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Tanika ji - 8 Nov 1980; 7:35 pm; Srinagar [34n05, 74e49]

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Tanika ji,


You have Vrishaba Lagna, and Lagnadipati Sukra is Neecha in the

5th house, and doesn't seem to be getting any form of Neecha

Banga. Surya and Chandra are also Neecha, but Surya gets Neecha

Banga by being Uccha in Navamsa, while Chandra's dispositor Kuja

gives Chandra Neecha Banga by being in a Kendra from Lagna. This

also gives you Ruchaka Yoga. It is said that Kala Sarpa Dosha's

effects are minimized if there is a Pancha Maha Purusha Yoga

present in the chart. Chandra rules the mind, and though it gets

Neecha Banga, it will still trouble you, and since you were born

on a Sukla Pratama, when Chandra is still combust with Surya,

the effects will be increased, and this will make you gloomy.

Chandra is also weak because it is at the edge of the sign, and

though technically Chandra and Kuja cause Chandra Mangala Yoga,

this will only be present theoretically because they are over 25

degrees away.


Surya and Chandra are planets that help us rise, and since they

are both fallen, they might be halting any attempts you make to

grow. You are running Budha Dasa [Dec 2002 - Dec 2019], and

Budha Bukti until May 2005. Budha is beneficial because he is

the lord of the 5th, but since he is combust, in the malefic

6th, and also subject to Papa Katari Yoga by Kuja and Sani, the

good effects have been minimized.


Your general fortunes will also depend largely upon your 9th

lord, and though Sani is a benefic for Vrishaba because he owns

the 9th and the 10th, he may still cause troubles since he is

Neecha in Navamsa, with the lord of the 8th, and with a Neecha

Graha, Sukra. Additionally, Vrishaba is a Fixed sign, and for

fixed signs, the lord of the 9th is also a Badakadipati, and

will cause some onstruction, and anyway, this is Sani's



>From Gochara angle, Guru (11) and Rahu (6) are helpful, but Ketu

(12) and Sani (9) are not.


Regarding your specific questions:


* Travel Abroad: This is ruled by the 9th, and the 9th lord is

Sani, so there will be delays.


* Marriage: Though there is Kuja Dosha, Kuja is also giving a

Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga, so you don't have to worry. Sani's

aspect on the 7th will again cause delays, but no other

difficulty because Sani is a functional benefic for you. Ruchaka

Yoga may make you dominating, and you should try to curb this

when you get married, and thus avoid misunderstandings.


* Health: Lagnadipati is Neecha, and Budha is in the inimical

6th, which relates to diseases.


* Father: The 10th represents father, and taking this as the

Lagna, one can analyze the father's status. From the 10th

(Kumba) in your chart, the 7th, which concerns business

partners, has its lord Surya Neecha. The 10th again indicates

Ruchaka Yoga, but Neecha Chandra indicates ups and downs. For a

full analysis, however, the father's chart has to be seen.




For Vish, Sury affecting Vish [01] = -1

For Vish, Sury affecting Dhan [08] = -0

For Vish, Sury affecting Anur [02] = -0

For Vish, Sury affecting Krit [15] = -0

(Vish.Sury -1

For Vish, Chan affecting Swat [27] = +2

For Vish, Chan affecting Sata [09] = +2

For Vish, Chan affecting Jeys [03] = +0

For Vish, Chan affecting Rohi [16] = +0

(Vish.Chan 4

For Vish, Budd affecting Anur [02] = +2

For Vish, Budd affecting Asle [21] = +0

For Vish, Budd affecting Vish [01] = +1

For Vish, Budd affecting Bhar [14] = +0

(Vish.Budd 3

For Vish, Sukr affecting Hast [25] = +0

For Vish, Sukr affecting UBha [11] = +2

For Vish, Sukr affecting Arid [18] = +2

For Vish, Sukr affecting PAsh [05] = +0

(Vish.Sukr 4

For Vish, Kuja affecting Chit [26] = -0

For Vish, Kuja affecting PBha [10] = -1

For Vish, Kuja affecting Mool [04] = -0

For Vish, Kuja affecting Mrig [17] = -0

(Vish.Kuja -1

For Vish, Guru affecting Hast [25] = +0

For Vish, Guru affecting UBha [11] = +2

For Vish, Guru affecting Arid [18] = +2

For Vish, Guru affecting PAsh [05] = +0

(Vish.Guru 4

For Vish, Sani affecting Push [20] = -0

For Vish, Sani affecting Jeys [03] = -2

For Vish, Sani affecting Sata [09] = -0

For Vish, Sani affecting PPha [23] = -2

(Vish.Sani -4

For Vish, Rahu affecting Aswi [13] = -0

For Vish, Rahu affecting PPha [23] = -2

For Vish, Rahu affecting Rohi [16] = -2

For Vish, Rahu affecting Jeys [03] = -2

(Vish.Rahu -6

For Vish, Ketu affecting Swat [27] = -0

For Vish, Ketu affecting Sata [09] = -0

For Vish, Ketu affecting Jeys [03] = -2

For Vish, Ketu affecting Rohi [16] = -2

(Vish.Ketu -4

{Vish. -1


A little low, and additionally, Name is afflicted by Surya,

Kuja, and Ketu, with a little protection from Budha. The Tithi

is afflicted by Surya, and the Lagna by Surya and Rahu, but Guru

and Sukra are protecting Day.


The Janma Nakshtra (1) is afflicted by Surya, though there is

some protection from Budha. Affliction of Kuja to Karma Nakshtra

(10) will prevent progress, while the affliction of the Raj

Nakshatra (26) will deny success. The Sanghatic Nakshtra (16) is

afflicted by Rahu and Ketu, and you will have a tough time

getting people to work in unity with you. Ketu also afflicts the

Abhishek Nakshtra (27), and you cannot enjoy the fruits of your

previous achievements due to this. Additionally, the Vinash

Nakshtra (23) is affected by Rahu and Sani, and since Sani has

started going Vakra, his malefic potential has increased

tremendously. Fortunately, Guru and Sukra are protecting the

Uday Nakshtra (18) and the Manas Nakshatra (25), lending some

respite. I would advice you to pray to God to help you to put up

with your troubles, and ultimately overcome them.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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