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Superluminal Eight Turtles -- Gravity Free ...

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In GreenGlow, Twain wrote:


Re: The Cosmic Hierarchy -- Self, Humanity, Earth, Sun, Milky Way,

Virgo SuperCluster, MatterVerse, OmniVerse ...


Ethan Cliffton wrote:


"huh? What about antigravity?"






no mysteries, brother Ethan!


you just have to be specific about what you are asking for,

speaking about. are you asking about buoyancy? null gravity?

velocity? one gravity acceleration? mutliple gravity acceleration?


gravity is acceleration, and you can accelerate as fast as you

you like -- as much pain or diss-association of your body as you like.

[or conversion into a crystal lattice, solid state, like a semiconductor

memory, if you like high accelerations.]


1) to leave the Earth you only require one gravity for a thousand

seconds -- or longer accelerations at lower accelerations, or vice

versa -- as has been practiced now for six decades.


2) to achieve null gravity -- whether orbiting the Earth, Sun,

Milky Way or Local Galactic Cluster -- you have ONLY to stop

accelerating with respect to the medium. Move WITH the local

light and plasma medium. [Plasma vortex, group wave.]


3) to achieve the multiple-gravity experience -- simply accelerate

at many times G -- with respect to your current velocity relationship

with the interstellar (or intergalactic) medium you are currently

enmeshed in.


4) me -- I enjoy one gravity. the velocity to achieve Earth orbit in

15 minutes, Lunar Orbit in two hours, Mars in Two Days, Light Velocity

(the AVERAGE light speed) in one year, Alpha Centauri in 4 years.




As to the subject of the Eight Turtles, the Cosmic Hierarchy WITHIN

which we dwell. Well that is self evident. The only discovery I made is

of the outer shell, structure, filament -- known as the OmniVerse.

[i also discovered, explained, the toroidal superstars.]


Mother Earth resides within the Helisphere, the Plasmasphere

(vortex, hurricane of fire a.k.a. electricity) known colloquially as the Sun.

The SolarSphere resides within the Milky Way Galaxy vortex. The

Milky Way resides within the Virgo Supercluster of Galaxies. [if you

wish, you can add another, regional structural, level -- and include

the 'Local Group' (Small Cluster of Galaxies) which the Milky Way

is a part of.] [And the Local Group is a small part within the Virgo



The VirgoSuperCluster is the level of structure below, within, the

MatterVerse. The old clone wannabee scientists used to call

the MatterVerse, the 'Universe'. They even had it measured

(approximately correctly) as to its radius (hence wavelength).

The radius they predicted and measured was about 10(+10)

light years. That is ten plus ten zeros.


That correctly, approximately, showed the balanced relationship

between the observed density of mass/energy in the cosmos,

and the velocities & accelerations (gravity) which we experience.




All space, electricity, experience, exhibits a plasma filament

velocity structure. The MatterVerse is the filament, vortex

with velocity, which contains all 'positive-parity' matter.

[Compare 'antimatter' -- 'negative-parity' matter, negative



The MatterVerse is the mirror -- or boundary or transition

region -- wherein lightwaves and aether waves reverse spin

and/or are reflected back upon us.


Our adjacent AntiMatter Cosmos (AntiVerse) is identical

(phenomenally) with our MatterVerse -- accept that all particles,

waves and hierarchies are of reverse spin, charge, matter, etc.

relationship to us.




funny thing is, re: the clone-heads, wannabee scientists

like 'Dr.' Hubble, we kept building bigger telescopes, and designing

Very Large Baseline Interferometers, and other techniques for

seeing greater distances and finer scales -- and we began to

see further and further -- beyond our MatterVerse, into the

AntiVerse and the greater hierarchy of the OmniVerse.


thus all the lies of wannabee physics -- the Big Barf (Bang), the

alleged Expansion, covert quantum physics -- all became revealed

because our cosmos was several times, then ten times, etc. larger

than it was wanted to be, or permitted to be. [And we continue to

observe more and further every year.]


so, the bottom line of all of this is -- YOU get to decide which

velocity, and which star system, you want to be a part of. and

YOU get to determine what kind of creature you want to be.


me, again, I am happy with one gravity, and a water-based

body system. with that I can visit many star systems within

lightyears distances. [and -- achieving physical immortality -- can

visit dozens or hundreds of star systems within tens of lightyears



if you wish to take yourself to silicon valley, and be converted

into a CD or semiconductor memory chip -- or new technology --

that is now open to you.


me, I like the free-will, growth, and sensory experience of the

water-based, ocean-born, human body.


with INFINITE gratitude-for and thanks-to our whale and dolphin

step-parents -- aunts & uncles, sisters and brothers of millions

of years -- who guided us to our destiny, our return ...


to the Mother Stars ...








Millennium Twain


father of the US/International Space Station Program,

published of the Structure of the Nucleus,

designer of the X49 StarJet, ElectroJet


























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