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2-debra,> re. Saturn's influence through Cancer!, > Mark Kincaid...11/21

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Dear Jyotish Remedies members:



Here's a wonderful question and discussion about the needs and concerns of a

Mother, and her family, and friends...


It brings up a great discussion about the nature of Saturn, itself, and all

the lessons and concerns that go with this very important planet....






Mark Kincaid



I thought it might be important because Jyotish/Remedies, is so much about

how to bring hope and help especially to Saturn concerns....





Dear all:


"My interest in transiting Saturn also expands about the effects of Saturn

transiting in relation to my family members as well. This is very important

to me since this is where my work and responsibilities for others and their

welfare concern my understanding and interrelationship with them. There is

an awful lot of Moon and Saturn points affecting us all and also health and

longevity concerns for all. My family is my job at the moment - so along

with how Saturn is affecting me, I would like to understand clearer how it

is affecting my love ones so I can better take care and nurture all of us -

even if it means supporting them through growth, disruption, major changes

in their lives; separation, legal troubles, death and dying, burying them or

me and letting go. I see a lot but would like your interpretation and

suggestion on the effects."




full question, below...






Dear Debra:


Your interest in helping 'others', husband, children, family and friends, is

another example why I believe Mother's make great Jyotishees!


In fact 2 years ago when I watched Jupiter transiting it's Sign of

Exaltation, (in Cancer!), this was when I first noticed that the 'guru' is

Exalted, where?,....in the house of the Mother!


Now, when Jupiter's opposite, counterpart, Saturn, is found transiting

Cancer, again, there is a great 'situation' happening because Cancer, not

only represents all 'mothers' but also, 'mothering' and 'emotions', and the

'mind'....of us all!


So, you're in-tune...


Wishing to 'care', to be concerned for the health and well-being of all, is

itself a very healthy focus during this very important, Saturn, 2 1/2 year



Instead of looking at the details of what it might be like for all the

charts that you mentioned, I think it might be easier to explain how Saturn

may bring different focuses, and issues to all, and even more importantly,

what 'the heck does Saturn' want us to do!


The common, Jyotish notion is that Saturn represents grief, so understanding

it's various 'dasas' or time periods, or it's transits, will help us

'weather' better, these clouds and storms of Sani.


However, there's a more deep understanding about Saturn and that is that

Sani can be just as well, positive in our lives.


This is especially true for those in whom, Saturn is a benefic or balanced

and positive in their charts! Then, Saturn, 'stuff', dasa periods and

transits bring great achievements, insights, growth, and even happiness.


So, let's assume for a moment that there is a potential for this dynamic

Saturn period, moving through Cancer, the home of the Moon, or mind,

(emotions), ito be more positive.


This may be more important then we realize, because not only is Saturn's

transit through Cancer important, but Saturn's then going to be going

through Leo, the Sign of the Sun, which is also a very important

transit!,....and may effect people's sense of well-being, their

self-confidence and all ego, states, as well......


First of all, why do many people, Jyotishees, sometimes consider Saturn's

transit through Cancer, as being 'negative' or 'dangerous' or inauspicious',

to say the least?


This is primarily because the Moon and Saturn are not, very often, friends,

or friendly.


In people's charts who have Saturn in Cancer, or Moon with Saturn, these

individuals most often exhibit realities of all the negatives of Saturn:

grief, separation from Mother, loss, especially on an emotional

level,....basically everything to do with the Mind, emotions, mother, and

mothering, are negative or unhappy, certainly unfulfilled.


If we understand the nature of 'malefic' situations in Jyotish we'll

understand that every malefic situation is a karmic situation, that is

coming back to us, in direct response to certain actions that were done in

the past.


In fact....


The ancient seer, Maharishi Parasharar, whom many consider the founding

'father' of Jyotish ....says in his famous book on 'Hora Sastra': (p22),

"The Unborn Lord,.... has incarnated as the planets (Grahas) to bestow on

all living beings the results due to their Karmas."


To me this is one of the most important Jyotish Slokas, because it explains

in one sentence, that all Planets are great, their essences being the nature

of the Lord, himself...and that their actions, their rays, their place in

our charts, are just the consequenes of our actions.


So, let's assume for a moment, that Saturn is functioning malefically in our

charts, or lives, and therefore it might be indicative of a karmically

difficult time. So, what can we do?


First of all, we can look to our charts, to see, what Jyotish says,

traditionally about 'our Saturn'.


There are all these great rules and principles of 'beneficness', vs.

functional 'maleficness', which explain quite accurately our Planets.


Let's assume for a moment that most people have a functional malefic Saturn

in their charts.


Therefore, Saturn's movement through Cancer, 'may' then, have these various

malefic or up-setting realites to it....


So, what can we do?


#1 We can first, acknowledge that we may need to adjust to the needs or

situation of Sani's movment through our mind's themselves,...during this 2

1/2 year transit.


I've been watching Saturn, carefully, now for almost 14 years, and now only

has it been very fascinating watching 'it' going through Capricorn,

Aquarius, then, Aries, Taurus and Gemini, and now, Cancer,....after awhile,

you can learn to 'feel' or experience, yourself, the essence of it's



Over the last few years, as Saturn went through Gemini, you could feel that

'Gemini' issues was the concern of Saturn. People everywhere had to be

careful not to do too many things all at once, which is a classic 'Geminish'



Now, as Saturn moves into Cancer, issues of mind, and emotions come to the

forefront in Saturn's path of bringing more, balance.


See, that's the real purpose of Saturn.


Now, to just bring 'grief' to us, in all the ways and manners of Saturn.

Even if all the Planets are just bringing us our 'karma' so to speak, still,

this significance of Saturn's movement through Cancer, is as all other

Saturn cycles, about, us learning to focus more attention on creating

'balance' in the heart, mind and emotions.


The symptom of this need, will be lack of balance in the heart, or emotions,

but, if we take this time as an opportunity, and therefore the 'time' to

develop more balance within, especially as it relates to our hearts, and

emotions,...or emotional natures,....then, we can take maximum advantage of

this Saturn transit.


The symptom of this 'reality' may first come to us as 'grief'.


Many, many people have been feeling more upset, lonely, despair, worry, and

anxieties of all kind, since Saturn first started going into Cancer.


I've been suggesting for all, to take this 'flag', this 'symptom' to be

indicative of a Saturn warning or feedback, that attention needs to be

brought to bare, in the exact way that Saturn is indicating.


And, like what someone can do who is going through a Saturn dasa period, one

can definitely improve one's situation, by doing all the positive Saturn

Remedies,....that are available....


Saturn Remedies:


#1, Especially, if we're already experiencing any of the so-called 'malefic'

or negative 'signs' of Saturn.... then, we're already aware that there's a



So, #1, is the need to acknowledge a need....


This is important because unless anyone, 'wants' to put attention, or

'change'....nothing 'you' or any Mother, can do, will help a husband, child

or a friend...


So, you need to stir your family members with the idea that they may need to

change their focus during this very important period...


All one needs to do, is look inside, and see if any of the negatives, of

Saturn are present,.... to acknowledge, that Saturn's remedies....are



If we don't acknowledge what Nature, and our bodies, or emotions are telling

us, then, even more negative repercussions will build up....till we do



Take the experience of a cold coming. When we first start coming down with

a cold, it's a slight sniffle, or a slight cough, or discomfort inside....


Unfortunately, we don't listen.... we keep going at the pace, and in the

fashion that we've been used, to, till, boom, we're flat on our backs, and

can do nothing else, but deal with our 'imbalance'....


Saturn is all about imbalance...but it's really about ....the wisdom of



If we're balanced, then, we spontaneously experience the positive side of

Saturn, and all the healthy aspects of Sani, 'health', 'balance', 'peace of

mind', and the 'spontaneous fulfillment of desires'....all come to us....

just because we're living the benefic side of Saturn....


But, because Saturn is also the Planet of what happens when we're out of

balance, then, Saturn has gotten associated with all the negative aspects of

imbalance, including, sadness, losses, grief, pain,



So, the first thing is to try and convince 'ourselves', or our family, and


to 'LISTEN',... to Saturn....or to Nature....


and to take seriously, the wisdom that Saturn and life, is trying to help us



In Ayurveda, for example, there is the time honored, technique of feeling

one's pulse to become aware of sickness or imbalance on the horizon. One is

supposed to be able to 'feel' imbalances coming even before they fully

manifest as a sickness....


so that we can nip it in the bud, so to speak, so we can avoid the dangers

on the horizon...

because it's a lot easier, really, to stay healthy, then to bounce back

after we've fallen sick...


So,....#1... help others acknowledge,....that there is a lesson, here to



Normally, if people can learn to associate this 'warning' of Saturn with the

opportunity to stay healthy....then, their 'will' to change, to adjust, can

do the trick....


#2.... then, there are all the ways in which we can pay attention to Saturn

and indeed, even develop more balance, at a crucial time,.....like now...


Let your minds, hearts, and bodies, be the tool, to tell you how well you're



Spend as much time, resting, and healing as necessary,...till the negative

'signs' .... irritableness, being upset, anxious, worried, pain, feelings of

loss, grief, on and on....

till they all go away....


As it turns out, Saturn is really the Planet of Bliss!....


In deep silence exists....true, unbounded,....happiness and bliss....


When one is awake to these inner realities, then, one is in-tune with

Saturn, and all the negatives of Saturn are not found.....


Then, only the positives of Saturn are found, which include, balance, inner

happiness and contenment, and even such things as silence, integration,

discipline, focus, and powerful endurance....and power of attention....


So, listen to ourselves, and encourage all to take heed of the warnings of



Take the daily cycle for example....


Every day we wake up and either feel fresh and renewed, or tired, and out of



If we don't heed this very important Nature's feedback, fairly quickly we

get sick....


Well, we're also moving into the yearly, Saturn cycle of the Winter....

where the Sun, is lower in the sky, and all the hibernating, qualities of

nature abound,.... all the plants rest for the winter,...


They take off the wholllllllle..... winter!


The species, in the Winter, hibernate, or go south for the Winter....


This is the major healing or rejuvenation period of the year,....


We've just finished,...the major outgoing, dynamic, doing time of the

year,.... and like being on the farm,....this is the time, to do less,....to


to gain greater balance....to rest, and heal...ourselves....after many many

months of dynamic acitivities....and of life....


If we do this then the natural health of our lives can be maintained....


Now, Saturn comes along, and moves into Cancer, which will go along during

all the different cycles of the year....


So, now, we're being encouraged by 'Nature',....to take the Winter

approach,.... to do for ourselves, especially our hearts and emotions...

to rest, to rejuvenate,....to even,....heal.... our hearts....

especially during this very important time through Cancer.....the home of

our hearts!


Saturn teaches about the 'needs' of life.


And during a Saturn in Cancer, time, bringing more joy and happingess to


to our bodies, but especially to our emotions, to our emotional beings, or


is the need of this very important time....


Keep bringing joy and happiness....to ourselves.... till eveness, balance

and happiness,....

dominate.... and sorrow, worry, anxiety....and loss, grief....all.....

go away!


The key, here, is to adjust...


We all are too often, led, by our desires....


We want this and that,....and especially after coming off a very important,

dynamic period of the spring, summer and fall,....we kind of want to keep



but, Saturn, Winter, and Saturn periods,...are there to teach us about the

importance of the rest cycles...of life....


There's the daily rest cycle....each day,.... we need to rest, enough that

we feel renewed, and alert, and full of energy and happiness.....


But, we don't live in a time that honors the needs or wisdoms of rest.


We're a go, go, go, society, culture, and civilization.


I've been very lucky however, because I discovered things like meditation,

and stress education when I was very young.... 20, in fact....

but, I had Moon & Saturn together in my birth chart,....and I was born, in

Sade Sat!, and had much experience of all the negatives of Saturn,

especially since both Moon & Sani, were in my 12th House, too!


I had so much experience, of sadness, loneliness, worries, anxieties,...on

and on.... that I could only go up!


So, I sought out any solution I could...

and was soooo lucky to have found meditation....


When I learned to meditate,....I immediately started feeling better....

and that was an immediate,.... relief....after a life-time of negative

Saturn experiences....


I at least, had the will, to do it....because I knew too well, the results

of not.....or the negatives..


And each day that I meditated, I learned to fathom deeper and deeper levels

of inner, being, and silence....within....


As one's inner experience deepens,....the natural positive side of Saturn

starts to become more available.....


So, explore and help others understand the need for rest....enough

rest....every day....


I try and educate people about the importance of understanding the true,

Wisdoms of balance...


As it turns out "REST IS THE BASIS OF ACTIVITY".....


Understanding this means one realizes that how well one rests at night,

depends completely, how happy and successful!, we will be the next day!


This is the first, most easy rest & activity cycle to see.....


Each day we need to rest...and the depth of that rest and rejuvenation....go

very powerfully, at helping us understand how happy and successful we will

be that next day....


In Saturn in Cancer, however, there often goes the need of puttijng

attention on rest, and renewal, for a slightly longer period of time,....


This will also bring great fruits, however, because once one masters

this,....then one gains a handle on one of the most important and

challenging aspects of life....


the need,....to be balanced, and poised, deep within, on a level of inner

life and silence.... from which life will be more happy and successful....

without....as well!



Sorry, this article has gone on so long, but you brough up a very important

topic,....and this wisdom of Saturn, is after all, one of the

greatest....needs of life.... and joys....of Vedic science.



In future articles we can go into how understanding the various charts, and

houses, where Cancer, is,....will help explain exactly where the most vivid

'signs' of Saturn's challenges may come to us,....if we don't heed these

initial warnings of Saturn....


Being able to predict exactly where people's challenges and griefs will be

coming, is valuable even if it just goes to demonstrate to people, the power

of these wisdoms in life...


But, people have to make the effort, they have to be willing to adjust


otherwise,....life will follow in it's more predictably




Hope this helps......







Mark Kincaid






> Debra Mehren <dqm51

> JyotishVidya

> Sun, 21 Nov 2004 01:19:12 -0800 (PST)

> JyotishVidya

> Re: Part Two [JyotishVidya] Near Death Experience, Psychic Phenomena

> or Paranormal




> Dear Wendy and All,




> Part Two:




> I would like to add that Saturn has been chasing Jupiter for many years now in

> transit with it aspect to it. This will continue until Jupiter finally jumps

> ahead in its Transition into Libra in October of 2005 and will give some

> relief of a Saturn/Jupiter aspect in transit until 2010. In the meantime:




> My interest in transiting Saturn also expands about the effects of Saturn

> transiting in relation to my family members as well. This is very important

> to me since this is where my work and responsibilities for others and their

> welfare concern my understanding and interrelationship with them. There is

> an awful lot of Moon and Saturn points affecting us all and also health and

> longevity concerns for all. My family is my job at the moment - so along with

> how Saturn is affecting me, I would like to understand clearer how it is

> affecting my love ones so I can better take care and nurture all of us - even

> if it means supporting them through growth, disruption, major changes in their

> lives; separation, legal troubles, death and dying, burying them or me and

> letting go. I see a lot but would like your interpretation and suggestion on

> the effects.


> If we just take the Transit of Saturn alone against the Rasi Chart of myself -

> me, my children and husband are all at a critical time of unfolding as it is

> for my mother and mother-in-law. Let me outline it here:


> Right now, I have Saturn transiting my 11th house Cancer with Sun and Pluto in

> it. 1st hse Virgo with Saturn and Neptune in it. 12th hse Leo with Mercury

> in it Current Maha Dasa: Saturn/ Mercury


> My husband has Saturn 2nd return in lst house Cancer with Saturn and Pluto in

> it. 3rd hse Virgo with Neptune in it. 10th hse Aries with Mars and Venus in

> it - opposite 4th hse Libra with Jupiter in it -- My husband also has

> transiting Rahu 10th hse Aries and transiting Ketu 4th hse Libra. Current

> Maha Dasa: Rahu/Jupiter - Rahu/Saturn come November


> My Daughter has Saturn lst return in 3rd house Cancer with Saturn and Moon in

> it - Her 5th hse Virgo is packed with Sun, Mars, Venus, Mercury and Pluto in

> it . Square 12th hse Aries with Ketu in it - opposite - square 6th hse Libra

> with Rahu and Uranus in it. Current Maha Dasa: Venus/Venus


> My Son-In-Law has Saturn lst return in lst house Cancer with Saturn, Sun,

> Mercury and Venus in it - 3rd hse Virgo with Pluto in it. Square 10th hse

> Aries with Ketu in it - opposite - square 4th hse Libra with Rahu and Uranus

> in it. Current Maha Dasa: Rahu/Venus


> My Son has Saturn transiting 1st hse Cancer with Mercury in it . Opposite 7th

> hse Capricorn with Moon and Jupiter in it.. Square 10th house Aries with Rahu

> in it - opposition 4th hse Libra with Ketu, Saturn and Pluto in it. 11th

> hse Taurus with Venus in it - 12th hse Gemini with Sun and Mars in it -

> Current Maha Dasa: Mars/Venus


> My mother has Saturn transiting 10th hse Cancer with Neptune in it. - Square

> 7th hse Aries with Venus in it - opposite 1st hse Libra with Saturn in it.

> 11th hse Leo with Leo in it - 5th hse Aquarius with Jupiter in it

> Current Maha Dasa: Jupter/Moon


> My mother-in-law has Saturn transiting 10th hse Cancer with Neptune in it .

> 12th hse Virgo with Saturn, Jupiter and Rahu in it - opposite 6th hse Pisces

> with Ketu in it. 11th hse Leo with Venus in it Current Maha Dasa:

> Venus/Rahu




> I wish I knew how to download charts (pictures are always worth a thousand

> words!). The question becomes, how does their sign of Cancer and the

> transiting planet Saturn transiting and affecting my sign of Cancer, with its

> transiting Saturn in my Rasi chart play out in reality.. If I could draw my

> rasi chart and then overlay it with everyone’s cancer sign, it planets in it

> and the Saturn transits of their chart against mine that would be cool. And

> probably then self-explanatory. Instead, I have tried to write it here for you

> to visualize. My intent is to analyze my rasi chart against the Saturn

> transit of others and its impact on me for better direction and nurturance for

> others. I hope that makes sense. How do I better understand all those that I

> am responsible for and do my job wholly? I understand the importance of

> taking care of myself. But life is not all about self especially when one is

> a wife, mother, mother-in-law, daughter, and a person. Therefore, I guess I

> am

> asking others to look at how transiting Saturn is affecting me in my own Rasi

> chart as much as how transiting Saturn of others is affecting me. And, how I

> would be affecting them.




> Debra










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