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2-Surya, > Mark Kincaid...10/8..... What is My Life's Purpose?........

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, Mark Kincaid

<m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> Dear Surya:


> Yes, I think you're right. It's our very lives, that we're


> propelling us into the next stage of it...


> And whether we know our 'Jyotish' or not, we are moving along that



> I just like knowing more.


> It saves a lot...


> There was this recent movie called Unbreakable, who describes very

> profoundly, what it feels, like, however, when one doesn't

understand one's

> life purpose.

> Samuel Jackson is talking to the character played by Bruce Willis:




> "Do you know what the scariest thing is?

> To not know your place in this world,....

> to not know why you're here,

> ...that's just an awful feeling...


> I almost gave up hope,..

> There were so many times ...I questioned myself...


> but I found....(and here let's say Jyotish)....

> .....

> & Now.... I know who I am...!


> I'm not a mistake....


> It all makes sense!"




> I love this expression.

> Really captures what life without knowing can be like, and the kind


> innocent, 'aha' that comes when you start to Know!



> Jai Guru



> Mark Kincaid

surya vishnubhotla <surya_prakashv>


> Mon, 27 Sep 2004 01:22:27 -0700 (PDT)


> Re: 2-RR, > Mark Kincaid...9/27..... Re: What is My


> Purpose?........



> I have a question here .. whatever be the purpose of

> life .. arent we subtly being guided towards attaining

> it by undergoing our karmas? it's a different issue

> that we might not be aware of the answer ...

> a cell in the eye performs its function irrespective

> of knowing it's purpose or not? isnt it?


> --- Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:


> > Dear RR:

> >

> > I didn't think 'cynthia' was asking for

> > specifics,...

> > but in case my long, refrain was missed..

> >

> > life purpose, can be seen in our 10th houses,...and

> > all the subtleties, of

> > it...

> > and

> > in every aspect of our charts,....all together....

> >

> > Each person's life purpose, is different....

> > but each person's.... life purpose, can be seen,

> > through the eyes of 'their'

> > jyotish...

> >

> >

> > Mark

> >

> >

> >

> > "rohiniranjan" <rrgb@s...>

> >

> > Mon, 27 Sep 2004 01:38:33 -0000

> >

> > 2-Cynthia & All, > Mark

> > Kincaid...9/27..... Re: What is My

> > Life's Purpose?........

> >

> >

> > What is the answer, Mark?

> >

> > RR

> >

> >

> > , Mark

> > Kincaid

> > <m.kincaid@m...> wrote:

> > >

> > > Dear Friends/Jyotish remedies:

> > > September 27, 2004

> > >

> > > This is a very beautiful, and important

> > question....

> > >

> > > Mark K.

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > At 02:55 PM 9/25/04 -0500, Cynthia.... wrote:

> > > >

> > > > Dear All

> > > > I have a thoughtful question and I'd like any

> > opinions. What do

> > you say

> > > >when someone asks: "What is my life's purpose?"

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > > Dear All:

> > > September 27, 2004

> > >

> > >

> > > This is a very beautiful, and significant

> > question, especially in

> > regards to

> > > the special 'field' of Jyotish or Astrology.

> > >

> > > People have been asking this very important,

> > almost Philosophical

> > Question,

> > > for thousands of years, and most religions and

> > Philosophys have

> > attempted to

> > > answer this very 'basic' human question.

> > >

> > > When I started studying Jyotish, I discovered,

> > there was even an

> > entire

> > > 'House' wrapped up in or around this question.

> > >

> > > Normally, people have 3 most often asked questions

> > when they come

> > to have

> > > their charts, 'read'.

> > >

> > > They either say, Q #1, What is my life purpose or

> > 'career', or they

> > ask #2,

> > > How can I make more money, or...#3,.... What's

> > going on in regards

> > to

> > > 'relationships'....

> > >

> > > According to Jyotish, most of the time; this

> > question of 'life

> > purpose', is

> > > answered in the area of the 10th House, and 10th

> > House Lord....

> > >

> > > Career, then, is one of the primary significations

> > of the 10th

> > house, so

> > > when someone ask's Q What is my life purpose, most

> > of the time

> > they're

> > > asking about 'career'...

> > >

> > > There are about 4 very important layers in our

> > Jyotish charts, that

> > goes to

> > > answer this, and really every question...

> > >

> > > #1 Look at the Sign, or Constellation that's in

> > your 10th House....

> > >

> > > This Astrological Sign, really represents the most

> > basic energy, or

> > back

> > > drop, in which your ideal 'career', in this

> > case,.... is meant to

> > be.

> > >

> > > #2 Look at the Lord of that 'Sign'.

> > >

> > > Where is that Lord, how is it doing, what are the

> > details of it's

> > > 'configuration'?

> > >

> > > This info. gives unique details about one's

> > purpose and karmas

> > especially

> > > associated with career, and even life purpose...

> > >

> > > #3 Are there any Planets in the 10th House?

> > > and

> > >

> > > #4.. Are there any Planets aspecting the 10th

> > House, of the 10th

> > House

> > > lord...?

> > >

> > > All these more subtle considerations also go into

> > explaining the

> > overall

> > > situation...

> > >

> > > I can explain this vividly, looking at my own

> > chart.

> > >

> > > I have a Libra rising, so #1, Cancer is the sign

> > that's in my 10th

> > House.

> > >

> > > Though when I was younger I would never have been

> > able to tell you

> > that I

> > > liked to 'nourish' or 'give' in the unique ways

> > that Cancer

> > represents, in

> > > my 10th house...

> > >

> > > Part of the confusion for me, was the Lord of

> > Cancer, the Moon, was

> > in my

> > > 12th House,... which represents a kind of 'loss',

> > due to it's

> > placement in

> > > the 12th....house of 'expenditures'....

> > >

> > > And Jyotish says, every Lord, sends back a mail,

> > vibration, or

> > quality, from

> > > where it is; whether it's happy where it is, or

> > confused, or

> > lost....etc....

> > >

> > > For me, I had a very Philosophical nature, which

> > is very symbolic

> > of the

> > > Moon in the 12th, and a fairly linear or cerebral

> > quality, to my

> > > investigations and wonderings...

> > >

> > > And that's very symbolic of Moon, Lord of the 10th

> > being in Virgo,

> > in

> > > additon to being in the 12th...

> > >

> > > Layer upon layer....

> > >

> > > Like this, every 'layer' of Jyotish, it's rules

> > and principles, can

> > help us

> > > understand the unique qualities of each area of

> > our lives...

> >

> === message truncated ===















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