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Dear arunjee, rohinijee..........!!!!(sudhir)

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Dear Sudhir,




Lagna Analysis: (Virgo)

Lagna in Chitra Nakshatra ruled by Mars. Lagna is cuspally

positioned and therefore weak. Lagna is Vargottama and helps in

shoring up the weakness. Sun is the 12th Lord in its own Nakshatra,

Uttara Phalguni, 2nd in Shadbala and in Parijaatamsa and therefore

quite strong. The Presence of Mercury in Exaltation creates A Bhadra

Mahapurusha Yoga and strengthen the Lagna considerably. Mercury is

4th in Shadbala and in Uttamamsa. The Lagna Lord is strong. Since

the Lagna, the Lagna Lord, and the significator of the soul, Sun are

all located in the Lagna, they are subject to the same forces. The

12th Lords presence is an affliction which will manifest in the

right Dasa / Bhukthi. Rahu's aspect on the Lagna is magnified

because of the presence of the Lagna Lord and the significator. The

Rahu Dasa / Bhukthi will bring changes to fortune. Rahu is

malefically placed in the 9th and strong, being in exaltation,

Vargottama and in Uttamamsa.

Mercury's close conjunction (3 deg 45min) with the 12th Lord Sun

will bring about constant losses.


Strength of Moon:

Moon is Ksheena (Thrayodasi, Krishnapaksha) with mutual aspect with

Saturn. Moon is placed in the 12th house and 6th in Shadbala. Moon

is weak and afflicted.



9th House Analysis: (Taurus)

Exalted Vargottama Rahu is positioned in Rohini Nakshatra will

affect the 9th house signification adversely. The 9th house is

aspected my Mars, who though in a cuspal position is 3rd in shadbala

and in Uttamamsa. Mars is a first rate Malefic because of its 3rd

and 8th ownership.

The Lord of the 9th, Venus, is in its Moolatrikona sign in the 2nd

house and therefore strong. But Venus's 7th in Shadbala and its

placement in the 6th from the 9th is the downside. But Venus again

gains strength because it is in Gopuramsa.


9th from the Moon: (Aries)

The house is aspected by Malefic Saturn (6th and 7th Lord) and Venus

(3rd and 10th lord). Mars the Lord of the 9th is a Yogakaraka (4th

and 9th Lord) and is placed in own sign Scorpio. Mars is strong in

Uttamamsa. The aspect of malefic Saturn is an affliction but Rahu's

aspect from the 10th brings material benefits.


Significators of the 9th house:

Jupiter, the significator of Dharma is placed in a neutral house and

aspected by the 3rd & 8th Malefic Lord Mars. But its placement in

the 10th strengthens its signification.

Sun, the significator of father, is positioned n enemy house and

aspected by malefic Rahu. Both Significators are afflicted.


2nd house analysis: (Libra)

The house and its lord Venus are aspected by the 4th and 7th Lord

Jupiter. Jupiter's placement in the 10th overcomes its affliction

because of its Kendra ownership and gives good results. Since

Jupiter is the significator of earning its aspect on the 2nd will

increase the earnings derived from ones own labour. The 2nd Lord is

strong because it is placed in vargottama. Its Uttamamsa in verga

scheme helps overcome its weak 7th position in shadbala.

2nd from the Moon (Virgo):

The 2nd and 11th Lord Mercury is placed in the 2nd house along with

the Lagna Lord Sun. This is aspected powerfully by Rahu placed in

the 10th. This combination is good for wealth generated by one's own



11th house analysis: (Cancer)

Aspected by Ketu placed in the 3rd. 11th Lord Moon is in

Krishnapaksha, Thrayodasi and 6th in shadbala and therefore weak.

Its placement in the 12th leads to losses. Jupiter, is the

significator of gain, and is well placed.


11th from the moon:( Gemini)

The 11th house is occupied by the 5th & 8th Lord Jupiter. The house

is aspected by the Yogakaraka Mars. The 11th Lord Mercury is well

placed as seen in the 2nd house analysis. The 11th house from the

moon is strong.


Dasa Bhukthi analysis:


Since you have used Lahiri Ayanamsa, I have converted the periods

you have mentioned and matched them with the Dasa / Bhukthi in Raman




Computer training institute between 11th Sept 2001 to December 2002

incurred heavy losses. This period as per Raman Ayanamsa is Moon

Dasa Venus Bhukthi (11/5/01 to 1/1/03)


The debts incurred were removed during the period November 2002 to

February 2004, but the business is still running on a loss. Moon

Dasa Sun Bhukthi ran from Jan/03 to July/03 and Mars Dasa and Mars

Bhukthi ran till Dec/03



February 2002 to April 2004 was a good period professionally and

financially. These periods are covered by Moon Dasa Venus and Sun

Bhukthi, and Mars Dasa Mars Bhukthi. The current Bhukthi is Rahu and

runs Dec/03 to Dec/04


The Chart indicates that the native should not venture into business

because of the affliction to the 9th and 11th houses. The computer

training did badly as Moon (Dasa Lord) the 11th Lord was placed in

the 12th house. The Bhukthi Lord then was Venus. Venus is the 2nd

and 9th ruler and Rahu's placement in the 9th has afflicted that

house. Therefore business failed but livelihood from own labour,

controlled by 2nd house, continued to be positive.

During the period November 2002 to February 2004 you were able to

remove your debts, but the business still incurred losses. With the

end of Venus Bhukthi the adverse effects of Rahu's presence in the

9th house passed. The Moon Dasa / Sun Bhukthi produce income but at

the same time expenditure as Sun are the 12th house Lord, placed in

the Lagna. Mars Dasa is favourable in the sense that by your own

efforts (3rd house ) and your courage you were able to overcome

impediments. Ketu is good in the 3rd for two reasons. One, it acts

as a booster enhancing Mar's strength and in the 3rd Ketu allows the

accomplishment of all goals you set yourself. Revenue from both the

sources is reduced when Saturn transits the house of gain. Saturn

will retro back into Gemini end of January 2005. This is during

Jupiter Bhukthi which will continue till December 2005. Saturn will

move back into Cancer during May of 2005. Until Saturn moves back to

cancer you will experience relief.


Remedies must be sought for Rahu and the effects of 7 ½ years of

Saturn's transit over natal moon. Rahu is very difficult to counter

and it is best to offer regular prayers to Goddess Durga. To remedy

Saturn's transit it is best to read "The Greatness of Saturn" by

Robert Svoboda, Rupa Publications.






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