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Vijay ji...

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Vijay ji,


Since you have not mentioned any area of interest, I'm doing a

general reading.


You have Tulka lagna, and lord Sukra is in the 7th. The good

thing is that this strengthens the first house. However, this

could cause delays in marriage. Kuja's aspect on Sukra, coupled

by the Papa Katari Yoga, could also cause problems. You also

have Kuja Dosha, but since Kuja is exalted, and also aspects his

own house, the troubles caused will be minimal.


Kuja creates Chandra Mangala Yoga with Swakshetra Chandra, and

this strength, while good, is slightly marred by the fact that

Kuja is fallen in Navamsa. Guru is in his own house in the 6th,

but the Vipareeta Raja Yoga is limited because he is completely

combust with Surya, and both are aspected by Sani.


One nice thing in your chart is the Parivartana Yoga between

Budhan and Sani, the lords of the 9th and the 5th respectively.

Right now, you are undergoing Budha Dasa [Apr 1997 - Jul -

2011]. While generally good, you will face some difficulties

because Budh is also subject to Papa Katari Yoga. Budha'a

ownership of the malefic 12th house of losses could also cause

monetary losses. Chandra's presence in the 10th suggests

fluctuating career, but since Chandra is in his own house and

also Vargotamma for good measure, these will not cause major

problems. Since you are running Chandra Bukti [May 2004 - Oct

2005], this career fluctuation will be felt right now. Chandra

also suffers from being struck in a rasi sandi, but since he is

in Guru's star, aspected by Guru, you will have a good amount of

Divine Grace, which will help you to overcome difficulties



Sarvato Bhadra Chakra Analysis


1 = Janma Nakshtra [birth Star]

10 = Karma Nakshtra [Work]

16 = Sanghatic Nakshtra [unity]

18 = Uday Nakshtra [Rise]

19 = Aadhan Nakshtra [Future prospects]

23 = Vinasha Nakshtra [Destruction]

25 = Manas Nakshtra [Mind]

26 = Raj Nakshtra [Achievement]

27 = Abhishek Nakshtra [Enjoyment]


Malefics destroy the above, while benefics protect it. For

example, Rahu aspecting Manas Nakshatra [25] will lead to

worries; Guru's aspect will promote calmness.


Malefics [6]


* Surya: NONE

* Kuja: NONE

* Sani: Star, 19

* Rahu: 25

* Ketu: Name, 18, 25


Benefics [7]


* Guru: Star, Lagna

* Sukra: Star, 19

* Budha: Name, 16, 23

* Chandra: N/A


Overall, the benefics seem to have an upper hand right now. You

are perhaps undergoing mental agony because of the affliction of

the 25th star. Transit-wise, Sani [1st house in Sep 2004], Guru

[3], Ketu [4] and Rahu [10] are not helpful. Ketu will move into

the 3rd house in end-Feb 2005, and provide some relief. Pray to

God for solace.





Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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