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To----------------->Shri Balaji Narsimhan

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Dear Shri Balaji Narsimhan ji,


A beautiful reading. You said native who has Ketu in 2nd house is good at Maths.

It is knowledge for me. I am forwarding details of my relative who has Ketu in

2nd house. He is a chartered accountant. If possible please give your views

about his horoscope.


DOB: 30-5-1970

ToB: 10.27am

PoB: Amritsar, 74E53, 31N35


Warm Regards


Sanjay Sharma




"rajagoopalan.n" <ennraj wrote:

Dear sir,

many thanks for the help given to me. you the grace of

rajagopalan. i want to share one thing with you.the

temple in rajamannargudi swamy anme srivdhiya

raj-gopalan &ambal anme sengamalam.i born in

mannargudi my marrage also happen in mannargudi half

marrage doen in rajagopala swamy temple only . the

beautifull thing in this is my wife name sengamalam.

she ios also from mannargudi .

once again thanx also i will pray my god shiva for

your health&wealth

also one more help can u suggest some remedy for me

one more thing which gem stone will help me to ahve

good character,money&health pl advice me

hari om nahmo narayana



--- Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji



> Rajagopalan ji,


> By Chandala Yoga, I presume that you are referring

> to either

> Guru Chandala Yoga or Aditya Chandala Yoga, which

> are caused

> when Guru or Surya respectively are eclipsed by

> Rahu. Rest

> assured, neither of these exist because Rahu is in

> the 8th, Guru

> in the 11th, and Surya in the 1st.


> It is good to have Surya in Mesha because he is

> exalted there.

> Since he is the lord of your 5th, this is great. You

> also have

> Gaja Kesari Yoga, and since both Chandra and Guru

> are

> unafflicted by malefics, this will be powerful too.

> Unfortunately, you have both Kuja and Sani just over

> 1 degree

> away, both in Mrigasirsam 4th padam. They both

> malefically

> afflict the 9th, robbing you of fortune, but since

> lord of the

> 9th is strong, and also aspects this combination,

> you will not

> face the effects too much.


> Your 2nd house has Ketu, and I have noticed a few

> cases where

> this gives a good capability for Math.

> Unfortunately, this house

> is subject to Papa Katari Yoga, and this could have

> hampered

> your education and might hurt your ability to make

> money. Still,

> since the lord Sukran is strong, the bad effects may

> be limited.


> Budhan is in the 12th as the lord of the 6th, but

> since he is

> Neecha and doesn't get Neecha Banga, the effects of

> the

> Vipareeta Raja Yoga may not be manifest.


> You are running Sani Dasa [Oct 2001 - Mar 2018], and

> the bukti

> is also Sani's. Sani loses some of his malefic

> nature by owning

> a Kendra, but since he is afflicted by Kuja, you

> might expect to

> face some problems. Budha Bukti starts from Oct

> 2004, and since

> he is also not in great shape, you could again find

> circumstances to be trying.


> Regarding your query concerning accepting the

> promotion as

> manager--I would recommend that, since you have an

> opportunity,

> you should grab it with the grace of Lord

> Rajagopalan of Raja

> Mannargudi. Fortune favors the bold, and there are

> good

> indications in your chart, and I'm sure that you

> will do well.

> The Sani Dasa will involve Sani (10& 11) and Kuja (1

> & 8), and

> this combination is aspected by Guru (9&12). Some of

> these

> houses are not good, but activities concerning good

> houses are

> also simultaneously running. By God's grace, you may

> experience

> more of the good effects than the bad. Best of luck!


> I also did a Sarvato Bhadra Chakra analysis for your

> birth star,

> and these are the vedais I found:


> Briefly:


> (Sata.Sury -4

> (Sata.Chan 6

> (Sata.Budd 6

> (Sata.Sukr 5

> (Sata.Kuja -4

> (Sata.Guru 4

> (Sata.Sani -4

> (Sata.Rahu -2

> (Sata.Ketu -2

> {Sata.

> 5


> In Full:


> For Sata, Sury affecting PPha [15] = -0

> For Sata, Sury affecting Aswi [05] = -2

> For Sata, Sury affecting Push [12] = -2


> (Sata.Sury -4

> For Sata, Chan affecting Mrig [09] = +2

> For Sata, Chan affecting UAsh [25] = +0

> For Sata, Chan affecting Chit [18] = +2

> For Sata, Chan affecting Reva [04] = +2

> (Sata.Chan 6

> For Sata, Budd affecting Makh [14] = +0

> For Sata, Budd affecting Asle [13] = +2

> For Sata, Budd affecting Bhar [06] = +2

> For Sata, Budd affecting Srav [26] = +2

> (Sata.Budd 6

> For Sata, Sukr affecting Push [12] = +0

> For Sata, Sukr affecting Jeys [22] = +2

> For Sata, Sukr affecting Sata [01] = +1

> For Sata, Sukr affecting PPha [15] = +2

> (Sata.Sukr 5

> For Sata, Kuja affecting PPha [15] = -0

> For Sata, Kuja affecting Aswi [05] = -2

> For Sata, Kuja affecting Push [12] = -2


> (Sata.Kuja -4

> For Sata, Guru affecting UPha [16] = +0

> For Sata, Guru affecting Reva [04] = +2

> For Sata, Guru affecting Purn [11] = +2

> For Sata, Guru affecting UAsh [25] = +0

> (Sata.Guru 4

> For Sata, Sani affecting Purn [11] = -0

> For Sata, Sani affecting Mool [23] = -2

> For Sata, Sani affecting PBha [02] = -0

> For Sata, Sani affecting UPha [16] = -2

> (Sata.Sani -4

> For Sata, Rahu affecting Aswi [05] = -2

> For Sata, Rahu affecting PPha [15] = -0

> For Sata, Rahu affecting Rohi [08] = -0

> For Sata, Rahu affecting Jeys [22] = -0

> (Sata.Rahu -2

> For Sata, Ketu affecting Swat [19] = -1

> For Sata, Ketu affecting Sata [01] = -1

> For Sata, Ketu affecting Jeys [22] = -0

> For Sata, Ketu affecting Rohi [08] = -0

> (Sata.Ketu -2

> {Sata.

> 5


> Regarding the sensitive points in SBC, Guru is

> protecting Tithi

> and Lagna, while Budh is saving Day of birth. Sani

> and Ketu are

> harming Lagna and Name respectively. Pray to God and

> move on

> with your endeavours. He will bless you with

> success.



> =====

> Balaji Narasimhan *

> http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

> Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex

> Downs

> Editor, The Partial Art of Detection

> =====




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