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10/9/04 History of Jupiter & Saturn from 1999 - 2004, Now....&.... through 2007!

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Dear Friends:

October 9, 2004



Jupiter & Saturn, as you may know, are the primary planets to follow when

wishing to understand Progress & Prosperity.


Jupiter is the main Planet of 'Progress & Expansion', and Saturn's the

Planet of 'Contraction' or 'Balance'.


They're also extremely important because a clear 'Strength' of both is

needed for Success!


There are some who have a good Jupiter but a poor Saturn. Life is very

frustrating with many obstacles, disappointments, failures and



Then there are those who have good Saturns but poor Jupiters. This person

may be well disciplined, but the spontaneous, hopeful, expansive, Jupiter

quality is lacking.


So, together, they make a complete life.


I've been researching what Jupiter and Saturn will be doing over the next

few years and below is a running commentary on how they will be influencing

each other from Now, to 2007!




Keep this record.


You'll be able to appreciate what 'Nature' will be doing during this very

important few months, and even over these next few years.






Mark Kincaid



But, first.....let's reflect back upon the most recent 'collision' of

Jupiter & Saturn....



Back in 1999, Jupiter & Saturn were first beginning their collision, or

Planetary War, that would bring a complete halt to the great Expansion

period of the 1990's!


In fact, on 5/27/1999, Jupiter, first moved into Aries, where a debilitated

Saturn was lieing in waiting!

(At the 16th degree)....


Then began an intense collision, and subsequent, back and forth influence

which has lasted now, these last years till 2004.



Then, on August 27th, of this year.... Jupiter finally, began it's final

march ahead, and away from Saturn....


Though Saturn would continue dogging, as it too, changed signs, going into

Cancer, and therefore still influencing Jupiter's onward march...


Now, today, October 8, 2004, ....


Jupiter's running about the 9th degree of Virgo....

but Saturn's not too far behind, running though now, about 2 1/2 degrees



So, Jupiter's running slightly ahead, but not enough to really represent a

great 'Expansion' Period, but enough to be slowly getting better and better,

but still, too sluggish, to give people a lot of confidence.


This is because of Saturn's continuing, nagging 3rd House aspect!





lst - Review of past years...


o By October 9th, 1999, Jupiter and Saturn had both moved into Aries.

But, Jupiter was only running about the 8th degree of Aries while Saturn had

already gotten to the the 27th degree, in it's Sign of Debilitation, Aries.


It was interesting because you might have thought that the previous 2 years

would have already produced much mayhem and grief, but the World was at the

end of this great Economic, expansion period, and couldn't see that 'things'

(Saturn things), were getting out of hand.


One time, I looked at the US stock market for the beginning and the end of

Saturn's run through debilitated Aries.


The Stock market was at some degree, (let's say 9,000 points, I can't

remember off the top of my head) but, then the Markets continued to climb as

they had been in the previous few years, but they, in fact, really soared

in the first year or year and a half, to say 10,500....


Then, the stocks began to slide, and by the very end of Saturn's movement

through Aries, the markets were all the way back to that 9,000 beginning



To me, this really expressed the confusing, truely, malefic nature of

Saturn's debilitation, in Aries. Aries energy gave the illusion that

progress and success were going on, but in truth, only great imbalance was

going on. And by the very end of Saturn's run, the truely lack of progress

was seen!


But, by then, it was too late, we 'all' were overextended....the next year

in 2000, companies saw that they had lost profits for the last 2 and 3

quarters, and they then, started letting people go.


There was such a wave of firings and unemployements scares, that the economy

continued to slide, into what is now seen as a very powerful recession.


Millions of individuals around the World, Economies, in every country,

plummeted; the US economy lost Trillions of dollars in 'Value'....


and why?


Because Jupiter & Saturn collided....


All the other reasons that you hear, in the normal economic circles, doesn't

take into account that this was the time, that Nature created, for everyone

to rest!


Saturn is the primary planet of 'contraction' true, but it's real mission is

to help us rest!


If we look at Saturn's influences, in this light, then the natural cycles of

Life, won't get us down, but they'll renew us!


Take the day cycle. At night everything sleeps. This is a natural cycle

and if allowed to happen, the next day we feel great!


There's then, the Monthly cycle of the Moon.


Every month the Moon Waxes, and then it Wanes...


When the Moon is Waxing everything seems pretty great, but when the Moon

starts Waning, like now, this is when people feel complications....




Because theyr'e resisiting this natural, 'Saturn-like' cycle of the Moon....


The Season's too, have a Saturn quality to them.


We have our very enjoyable Springs, Summers & Autumns...


But, who realizes that Winter, is the Saturn time of the year....


All of life, in Nature, stops, curles up, hibernates, and 'rests'...till the



Why, because we all need to rest...


Rest & Activity go together, and watching exactly what Saturn & Jupiter are

doing, will help us know when we should be expanding and



Or resting!


o The last time, Saturn was debilitated was in 1969, & 1970. And we

had the Vietnam war back then.


o During those years, Jupiter was in Virgo, Libra & Scorpio, and

Saturn & Jupiter were opposite each other during 1970.


o The time before that, when Saturn was debilitated was 1939, and

1940, and during that time, 40 million people dies in World War II. During

that cycle, Jupiter & Saturn, again, collided while Saturn was debilitated

in Aries.


In 1939, Saturn was 5 degrees in Aries, and there already was much economic

'depressions' going on especially in Europe and in Germany.


Then, in 1940, Jupiter moved into Aries, too. 1940, was one of the most

intense years of the War, and reflected the exact time that Jupiter & Saturn

would be colliding in Aries.


On October 9th, 1940, Jupiter & Saturn, in fact, would both be at the 20th

degrees of Aries!


Very rough!


o So, in 1998, the Astrological 'cry' swept across the globe, that

another Jupiter & Saturn planetary war would be coming!


And though we were all bracing for some sort of huge calamities, instead the

market seemed to just keep expanding from the previous great gains in





In 1940, (April) when Jupiter & Saturn first began 'colliding' in Saturn's

sign of debilitation Aries, Jupiter moved into Aries (2nd degree), while

Saturn was very strong, at it's 11th degree of Aries...


In Dec. of 1999, when Jupiter & Saturn again, began their next 'collisions'

in Aries... Jupiter was at the first degree of Aries, while Saturn was

already at the 17th degree of Aries.


Then on October 9th, 1940, Jupiter & Saturn collided at the 20th degree of

Aries. This was a time of great hardship in the World.


However, when Jupiter & Saturn collided again in Aries, 60 years later, in

2000, (on May 22,2000), Jupiter & Saturn didn't collide till they were both

at the 28th degree of Aries.


Later, I realized this was very fortunate, because it meant that when

Saturn's influence would be the closest to Jupiter, it would also be at it's

weakest time of debilitation.


And that's what happened. The great calamaties that were predicted didn't

come through, though over the next few years, the World's Economies, would

slow down, and loose, and many millions of people would become unemployed...


The most interesting Astrological Quality that I noticed over the next years

from 2000, through 2001,2002, 2003, and now, 2004, ....

has been that Jupiter & Saturn kept being close together, going backwards,

together, in Retrograde motions, and finally, that Saturn, himself, would

keep influencing Jupiter, due to it's 3rd House aspect.


It's been this 'Astrological Reality' that's kept progress and prosperity,



o In 2000, (On May 27), Jupiter & Saturn were at their height of

Planetary war


Guru....28th degree of Aries,...while...

Saturn also was at the 28th degree of debilitated Aries...


o Then in 2001,....Jupiter & Saturn both moved into Taurus.


And though this should have been a welcomeing change, instead, the negative

affects of Saturn kept coming on...

On May 27th, 2001

Guru would climb to the 25th degree of Taurus, even while

Saturn remained at the 10th degree of Taurus.

But, Jyotish says, whenever any Planet is within 30 degrees of another, it's

influence will be felt.

So, 2001 was a very depressing and recession driven year!


o Then in late Sept. 2001, when Jupiter moved into Gemini, we should

have expected a nice improvement,


but other Transiting 'forces' would come to bear.


Disaster '911'

In fact, on Sept. 11, 2001, even while Jupiter was in Gemini, till on this

day, Moon would also be in Gemini, at the same time as Rahu & Ketu were in

Gemini along with a very negative Mars that was in Sagittarius with Ketu!


Guru 17th degree of Gemini

Rahu 9th degree of Gemini....

Moon 5th degree of Gemini... and opposite to all this Gemini....was

Ketu at the 9th degree of Sagittarius,...along with a strong

Mars running at the 7th degree of Sagittarius!


See, the strong lines of connection... All the malefics, Rahu, Ketu, & Mars

sooooo closely

aspecting the poor Moon!....


o Then, in May of 2002, Jupiter would be up to the 21st degree of

Gemini,... while


Saturn would be running about the 22nd degree of Taurus...


And things should have been improving, but,...with the World trade bombing,

and still, the strong,

physical closeness of Jupiter & Saturn,....things continued to be worrisome.


o Then in 2002, there was great hopefulness upon the horizon.


Guru would move into it's Sign of Exaltation, Cancer, and I really expected

a very great Jupiter, breakthrough!


But even as Jupiter moved into Cancer, (lst degree), Jupiter moved into

Saturn's 3rd House, aspect,

as it was still in Taurus, at the 28th degree .....


So, the hopeful, Jupiter Exaltation, was again, marred by Saturn's




o Then, things began improving a little bit, as Jupiter contineud

moving through Cancer, because


Saturn moved into Gemini, and stopped with it's direct, 3rd house aspect...


o On Sept. 11, 2002, Jupiter was up to the 11th degree of Cancer,



Saturn was now at the 4th degree of Gemini....


Things were finally beginning to look up!....

but...Saturn was scheduled to enter into Retrograde motion,...so on

January 11, 2003, while Jupiter was running very powerfully at the 21st

degree of Cancer....

Sani slipped back into Taurus, (29th degree), where again,...It's 3rd House

aspect would fall upon Jupiter!


o And things remained this was through April, when Jupiter went

Retrograde, and Saturn was still at the tail end of Taurus...


On April 5, 2003, Jupiter was 14th degree of Cancer, R, and

Sani was 29th degree of Taurus...


Again, 3rd House aspect upon Jupiter...


It's like Jupiter couldn't get a break!


Here it was 3 years after Jupiter & Saturn collided in May of 2000, and

Saturn was still being a very powerful influence!


o Things then, did begin to improve as Jupiter finished it's run

through great Cancer...


and for a few months, till July 28th, 2003,....Jupiter was running Cancer,


Saturn was moving through Gemini....(13th degree on 7/28/03)....


o But, then, Jupiter would move into Leo, on July 30th, 2003....


Guru would be at the lst degree of Leo,....while...

Saturn continued running, more slowly, through Gemini...(now at the 13th



NOTICE NOW....that Jupiter, when it moves into Leo,....it moves back into

the 3rd House aspect of Saturn!!!


This is very significant because it explains why things have continued being

very sluggish, and un-hopeful, for this entire last year!


o This being held back, frustrating quality continued for the next 5

months, even as Jupiter, technically moved farther and


farther away from Saturn...

Still it was still running in that 3rd house aspect of Saturn....

On 12/30/2003....

Guru would move up to the 25th degree of Leo...but...

Saturn kept, influencing, as it was running the 16th degree of Gemini...


o Then, in January, of 2004, Jupiter was slated to go Retrograde...


So, Guru started moving backwards in Leo, ...on Jan. 30, 2004, running at

the 20th degree of Leo,

while Saturn continued in it's Retrograde motion, now at the 12th degree of



Since then, all these months of 2004, have been dominated by this nagging

3rd House aspect of Saturn...


o Even by July 2004, Jupiter & Saturn were still entanged... (July



Guru was very sluggish, itself, between being Retrograde and then, being

stationary for the longest time,...till 7/9/04, when it arrived again at

that same 20th degree of Leo, that it had been at in Jan!

Sani, meanwhile, by 7/9/04, would be up to the 23rd degree of Gemini...

But, still influencing Jupiter in it's negative way...due to it's 3rd House



How to Count the Saturn 3rd House Aspect...


For those of you who don't know: Saturn's 3rd House aspect, runs from the

Sign that it's in, to two Signs over..

So, if Saturn's in Gemini, count Gemini, as #1, then,...cancer will be #2,

and Leo, will be the #3, or third sign ahead...

Hence, Saturn's 3rd House aspect, as it's called...


o This situation continued until August 15,th of 2004, when both Guru &

Saturn would be at the 27th degree


of these two different signs...

Guru 27th degree of Leo...while

Sani also, 27th degree, though in Gemini...


This really felt like the maximum of this most recent frustrating Saturn



o Then on August 29th, it looked like we might finally get a break...


Guru moved into Virgo, which at least would end that nauseating, 3rd house

aspect from Saturn...

Guru 1st degree Virgo, even while,

Saturn was at the 29th degree of Gemini...


So, things were beginning to look up!

Jupiter kept moving through Virgo,...NOT, being aspected by Saturn for the

first time, in over a year!


But, alas....this period of relief was not meant to be too long!


o On Sept. 6th, even while Jupiter was at the 2nd degree of Virgo,


Saturn would again, move into it's 3rd House aspect of Jupiter, as Sani,

moved into Cancer...

Now,...around 1/2 degree of Cancer...


o So, here we are in October.... a month has continued going by... and


Jupiter's runnning,now, about the 8th degree of Virgo....

but Saturn's still falling behind, as it it still in the Sign 3 Houses,


at the 2nd degree of Cancer....now..


But, there is some good and even great news on the Horizon...


Jupiter will now begin it's climb away from Jupiter, that,...over these next

few months...and years,

Jupiter will move through Virgo, and then, into Libra, and then Scorpio and



all this time, Saturn will stop in it's 3rd house Aspectings!



Look at the following brief descriptions of the next few months.....





o       By December 8, 2004.....


Jupiter will have climbed ahead to about 20degrees Virgo,... while

Saturn will have begun another retrograde period, and on the 8th will still

be at 2degrees, Cancer...


This means this 3rd House aspect continues...though you'll feel the 'better'

quality of Jupiter, at least beginning to move ahead of Saturn!


First real time, since 1999!




o       Then, in January ...of 2005...


Jupiter will be at the 24th degree of Virgo.... while

Saturn will be at the 00:22 deg/minutes of Cancer....about ready to move

back into Gemini.


Now, will begin the first time, in all these last few years, where Saturn

will stop directly influencing Jupiter!


I think we'll see finally, Jupiter and progress and prosperity, about ready

to zoom ahead....


o On January 13, 2005., Saturn slips back into Gemini, where it will

stop directly influencing Jupiter,


which already is at the 24th degree of Virgo!



o       Then, in March of 2005....


Jupiter will follow Sani's example into Retrograde motion, and be at about

23rd degree of Virgo....

Sani will be way down, around the 26th degree of Gemini!


Still Saturn will not be directly influencing Jupiter!!!


Things will be progressing quite nicely for these next few months, because

Jupiter's not being

directly influenced...


o       Then, in May of 2005,


Because Cancer will finally climb back into Cancer, where it will again

start influencing Jupiter!


On May 26th, 2005, Saturn will be at the lst degree of Cancer, while Jupiter

will be at the 15th degree of Virgo.


This will represent a slightly, slowed down, quality again, though

physically, Jupiter is very far

ahead of Saturn,... because Saturn's so new in the sign of Cancer...


Back to the 3rd House aspect of Saturn upon Jupiter!



o      By July, of 2005, (On 26th of July)...


Jupiter will still be kind of sluggish, hovering as it has been at the 18th

degree of Virgo...

while Sani, has moved back into Cancer...now about the 7th degree of



o      By September of 2005,....


Jupiter again, will be up to about the 26th degree of Virgo,....

though Saturn will again, be still be in that 3rd House aspect...,moving,

now up to the 12th degree of Cancer...


o       Then, by October.... of 2005... (Oct. 8th)


Jupiter finally breaks free,...moving as it will, into Libra!  On this 8th

day of October, Guru

will be at 2nd degree,...even while...

Saturn's...still in Cancer, and now, only about the 15th degree....



Thus, begins the final Expansion, break away period of Jupiter,...which will

not be influenced by Saturn for many years to come!






What a long haul, from 1999, when Jupiter & Saturn first started colliding!




o       Nov. 2005


Guru 9 degree Libra...

Sani  17 deg. Cancer...

Saturn's not directly influencing Jupiter...for 2 whole months now...

See if everything isn't churning right along, by now...


o       Dec. of 2005.....


Good tidings continue...as....

Guru will be at  15th degree of Libra,...while

Sani's at the 17th degree of Cancer....


o       Jan. of 2006.....


Jupiter and Guru continue in their different 'beats of the drummer'...

Jupiter up to already...the 20th degree of Libra...and

Saturn's at the 15th degree of Cancer...while again going Retrograde....


o       Feb. of 2006......


Jupiter progresses up to the 24th degree of Libra, while

Saturn continues in it's retreat back to the 12th degree of Cancer...


o       March of 2006....


Jupiter slows a little, also moving into retrograde, now, again still at the

24th degree of Libra....while...

Saturn continues down to the 11th degree of Cancer....AAA


o       April of 2006.....


Guru 23rd degree of Libra, still Retrograde...and

Saturn's finally direct, on 4/8/06....at 10th degree of Cancer....AAA


o       May of 2006....


Guru 19th degree of Libra and

Saturn's at 11th degree of Cancer....  .AAA


o       June of 2006.....


Guru down to 16th degree of Libra...and

Saturn's back up to the 14 th degree of Cancer....AAA


o       July of 2006....


Guru finally goes direct again,...at about 15th degree of Libra,...while


Saturn's still very far away at the 17th degree of Libra....AAA


o       Aug. of 2006....


Guru  16th degree of Libra

Saturns at the 21st degree of Cancer....AAA


o       Sept. of 2006....


Guru will be at the 20th degree of Libra...

Saturn at the 25th degree of Cancer....AAA


o       Oct. of 2006.....


Guru will be at the 26th degree of Libra...while

Saturn will be at the 28th degree of Cancer.....AAA


o       Nov. of 2006......


Guru will have made it's transition into Scorpio...., now at the 2nd


Saturn will also have made it's transition into a new Sign, now,



Again, still no, 3rd House Aspect!.....


o       Dec. of 2006.....


Guru already up to the 9th degree of Scorpio.... while

Sani, continues it's slow march, now only 1st degree into Leo....AAA


Jupiter finally pulling away from Saturn!



o       Jan. of 2007......


Guru continues moving through Scorpio, now, at the 15th degree....while

Saturn, continues dogging behind, now, even, Retrograde, so staying at that



o       Feb. of 2007....


Guru moves up to the 21st degree of Scorpio, even while ...

Saturn goes backwards...towards the 27th degree of Cancer!   AAA


Now, Sani's no where near that recently frustrating 3rd house aspect....!


o       March of 2007....


Guru moves up to the 24th degree of Scoprio,...while

Saturn's continuing it's slide now back to the 25th degree of Cancer...


o       April of 2007.....


Guru, temporarily slows down, going Retro. and stalls at the 25th degree of


Saturn...continuing it's Retrograde, now at the 24th degree of Cancer...


o       May of 2007.....


Guru's at 24th degree of Scorpio, still Retro. and

Saturn's also at the 24th degree, though of Cancer... no relation,



o       June of 2007....


Guru, still retrograde, now down to the 20th degree of Scorpio, while

Saturn's now direct, and moving up to the 26th degree of Cancer, again....


o       July of 2007....


Guru still "R", now 17th degree of Scorpio, while

Saturn's now up to the 29th degree of Cancer....

Still no direct influence!   Should be noticing a lot of progress, in these



o       August of 2007....


Guru finally goes direct, at the 15th degree of Scorpio,... while....

Saturn moves into Leo, now at the 3rd degree.....  Still no direct



o       Sept. of 2007.....


Guru now up to the 17th degree ...of Scorpio...and

Saturn's up to the 7th degree of Leo...


o       Oct. of 2007.....


Guru's now at the 21st degree of Scorpio....and

Saturn's up to the 10th degree of Leo...


o       Nov. of 2007....


Guru's now at the 27th degree of Scorpio,...big jump this month...while...

Saturn's running about 'normal', now at the 13th degree of Leo....


o       Dec. of 2007....AAA


Guru....will burst into Sagittarius, it's Own sign, now, about the 3rd


Saturn finally....lags...behind.... at the 14th degree of Leo!


Guru in Sagittarius....It's Own Sign AAAAA!


o       Jan. of 2008....


Guru will be streaking across the sky,....in Own Sign, very rare,..now, at

the 10th degree,

Saturn will continue lagging at the 14th degree of Leo, due to



o       Feb. of 2008....


Guru now up to the 17th degree of Sagittairus...while

Saturn continues lagging now, at the 12th degree of Leo.....





You can really see a lot of significance by watching what Jupiter & Guru are









Mark Kincaid






ps.... for those who want to receive a newsletter each day regarding the

daily Transits,

check this out at, :








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