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Varnamala-Rashi and their importance in Rahu-centric HP Theory. Part I

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Dear Friends,

Self is posting a very important part of Nodes or RAHU CENTRIC theory

today.Please try to understand the deep meaning of the same.A lot of

research with revolutionery ideas have been made by self this will be

made available to all of you in JR's files section within a day or


The latest gift from Ma is being put forward to you all today.






If we have to work with Nodal concept or RAHU CENTRIC THEORY, our

outlook towards Rahu will have to be change.It is high time we

stopped looking at Rahu as Demon , Asura ,Northern node of Moon etc.


Rahu-Ketu according to me represent a larger system ,a SUPER SYSTEM,

a Beginning to End Process. It is a Process Flow Chart which is

omnipresent in any universe.


To understand Rahu-Ketu, the best example that I can give is that of



Lord Krishna's flute is there with a deep meaning.

The end through which air is Blown is Rahu and end wbich does not

take part in any note at the other end is Ketu.


When air is blown compressing all the six holes , a Nada of Sa ..

note is heard. This is the beginning and when all the fingers

covering all holes are lifted , Ni.....Note is heard.


You may ask why is the example of a flute necessary.

Well we will come to that now.


I always say that the Japanese Teacher Ono San has taught me a lesson

which says that whenever you have a problem, Go back to basics. Think



So I went back to basics.

While working on Varnada Lagna, I have done some work on Varna Mala

and being a devotee of Lalita MahaTripurSundari for over 40 years,

find all my answers in her and with her divine guidence.


Kali roopa of Ma devours even Kaal. Shiva who is deathly white lies

beneath her feet in supine pose .


Maha Kali adorns 51 skulls as Garland . These skulls are alphabet

letters of Sanskrit Varnamala numbering 51. Everything in this

universe is devoured by Kalika including Mahakaal but she does not do

so for Varnas. She has given special place of pride on her body as a

Garland of Letters.

All letters are Mantras in themselves and are careers of Thought,

Meaning and Nada.which is nothing but icchashakti, Gyan shakti and

Kriya shakti.


All creations in visual and Mass form arise out of these three


The tantras say that Varnas can never be destroyed. They are shashwat

or permanent. Knowledge has been passed on, is being passed on and

will be passed on from generation to generations in this universe or

in any universe at any given point of time and space by Nada/Dhvani

using varna only.


These varnas are divided among twelve rasis and have special peetha

or seat in our body.Our body is small universe.


Each Varna is coiled around by a coil of Kundalini Shakti. Each coil

surrounding each varna is called KUNDALI.


(Maha Shakti Kundalini Bisa tantu taniyasi)


So varnas have to be studied in astrological context with Rashi.


So what is a RASHI?

Rashi stands for Ra=Rahu

Shi=(Shikhi) =Ketu.


In this Brahmanda, or any other Brahmanda at any time , the power of

Maha Kali lies in a RASHI and VARNAS.


All letters or Varnas are strung to her through NADA SWARA which

sounds like HUM. She wears RASHI MALA which is nothing but powerful

attraction power which holds all Varnas together.This is the super


Power of Attraction/Krishna/Super Magnetism/Cosmic or whatever you

want to call it as. This power works in 4 directions. North/south


Of this, North south is extremely powerful power.

(Hum Hum Hum Kaar Rupaye)

To understand this distribution of power which lies in Varnamala, we

need to look at Rashi kundali as follows.


The beginning is from

Muladhara which is governed by Vrischika Rashi.. 8th house.Muladhara

is the place where,KUNDALINI lies in Sushuptavastha in Vrischika Rasi

and when it is Jagrita or Awake, the Serpent Power uncoils and her

journey starts from Nabhi to Brahmarandhra.


So we should start from 7th house of a Kundali.

SA MEANS Saptama Stri sthana 7th house...Nabhi

RI MEANS Ripu sthana the 6th house.

GA MEANS Garbha sthana , the 5th house...Udara

MA MEANS Matrusthana the 4th house.......Hridaya

PA MEANS Parakrama sthana the 3rd house..Kantha

DHA MEANS Dhana sthana the 2nd house......Mukha

NI MEANS Nija , self house the First house. Ajna Chakra


where Rahu devours Ketu again....Brahmarandhra.


Look at all the houses....they are in Northern Hemisphere which is

direction or dark half of kundali belonging to Rahu.


To be continued........



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Hello Sri Tatvam-Asi ji,


A couple of points on your post with regards to KSY or KAY only.


You have mentioned Rahu-Ketu to be Beginning to End Process, the

concept of Kal Amritha Yoga does fit in the theory very well where

the beginning is Rahu and all the other planets fall in and end is

Ketu. But in case of KSY the beginning is Ketu(representing the end),

now the main question is that can a process begin from the end(Ketu)?


Secondly you have mentioned with respect to flute


-The end through which air is Blown is Rahu and end wbich does not

take part in any note at the other end is Ketu.


I do agree that the other end do not take part but if we see in other

terms we have never seen the other end taking part. Even if we turn

the flute upside down and try to blow the flute using all the cords

then also a sargam will be produced although we can say that it may

not be known to us as we havent heard about it. It is just a matter

of giving shape to other end as the front end and all tunes will then

sound alike irrespective of the end.


Lastly you have mentioned about that


-Muladhara is the place where,KUNDALINI lies in Sushuptavastha in

Vrischika Rasi and when it is Jagrita or Awake, the Serpent Power

uncoils and her journey starts


Now the main question is although serpent power in Jagrita or Awake

is said to uncoil but some people also say that the journey of

awakening can stop at any of the chakras. So does this mean that this

serpent power requires another power to drive it all up to

Brahmarandhra? If yes then do we consider the serpent power really

powerful inspite of the notion that it can stop also if not pursued



The rest of the article is really interesting.





, "om_tatsat_om"

<om_tatsat_om> wrote:

> Dear Friends,

> Self is posting a very important part of Nodes or RAHU CENTRIC


> today.Please try to understand the deep meaning of the same.A lot


> research with revolutionery ideas have been made by self this will


> made available to all of you in JR's files section within a day or

> two.

> The latest gift from Ma is being put forward to you all today.






> If we have to work with Nodal concept or RAHU CENTRIC THEORY, our

> outlook towards Rahu will have to be change.It is high time we

> stopped looking at Rahu as Demon , Asura ,Northern node of Moon etc.


> Rahu-Ketu according to me represent a larger system ,a SUPER


> a Beginning to End Process. It is a Process Flow Chart which is

> omnipresent in any universe.


> To understand Rahu-Ketu, the best example that I can give is that


> a FLUTE.


> Lord Krishna's flute is there with a deep meaning.

> The end through which air is Blown is Rahu and end wbich does not

> take part in any note at the other end is Ketu.


> When air is blown compressing all the six holes , a Nada of Sa ..

> note is heard. This is the beginning and when all the fingers

> covering all holes are lifted , Ni.....Note is heard.


> You may ask why is the example of a flute necessary.

> Well we will come to that now.


> I always say that the Japanese Teacher Ono San has taught me a


> which says that whenever you have a problem, Go back to basics.


> logically.


> So I went back to basics.

> While working on Varnada Lagna, I have done some work on Varna Mala

> and being a devotee of Lalita MahaTripurSundari for over 40 years,

> find all my answers in her and with her divine guidence.


> Kali roopa of Ma devours even Kaal. Shiva who is deathly white lies

> beneath her feet in supine pose .


> Maha Kali adorns 51 skulls as Garland . These skulls are alphabet

> letters of Sanskrit Varnamala numbering 51. Everything in this

> universe is devoured by Kalika including Mahakaal but she does not


> so for Varnas. She has given special place of pride on her body as


> Garland of Letters.

> All letters are Mantras in themselves and are careers of Thought,

> Meaning and Nada.which is nothing but icchashakti, Gyan shakti and

> Kriya shakti.


> All creations in visual and Mass form arise out of these three

> shaktis.

> The tantras say that Varnas can never be destroyed. They are


> or permanent. Knowledge has been passed on, is being passed on and

> will be passed on from generation to generations in this universe


> in any universe at any given point of time and space by Nada/Dhvani

> using varna only.


> These varnas are divided among twelve rasis and have special peetha

> or seat in our body.Our body is small universe.


> Each Varna is coiled around by a coil of Kundalini Shakti. Each


> surrounding each varna is called KUNDALI.


> (Maha Shakti Kundalini Bisa tantu taniyasi)


> So varnas have to be studied in astrological context with Rashi.


> So what is a RASHI?

> Rashi stands for Ra=Rahu

> Shi=(Shikhi) =Ketu.


> In this Brahmanda, or any other Brahmanda at any time , the power


> Maha Kali lies in a RASHI and VARNAS.


> All letters or Varnas are strung to her through NADA SWARA which

> sounds like HUM. She wears RASHI MALA which is nothing but powerful

> attraction power which holds all Varnas together.This is the super

> power,

> Power of Attraction/Krishna/Super Magnetism/Cosmic or whatever you

> want to call it as. This power works in 4 directions. North/south

> East-West.

> Of this, North south is extremely powerful power.

> (Hum Hum Hum Kaar Rupaye)

> To understand this distribution of power which lies in Varnamala,


> need to look at Rashi kundali as follows.


> The beginning is from

> Muladhara which is governed by Vrischika Rashi.. 8th


> is the place where,KUNDALINI lies in Sushuptavastha in Vrischika


> and when it is Jagrita or Awake, the Serpent Power uncoils and her

> journey starts from Nabhi to Brahmarandhra.


> So we should start from 7th house of a Kundali.

> SA MEANS Saptama Stri sthana 7th house...Nabhi

> RI MEANS Ripu sthana the 6th house.

> GA MEANS Garbha sthana , the 5th house...Udara

> MA MEANS Matrusthana the 4th house.......Hridaya

> PA MEANS Parakrama sthana the 3rd house..Kantha

> DHA MEANS Dhana sthana the 2nd house......Mukha

> NI MEANS Nija , self house the First house. Ajna Chakra


> where Rahu devours Ketu again....Brahmarandhra.


> Look at all the houses....they are in Northern Hemisphere which is

> direction or dark half of kundali belonging to Rahu.


> To be continued........


> Tatvam-Asi

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