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Vineet ji...

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Vineet ji,


Astrology is an inexact science--in my humble opinion, it is 10%

science, 10% art, and 80% the grace of God. Two astrologers,

like two watches and two doctors, will not agree! Also, the

difference between the actual chart and the chart shown to the

Boy's side could also be responsible.


Before we get into the issue of marriage, I will make a few

general observations. Your sister has Guru Mangala Yoga, Chandra

Mangala Yoga, and Gaja Kesari Yoga. However, the powers are not

at the fullest because the distances of conjunction/aspect are a

little high. She also has Ketu in the 12th, indicating Moksha,

though this is usually not very conducive to materialistic life.

This, in addition to the fact that three planets are in Guru's

star, including the lagnadipati, indicates that she is highly

religious. Guru's aspect on his own house, the 9th, also

suggests this. Additionally, houses 5 and 11 are aspected by own

lords, which is also good.


Now, consider the marriage. For this, the Kalartha Karaka

[sukra], the 7th, planets in the 7th [none], the lord of the 7th

[sukra], and planets aspecting the 7th [Guru, Sani] should be

considered. Marriages are liable to occur in the dasa/bukti of

the involved planets.


In your sister's case, Sukra is combust, and this robs him of

his powers a little. The 7th is aspected by Sani, and this

causes slowness. However, Guru, the lord of the 9th, also

aspects the 7th house, and this should lead to a good marriage.


I don't know when your folks started looking around for a groom,

but, starting May 2002 onwards, while Surya - Sukra was running,

there might have been a chance for marriage.


So far, I have looked at it from the Girl's side point of view.

>From the Boy's side, his astrologer would perhaps not like the

fact that Sani, who is debilitated in Navamsa, is in the 5th,

which, according to the Brigu Sutram, can imply childlessness.

You see, a match is just one point. Though your sister's chart

is generally good (of course, Kuja's aspect on Rahu, and the

aspects between Sani and Surya are always there as negatives),

from the Boy's side, these could be put-offs. For example,

personally, my parents are bride hunting for me, and recently, a

chart came to our home. The girl's side matched, and even our

personal astrologer, a family friend with around 40 years

experience, matched it, but adviced against the marriage IN

SPITE OF THE MATCH because of certain issues. Naturally, we did

not proceed with the matter.


Right now, your sister is running Chandra Dasa from May 2003 -

Nov 2012. Guru Bukti from Apr 2006 - Aug 2007 might indicate a

marriage because Chandra is in Sukra's star, and Guru aspects

the 7th. Keep praying to God, it might even happen sooner!


As per Gochara, Guru in the 10th [Kanya] and Sani in the 8th

[Kataka] in the very near future are not too good. Rahu in the

5th [Mesha] is also bad, but Ketu in the 11th [Tula] is good

until Feb 2006.


Using Sarvato Bhadra Chakra, I found the following:




* Surya: 18, 10

* Kuja: 19, 16

* Sani: Lagna, 27

* Rahu: 19, 26

* Ketu: 23, 26




* Chandra: 26, 23, Name

* Budha: 18, 10

* Sukra: Lagna, 27

* Guru: Lagna


1 = Janma Nakshtra [birth Star]

10 = Karma Nakshtra [Work]

16 = Sanghatic Nakshtra [unity]

18 = Uday Nakshtra [Rise]

19 = Aadhan Nakshtra [Future prospects]

23 = Vinasha Nakshtra [Destruction]

25 = Manas Nakshtra [Mind]

26 = Raj Nakshtra [Achievement]

27 = Abhishek Nakshtra [Enjoyment]


Malefics destroy the above, while benefics protect it. For

example, Rahu aspecting Manas Nakshatra [25] will lead to

worries; Guru's aspect will promote calmness.


Out of 18 affected points, 10 are by malefics, and this

indicates a little suffering at the moment, though Guru's grace

on the Lagna should offer some protection. As I said earlier,

keep praying! It is the best antidote to all human ills.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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