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8/6 Friday's Star Report - Moon into Dynamic Aries, Today..... & Special Saturn Remedy! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000





Coming to you, this Evening,....8/5 Thursday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......8/6 Friday, .....









Special Quote of the Day!





"The World belongs to the energetic."


Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 - 1882)






(See below for thoughts about this quote...)




Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Friday, 8/6th......9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 5th degree of Aries,

starting today....at 9 am.......



Cosmic Weather Report!




For Special Saturn Remedy;

Scroll down to 'Subscriber's Comments'










Dear Friends:


Moon starts off the day, moving into Aries, today, (5th degree), at 9am CDT!



Moon finished with Pisces, last night.


Today, Moon, I was going to say plunges into Aries, as that is the

predominant quality of Aries, but this month as the Moon is moving into

Aries, it's also getting closer to it's Last Quarter of it's Waning Moon



Moon still fairly big, so enjoy the next 2 1/2 days of 'dynamism', 'doings',

'success in all manners of activities'..... during these Aries days.


One Malefic quality to watch is Moon collides with Rahu which is also in



So, when the Moon get's to the 11th degree of Aries, in about 14 hours,

don't be surprised if you're feeling a little Rahuish!


The Transits are really like many millions of little charts all rolled into



If someone was going to be born today, the exact configuration of 'these

Transits', would be the details of their Chart.


This is one of the reasons why it's so valuable to watch and study these

Transits. As we learn how to truly, accurately perceive these Transits,

we'll really learn Jyotish/Astrology!


Each day is this great opportunity to study, Jyotish, alive, up front.


Each day verify many of the abstract and interesting Jyotish Rules and



Today, Moon moving into Aries, where Rahu is, teaches us about the Moon/Rahu



Though Moon is still a little bit farther away then tomorrow.


See if you can see this difference.


Today, and over the next day and a half, see if you can't perceive, 'Rahu'

qualities, going on.....either inside .....or outside in our


or in other people's insides....


I think sometimes, people get too wild and oversimplified in talking about

what a person will be like with such and such Jyotish configurations.


If you realize that each Jyotish, Transit or Moment, is really the quality

of someone's chart....


then, the predominant quality that's Really going on all the time,.... is







There's this amazing...existence...of silence....or being...

which pervades every single moment.... of



Ever since I first experienced that....I realized....this is a very


aspect of life....and of Jyotish....




Jyotish Pop Quiz!




Who can guess why this might be important?








Important Transits....

Going On.....


Jupiter (25:42)

& Saturn's... (26:35)


Jupiter's closing the gap...

between the 2!


'inching closer and closer, each day',....

till August 27th...


Then, things should start taking a progressively

positive turn!


Still, Only about 1 degree apart,

in their influence....


Have you noticed how much more quickly Jupiter is moving now,

then it was even a few weeks ago...


This bodes well, for more progress, fairly soon!




Jupiter's still moving closer to that maximum...

quality...of Saturn..


but after August 17th...


Look Out!



Rest Now...


prepare for Zoom!










Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!


>From Jason, Germany


(In response to a query from yesterday's Star Report)


"Dear... Mark: Yes, ........I noticed a strong Shani aspect yesterday.

I could describe my experience like this:


Worldly, and especially heart-affairs were being blocked, though

spiritual qualities, instead were able to blossom.


If I had insisted on experiencing the heart or pushing it, on a 'human'

level, I am sure, I would have suffered much more than I did.


Instead, I focused on an excellent spiritual project, and voila - I


so much bliss, that no heartache could resist, against.


I don't feel completely fulfilled without the worldly heart, relations,

but I am learning to minimize the suffering without the.


I am learning how to minimize the suffering without them, through

the clear discrimination of where nature (my Cosmic ego) wants my

(little ego) to go.


I have found Jyotish to be one of the most effective ways

to achieve this.


This is a very strong, practical value of Jyotish, which I have

found is being so beautifully enlived day by day, through your

Star Reports.

Thank you Mark!




"Dear Jason:


Thank you for responding to my question about Sani's influence.


Your words, above, are a very concise, and wonderful expression of just

what I've experienced, too, in Jyotish.


Not only can Jyotish help us to perceive or identify the difficult,


or challenging aspects of our lives;


Jyotish can provide valuable and extremely helpful prescriptions

and advise,

that will literally help us embrace, or withstand

our difficulties...


especially, how to change ourselves,....

through strengthening....the various, different Jyotish Planets...


Then, as we do this, we'll find that yes, indeed,

it's even possible to have all those desires, and fulfillments,

that exist in the World, too,

in addition to the Spiritual.


Saturn is not about what we can't have...

Sani, is here to teach us about 2 predominant qualities:


Not this way....


Not this time....


Saturn teaches us about 'timings', and when we're being denied, or withheld,

or frustrated because of some powerful 'delaying' quality...


this doesn't mean we can't have 'it'...

It just means Sani is suggesting...

not this way,


not this time!


What instead?


Just like you said, when you let go, of 'your' perception of the timing of


and you allowed yourself to be more inward, more accepting...

ie.... more Saturnish!

in a positive way...


then immediately the bliss popped up!


Saturn is here to teach us about .....





and Pure Happiness....

through the inner....


Therefore, if we don't have enough of these qualities,

ie. balance, or inner wakefulness....


then, Saturn, withholds from us the natural fulfillments

of certain, 'things'...

because we're often going about them...

in out of balanced ways!


Next time, we have the next Saturn, Jyotish/Transit, 'moment'...

when we're experiencing that same, similar quality of frustration,

and disappointment, because this or that...

is not coming to us,....

or being delayed...


Instead of feeling bad about it,

frustrated, or even angry ....

this next time....


let's practice a new Saturn Remedy....


Like Jason, above,....let's let go...

and embrace the Inner....


and begin to see, that by stirring ourselves on a deeper, inner level...

if in fact, we don't start to find our fulfillments...


without stress, strife, or anxiety!"









Thanks for your & everyone's Questions, Comments & Reactions!"








For those of you, recently joining our 'Star Reports'...


Check out our ..... 'Nature's Astrology'....Group....


Lots of wonderful Jyotish/Astrology.....




and Reflections....


Go to:






Special Quote of the Day!





"The World belongs to the energetic."


Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 - 1882)






This quotes gives expression of the importance of action,

dynamism and energy, for life.


Aries represents pure dynamic, 'energy', and the importance

of 'doing', for achieving one's desires!


Saturn, on the other hand, reflects the importance of being, stillness,

and rest and inner quietness, which are also needed to have

the spontaneous fulfillments of one's desires!


These next few day's are about that 'dynamism'!




Know ThySelf....!



The Individual & Cosmos...

are One...


and 'that' Oneness.... can be glimpsed...

through the Window and Bridge....

of Jyotish!

















Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid











Jai Guru!















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