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Vastu yoga

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here are some information about the planets who gives us our own home

i mean we can build our home in followning conditions given below.

Mangal(Mars) is a Bhumi karaka( bhumi putra)if he is placed in

kendra:-1,4,7,10 or in Trikona (i dont know the houses of trikona may

be 5,9 and 11) and if placed in his own or ucchha rashi and if the

lord of ascendent will placed with auspicious planet then we will

have our own home.if mangal is placed in 10th( as 4th house is

supposed for home so mangal keeps his 7th drishti on 4th)with

auspicious planet or in their drishti or if placed in 4th or if the

lord of 9th or 10th placed in 4th or mangal's rashi is powerful in

4th then we can build/have our own home.

Other vastu Yoga given below.

1)Lord of 4th in 4th

2)lord of ascendent in 4th

3)shubha graha like Guru or Budh or chandra and Shukra in 4th or

their drishti on 4th

4)Shukra placed in Chandra's 4th place i mean if Chandra is in

ascendent then Shukra must be in 4th.

5)Union of lord of ascendent with Guru or Shukra anywhere in kundli.

6)Annyon yoga means lord of ascendent in 4th and lord of 4th in 1st


7)Union of lord of ascendent and lord of 10th with Chandra and shani=

beaustiful home

8)auspicious planet like budha, chandra,guru or shukra placed in 3rd

and if lord of 4th is powerful with lord of 4th in navmansha will get

strong bunglow

Do not have home in folowing conditions given below.

1)If mangal or ravi placed in 4th in their neech rashi then the

person will not have own home.

2)The lord of 4th in 6th:-Will live in relatives house

The planets in 4th and their impression on 4th.

1)Chandra(moon):-Will get home near water like river,lake,(never face

problems like Rajshtan)if placed as ashubah then will face danger

2) Ravi:-Plenty of light,freshness,happyness if placed as ashubha

will face thief

3)mangal:-Will have own home but lack of health if placed ashubah the

will face danger from fire

4) Shukra:- beautiful,gardens, presesnce of Lakshmi


5) Guru:-presence of devi sarswati,health,spirituality,culture if

placed as ashubha will face problems as about mothers health

6)Shani:-lack of good health,sadness,lack of freashness,problems with

court matter

7)Budha:-Good, keep good relations with relatives.

8)Neptune:- lack of freshness,will face problmes like betrayal

9)Rahu:-Problems forever,bad health,court matters

10)Ketu:-same like neptune


Readers please check u'r kundlies with astrologers dont ask me for

explaination i will never reply for help because this is just article

taken from an expert astrological magazine. I am not expert in this

matter please excuse me.



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