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Why should Astrology deserve to be called a SCIENCE ?

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I pick on your statement from the message below, new friend:

> We all learn from mistakes we make, lets make even mistakes

> systematically; and then only we can call astrology a science!


I have never dared call astrology as it stands now as "Science"! You

are jumping ahead too fast. I have explained in details in a very

early article I wrote why astrology is not ready to be called a

science. Science is not everything, nor the ultimate and human

being's end-goal is probably not necessarily science or scientific!

If Science were the answer, we would not have had so much confusion

in this world, ideological confusion, terrorism, dire poverty and

deprivation that drives violence, wars, deprivation, distraught

vacuuous emptiness and if north american/canadian newsmedia is

accurate a deplorable rape-club in the most prestigious university

on an island nation that is supposed to be the beacon of idealism,

honesty, pride, a veritable PHOENIX that arose from the ashes of the

world wars and attained materialistic acme that most other nations

dreamt of and a nation where all workers were taken care of and were

aiming towards an utopian excellence but even that PARADISE is

crumbling as we see now!!


I hardly take solace in the depressing fact that nothing, not even

that promised and touted piece of utopia in the pacific in this

desolate world was perfect and just had to wait its turn before its

inadequacies were revealed, so disparagingly!


In the end, what would elevate us would be transparency, loss of

ego, openness and the common realization that we are flesh and blood

human beings despite our shallow veneer that has made us try to rule

over our brethren egoistically and in false PRIDE over millennia and

only over the next 1000 years are we going to come to terms with the

reality. At least some of us!!


Astrologers can do better if we put aside our national and other

false prides and focus more on the heavens which do not belong to

nations but are our true source of being.


In all fairness, feel free to ignore me or what I am saying.






, "hanya_shingyo"

<kadrudra> wrote:

> I am not asking anyone to EXPLAIN the process of judgement, but

> asking to outline the method adopted so that people who

> follow the same method or from same school of thought are


> at a single glance. And people looking for something

> will defintely find it easily if it is categorised in title itself.

> What all MUST understand is that the group discussions must


> the group really and not just only a single querist.

> If anyone needs to help an individual without discussing in group,


> mail him/her individually!! The need to discuss in this group

> is to arrive at the common conclusion(which is the reality since

> there is only ONE DEFINITE TRUTH whatever may be the analyses)

> from different angles of analysis and views, adopting different

> principles from different school of thoughts.

> I know that no two astrologers agree in analysis and prediction


> what happens is only ONE single outcome which means,

> one of the analyses went wrong! The real study starts then in

> analysing what made one go wrong and the other correct, which

> actually is a post-mortem but serves as a step of success for the

> next prediction.


> We all learn from mistakes we make, lets make even mistakes

> systematically; and then only we can call astrology a science!

> If you are not systematic dont call yourself scientific

> astrologer/astro-student and then you will be just the guess work

> intellectual!


> Speaking about time required in formatting....its just for the


> time! From next letter its just a copy and paste of

> techniques and tools used most of the times and what differs is

> palnetary positions/ chart and prediction.So please start

> discussing in group and arrive at a conclusion to tackle a problem

> and sum up to give the needy a perfect single answer, whatever

> may be the analyses involved.Finally what matters is result and it

> can not be different.


> For example, in case of life and death query... you may feel YES


> NO.That's ur analysis but dont give this answer directly

> to querist...lets discuss within ourselves to share our views and

> arrive at the definite truth.Thats is the aim of group discussion.

> Because I see simply opinions flying around in this group and no

> conclusion at all! Hope most of u understand what i am saying!


> Kad,

> Japan

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