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2-Tanvir, & all, > Mark Kincaid,..9/22....re.... Essay : Life is not fair

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Dear Tanvir:


Great article!


See below:






"Tanvir" <lord_narayana


Wed, 22 Sep 2004 11:39:35 +0600



Essay : "Life is not fair"



This essay shows the role of astrology [Vedic Astrology] in our lives. This

is long but if you read it taking time, it might be a good use of your time!



Life is not fair


I know what you mean.


It certainly seems like this.


And it is this 'belief', unfortunately, that is driving 'billions' of people

today; because if they

believed in karma or 'as you sow, so shall you reap'.... they'd never do

what they're doing....




Truly and honestly, when we observe people's lives around us, we feel

it needed to acknowledge that life is not fair. I have repeatedly seen that

complete innocent people suffer for no reason and people doing all sort of

unfair and immoral activities enjoy all sort of happiness. Is this fair? I

have seen one's wife who has been proved to be most loving and faithful

leaves him and his children for another man and how the husband destroys him

little by little after that, and it is very difficult to believe such events

even after they happen in life. It would be a lot more difficult to believe

if it happens to you or to someone close to you. You will question yourself,

"What did I do? Why this had to happen to me? Why this punishment?" You will

often wonder if you are in an endless dream which is seeming to be real,

because the reality would be too cruel to be believed. It will lead you to

the condition where you will seriously start to doubt if there exists

someone called God at all. Because if God is really there, how can he

tolerate all these unfairness and punish people for nothing? I have seen a

few people getting religiously inclined for the pains life has given them,

but they are very few in number. Most people lose all their potentials and

destroy themselves little by little when they are continuously hurt over and

over. Committing suicides and getting in to drugs are what we see, but we

often fail to see the destruction going inside.


Even before getting in to Jyotish I have dealt extensively with

people's lives, and that always led me to the impression that what in

general we know and believe about life, destiny and God is not true, can

never be true. There are some serious incorrect information about the things

we are taught from our boyhood, like pray to God he will listen to you, do

good things God will be kind towards you, etc. etc. Good deeds are not

rewarded the way we expect nor bad deeds are punished right away. I have

dealt with a large number of human lives and saw that most of the times the

innocent people are the victims of the misfortune and problems. This world

is full of unfairness and full of cruelty. This world is a very bad place

and everyone is so selfish. All sort of unfair things are possible to happen

in anyone's life.


In my life a few of the prayers were answered by the God but a lot

were unanswered same time, including the most intense and serious prayers

and pleas to him that I submitted waking all nights with long and tiring

worships. Surprisingly, all those subjects of prayers took a route of most

miserable ends with the course of time.


You and I are soooo similar, I'm always tickled by how similar our

personalities seem...


Then, I found out you were born on sept. 4th?....pretty cool....


I love the quote of a learned Physicist who said in the early 1900's....


'not only is the Universe stranger than you think, but, the Universe is

stranger than you can think!'.....


I know one thing for certain, and that is.... the Universe allows us to

study it, to try and find the 'truths' of life,.... and it has not

problem,....shattering our illusions, if they're not right.


Imagine how the people felt who soooo fervently believed in God, and the

World was flat!

or those who loved God, and the view that the Earth was the center of the



Our recent 1,000 years of human history really shows us, that 'Nature' is

perfectly willing to let us discover,....myriads of 'truths' about

existence....only we need to be 'open'... to the Truth...




And observing all these, I always felt that there is something, some

truth, some facts about destiny and life-mechanism that we never know. There

is a hidden system that works behind all these things happen to us. It

responds to each and every act we perform, but it does not respond the way

we expect, but has it's own system and nature of responding to us. Only

those who can knowingly or unknowingly tune up or adjust with this system

are happy and others are unhappy, does not matter how innocent or how

qualified they are.


When I was a very young boy, I had a lot of personal shyness and 'suffering'

in my life, lonely, depressed,.... and yet, I had an instinctive, 'feeling'

that God did exist,.... and I remember very clearly through all my travails,

the Christian belief, in 'as you sow so shall you reap'....


I couldn't explain it, or really know it, but I just felt it might be



And even though I couldn't see 'why' I had deserved the life that I had,

there was a part of me, that accepted, 'it' because of this spiritual idea,

or principle....


I know that many people would not agree to me and would call this

world to be a beautiful place. I do not declare them to be wrong. Because,

people believe what they experience. Some believe life to be fair because

unfair things did not happen to them that much. And they are lucky that is

why nothing wrong happened to them. I have always seen that being rich,

happy or successful does not prove your qualification or innocence but it

just proves your fortune. Because it has been my constant experience from

people's lives that without fortune one is not rewarded for his

qualification nor for his goodness as a human being. That is why when I

think of one's life, I see it as a person driving a car through a highway.

Simply how good you drive, you can never assure that you would not be caught

down with an accident because accidents do happen for others' faults where

we have nothing to do than just taking part in it or just being present in

it. Similarly in life sometimes we do nothing wrong but for others' mistake

we fall the victim of condition and have to pay, and we find no ways to get

out of these. Oppositely sometimes we get a lot more rewards than we

actually deserve.


This is certainly how it appears, especially since we can only see the tip

of the iceberg of our existence, meaning these years alone,...

and can't see the life before, or the stream of lives...that all

together,...have lead up to this 'existence'....


All these confusions of me only found true and practically effective

answers when I got in to Jyotish and started to realize how life works.

Basically, Jyotish is the set of rules that operate our lives. God had to

make a lot of rules when creating this universe. As an example he set the

gravity for which anything falls in to the ground. The earth pulls us toward

it, the sun pulls the earth and other planets toward it. When we press our

hand in to a wall, it gets obstructed by the wall and does not pass through

it instead. When the temperature can be lowered then the water would turn in

to ice... there are innumerable laws of up on which the creation is getting

maintained. We are discovering and controlling these more and more with

science. But actually there are a lot more 'laws of nature' that physics

etc. can not reach or explain. Those rules can not be proved by scientific

theories but only by observing lives they prove true.


Some of the rules of Jyotish, which have to do with Physical realities, for

example, genetics, and human Physiology, can be very enlivened by applying

Jyotish to....


But, many of the ideas, principles and rules of Jyotish are more subtle than

the Physical, and are in fact, about the mental realm,...or Psychology...


I believe that Jyotish is especially about Vedic Psychology....


Those are the rules that operate our lives. And the set of those rules is

called Jyotish. And in Hinduism it has been described the same, when Lord

Brahma created this universe then he received the knowledge of the material

creation from Lord Vishnu a part of which was Jyotish or Vedic Astrology.

Vedic Astrology was not discovered or developed by people or scientists but

just was received from the God, who created this universe and told us the

rules of this universe. And if you study even a little of Jyotish you will

see that it's nature and structure is something like that what can not be

developed by human effort.


To me this is what is so fascinating about the most recent 300 years of



This relatively, new, scientific age represents a huge departure of human

endeavor, that for the first time, started to investigate into 'Nature' to

discover the truths of life...


It's brought out the fundamental ideas that there are eternal laws of nature

like gravity, and Physical laws of 'evolution',.... that are just the way it



And though this approach has many limitations, .... it does explain very

nicely, 'how' the Universe works....


Human beings, however, also want to know, the 'whys' of life...


Why am I here?


Why are we all here, what is the purpose of life?


These are subjective, Psychological questions, and though the modern science

of Psychology is very undeveloped, it still represents a very important part

of our lives....


When we realize this fact and also apply Jyotish theories to our lives

then we see whatever is happening to our lives are happening as per the

horoscopes of us i.e. the Jyotish. Then it answers all sort of questions and

confusions I talked about. It answers that God is not unfair, nor he is

cruel to make you suffer, but you are just experiencing everything according

to the karma you have performed in your past births. It shows that God is

not bothering to punish you but he has set a complete set of rules over your

head and each of the events happens to you for you perform a particular

action to make the event happen. It is like the echo, the sound you make, it

reflects accordingly up on you. However this echo does not reflect as we

generally expect it to do, such as work hard and you will be rich, study

hard so that you do good in studies, and so on.


This is a beautiful description of the process of discovering, exactly how

Jyotish is able to show 'causality', and therefore karma, or the details of

'as we've sown, now we'll reap!'....


When I too, discovered, there were concrete 'reasons' in my chart, and in

others, why we were experiencing exactly what we were, this did more,...for

helping me understand karma, then anything before!


I don't know if it's an absolute proof, but when you see time and time

again, that the qualities, characteristics, and specific tendencies of

people's lives, are very clealy explainable, by the details in their

charts,....then you can't help but feel that this Universe, is predictable,

for human life, as well as the Physical Universe...


Because we see that working hard can not always make someone rich nor

studying hard ensures a good grade in your exams. (As I said, most unfair

things happen.) And so these things happen as per the karma or destiny you

have been carrying from the previous births. In general they do not happen

for what you are doing now, and the exception is performing remedial

measure, when you know what sort of action is going to react in which way,

and then you do accordingly. It is not engaging 'worldly efforts' to get

something done that often fail, but it is about working with the mechanism

and the core rules. Because you know the basic rules and know what sort of

action will carry what sort of reaction from the nature, since you know the

rules of creation. And when you start realizing this, you will see that

trying with worldly efforts is like blind efforts, because that might be or

might not be fruitful, (depending upon the horoscope, that shows the destiny

most of the times.) but when you work as per the rule of nature or creation,

you get it done.


However the observation that worldly efforts often work is also true,

but only partial. Worldly or material effort would mean the efforts we

generally make, like going to see the doctor when we have a health problem,

etc. Actually, the fact is that, going to doctor is actually an excuse the

planets are making the incident happen. It is a way or medium the work is

getting done. More elaborated, with serious misplacement of planets, a

person would not have even the money or scope to visit the doctor. A better

planetary position, he would visit the doctor but still health problem

remains. A normal position, he visits the doctor and gets his solution. Much

better, his health problem goes away from it's own even before he visits a

doctor. The best position - he does not have any health problem. (In a

particular time only, because all of us would fall in to health problems

more or less in our lives. But, how frequently and seriously the health

troubles would occur would be caused by the horoscope.)


Thus an experienced astrologer who deeply watches lives would see that

actually it is the planets making the person undertake different worldly

efforts to solve his problems. It is the strength of evil planets verses the

strength and placement of beneficent planets which would decide how and when

the problem would be solved and also how easily. As I explained with the

example of visiting the doctor concerning a health issue.


I would agree, but with one slight addition. In the beginning I used to

believe that 'these Planets' seem to have a kind of life of their own.


But, now I understand that they are merely, responding and bringing to us,

the products of our karmas. They're not causing anything to happen to



But, they are responding in specific kind, to the actions we've done.


At some point I realized,....the Universe has one basic law....


We can do whatever we want,....

but,...we will be held accountable, or experience the consequences of those



IN other words, no one can bring to us, anything but what we happened to

have sown, from the past...


When we realize this, then we begin to be truely free, because we realize,

in Truth, we are the originators of our actions, realities and lives...


Therefore, we only need to look to ourselves, to begin to produce any new

change, that's in line with the stream of our evolution!


Jyotish explains how the nature responds to each of your actions in a

particular way, according to a set of rules. As I said, many of my serious

prayers were not accepted and those subjects took a shape of miserable ends

at last. There is nothing to blame God for not listening to me, nor to blame

the people who acted to 'materialize' the events in this world, nor my

prayer was insincere or anything.


This was a hard one for me to understood too.


It only made since that God should answer his devottes prayers....


but now I know, God does not get in the way....


He gives us our freedom, and we are eternally free to do whatever we



Act in accordance with the Universe, or ignore and even pretend the rules do

not exist or relate to us....


I'm struck by the child that says, I can fly!


And the parents say, no, johnny, you can't...and immediately when the

parents go back inside, poor ol' Johnny gets to the garage roof, and

attempts toooo flyyyyy!


Only to be rudely shown, by life,....that .... indeed,.... he can't!


The Universe shows us every day, how it works, and it's only in our

stubborness and lack of bending, that we don't get along...


I've also, particularly loved Jyotish, because it has taught me how the

Universe works, and I've been ready to learn, open to learn....


And that's the key,..... "until a soul gets tired of doing it their own way,

..... knowledge never comes...."...





Because when I consult my horoscope, it clearly and prominently shows those

areas of life worsening in the exact time periods when it happened in real.

So actually it is not that the God did not listen to me, but the things just

happened the way they were supposed to happen, and also in the exact time

frame. Also, I see that the results of my successful prayers were also to

happen as per my horoscope. So not my prayers granted them for me. So it all

shows that prayers etc. is not going to affect the life but whatever is to

happen would happen.


Now this is something I might slightly disagree with you....


And it comes to me, because my Guru has even said, though these 'karmas' are

long coming, and pre-destined, yet....we still have the free will to do

other actions, that will mitigate, lesson, even dissolve their negative



In other words, there are such beautiful things as Vedic Yaguas, that have a

purpose of changeing even these kinds of karmas...


I think of 'karmas' coming to us, like snow balls coming down a hill....


The snow balls are coming some small and some big, and their path, speed,

and ultimate direction seem soooo inevitable...


But, the truth is we do still have freedom to stand where we are and be

rolled over,.... or we can see the dangers on the horizon and do remedial

measures to change their impact,...


even finally, we can involve ourselves in these kinds of Vedic

technologies, ie. Yaguas, which are like cannon balls, aimed at these coming

balls of snow, which can then, go out, and destroy those rolling balls, even

before they reach us!....


By simple prayers and other good deeds we can not get something done. But

there are systematic keys to all these. As an example a password protected

file in your PC would need the exact password to open it and does not matter

whatever you do, it would not open. Even deleting the file itself is not the

answer. Similarly in our life each and every problem needs a password, a

specific action to be done to solve it. Otherwise whatever you do, it would

not work because it just needs the correct answer, or step of action to get

it accomplished. And a good knowledge in Jyotish or Vedic Astrology tells us

a lot of passwords to open many files i.e., solve many of our problems.

Otherwise even deleting the file itself, or a suicide is no solution.


As per Hinduism, God has given us Jyotish to deal with the life, karma

and destiny and this is just the set of rules controlling our lives. God

knows them the best and not us. So we should follow his path. The

manufacturers of your PC knows the best how to operate it and take care of

it, you must follow their instructions to operate it.


Jyotish answers such questions why people act so cruel to you

sometimes. It shows us the divine miracle that each of us act in a very

planned and controlled way to build the destiny as it was planned. You will

surprisingly notice that whatever had to happen to you as per your horoscope

is exactly happening, and to make them happen in the planned way, the people

around you are behaving in a complete planned way! Your fate is composed by

the activities of people related to or around you, and their action and

reaction about you is just what is indicated in your chart.


I believe our 'fates' are still open to our free will.


And this is because, ultimately, all actions come from the SELF, which is

the only true 'freedom'...


The more we're intune with that completely undetermined, uncaused,

'reality', then we can say our actions are truely free.


I don't believe that people have to do, what is inevitable for them to do...


People may experience the products of their actions,...but,....they are

still free to respond.


And if they can't, and are addicted, or have compulsions, that grab and bind

us, then, these actions, too, are a product of their previous actions, and

still need to strive to break these cycles of 'obsession', and bondage.



That is why when a 'have been faithful wife' leaves you being most

unbelievably cruel and showing dramatic infidelity, you will actually see

that both your horoscopes indicated something like that in that time! Thus

whatever we do is planned and is used to make the destiny of us and people

around us. In other words if you are killed then it is just your destiny to

be killed and you need a person in your life who will kill you. And the

person who will kill you carries a destiny to kill someone and he needs

someone in his life to kill. So you play a role in his life by being his

victim and he plays a role in your life by killing you. And these two events

in your horoscopes are set to happen on the same day same time, and so you

meet and the conditions runs to that stage to make it possible!


It's all about playing different roles in each other's lives, and that

is why in Hinduism it has been said that this Samsara (life in world) is

actually a drama or role playing, we play roles in each others lives and

learn our lessons this way. That is why we really do not do anything but we

are made do all the things. So basically and truly, you really can not blame

anyone for whatever they did to you, all you can blame is your destiny or

fate! That is why we often say stuff like, "Even such a nice person like him

did this to me, this is all my fate!" And this is very true. The agents of

karma, the nine planets make people do all the things to you, as either

reward or punishment. That is why even a most faithful wife can do most

immoral act, but actually it is not her fault, but both your destiny say so

through your horoscopes. That is why the sages and enlightened personages

like the saints never blame anyone for anything, nor they hate anyone or get

angry at anyone ever, because they all see it clearly that it is not our

fault. And though many of us see it, but can not act as per it, being

limited with maya and illusions, and the desire toward all happiness and joy

etc. That is the difference between them and us. They practice non

attachment while we attach ourselves more and more to this race of greed and



That is why, how much cruel or unfair someone behaves to you, or the

whole world behaves cruel to you - no point to blame them or there is even

no benefit to do so. If your horoscope says being cheated then you can

really not blame anyone and even dealing with most honest people will result

being cheated, even he might not do it intentionally. So there is no benefit

blaming anyone or doing anything unless you focus upon the central cause, or

the central system administrating all these in a particular way. And that

you can do only through Jyotish. When you will look at your horoscope you

will be definitely seeing the problems were to happen, and then you will see

the actual cause for this, i.e. the agents of karma who do all these, and

then when you will put effort in the 'real way' i.e. performing Jyotish

remedies, you will see how easily and surprisingly the problems get easier

or sometimes even get completely wiped off. And it all will happen in a way

that you will understand the changes started taking place after you did the

remedies, i.e. the positive events happened for the remedies and if you did

not perform them, they would not have been happened so. You will

surprisingly observe how people's reaction and behaviour to you changes

surprisingly. For misfortune a most honest person can unintentionally end up

cheating on you and for remedies you will rather see a most wicked sort of

person is going fine with you. For remedies, you will see how easy

everything becomes to you to handle. And then success and happiness will

seem easy to you, and you will realize one ultimate truth that though a

person works with qualification, he can not get his reward unless the nature

responds to him.


There is a saying that only losers and failures believe in fate. In

practical I have seen it to be true to some degree. Because only an

unsuccessful person who actually deserves to be successful sees and realizes

how fate and destiny weighs him down all the times. Doing everything in the

right way he can not get his goal and only then he realizes the truth. On

the other hand the nature responds to each action of a successful person

that is why it all seems to be easy to him and he 'perceives' that he is

doing all these by his effort, but actually it is the nature to decide to

who's effort it will respond. That is why sorrow, pains, problems,

difficulties can teach us so much true lessons and facts that happiness and

joy can never do. And that is why sorrow, difficulties, pains are all ruled

by the eighth house in astrology which also does rule the ultimate truth and

also spirituality and loneliness. That is why most of the spiritual people

have achieved the ultimate spiritual realizations through pains, grief,

loneliness etc. This is just a mere example how facts around us are

astrologically justified.



Great article....


loved it!


thanks for shareing!



Mark Kincaid








What can not happen, can never happen.

Which is mine, is forever mine.


Tanvir Chowdhury

Cellular: +88 0189407202

Mail: lord_narayana

Website: http://www.jyotish-remedies.com















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