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9/20.....Week At A Glance.... Newsletter LAST FREE STAR REPORT Sept. 20-26 g4sf

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Week At A Glance

Sept. 20 - 26th....



This will be the last Week At A Glance, or Transit,

Star Reports, for awhile.


I've needed to collect some financial support for doing these and already

over 30 people have signed up

for the new at:




Please check it out, to avoid missing any important up-coming Transits,








Dear Friends:



This, Week At A Glance, Transits, Newsletter is to help us,

'see into the future',

'to avoid the dangers on the horizon',


take maximum advantage of knowing better,

what the cycles, qualities and tendencies of each day,

will be like.



I like to send these out on the 'Cusp' of the Moon's 4 Cycles,

Full, 1/2 Full, New, & 1/2 Full,





Also, I will include a brief A, M, or IA, D, ratings...for each day to

correspond with:


Medium, positive/negative, and

In-Auspicious, or Delicate....



For those of you who have just recently joined, our Star Reports....


These Week AT A Glance.... Newsletters....


will also come to you, as part of the regular 'daily' Star Reports....

as soon as I re-continue the dailys.


Many, comment, that they like the dailies, but...that the Week, ahead,....

allows for better planning!






Mark Kincaid










Most Important General Qualities, coming up this Week:


Virgoness, is abound...


Jupiter & Mars, planetary War, a happening


Moon, Waxing, very big, which is good!








o Monday, September 20th...... IA, & D


o Moon's in Scorpio, today, at 20th degrees.

Sun's at 4 degrees, Virgo, and

Mars is at 2 degrees, Leo too!


Still very close!


Could be a lot of fire, or irritableness, pitta, today.


Moon's still in Scorpio, which can be too unpleasant, and Mars & Sun are

still way too close together...


But, Jyotish helps us understand 'what is', and we get a chance to either,

take our umbrella to work, or... not.


Jupiter & Sun are also still very close.


Jupiter's at the 5th degree of Virgo,

while the Sun's at that 2th degree...


Technically, then Mars is still very close to Jupiter, as well.


If you run into someone who's pushing a very self-righteous, line, ...you'll

know why...


Mars, Jupiter & Sun...very close together, and also in Virgo,

while Moon's transiting,.... 'conviction' oriented Scorpio.


What should we do, during Jyotish/Astrological, 'rainy days'.....?


We #1, avoid the dangers on the horizon:


Don't set up crucial, meetings, kick off enterprises, etc. on these days...


I don't however, believe in waiting for life, to be 'perfect',...only grasp

which days will be like 'rocky' days to plant.


A farmer doesn't planet during a hail storm, but every month there will be

great days, as well!




o Tuesday, September 21st........ M & A!



Already, today will be 'brighter', because Moon stops being in Scorpio, and

moves into Sagittarius.


Today, and next 2 days will be great to utilize any Knowledge or Spiritual

help in solving or implementing any of one's desires or campaigns,



o Mars & Sun are still fairly close, so continue to watch being too fiery!


o Moon's in Sagittarius, at 4th degree, so Moon's about 1/2 Full Moon!


Sun's, now, at 5 degrees, Virgo, and

Mars is at 3 degrees, Leo too!


Anyone notice this Virgo shift, in yourselves or any of your friends...


It's an easy time, to forget that the cup is 1/2 full, and not...1/2



One thing we haven't talked about for awhile, is what Jupiter & Saturn are

collectively up to.


Jupiter is at 5 degrees Virgo today, even while

Sani's at the lst degree of Cancer....


For Months, we've been talking about Saturn, slowing down, creating,

frustrations upon Expansive Jupiter because of it's 3rd House aspect....


This is still going on, now.... but... you'll notice, now, Jupiter begins

it's more quick, march away from the exact degrees of Saturn, which of

course, moves more slowly.


This time, now, then, is the beginning of the 'end' of this very frustrating

last 4 1/2 years of retardation, and mini-recession our whole World has been

going on...


Notice, how things will each day, now begin picking up....


By December, then, Jupiter will be way up to the 16th degree of Virgo, while

Saturn will be hanging around the 2nd degree of Cancer, due to going



Each degree of separation between Jupiter & Saturn bodes well for all kinds

of projects, expansions, and life endeavors...


This period, then, represents the very beginning of the next Great Jupiter,

economic, Expansion, of Progress and Prosperity!


>From now, onward, till 2010, this will be a very great period!




o Wednesday September 22nd.. A & D


Moon moves to the 18th degree of Sagittarius today...


Waxing Moon, very good!


o Mars & Sun are still too close.


Sun's, now, at 6 degrees, Virgo, and

Mars is at 3 1/2 degrees, Virgo too!


May signify a beginning 'relief' from too much heat.


I remember last week when Sun & Mars were literally right on top of each



I knew that was going on, but still, couldn't help feeling that intense,



This may be a good time to reflect on what it means and what do we do when

Transits are delicate,

or challenging.


#1, they represent the Collective 'karmic' periods coming back to us, all.


#2, however, How we experience them, or are affected, reflects how in-tune

we are with each of those Planets.


#3, and finally, what we can do!,....is work on strengthening that Planet,

..... so that next time, next month, for example, we'll be more able to take

the extreme 'swings' of each planet.


For Mars, Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, representing as they do, predominantly, the

worst, or most often, malefically acting planets, these......are extremely

important to Strengthen!


In future issues, we'll focus on how we can Strengthen Each Planet....


and the Transits, will continually show us how well we've succeeded at this!




o Thursday, September 23rd........ A & M...& D


Moon moves to the beginning of Capricorn, today.


o Mars & Sun are still close.


Sun's, now, at 7 degrees, Virgo, and

Mars is at 4 degrees, Virgo too!


Main caution, today, is Jupiter's smack in the middle of these 2.


Sun's at 7th degree...

Jupiter's at 5th degree....and

Mars's is at the 4th degree!


Mars & Jupiter, 'planetary War' coming up next....


So, good time, to fight for one's spiritual causes,...though not a good

time, to make oneself, or others, crazy with your views...


Strive for Virgo Perfection, just don't be too critical upon yourself,

.....or others....






o Friday, September 24th........ M & IA or D!


Transits are fairly much the same as yesterday.


Moon's still in Capricorn, now at 17th degree...


Sun & Mars & Jupiter, all still pretty close... Report:


Sun's at 8th degree...

Jupiter's at 6th degree....and

Mars's is at the 5th degree!


Jupiter & Mars, too, don't forget are only 1 degree apart today,

so don't be surprised if some people are found, blowing up, careing their

views, and beliefs, way too vigorously towards you!


This is why...


Good time, however to reflect upon your values, and in an intensely unique

Virgo way, strive for that....

which would make your life, perfect and fulfilling...


As you contemplate 'perfection' for you, then the nauseating, quality of

Virgo, tension, can go away!





o Saturday, Sept. 18th...... A & M & Delicate!


((Jupiter/Mars: Planetary War Warning!, next few days))


Moon moves into Aquarius, today, 1 degree by 9am, CDT, US,....


So, look for that unusually, creative and certainly unconventionally

creative solution to any number of life's challenges and situations,...today

and over next few days...


Moon's very big now, Waxing, so should have a lot of good energy.


Sun, Jupiter & Mars, Report:


Sun's at 9th degree...of Virgo

Jupiter's at 6:10th degree....and

Mars's is at the 5:34 degree!


Sun's moving farther away now, however, Mars & Jupiter are right on top of

each other...


Less than 1 degree apart...


Jupiter/Mars: Planetary War Warning!




o Sunday, September 19th........ A! & Delicate


Mars & Jupiter same exact degrees, today!



Moon has arrived at the 15th degree of Aquarius, today.


Good day, to find that creative center, or perspective, unique to seeing out

of the box!


Moon's just a few days away from next Full Moon, so enjoy that extra,

umpph!, energy and dynamism, now!


Sun, Jupiter & Mars, Report:


Sun's at 10th degree...of Virgo

Jupiter's at 6:23 degree....and Each day, now, Sun will be moving faster

away from Jupiter, so it's naturally, good, benefic, rays, will be more



Mars's is at the 6:13 degree! Woah!..... Jupiter & Mars, same, degrees



Maximum effect of this Jupiter/Mars Planetary Battle or War!







Take care,.....Enjoy!





May the Wisdoms of Life, allow you maximum protection,

insight and growth.....



Good luck!





Jai Guru




Mark Kincaid


















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