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8/7 Saturday's Star Report - Moon still in Aries, Today..... & Answer to Jyotish Pop Quiz! g4sf

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Starlight Unlimited

PO Box 1831

Fairfield, Iowa US


(641) 472-0000





Coming to you, this Evening,....8/6 Friday,

in the pm, CDT., for tomorrow's transits.......

......8/7 Saturday, .....








Special Quote of the Day!





"The World belongs to the energetic."


Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 - 1882)






(See below for thoughts about this quote...)




Nature's Astrology: Star Report



Saturday, 8/7th......9am...CDT, US


Moon moves to the 17th degree of Aries,

starting today....at 9 am.......



Cosmic Weather Report!




For Special Jyotish Pop Quiz


Scroll down ....





Dear Friends:


Moon to the middle of Aries, today, (17th degree), at 9am CDT!



Moon moved past Rahu, last night. Did anyone feel it?


Moon today, at the 17th degree, is already 5 degrees past Rahu's at 12


so you should notice a quick lessening of effects, if you felt any.


When you watch the Transits, like we do, it's often the experience, that as

Planets are moving up to 'malefics', the negative results seem stronger.


So, now, as Moon's moved past the predominant 'malefic' quality and

especially since Moon's next Sign is Exalted Taurus,..today should be quite

a nice, wonderful day.


At 17 degrees, Aries, there's 13 degrees left of Aries, or 26 hours



Tomorrow, the Moon will be fully in it's favorite Sign, and quite a nice,

next 2 1/2 days...


Have you noticed that Rahu & Ketu, the nodes of the Moon, go backwards?


Rahu and Jupiter earlier this spring were locked in that intense same degree

aspect, and you could really feel it.


Now, that Rahu's slipped backwards and now down to the 12th degree of Aries,

that 'locked' grip with Jupiter has been lessening each day.


Same will be upon the Moon now.


Enjoy a lot of great dynamism, today as the Moon finishes through Aries.


Good energy to get lots done, catch up with things that you've been

procrastinating about....


Sunday, will be sublime. Exalted Moon, and a Sunday....





Jyotish Pop Quiz!


>From yesterday:




There's this amazing...existence...of silence....or being...

which pervades every single moment....

of Jyotish/Astrological....differences...


Ever since I first experienced that....I realized....

this is a very significant....

aspect of life....and of Jyotish....


Who can guess why this might be important?




When we reflect on this remarkable quality of 'Silence'

that exists at every moment of Astrological life....

I realized that..... goodness, orderliness, and optimism...

are the real underlying qualities of life and Astrology.


Too often, when you read about Astrology, or someone talks

about one's chart, it seems... it's the negatives...

that seem to dominate.


This is very unfortunate, because as it turns out...there is an

intrinsic, 'blessings in disguise'..... quality that exists

within all troubles, challenges, and difficult situations...



Jyotish has taught me that 'Nature' is just a huge feedback system.


There's nothing intrinsically awful or 'evil' about 'malefics',

goings on in life, or Astrology.


In fact just the opposite is true.


Within every difficult aspect in our charts or our lives,

there is a deep, natural feedback situation going on.


For Mars.... nature is trying to tell us about 'fieryness'..

when it's appropriate and when it's not...

when it's okay to go fast, and when not....

It's really about balance...in action...


For Saturn,....it's about orderliness....

When we're settled, silent or in-tune or balanced...

then life is smooth, effortless and natural...


When we get out of balance....

then, it's up to Saturn to show us....

the way....


And Nature does this kindly first...

We stay up late one night,....we're tired...

We stay up 2 nite's in a row... we start to feel lethargic...

We stay up 3 or 4 nights and boom, we get sick!


Is Nature unkind?


No,...at every stage Nature is innocently giving us the consequences

of our actions...


We just don't know how to either listen...

or interpret the signals...


Also, we're not properly educated,....that these are the real....

motives of this kind, and intelligent Universe...


What Nature does do....?....


Nature...gives us our freedom....

to do as we wish,...

to think as we'd like,

to ponder what we want...

and do anything and everything our hearts dream

or desire...


So, what's the problem?


There is one catch....

and that is...


We're going to experience the results, or consequences of those

actions....no matter what...


Jyotish has a special power and role in life, because it understands this

deep Principle of life.


It understands it so well, it's even able to calculate, exactly how one's

karmic patterns are going to manifest....

for one...

depending upon the exact moment of one's birth.


One of the most important aspects of Jyotish.... is that we

come to accept ourselves...


Understanding our 'charts' means we accept the good, and the bad...


When we know what our good planets are, we can embrace those


And, when we understand what our 'bad' is...

then we can begin to understand what our.....malefics are....


Then, we can begin to change those thought patterns, ideas, and

tendencies....that we've created...


those that are causing us all our difficulties....


This is one of the great benefits....

of following these great Transits,...


By watching them, and seeing how real they are...

how they really validate, the natural Jyotish discrimination....

between Benefics & Malefics....


then, we can more deeply accept our Strengths...

and those other qualities which are out blind spots, our illusions,

and mistakes....


Then, we can truely begin the job....we came to do in this life...


'to change our Malefics, into Stengths!'....










Important Transits....

Going On.....


Jupiter (25:54)

& Saturn's... (26:43)


Jupiter's still closing the gap...

between that Saturn influence!


'inching closer and closer, each day',....

till August 27th...


Then, things should start taking a progressively

positive turn!


Still, Only about 1 degree apart,

in their influence....


Have you noticed how much more quickly Jupiter is moving now,

then it was even a few weeks ago...


This bodes well, for more progress, fairly soon!




Jupiter's still moving closer to that maximum...

quality...of Saturn..


but after August 17th...


Look Out!



Rest Now...


prepare for Zoom!










Subscriber's Comments, Remarks, Feedbacks....


Questions regarding anything!




Keep your comments, and questions coming!


>From Jason, Germany



"Dear... Mark: Thanks for your kind words!

I love your philosophy and habit of replacing the negatives in our

charts.... with....patterns of joy, of desires,

that are not yet truely fulfilling with more sattvic, more positive streams

of desire!

This must be due to your meditative background, and it reminds me of what

the Maharishi means when he says: ""Don't fight the darkness, but instead

turn on the light!"

Thanks, as always.





"Dear Jason:


Yours is a very appropriate comment, after today's thoughts on how

better to deal with 'malefic situations' in our charts...


And maybe you're right, perhaps my meditation background has helped

me see, the positives of Jyotish, rather than the negative...


Or, maybe it's because of my Moon in Virgo....

maybe I just got tired of seeing the 1/2 empty....glasses....

and instead have found fulfillment, in looking at the glass,

as 1/2 full!


In any case, it's quite inspiring and ever, so deeply fulfilling,

because I realize we're all great pioneers, in this deep

and all-important, exciting.... field of Jyotish....


It has so much power and goodness, there, for us,...and as we

learn these ideas, and share with our families and friends...

we are going to be partly responsible... for deeply changeing

our World...

from one of confusion, misery and God awful sufferings...

into a place of understanding, compassion....and joy!


thanks to you, too for your thoughts.








Thanks for your & everyone's Questions, Comments & Reactions!








For those of you, recently joining our 'Star Reports'...


Check out our ..... 'Nature's Astrology'....Group....


Lots of wonderful Jyotish/Astrology.....




and Reflections....


Go to:








Special Quote of the Day!





"The World belongs to the energetic."


Ralph Waldo Emerson

(1803 - 1882)






This quotes gives expression of the importance of action,

dynamism and energy, for life.


Aries represents pure dynamic, 'energy', and the importance

of 'doing', for achieving one's desires!


Saturn, on the other hand, reflects the importance of being, stillness,

and rest and inner quietness, which are also needed to have

the spontaneous fulfillments of one's desires!


These next few day's are about that 'dynamism'!




Know Thy Self....!



The Individual & Cosmos...

are One...


and 'that' Oneness.... can be glimpsed...

through the Window and Bridge....

of Jyotish!

















Good Luck!




God, Guru.....bless....



Mark Kincaid











Jai Guru!
















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