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astrological advice and kundli analysis

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TIME OF BIRTH:12:40 pm (afternoon) BIRTH: 22/08/1972 CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.-----alleppey,Kerala,india


when would i get a stable job and what remedies can i do to improve my situation currently.i want to do some certification courses in computer related fields,but i feel my concentration wavering and my head paining.what am i to do to complete my certification




ur current status : Studying / Service / Business--no stble job,call center job


Educational background--B.E ELECTRONICS(TOOK 10 YEARS)


Work Industry and current salary.---call center (BPO INDUSTRY)




( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember-no stable job till now.got married recently


Family background--1 brother , 1 sister


Father : Business / Service / Industry etc..---mechanical industry--business


Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc.--house wife


Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details--software engineer


Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details---MBA

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  • 2 weeks later...

TIME OF BIRTH:18:05:00.

DATE OF BIRTH:02nd May,1986.




Your current status : Studying.

Educational background: Bachelor of Pharmacy.

Work Industry and current salary:Not Applicable.


Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember:

>Lots of events such are

>Good:Got great grades in study, got yes from love with no from her father, every time when I see my parents happy especially because of me.

>Bad:Got hand fracture in elbow and still it is wrongly placed, Hurt my friend very badly without my knowledge.

Family background:

>Father : Service(Having kidney failure).

>Mother : Service(Teacher, Accountant).

>Brothers : one, elder.

>Sisters : no.


I want to ask that many told me that I have Gajkesri yog.What it is in simple terms means what will it do in mormal life.May I marry my love and will settle well(Abroad or India?)?Always make my parents happy as I presently do?If any clear seen prediction good or bed tell me with free mind.


Having faith in you,


Thanking you.

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My name is Rajib and my birth chart data is as below:


Date of Birth : Nov 4, 1971

Time of Birth : 02:59 AM

Place of Birth : RANCHI (23n21, 85e20), INDIA


Planetary positions At Birth



As 06:35 Vi

Su 17:20 Li

Mo 01:33 Ta

Ma 05:10 Aq

Me 03:03 Sc

Ju 15:58 Sc

Ve 05:08 Sc

SaR 11:17 Ta

Ra 16:16 Cp

Ke 16:16 Cn


Current transits are as below:



As 05:52 Le

Su 04:23 Sg

Mo 16:48 Ar

MaR 10:19 Ge

Me 06:05 Sg

Ju 06:26 Sg

Ve 23:52 Li

SaR 14:35 Le

Ra 05:54 Aq

Ke 05:54 Le


Currently, I am running RAHU MahaDasha and SUN AntarDasha till Jan 16, 2008 and as per current transits, RAHU is transiting my 6th house and Ketu in 12th house.


I am having some dizziness since June, 2007.


Can you pls tell me if the dizziness can be predicted from my birthchart/current transits/MahaDasha?


If yes, is it temporary? When will I be fine? Will I have any surgery or serious or chronic disease in lifetime? Can you suggest some remedy?


Pls help me. Pls let me know if you require more info.





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Dear Freinds,

This group is the largest astrological and trusted group in

.There are many good astrologers in this group.But ,there are no two views

on this fact that the number of astrolgers or experts in this group comapred to

those who are seeking help is too low.The ratio of astrolgers to persons in

need is to low.


I have joined this group to provide helping hand to all who are

in need and also minimise the tension on existing astrolgers.


People run here and their for astrolgers and astrological

advice.In this process they come across many quacks who not only give them

wrong advice but also fool them by taking their money.I am here to provide you

help without charging any fees.


All those who want any help or want to ask any question pls feel

free to contact me through this group.


Please send your horoscope (kundli) alongwith the following


Name Prashanth Babu K

Date of Birth 18 Oct 1975

Place of Birth Secunderabad

Time of Birth 0645 PM in evening

Problem:(what is your problem marraige,business etc)

Query: (how will be relationship with my spouse and moreover i want to know about my money conditions in future, after 2 years and 10 months of marriage i dont have childrens)



India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.



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I am 27 yrs male and following are my brith details.


Date of Birth: 8th Sept 1980

Time of Birth: 6:24 AM

Place of Birth: Machilipatnam, Andhra Pradesh, India


Can anyone help me in knowing about my professional and marital life. I would like to know how good will be my financial status in life, how good be my professional life (job or business) and when will I get married (and how would be my married life). Please help me.


Briefing my lagna kundali goes as follows....

Ascendant: Leo

Zodiac Sign (rashi): Leo

Positions of Planets: Ascendant, Sun, Moon and Jupiter are in Leo (1st House).

Mercury, Saturn and Pluto are in Virgo (2nd House).

Mars and Uranus are in Libra (3rd House)

Neptune is in Scorpio (4th House)

Kethu is in Capricorn (6th House)

Venus and Rahu are in Cancer (12th House)


Can anyone please analyze this kundali and clarify my doubts?


Thanks in advance.

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TIME OF BIRTH:12:40 pm (afternoon)

BIRTH: 22/08/1972





when would i get a stable job and what remedies can i do to improve my situation currently.i want to do some certification courses in computer related fields,but i feel my concentration wavering and my head paining.what am i to do to complete my certification




ur current status : Studying / Service / Business--no stble job,call center job



Educational background--B.E ELECTRONICS(TOOK 10 YEARS)



Work Industry and current salary.---call center (BPO INDUSTRY)





( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember-no stable job till now.got married recently



Family background--1 brother , 1 sister



Father : Business / Service / Industry etc..---mechanical industry--business



Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc.--house wife



Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details--software engineer



Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details---MBA


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Dear Freinds,

This group is the largest astrological and trusted group in

.There are many good astrologers in this group.But ,there are no two views

on this fact that the number of astrolgers or experts in this group comapred to

those who are seeking help is too low.The ratio of astrolgers to persons in

need is to low.


I have joined this group to provide helping hand to all who are

in need and also minimise the tension on existing astrolgers.


People run here and their for astrolgers and astrological

advice.In this process they come across many quacks who not only give them

wrong advice but also fool them by taking their money.I am here to provide you

help without charging any fees.


All those who want any help or want to ask any question pls feel

free to contact me through this group.


Please send your horoscope (kundli) alongwith the following



Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Time of Birth

Problem:(what is your problem marraige,business etc)

Query: (what u want to ask)



India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.



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Name : N.S.Jagan


Time of Birth : 1.35 am


Date of Birth : 23/07/1975


Place of Birth : Chennai / Tamilnadu / India


Sex : Male


Current Status : Working in Dubai


Education : M.Sc Computer Science


Industry : IT Project Leader


Father : Retired


Mother : House Wife


Sister : Elder Sister Married and Younger Sister Died 3 years back due to Cancer



I got Married 1 year back . I am facing lot of problems in my married life. Due to this lot of mental stress and worried a lot. My wife is very adament.

Now the married is heading towards divorce. She is working in mumbai. I am not interested in Divorce. Please go thru my horoscope details . Whether we will unite each other and lead a happy Married Life. When my present problems get solved. I am very much upset over this. My parents are asking to marry another girl. i dont know what to do. I am loving my wife very much. Since she is earning she is thinking she can do anything.



If Needed I will give my Wife Birth Details.



Waiting for ur Reply.



Thanking You



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TIME OF BIRTH: Approx 1am

DATE OF BIRTH: Nov 14 1967


SEX: female


Your current status : Business

Educational background: high school

Work Industry and current salary: Retail business


Major events: Mental worries constantly as soon as one problem is over another is kncoking to come in,divorced and now remarried.Have faced lots of embarassing situations.

Father : Diplomat

Mother : house wive

Brothers : 1 Older brother..married with 1 son and 1 daughter.

Sisters :1 younger sister ,married with a daughter

Children: 1 son 20 years old born sep 14th 1987


I am always facing constant problems from friends and relatives and lots of mental stress. I wear a Ruby ring on my ring finger and a yellow sapphire on the index finger.I also wear a 12 mukhi rudraksha and have started saying the mahamrityunjaya X 11 times and gayatri mantra x3 times daily. Please advice me if there is anything I need to do or be careful of.

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Hello everyone here!!

Am a newbie here and would like to have some advice from 'elders' here who can shed some light into the next 12 months of my life.



Please send your horoscope (kundli) alongwith the following


Name: JEFF

Date of Birth: 14 TH jUNE 1961

Place of Birth: Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Time of Birth: 5:55pm

Problem:(what is your problem marraige,business etc)

Query: (what u want to ask)'''


" Could someone interpret my horo and tell me if there is any strong indication of me attaining/attracting profitable overseas business as well as my 'wealth/money' situation' in the next 12 months"


I had someone print out my chart as follows:


Scorpio Ascendant: Lat: 3-6 N Long: 101-38 E


RAASI: Hse: ----------Navamsa:

1. Lagna --------------Lagna, Kethu

3. Guru, Sani ----------Chandra, Sani

4. Kethu --------------Kuja, Budha

6. Sukra --------------Guru

7. Surya --------------Rahu

8. Chandra, Budha ------nil

9. Kuja---------------- Sukra

10. Rahu --------------Surya



I thank you humbly in advance for any advise as the above is 'Greek' to me :eek3:


Thank you and may everyone have a peaceful and great New Year!!

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Kudos to u ,sir.ur doing a noble and magnanimous job.I am MAHEISH AYYER and would like to know about the stabilty in profession,when would i get a stable life with secure job


TIME OF BIRTH:12:40 pm (afternoon) BIRTH: 22/08/1972 CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.-----alleppey,Kerala,india


when would i get a stable job and what remedies can i do to improve my situation currently.i want to do some certification courses in computer related fields,but i feel my concentration wavering and my head paining.what am i to do to complete my certification




ur current status : Studying / Service / Business--no stble job,call center job


Educational background--B.E ELECTRONICS(TOOK 10 YEARS)


Work Industry and current salary.---call center (BPO INDUSTRY)




( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember-no stable job till now.got married recently


Family background--1 brother , 1 sister


Father : Business / Service / Industry etc..---mechanical industry--business


Mother : house wive / Business / Service / industry etc.--house wife


Brothers : younger / elders and above mentioned details--software engineer


Sisters : younger / elders and above mentioned details---MBA



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dob:- jun 25 1976- female

Lat 30.02

Long -77.09


have problems related to inlaws...can anybody suggest any remedies? and tell me how long they will keep living/coming to us? thanks



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=440 align=center><TBODY><TR>.... align=middle> Your Planets & Houses .....></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=440 border=0><TBODY><TR>.... colSpan=3>Zodiac in degrees 0.00.....>....> .....>.... colSpan=3>Placidus Orb:0.....></TR><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>Cancer</TD><TD align=right>3.23</TD><TD></TD><TD>Ascendant</TD><TD>Aries</TD><TD>18.20</TD></TR><TR><TD>Moon</TD><TD>Gemini</TD><TD align=right>0.57</TD><TD></TD><TD>II</TD><TD>Taurus</TD><TD>22.31</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>Gemini</TD><TD align=right>12.55</TD><TD></TD><TD>III</TD><TD>Gemini</TD><TD>18.27</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Cancer</TD><TD align=right>5.12</TD><TD></TD><TD>IV</TD><TD>Cancer</TD><TD>11.42</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mars</TD><TD>Leo</TD><TD align=right>22.43</TD><TD></TD><TD>V</TD><TD>Leo</TD><TD>6.35</TD></TR><TR><TD>Jupiter</TD><TD>Taurus</TD><TD align=right>20.51</TD><TD></TD><TD>VI</TD><TD>Virgo</TD><TD>7.39</TD></TR><TR><TD>Saturn</TD><TD>Leo</TD><TD align=right>2.11</TD><TD></TD><TD>VII</TD><TD>Libra</TD><TD>18.20</TD></TR><TR><TD>Uranus</TD><TD>Scorpio</TD><TD align=right>3.08 R</TD><TD></TD><TD>VIII</TD><TD>Scorpio</TD><TD>22.31</TD></TR><TR><TD>Neptune</TD><TD>Sagittarius</TD><TD align=right>12.02 R</TD><TD></TD><TD>IX</TD><TD>Sagittarius</TD><TD>18.27</TD></TR><TR><TD>Pluto</TD><TD>Libra</TD><TD align=right>8.58</TD><TD></TD><TD>Midheaven</TD><TD>Capricorn</TD><TD>11.42</TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilith</TD><TD>Aries</TD><TD align=right>26.19</TD><TD></TD><TD>XI</TD><TD>Aquarius</TD><TD>6.35</TD></TR><TR><TD>Asc node</TD><TD>Scorpio</TD><TD align=right>11.25</TD><TD></TD><TD>XII</TD><TD>Pisces</TD><TD>7.39</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.

<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=440 align=center><TBODY><TR>.... align=middle> Planets in the houses .....></TR></TBODY></TABLE>



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=440 border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>III</TD></TR><TR><TD>Moon</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>II</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>II</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>III</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mars</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>V</TD></TR><TR><TD>Jupiter</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>Ascendant</TD></TR><TR><TD>Saturn</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>IV</TD></TR><TR><TD>Uranus</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>VII</TD></TR><TR><TD>Neptune</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>VIII</TD></TR><TR><TD>Pluto</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>VI</TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilith</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>Ascendant</TD></TR><TR><TD>Asc node</TD><TD>in</TD><TD>VII</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>






<HR noShade SIZE=1>



<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=440 align=center><TBODY><TR>.... align=middle> Aspects .....></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=440 border=0><TBODY><TR>....>Planet.....>....>Aspect.....>....>Planet.....>.... align=middle colSpan=2>Orb/Value.....></TR><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>Conjunction</TD><TD>Venus</TD><TD align=right>1.49</TD><TD align=right>556</TD></TR><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>Trine</TD><TD>Uranus</TD><TD align=right>0.15</TD><TD align=right>126</TD></TR><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>Square</TD><TD>Pluto</TD><TD align=right>5.35</TD><TD align=right>-8</TD></TR><TR><TD>Sun</TD><TD>Opposition</TD><TD>Midheaven</TD><TD align=right>8.19</TD><TD align=right>-15</TD></TR><TR><TD>Moon</TD><TD>Sextile</TD><TD>Saturn</TD><TD align=right>1.14</TD><TD align=right>126</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>Opposition</TD><TD>Neptune</TD><TD align=right>0.54</TD><TD align=right>-270</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mercury</TD><TD>Trine</TD><TD>Pluto</TD><TD align=right>3.57</TD><TD align=right>68</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Trine</TD><TD>Uranus</TD><TD align=right>2.04</TD><TD align=right>74</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Square</TD><TD>Pluto</TD><TD align=right>3.45</TD><TD align=right>-30</TD></TR><TR><TD>Venus</TD><TD>Opposition</TD><TD>Midheaven</TD><TD align=right>6.30</TD><TD align=right>-39</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mars</TD><TD>Square</TD><TD>Jupiter</TD><TD align=right>1.52</TD><TD align=right>-76</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mars</TD><TD>Trine</TD><TD>Ascendant</TD><TD align=right>4.23</TD><TD align=right>27</TD></TR><TR><TD>Saturn</TD><TD>Square</TD><TD>Uranus</TD><TD align=right>0.57</TD><TD align=right>-41</TD></TR><TR><TD>Neptune</TD><TD>Sextile</TD><TD>Pluto</TD><TD align=right>3.04</TD><TD align=right>14</TD></TR><TR><TD>Neptune</TD><TD>Trine</TD><TD>Ascendant</TD><TD align=right>6.18</TD><TD align=right>4</TD></TR><TR><TD>Pluto</TD><TD>Square</TD><TD>Midheaven</TD><TD align=right>2.44</TD><TD align=right>-5</TD></TR><TR><TD colSpan=2></TD><TD align=right>995</TD><TD align=right>-484</TD><TD align=right>511</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>







<TABLE cellSpacing=0 width=440 align=center><TBODY><TR>.... align=middle colSpan=2> Sign types & asteroids .....></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=220 align=left border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Signs masculine</TD><TD align=right>6</TD><TD></TD><TD>Signs of fire</TD><TD align=right>3</TD></TR><TR><TD>Signs feminine</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD></TD><TD>Signs of earth</TD><TD align=right>1</TD></TR><TR><TD>Signs cardinals</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD></TD><TD>Signs of air</TD><TD align=right>3</TD></TR><TR><TD>Signs fixed</TD><TD align=right>4</TD><TD></TD><TD>Signs of water</TD><TD align=right>3</TD></TR><TR><TD>Signs mutable</TD><TD align=right>3</TD><TD></TD><TD></TD><TD></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width=220 align=right border=0><TBODY><TR><TD>Chiron</TD><TD>Taurus</TD><TD align=right>1.10</TD></TR><TR><TD>Ceres</TD><TD>Cancer</TD><TD align=right>19.58</TD></TR><TR><TD>Pallas</TD><TD>Gemini</TD><TD align=right>6.47</TD></TR><TR><TD>Juno</TD><TD>Virgo</TD><TD align=right>15.14</TD></TR><TR><TD>Vesta</TD><TD>Gemini</TD><TD align=right>13.20</TD></TR><TR><TD>Fortune</TD><TD>Pisces</TD><TD align=right>15.54</TD></TR><TR><TD>South node</TD><TD>Taurus</TD><TD align=right>11.25</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>


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Hi Panditji,


My date of birth:03rd July1962

place of birth:Calcutta

Time:02-10 A.M (02 hrs 10 mints morning)


My question are:

1.I am planning to go abroad and settle there. When will I go?

2. When will I get a job abroad?

3. When will my house in India be sold?

I appreciate your help and cooperation




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WOuld greatly appreciate if the esteemd astrologers analyze my daughter's chart


Her birth details are:


DOB: Nov 21, 2007

Time of Birth: 3:35 pm

Place of birth: lawrenceville, Georgia, USA

(co-ordinates: 83W 59' 17'' , 33N 57' 22'' )

Time zone: 5:00:00 (West of GMT)


Thanks in advance

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Dear Freinds,

This group is the largest astrological and trusted group in

.There are many good astrologers in this group.But ,there are no two views

on this fact that the number of astrolgers or experts in this group comapred to

those who are seeking help is too low.The ratio of astrolgers to persons in

need is to low.


I have joined this group to provide helping hand to all who are

in need and also minimise the tension on existing astrolgers.


People run here and their for astrolgers and astrological

advice.In this process they come across many quacks who not only give them

wrong advice but also fool them by taking their money.I am here to provide you

help without charging any fees.


All those who want any help or want to ask any question pls feel

free to contact me through this group.


Please send your horoscope (kundli) alongwith the following



Date of Birth

Place of Birth

Time of Birth

Problem:(what is your problem marraige,business etc)

Query: (what u want to ask)



India Matrimony: Find your life partneronline.



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DATE OF BIRTH 11/11/1980

PLACE OF BIRTH CITY/STATE/COUNTRY.- Yavatmal Maharashtra India

SEX- Male (married with no children)

Your current status : I am a Lecturer at Pharmacy college from last 2 years

Educational background: Completed Master of Pharmacy (2005)

Work Industry and current salary.

Major events ( Good and Bad ) of your life which you remember: I had a open heart surgery in 1990 (16 yerrs back)

Family background Hindu(Sindhi) I had two younger sisters I married two years back while other one is studying in 9th std

Father : Service.

Mother : house wive

Brothers : younger

Sisters : younger 2

Dear Sir, my concern is about my PhD. From last two years I am trying to get registered for the same but dont know whethere luck is with me or not. what is the solution and beacuse of that I am not satisfie with my job also.

Kindly help me

mail tusharpremin@gmail.com

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  • 2 months later...
  • 5 months later...

Dear Astro Expert, please analyse my horoscope particularly in terms of enemies. I am being troubled by corrupt people who have cheated me badly in relationships.


I have Taurus Lagna. Lagna lord venus is exalted in 11th house, Mercury (lord of 2nd and 5th) is in 10th house with ketu. Saturn (Lord of 9th and 10th, yogakaraka for taurus ascendant) is in 5th house-virgo. So, there is a parivartan between 5th lord mercury and 10th lord saturn. What will be the results. I am going through Saturn Mahadasha and Mercury antardasha and facing a tough time with my family members facing many problems.


I have moon in Libra (6th house). This makes saturn yogakarak in my lagna chart and rashi chart. Still, Saturn Mahadasha is being very troublesome, can you please tell me why is it so?


Chart Details: Female, unmarried,

Taurus Lagna; rahu, jupiter and mars in 4th house (leo); Saturn in 5th house(virgo); Moon in 6th(libra); sun in 9th(capricorn); mercury with ketu in 10th (Aquarius) ; Venus exalted in 11th (Pisces)......running dasha Saturn and subdasha mercury

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Guru ji,

I want your help in my carrer. I am not getting job from last 2 years & even I am not being able to get success in any field. Please tell what should I do. Now I have planned to go for further studies (MBA). I have done my engineering in Computer Science . Please tell me when I will get nice job.

My details are -


DOB - 27/06/1985.

TIME - 6:27 AM.


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  • 2 months later...

I am 23 Feb 1975, 06:30 am, Coimbatore born male N Anand.


My marriage is keep on delaying without any setback from my personal side.


My mother passed away on 10 Apr 2002 and father passed away on 16 Dec 07. My sister is not co-operating with me as my parents transfered their property in my name due to geniue paratents wish.


Please suggest, When will be i get married as I am alone .

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Dear Sir,


My Details :-


DOB : 12/10/1981

Time : 08.02 am

Place : New Delhi


My Wife's Details :-


DOB : 13/09/1983

Time : 13.45 pm

Place : Surat, Gujarat


My question is, we were married in Feb 2007. Since Mar 2008 there have been problems in our married life and finally on 1 Sept my wife has left home and sent a legal notice (hasn't filed a case in court yet).


What is our future - Divorce (if Yes when) and then my chances of re-marriage (if Yes when) ?


Thank You

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