 deg/Leo.

Saturn's 7/15... 23:48 Gemini & in 7 days, will be at: 24:35 Gemini

Rahu's 7/6......14:25 deg/Aries., & in 7 days, will be at: 13:16










Follow the Significations of....


Jupiter, Saturn,... and Rahu....

right now...


Jupiter & Saturn...are Still..... within 2 degrees of influence...


There are about 4 or 5 Jyotish, Planetary configurations that we should

take into account every day!


#1...The Moon...


Is it Waxing or Waning...


#2..... What are the special....'benefic' situations...


Like for example, Venus, right now...


Is strong, in Taurus, which means when we flow through our own,

Venuses,....we'll find more success, now!


#3..... Understand the major 'Malefic'.... configurations....


because in better anticipating,....what will be goings on in our


we'll make less mistakes...


encounter ....less obstacles...


Like this present Moon & Saturn 'collision'...


Also, this subtle, behind the scenes.... Saturn....fully aspecting the all

important Jupiter...


Which is the primary planet of progress and expansion....


Jupiter & Saturn help us understand the pace, and intensity....

of grown and change....


Allowing those energies to be more understood,

will help us in our practical....lives!





Special Quote of the Day!



"A living heart, a heart full of love,

is the precious essence of human life.

And that, when it flows in abundance, when it flows

in unbounded tidal waves of bliss, is the glory of the Supreme,

the blessing of Mother Divine and the grace of God.






Maharishi Mahesh Yogi


from his book:

Love & God



This is a wonderful quote, today....


that quite nicely, .....captures....


the essence of both.....a great Venus in Taurus, transit....


and this next Moon in Cancer..... next 2 1/2 days....



Both Moon & Venus, strong....may very well feel....

like Pure Love!











Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid







Degrees of Sun & All Planets from .....

July 15th.. to July 22nd....







Saturday, July 15th!...







Sun 1 degree Cancer 6 degrees Cancer

Moon 2nd degree Cancer 4 degrees Virgo

Jupiter 22:03 degree Leo 22:55 degrees Leo

Venus 20:56 degree Taurus 23:55 degrees Taurus

Mercury 26:32 degree Cancer 2 degrees Leo

Mars 21:01 degree Cancer 24 degrees Cancer

Saturn 24:03 degree Gemini 24:42 degrees Gemini

Rahu 14:01 degree Aries 13:10 Aries

Ketu 14:01 degree Libra 13:10 Libra






Jai Guru!
















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