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Transit of Jupiter

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Two major transits are taking place. Jupiter enters Virgo (Kanya

Rasi) on August 27, 2004 at 23 hours and 35 minutes. Saturn will

enter Cancer (Karka Rasi) on September 5, 2004 at 28 hours and 33

minutes. Both these planets are slow moving and we will consider

their effect on various Rasi jointly for the coming period of

nearly one year from September 2004. Though these effects gets

diluted or boosted based on many other factors such as Mahadasha,

Antardasha and influence of other planets. Jupiter will stay in

Virgo for almost a year and Saturn will stay in Cancer for almost 2

½ years. The effect of the transit on various Rasi for nearly


months is as following:

(To know your Rasi send Date, Time & Place of birth)



Jupiter will be in the sixth house causing problems from relatives

and enemies. Health will need attention most of the time. The

debilitated aspect on the tenth house will provoke materialistic

approach in deeds and business. If in a job, the work atmosphere

will change and you may get an opportunity to make money by bad

ways. Gain of wealth is possible though in an average level. Some

new addition in the family might come. Father's health might need

more attention. Saturn in the fourth house is not very favorable in

relation to the home life. Its debilitated aspect on the Rasi will

cause worries and depression. For few wishing, there is a strong

chance of taking you abroad. Saturn's aspect on Jupiter will


health troubles to some extend. Saturn is not in a position to help,

though its aspect on Jupiter will be acting in a positive manner and

will have a check on its negative results.

Remedy: Donate articles related to Jupiter (Haldi, Kesar, Yellow

cloth, Pukhraj or Yellow Saffire or Topaz etc) in Temples. Have

frequent visits to places of worship. Feeding and having pet animals

will be beneficial. Worship Lord Shiva. Maha Mritinjaya Mantra Japa

will be beneficial for heath hazards.



Jupiter will be in the fifth house will give gains from children,

birth of child possible till August 2005, unexpected gains possible,

gains from in-laws possible, better recognition and respect in the

society, success and appreciation in work and better family

relations. Promotion in job cannot be ruled out with an increment in

the pay scale. Students will be appreciated and recognized both in

studies and in extra curricular activities. Debilitated aspect on

the ninth house will cause disinterest in religious activities,

which may later lead to bad luck. At times you may act in a

disrespectful manner towards your elders. Saturn in the third house

will bring success in work. Change of job with better remunerations

possible. Gain of wealth is on the cards. You will feel healthy and

strong. Extramarital affairs may develop. Romancing is in the air

for Taurus Rasi people. Luck will be most of the time supporting you

and there are chances of gains from lotteries and speculation.

Remedy: Serving saints and cleaning places of worship will help. Do

not accept any thing free of cost.



This is the time when you may get a chance to visit some foreign

land that will be gainful too. Those living abroad will get the

chance to visit their homeland. If intending to get a a house

constructed, renovating or buying, this is going to be a very right

time. Your relationships with mother will be very loving and caring.

At work the atmosphere will be more home like and pleasant. Domestic

and married life will give a pleasures and peace. Students will

perform well. Though you will suffer from troubles from associates

and relatives. Loss of wealth, conflicts, troubles from vehicle and

suffering to in-laws possible. Saturn too is of no help in the

second house with "Saadey Saati" in its last phase for Gemini


Conflicts and enmity will increase, child related problems, and loss

of wealth and lack of success in work are some adversities possible.

Still aspect of Saturn on Jupiter will correct the problems being

created by Jupiter to a great extends. Those with well placed Saturn

and with Saturn dasha will have better time.

Remedy: Service of elders and obtaining blessings of your family

priest will surely help. Plant and water a Peepal tree. Visit places

of worship and perform Pooja. Lit an oil lamp (Diya) on Saturdays

and on the day of your birth Nakshatra under a Peepal Tree.



Jupiter in the third will carry you for many short trips. These

trips will give you opportunities to see many religious spots and

meet quite a few religious and spiritual personalities. If involved

in sports activities this is the period when you will be able to

show your success in the events. On the other hand troubles related

to work, health, employment and parting from near and dear ones is

quite possible. Marital problems will also trouble you. Saturn too

is in no good position and will create mental unrest, agony, and

health problems and give negative thoughts. "Saadey Saati"

will be

at its peak for Cancer Rasi. Religious inclination will be at a

rise. Unexpected gains will cheer you up at times. Co – born,

brother and sister will benefit and support you. You will get some

new and better modes of communications to use. Performance artists

and specially singers will do well.

Remedy: Perform Durga Poojan and distributes sweets amongst small

girls and get their blessings. Worshipping Lord Shiva will be

beneficial. "Yudra Abhishek" can be of great help. Lit an oil


(Diya) on Saturdays and on the day of your birth Nakshatra under a

Peepal Tree.



Jupiter in the second house will give gains. Gain of wealth, family

unity and happiness, recognition and increase in respect will give

you pleasures. Your speech will be effective. Those in marketing and

selling line will flourish due to their impressive speech. Those in

show business will have great time. You will get to have food at

places of high standard in a lavish manner. Politicians will do

well. Students will do fine and specially commerce students will do

well. Saturn transit causes the beginning of "Saadey Saati".


will cause problems related to wealth, spouse, child, and enmity.

Taking remedial measures early will be of help. Saturn's


aspect on the ninth house will make you non-religious to a great

extend which can cause problems in later part of life. Though

Jupiter will be a savior for the coming next twelve months. Its

debilitated aspect on sixth house can cause some health problems.

Remedy: Put a Tilak of Kesar or Haldi. Lit an oil lamp (Diya) on

Saturdays and on the day of your birth Nakshatra under a Peepal Tree.



Jupiter in the first house is not considered fruitful in transit.

There will be change in your aptitude, attitude and view of life.

Though you can expect loss of wealth, expenses, governmental

problems, mental agony and conflicts in work place but still you

will be able to cope with the situation and in no way your respect

and position be damaged. It will be better to keep your expectations

on a lower side. Before making any decisions make a deep study. Your

expenditures will be checked to a great extend. There are strong

chances of visiting foreign land. If unmarried, chances of getting

married are quite strong. Debilitated aspect of Jupiter can cause

problems for students. More hard work will be required. A male child

can cause difficulties. Though childbirth is possible. Saturn in

Cancer is a very beneficial position. Almost all the ills mentioned

earlier that could be caused be Jupiter are neutralized by this

position of Saturn. Unexpected gains come on the way. Increase in

respect and recognition.

Remedy: Do not accept charity or help from others. Have faith in God

and your own luck. Have a positive approach towards life.



With Ketu already in this Rasi, Jupiter will be entering the twelfth

house, which will lead to further troubles and disharmony. Expenses

need to be checked. Problems related to wealth, fearfulness, sorrow,

loss, litigation and court cases will get aggravated. Religious

inclinations will be heightened and you will take interest in

visiting spiritual places. You will develop special inclination

towards occultism. Saturn in the tenth house will lead to loss of

respect, deterioration of health, loss in business and disrespect

due to wrong deeds. Heart trouble is also possible. Health needs

special attention. Jupiter's debilitated aspect on the forth


can cause problems to mother and in the house. Spouse may act in a

selfish manner.

Remedy: Plant and water a Peepal tree. Do not speak lies or cheat

any body. Do not be a false witness. Serve preceptor and saints.



Jupiter in the eleventh will bring gains from sons and spouse.

Marital relations will improve and will bring happiness. If

unmarried, there are strong chances of getting married.

Materialistic gains due to debilitated aspect on the third house

possible. Increased remuneration / salary and cooperation from boss

in the work place is expected. Expenses will be checked and an

income hike will keep you wealthy. Old pending problems and law

cases will be solved giving a favorable verdict. Socially this will

be a busy period with new friendships developing. Though Saturn in

the ninth is not all that beneficial. Financial struggle and gains

delayed to some extend. Enemies will have a tough time to stand

against you. Health may need some special attention at times.

Remedy: Water Peepal tree and keep a Yellow hanky with you. Worship

Hanuman, which will help you check Saturn related problems.

Read "Sunder Kandh".



Jupiter in the tenth will lead to problems related to children,

relatives, wealth, cash and place. This is going to be tough time

for you in the job front. Many might quit and change their job will

little satisfaction. Father's health needs more attention. Family

troubles will get complicated and take a self-centered turn. Money

problems keep you worrying. Change of house or vehicle can be

expected. Saturn too will be causing trouble related to children,

pets, friends and work. Saturn in the eighth house in the transit is

considered quite troublesome. Overall these transits are not of many


Remedy: Avoid wearing yellow clothes and Gold. Throw copper coin in

water for 43 days. Worship Hanuman ji.



Jupiter in the ninth house leads to good luck. Success in work, gain

of wealth, pleasure from children, good food and pious thinking are

some of the benefits. You will get opportunities to meet spiritual

preachers and Guru. This could be period of your soul enlightenment.

Trips to holy places will give you pleasure. On the work front your

relationship with boss will be good and give you a good time at the

work place. Though a debilitated aspect on the first house will make

the native to act in shrewd, selfish and cunning manner, as direct

impact is on the ascendant or Rasi. Saturn in the seventh causes

troubles to the spouse. Marital problems, mental agony, traveling

and foreign staying to some extend is possible. You may yourself

feel confident and authoritative. Due to one or more reasons mother

might have to suffer. Staying away from house, in hills and isolated

places, is quite possible.

Remedy: Have a dip in Ganga as and when possible. Visit Gangotri and

drink Ganga water. Speak truth and visit holy places and help others

to visit holy places.



Jupiter will be transiting over your eighth house causing problems

related to money, theft, governmental problems, anger, harsh speech,

illnesses and useless travels. Borrowing money situations will be

created. At work avoid confrontation with Boss and colleagues.

Situations may turn up which might create quitting off the job. In

business avoid new ventures for the time being. Debilitated aspect

on the twelfth house might lead to illegitimate sexual

relationships. Gain of house and landed property is possible.

Addition in the family can be expected. Family celebrations will

give you pleasures. Saturn in the sixth is in a position to dominate

over competitors and enemies. Litigations and court cases will come

in your favor. Your younger co-born may cause agony and troubles for


Remedy: Beggars should not go disappointed. Donate Ghee, Curd,

Potatoes and Camphor at the places of worship.



Jupiter transiting over the seventh will give you joy and happiness.

Appreciation, recognition and respect will come your way. Relations

with spouse will improve. Children will give you pleasures. You will

get the opportunity to travel for good reason. Many short enjoyable

religious journeys may take place. Spouse or your lover may act in a

proud and dominating manner. Wedding is not far off now for singles.

The work place will show some positive improvements with a friendly

atmosphere. In business new projects will come. Students will do

well. Ill heath of your elder brother might worry you. Avoid

speculations. Though Saturn transiting over the fifth house is not

very favorable. Children may give worries at times. Students may

find it difficult to concentrate in studies and may indulge in

affairs. Financial crunch at times will lead to family tensions.

Spouse health might require special attention at times.

Remedy: Keep Gold and gold ornaments tied in yellow cloth. Read

Garud Puran. Recite Vishnu Sahastranam. Visit Vishnu temple



Vishal C Sood

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Hello Vishal:


Great posting. This will be very helpful for a lot of people.


These results get positively or negatively modified ALSO by the

functional nature and dispostiton of Jupiter and Saturn in birth



I read the above dictum in the Starteller magazine probably written

by US Pullipani and applied it in some charts and seems to come true,

especially in the case of Jupiter, i.e. Jupiter transiting natal Moon

(Janma Jupiter) is said to give very bad results, but if natal

Jupiter is functionally benefic and/or located in trines, it gives

exactly the opposite results of the bad effects described for Virgo

rashi in August 2004 to September 2005.



, "vs04004" <soodcity@s...>


> Hello!

> Two major transits are taking place. Jupiter enters Virgo (Kanya

> Rasi) on August 27, 2004 at 23 hours and 35 minutes. Saturn will

> enter Cancer (Karka Rasi) on September 5, 2004 at 28 hours and 33

> minutes. Both these planets are slow moving and we will consider

> their effect on various Rasi jointly for the coming period of

> nearly one year from September 2004. Though these effects gets

> diluted or boosted based on many other factors such as Mahadasha,

> Antardasha and influence of other planets. Jupiter will stay in

> Virgo for almost a year and Saturn will stay in Cancer for almost 2

> ½ years. The effect of the transit on various Rasi for nearly

> twelve

> months is as following:

> (To know your Rasi send Date, Time & Place of birth)


> Aries:

> Jupiter will be in the sixth house causing problems from relatives

> and enemies. Health will need attention most of the time. The

> debilitated aspect on the tenth house will provoke materialistic

> approach in deeds and business. If in a job, the work atmosphere

> will change and you may get an opportunity to make money by bad

> ways. Gain of wealth is possible though in an average level. Some

> new addition in the family might come. Father's health might need

> more attention. Saturn in the fourth house is not very favorable in

> relation to the home life. Its debilitated aspect on the Rasi will

> cause worries and depression. For few wishing, there is a strong

> chance of taking you abroad. Saturn's aspect on Jupiter will

> check

> health troubles to some extend. Saturn is not in a position to


> though its aspect on Jupiter will be acting in a positive manner


> will have a check on its negative results.

> Remedy: Donate articles related to Jupiter (Haldi, Kesar, Yellow

> cloth, Pukhraj or Yellow Saffire or Topaz etc) in Temples. Have

> frequent visits to places of worship. Feeding and having pet


> will be beneficial. Worship Lord Shiva. Maha Mritinjaya Mantra Japa

> will be beneficial for heath hazards.


> Taurus:

> Jupiter will be in the fifth house will give gains from children,

> birth of child possible till August 2005, unexpected gains


> gains from in-laws possible, better recognition and respect in the

> society, success and appreciation in work and better family

> relations. Promotion in job cannot be ruled out with an increment


> the pay scale. Students will be appreciated and recognized both in

> studies and in extra curricular activities. Debilitated aspect on

> the ninth house will cause disinterest in religious activities,

> which may later lead to bad luck. At times you may act in a

> disrespectful manner towards your elders. Saturn in the third house

> will bring success in work. Change of job with better remunerations

> possible. Gain of wealth is on the cards. You will feel healthy and

> strong. Extramarital affairs may develop. Romancing is in the air

> for Taurus Rasi people. Luck will be most of the time supporting


> and there are chances of gains from lotteries and speculation.

> Remedy: Serving saints and cleaning places of worship will help. Do

> not accept any thing free of cost.


> Gemini:

> This is the time when you may get a chance to visit some foreign

> land that will be gainful too. Those living abroad will get the

> chance to visit their homeland. If intending to get a a house

> constructed, renovating or buying, this is going to be a very right

> time. Your relationships with mother will be very loving and


> At work the atmosphere will be more home like and pleasant.


> and married life will give a pleasures and peace. Students will

> perform well. Though you will suffer from troubles from associates

> and relatives. Loss of wealth, conflicts, troubles from vehicle and

> suffering to in-laws possible. Saturn too is of no help in the

> second house with "Saadey Saati" in its last phase for Gemini

> Rasi.

> Conflicts and enmity will increase, child related problems, and


> of wealth and lack of success in work are some adversities


> Still aspect of Saturn on Jupiter will correct the problems being

> created by Jupiter to a great extends. Those with well placed


> and with Saturn dasha will have better time.

> Remedy: Service of elders and obtaining blessings of your family

> priest will surely help. Plant and water a Peepal tree. Visit


> of worship and perform Pooja. Lit an oil lamp (Diya) on Saturdays

> and on the day of your birth Nakshatra under a Peepal Tree.


> Cancer:

> Jupiter in the third will carry you for many short trips. These

> trips will give you opportunities to see many religious spots and

> meet quite a few religious and spiritual personalities. If involved

> in sports activities this is the period when you will be able to

> show your success in the events. On the other hand troubles related

> to work, health, employment and parting from near and dear ones is

> quite possible. Marital problems will also trouble you. Saturn too

> is in no good position and will create mental unrest, agony, and

> health problems and give negative thoughts. "Saadey Saati"

> will be

> at its peak for Cancer Rasi. Religious inclination will be at a

> rise. Unexpected gains will cheer you up at times. Co – born,

> brother and sister will benefit and support you. You will get some

> new and better modes of communications to use. Performance artists

> and specially singers will do well.

> Remedy: Perform Durga Poojan and distributes sweets amongst small

> girls and get their blessings. Worshipping Lord Shiva will be

> beneficial. "Yudra Abhishek" can be of great help. Lit an oil

> lamp

> (Diya) on Saturdays and on the day of your birth Nakshatra under a

> Peepal Tree.


> Leo:

> Jupiter in the second house will give gains. Gain of wealth, family

> unity and happiness, recognition and increase in respect will give

> you pleasures. Your speech will be effective. Those in marketing


> selling line will flourish due to their impressive speech. Those in

> show business will have great time. You will get to have food at

> places of high standard in a lavish manner. Politicians will do

> well. Students will do fine and specially commerce students will do

> well. Saturn transit causes the beginning of "Saadey Saati".

> This

> will cause problems related to wealth, spouse, child, and enmity.

> Taking remedial measures early will be of help. Saturn's

> debilitated

> aspect on the ninth house will make you non-religious to a great

> extend which can cause problems in later part of life. Though

> Jupiter will be a savior for the coming next twelve months. Its

> debilitated aspect on sixth house can cause some health problems.

> Remedy: Put a Tilak of Kesar or Haldi. Lit an oil lamp (Diya) on

> Saturdays and on the day of your birth Nakshatra under a Peepal



> Virgo:

> Jupiter in the first house is not considered fruitful in transit.

> There will be change in your aptitude, attitude and view of life.

> Though you can expect loss of wealth, expenses, governmental

> problems, mental agony and conflicts in work place but still you

> will be able to cope with the situation and in no way your respect

> and position be damaged. It will be better to keep your


> on a lower side. Before making any decisions make a deep study.


> expenditures will be checked to a great extend. There are strong

> chances of visiting foreign land. If unmarried, chances of getting

> married are quite strong. Debilitated aspect of Jupiter can cause

> problems for students. More hard work will be required. A male


> can cause difficulties. Though childbirth is possible. Saturn in

> Cancer is a very beneficial position. Almost all the ills mentioned

> earlier that could be caused be Jupiter are neutralized by this

> position of Saturn. Unexpected gains come on the way. Increase in

> respect and recognition.

> Remedy: Do not accept charity or help from others. Have faith in


> and your own luck. Have a positive approach towards life.


> Libra:

> With Ketu already in this Rasi, Jupiter will be entering the


> house, which will lead to further troubles and disharmony. Expenses

> need to be checked. Problems related to wealth, fearfulness,


> loss, litigation and court cases will get aggravated. Religious

> inclinations will be heightened and you will take interest in

> visiting spiritual places. You will develop special inclination

> towards occultism. Saturn in the tenth house will lead to loss of

> respect, deterioration of health, loss in business and disrespect

> due to wrong deeds. Heart trouble is also possible. Health needs

> special attention. Jupiter's debilitated aspect on the forth

> house

> can cause problems to mother and in the house. Spouse may act in a

> selfish manner.

> Remedy: Plant and water a Peepal tree. Do not speak lies or cheat

> any body. Do not be a false witness. Serve preceptor and saints.


> Scorpio:

> Jupiter in the eleventh will bring gains from sons and spouse.

> Marital relations will improve and will bring happiness. If

> unmarried, there are strong chances of getting married.

> Materialistic gains due to debilitated aspect on the third house

> possible. Increased remuneration / salary and cooperation from boss

> in the work place is expected. Expenses will be checked and an

> income hike will keep you wealthy. Old pending problems and law

> cases will be solved giving a favorable verdict. Socially this will

> be a busy period with new friendships developing. Though Saturn in

> the ninth is not all that beneficial. Financial struggle and gains

> delayed to some extend. Enemies will have a tough time to stand

> against you. Health may need some special attention at times.

> Remedy: Water Peepal tree and keep a Yellow hanky with you. Worship

> Hanuman, which will help you check Saturn related problems.

> Read "Sunder Kandh".


> Sagittarius:

> Jupiter in the tenth will lead to problems related to children,

> relatives, wealth, cash and place. This is going to be tough time

> for you in the job front. Many might quit and change their job will

> little satisfaction. Father's health needs more attention. Family

> troubles will get complicated and take a self-centered turn. Money

> problems keep you worrying. Change of house or vehicle can be

> expected. Saturn too will be causing trouble related to children,

> pets, friends and work. Saturn in the eighth house in the transit


> considered quite troublesome. Overall these transits are not of


> gains.

> Remedy: Avoid wearing yellow clothes and Gold. Throw copper coin in

> water for 43 days. Worship Hanuman ji.


> Capricorn:

> Jupiter in the ninth house leads to good luck. Success in work,


> of wealth, pleasure from children, good food and pious thinking are

> some of the benefits. You will get opportunities to meet spiritual

> preachers and Guru. This could be period of your soul


> Trips to holy places will give you pleasure. On the work front your

> relationship with boss will be good and give you a good time at the

> work place. Though a debilitated aspect on the first house will


> the native to act in shrewd, selfish and cunning manner, as direct

> impact is on the ascendant or Rasi. Saturn in the seventh causes

> troubles to the spouse. Marital problems, mental agony, traveling

> and foreign staying to some extend is possible. You may yourself

> feel confident and authoritative. Due to one or more reasons mother

> might have to suffer. Staying away from house, in hills and


> places, is quite possible.

> Remedy: Have a dip in Ganga as and when possible. Visit Gangotri


> drink Ganga water. Speak truth and visit holy places and help


> to visit holy places.


> Aquarius:

> Jupiter will be transiting over your eighth house causing problems

> related to money, theft, governmental problems, anger, harsh


> illnesses and useless travels. Borrowing money situations will be

> created. At work avoid confrontation with Boss and colleagues.

> Situations may turn up which might create quitting off the job. In

> business avoid new ventures for the time being. Debilitated aspect

> on the twelfth house might lead to illegitimate sexual

> relationships. Gain of house and landed property is possible.

> Addition in the family can be expected. Family celebrations will

> give you pleasures. Saturn in the sixth is in a position to


> over competitors and enemies. Litigations and court cases will come

> in your favor. Your younger co-born may cause agony and troubles


> you.

> Remedy: Beggars should not go disappointed. Donate Ghee, Curd,

> Potatoes and Camphor at the places of worship.


> Pisces:

> Jupiter transiting over the seventh will give you joy and


> Appreciation, recognition and respect will come your way. Relations

> with spouse will improve. Children will give you pleasures. You


> get the opportunity to travel for good reason. Many short enjoyable

> religious journeys may take place. Spouse or your lover may act in


> proud and dominating manner. Wedding is not far off now for


> The work place will show some positive improvements with a friendly

> atmosphere. In business new projects will come. Students will do

> well. Ill heath of your elder brother might worry you. Avoid

> speculations. Though Saturn transiting over the fifth house is not

> very favorable. Children may give worries at times. Students may

> find it difficult to concentrate in studies and may indulge in

> affairs. Financial crunch at times will lead to family tensions.

> Spouse health might require special attention at times.

> Remedy: Keep Gold and gold ornaments tied in yellow cloth. Read

> Garud Puran. Recite Vishnu Sahastranam. Visit Vishnu temple

> frequently.


> Vishal C Sood

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