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Neeraj Gupta

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Please go through my mail once again and try to undertsand it .U have

misundertsnad it.

What I have tried to convey is that the"Destructive Index" of gems as well as

"constructive index".

Ruby suits a person and he wears it and have good result.Diamond suits a person

and he wears it.

Now the result of the preson who worn diamond will be 1000 times better than

that who worn Ruby.

regarding where it is written,Pls refer "Parashar Principles" written before

3000BC.Also one the basis of practical expp u can say that.


Neeraj Gupta <gupta_neeraj_2000 wrote:

~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Dear Vedic Astro,


Kindly let me know, where it is mentioned the power of

stones in *order*. According to me, stones can be

highly powerful / destructive as per one's chart. For

some chart ruby can be highly beneficial and for some

other it can kill too. It depends upon the position

and nature of planet. As per my knowledge, when one

wears a gem, dasha of that planet is *super imposed*

(not in reality, only some partial effects) with

current dasha, so if a dasha of malefic is running,

you might get a bit of relief.


Yes, I do agree that gomed is not a substitute of

Diamond, as both represent different planets.

Substitute of Diamond is white sapphire. Those who

cannot afford diamond should wear sapphire.



Kind Regards,


Neeraj Gupta


--- veidc astro <vedicastrojyotish wrote:


> vasumati,

> Diamond never says that he is of

> million !!! coz he is diamond !!!

> We cannot say that Gomed effects are same as that of

> Diamond.Diamond is Diamond.U are lucky that diamond

> suits u.

> If it doesnt suits to a person and that oerson wears

> it then ,that repsecrtive person will surely get the

> ill effetcs within hours yes hours,the bad effects

> are not monor but accident and many times death.


> When i say that diamond will take to death if it is

> worn when it doesnt suiots ,then I kno what I am

> saying.Critics may criticise it but I am saying this

> for general knowledge of the grp.


> U can consult any one on this issue and ask any opf

> the astrolger,what if a person wears a diamond when

> it doesnt suits.


> Yeh coming back to ur case,diamond suits u and it

> will take to u to new highs .Gomed is no where in

> front of diamond.


> Fpor ur information in am giving down gems in theior

> chronlogical order of their power.


> Diamond: Most powerful

> Neelam:

> cat eye(ketu)

> munga

> gomed

> panna

> pukhraj

> Ruby

> moti


> The diamond gives most severe bad effects at the

> same time best goo efefcts.On the smae side moti

> gives least sever side effects and least good

> effects.




> dhye wrote:

> Hello Sir

> Thanks a lot for answer.i have Gomeda in my last

> finngure(karanguli).It gives me satisfaction and

> according to Ratna shastra Gomed is also supposed as

> Diamond means its effects are like Diamond.Ok. i

> just want to ask you that will i get atleast

> temporary job after December?well ,my economical

> condition is good after marriage but my parents

> condition is not good i want to help them with my

> own money,i want to buy a house for them with my own

> money is it possible?

> I will certainly perform the Puja for Shani.There is

> a book for Budhopasana in my house but i am unable

> to do any kind of fast because i have ulcer in

> stoumach.i can only pray is it ok?

> Sorry for trouble again


> regards

> vasumati





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Thanks a lot lot again about kind advice.when i talk about Gomeda i

mean that white Gomeda will also suit for Diamond.I read in Ratna

shastra.ok.I told you about Gomeda because i suffered a lot from

Rahu's bad effects.So Gomeda gives me tremendous benefit and relief.

Yes,My Shukra is not in a good possition,i know it.That's why i am

reading Shri Durga Saptashati.White saffire will suit a person(male)

not woman because women can not wear Saffire.But you also adviced me

to cool down Budha How is it possible? i mean what should i do for

it? i already have Budh Upasana Book in my House.I am asking you

again because your advice about Budh( regarding this mail) will

certainly help other people.( who also have weak Budh in Kundli- i

mean in the place like 6,8,12 and in his neech rashi Pieces-Meen)



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Thanks a lot lot again about kind advice.when i talk about Gomeda i

mean that white Gomeda will also suit for Diamond.I read in Ratna

shastra.ok.I told you about Gomeda because i suffered a lot from

Rahu's bad effects.So Gomeda gives me tremendous benefit and relief.

Yes,My Shukra is not in a good possition,i know it.That's why i am

reading Shri Durga Saptashati.White saffire will suit a person(male)

not woman because women can not wear Saffire.But you also adviced me

to cool down Budha How is it possible? i mean what should i do for

it? i already have Budh Upasana Book in my House.I am asking you

again because your advice about Budh( regarding this mail) will

certainly help other people.( who also have weak Budh in Kundli- i

mean in the place like 6,8,12 and in his neech rashi Pieces-Meen)



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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Thanks for replying back. Ya I agree with Destructive

and constructive index. Could you kindly refer me the

shlokas in which Shri Sage Parashara has mentioned

about gems. As per my little knowledge, BPHS has

nothing mentioned about gems. Would glad to read that

if is there in BPHS.


Kind Regards,


Neeraj Gupta



--- veidc astro <vedicastrojyotish wrote:


> Please go through my mail once again and try to

> undertsand it .U have misundertsnad it.

> What I have tried to convey is that the"Destructive

> Index" of gems as well as "constructive index".

> Ruby suits a person and he wears it and have good

> result.Diamond suits a person and he wears it.

> Now the result of the preson who worn diamond will

> be 1000 times better than that who worn Ruby.

> regarding where it is written,Pls refer "Parashar

> Principles" written before 3000BC.Also one the basis

> of practical expp u can say that.


> Neeraj Gupta <gupta_neeraj_2000 wrote:

> ~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


> Dear Vedic Astro,


> Kindly let me know, where it is mentioned the power

> of

> stones in *order*. According to me, stones can be

> highly powerful / destructive as per one's chart.

> For

> some chart ruby can be highly beneficial and for

> some

> other it can kill too. It depends upon the position

> and nature of planet. As per my knowledge, when one

> wears a gem, dasha of that planet is *super imposed*

> (not in reality, only some partial effects) with

> current dasha, so if a dasha of malefic is running,

> you might get a bit of relief.


> Yes, I do agree that gomed is not a substitute of

> Diamond, as both represent different planets.

> Substitute of Diamond is white sapphire. Those who

> cannot afford diamond should wear sapphire.



> Kind Regards,


> Neeraj Gupta


> --- veidc astro <vedicastrojyotish

> wrote:


> > vasumati,

> > Diamond never says that he is of

> > million !!! coz he is diamond !!!

> > We cannot say that Gomed effects are same as that

> of

> > Diamond.Diamond is Diamond.U are lucky that

> diamond

> > suits u.

> > If it doesnt suits to a person and that oerson

> wears

> > it then ,that repsecrtive person will surely get

> the

> > ill effetcs within hours yes hours,the bad effects

> > are not monor but accident and many times death.

> >

> > When i say that diamond will take to death if it

> is

> > worn when it doesnt suiots ,then I kno what I am

> > saying.Critics may criticise it but I am saying

> this

> > for general knowledge of the grp.

> >

> > U can consult any one on this issue and ask any

> opf

> > the astrolger,what if a person wears a diamond

> when

> > it doesnt suits.

> >

> > Yeh coming back to ur case,diamond suits u and it

> > will take to u to new highs .Gomed is no where in

> > front of diamond.

> >

> > Fpor ur information in am giving down gems in

> theior

> > chronlogical order of their power.

> >

> > Diamond: Most powerful

> > Neelam:

> > cat eye(ketu)

> > munga

> > gomed

> > panna

> > pukhraj

> > Ruby

> > moti

> >

> > The diamond gives most severe bad effects at the

> > same time best goo efefcts.On the smae side moti

> > gives least sever side effects and least good

> > effects.

> >

> >

> >

> > dhye wrote:

> > Hello Sir

> > Thanks a lot for answer.i have Gomeda in my last

> > finngure(karanguli).It gives me satisfaction and

> > according to Ratna shastra Gomed is also supposed

> as

> > Diamond means its effects are like Diamond.Ok. i

> > just want to ask you that will i get atleast

> > temporary job after December?well ,my economical

> > condition is good after marriage but my parents

> > condition is not good i want to help them with my

> > own money,i want to buy a house for them with my

> own

> > money is it possible?

> > I will certainly perform the Puja for Shani.There

> is

> > a book for Budhopasana in my house but i am unable

> > to do any kind of fast because i have ulcer in

> > stoumach.i can only pray is it ok?

> > Sorry for trouble again

> >

> > regards

> > vasumati

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > vote. - Register online to vote today!

> >

> > [Non-text portions of this message have been

> > removed]

> >

> >

> >


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> >



> =====

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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Dear Vasumati,


If Gomedha is giving you good results, continue to

wear it. I haven't heard or read that females cannot

wear sapphire. I had seen many females wearing a

sapphire. Kindly note yellow sapphire is for Jupiter

and white sapphire (substitute for diamond) is for



Regarding Buddha, you can pray to Lord Narayana.




Neeraj Gupta



--- vasumati <vasumatipadhye wrote:


> Res.Sir

> Thanks a lot lot again about kind advice.when i talk

> about Gomeda i

> mean that white Gomeda will also suit for Diamond.I

> read in Ratna

> shastra.ok.I told you about Gomeda because i

> suffered a lot from

> Rahu's bad effects.So Gomeda gives me tremendous

> benefit and relief.

> Yes,My Shukra is not in a good possition,i know

> it.That's why i am

> reading Shri Durga Saptashati.White saffire will

> suit a person(male)

> not woman because women can not wear Saffire.But you

> also adviced me

> to cool down Budha How is it possible? i mean what

> should i do for

> it? i already have Budh Upasana Book in my House.I

> am asking you

> again because your advice about Budh( regarding this

> mail) will

> certainly help other people.( who also have weak

> Budh in Kundli- i

> mean in the place like 6,8,12 and in his neech rashi

> Pieces-Meen)

> regards

> vasumati












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Thanks a lot.yes, i know that women can wear saffire.But i refered here about

Blue saffire(For Shani) .Women can wear White,pink and yellow saffire.(Topaz)But

Gomeda(Hassonite) is really powerful.Res.Shri Vedicastroji explained me like

you.But is it ok to wear white saffire(or Diamond) with Gomeda?

I also tried Yello saffire for marriage but at that time i also have Gomeda in

My last fingure so i feel like burning sensation in my head so i throw away

Saffire( My Guru is powerful in his own rashi but there is a Guru-Shani

shadashtaka so i always face a situation like to be or not to be)

Ok i'll start a puja For Shri Narayan.







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~ Om Namah Shivaya ~


Dear Vasumati Ji,


Yes, women can wear blue sapphire also. One of my

friend is wearing a blue sapphire and she is getting

good results.


If any gemstone doesn't suit you, go for mantra,

yajnas or fasting.




Neeraj Gupta

--- vasumati padhye <vasumatipadhye wrote:


> Res.Nirajji

> Thanks a lot.yes, i know that women can wear

> saffire.But i refered here about Blue saffire(For

> Shani) .Women can wear White,pink and yellow

> saffire.(Topaz)But Gomeda(Hassonite) is really

> powerful.Res.Shri Vedicastroji explained me like

> you.But is it ok to wear white saffire(or Diamond)

> with Gomeda?

> I also tried Yello saffire for marriage but at that

> time i also have Gomeda in My last fingure so i feel

> like burning sensation in my head so i throw away

> Saffire( My Guru is powerful in his own rashi but

> there is a Guru-Shani shadashtaka so i always face a

> situation like to be or not to be)

> Ok i'll start a puja For Shri Narayan.

> regards

> vasumati





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