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Ram ji...

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Ram ji,


You have Mesha Lagna, and lagnadipati is in the dushtana 6th.

However, since Kuja is also the lord of the 8th, this causes

Vipareeta Raja Yoga. The Parivartana Yoga between him and Budha,

lord of the 6th, gives you a double Vipareeta Raja Yoga.


Surya, the lord of the 5th, is neecha in the 7th, but gets

Neecha Banga because he is in a Kendra from the Lagna.

Similarly, Sukra is fallen in the 6th as lord of the 2nd and the

7th, and he too gets Neecha Banga because he is with Chandra.

The presence of Kuja and Chandra together in the 6th causes

Chandra Mangala Yoga. Guru is swakshetra in the 9th and this is

benefic because he can aspect the Lagna. Lagnadipati Kuja too

aspects his own house, the 1st, and strengthens it, especially

since he is Vargotamma.


>From the Chandra Lagna, Guru is in the 4th, and provides Hamsa

Yoga. However, this is spoilt by Rahu, who is conjunct with

Guru. Rahu, who is in the star of Sukra, a maraka who owns the

2nd and the 7th, is troublesome, especially since a natural

benefic like Sukra should not own a Kendra. Sukra also owns the

maraka stana from Chandra Lagna, and is therefore quite bad for

you. Thus, though Guru is Swakshetra in Rasi and exalted in

Navamsa, Rahu's presence will spoil matters.


You are running Guru Dasa [Jan 2000 - Aug 2013] and Budha Bukti

[sep 2004 - Dec 2006]. Technically, this should be a good time,

but Guru owns the malefic 12th, and Kuja the 8th. Budha owns 3 &

6, and is aspected by Sani, lord of the 10th and the 11th. So,

right now, both malefic and benefic results will be experienced

by you.


As per Gochara, Guru has just moved into your first from the

12th. This, while a slight improvement, is still bad. Rahu (8)

and Ketu (2) are also badly posited, but Sani has moved into the

11th, and this is a very good time for you from this



*** Sarvato Bahdra Chakra Analysis for Hasta on 23/Sep/2004


For Hast, Sury affecting UPha [27] = -0

For Hast, Sury affecting Reva [15] = -0

For Hast, Sury affecting Purn [22] = -0

For Hast, Sury affecting UAsh [09] = -0

(Hast.Sury 0

For Hast, Chan affecting PAsh [08] = +2

For Hast, Chan affecting Arid [21] = +0

For Hast, Chan affecting UBha [14] = +0

For Hast, Chan affecting Hast [01] = +1

(Hast.Chan 3

For Hast, Budd affecting PPha [26] = +2

For Hast, Budd affecting Aswi [16] = +0

For Hast, Budd affecting Push [23] = +0


(Hast.Budd 2

For Hast, Sukr affecting Asle [24] = +2

For Hast, Sukr affecting Makh [25] = +0

For Hast, Sukr affecting Anur [05] = +0

For Hast, Sukr affecting Dhan [11] = +2

(Hast.Sukr 4

For Hast, Kuja affecting UPha [27] = -0

For Hast, Kuja affecting Reva [15] = -0

For Hast, Kuja affecting Purn [22] = -0

For Hast, Kuja affecting UAsh [09] = -0

(Hast.Kuja 0

For Hast, Guru affecting UPha [27] = +2

For Hast, Guru affecting Reva [15] = +2

For Hast, Guru affecting Purn [22] = +2

For Hast, Guru affecting UAsh [09] = +2

(Hast.Guru 8

For Hast, Sani affecting Purn [22] = -0

For Hast, Sani affecting Mool [07] = -2

For Hast, Sani affecting PBha [13] = -0

For Hast, Sani affecting UPha [27] = -0

(Hast.Sani -2

For Hast, Rahu affecting Aswi [16] = -2

For Hast, Rahu affecting PPha [26] = -0

For Hast, Rahu affecting Rohi [19] = -1

For Hast, Rahu affecting Jeys [06] = -0

(Hast.Rahu -3

For Hast, Ketu affecting Swat [03] = -2

For Hast, Ketu affecting Sata [12] = -2

For Hast, Ketu affecting Jeys [06] = -0

For Hast, Ketu affecting Rohi [19] = -1

(Hast.Ketu -5

{Hast. 7


When Rahu was in Bharani (approx: Nov 2003 - July 2004), I'm

sure that you would have had a really terrible time because he

would have singlehandedly afflicted Lagna, day, and Tithi. Right

now, since Rahu is in Aswini, this is not so severe, though he

still aspects Lagna, along with Surya and Kuja, though Guru's

benovelent glance is always there to protect the same. Ketu is

afflicting name, but Sukra is protecting the same along with the



Keep praying to God, things will improve shortly because Sani is

currently benovelent to you.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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