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Manjunath ji - 22 Jun 1976; 09:00 am; Vaniyambadi [12n41, 78e37]

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Manjunath ji,


It is usually better to indicate regarding what area you want an

analysis, and since you have not done so, I shall stick to a

general reading.


Your Lagna is Kataka, and is afflicted by the presence of two

malefic grahas, Sani and Kuja. Fortunately, they are over 19

degrees apart, and are therefore not conjunct. Kuja, though

Neecha, gets Neecha Banga because his dispositor Chandra is in a

Kendra from Lagna, and additionally, the Graha which would be

Uccha in Kataka, Guru, is in a Kendra from Lagna. However, there

will still be trouble from Kuja during his Dasha, which operates

when you are 40-47 years old, so be careful during this time.


Though a Gaja Kesari Yoga exists theoretically, it will not

manifest because Guru and Chandra are over 21 degrees apart.

However, your Lagnadipati Chandra is Uccha in Navamsa, and this

endows you with mental strength, though some weakness is there

because you were born on a Krishna Dasami, when Chandra is

lacking in strength. You also have Kala Sarpa Dosha, but this

need not be something to get upset about.


Most people have three important considerations, namely,

marriage, career, and children. I shall touch upon all these



* Marriage: The 7th is owned by Sani, and this will cause

delays, though the 7th is Sani's own house. However, since Sani

strengthens his own house by aspecting it, the marriage will be

solid. Kuja also aspects this house, but since he is a Raja Yoga

Karaka, the Kuja Dosha will not persist beyond a point. However,

I have heard that a trip to Sani Singanapur is highly advicable

for people with Sani in Lagna, and this you should try to

undertake when possible. Please also note that Kalartha Karaka

Sukra is afflicted by being within 2 degrees from Surya.


* Career: The 10th is strengthened by Guru, lord of the 9th, but

Chandra in this house leads to ups and downs, and additionally,

the aspect of Sani will lead to slower progress. Please note

that Sani is the lord of the malefic 8th, and since he anyway is

known for grief, he will cause troubles. The lord of this house,

Kuja, is also not very strong, and this could also aggravate the



* Children: The lord of this house is Kuja, and since he is

Neecha, this could be an area of concern, especially since

Budha, a dushtana lord from both Lagna and Chandra Lagna,

aspects the same.


You are currently undergoing Surya Dasa [Jul 2000 - Jul 2006]

and Budha Bukti [May 2004 - Mar 2005] Surya, while owning Maraka

2nd from Lagna, also owns the benefic 5th from Chandra, and so

is not very malefic. However, Budha is a cruel graha from both

Lagna and Chandra Lagna, and will cause diseases, debts, and

losses. Sukra, who is conjunct Surya, owns both the maraka

houses from Chandra, and so you should be careful throughout

Surya Dasa. Gochara wise, Guru (6), Rahu (1), and Ketu (7) are

all ill-disposed, though Ketu's movement into the 6th in end-Feb

2005 will be helpful. Sani is in the 3rd, but he is Vakra, and

will shortly move into your 4th house, and create additional



One good thing in your chart is that, from Chandra Lagna, Guru

both owns and aspects the 9th, and this increases your fortunes,

though the Papa Katari Yoga of the 11th from Lagna will hamper

your monetary abilities.




For Aswi, Sury affecting Anur [17] = -0

For Aswi, Sury affecting Asle [09] = -0

For Aswi, Sury affecting Vish [16] = -2

For Aswi, Sury affecting Bhar [02] = -0

(Aswi.Sury -2

For Aswi, Chan affecting Bhar [02] = +2

For Aswi, Chan affecting Makh [10] = +1

For Aswi, Chan affecting Krit [03] = +0

For Aswi, Chan affecting Anur [17] = +2

(Aswi.Chan 5

For Aswi, Budd affecting Mool [19] = +1

For Aswi, Budd affecting Purn [07] = +0

For Aswi, Budd affecting Chit [14] = +0

For Aswi, Budd affecting Reva [27] = +2

(Aswi.Budd 3

For Aswi, Sukr affecting Swat [15] = +2

For Aswi, Sukr affecting Sata [24] = +2

For Aswi, Sukr affecting Jeys [18] = +2

For Aswi, Sukr affecting Rohi [04] = +2

(Aswi.Sukr 8

For Aswi, Kuja affecting Swat [15] = -0

For Aswi, Kuja affecting Sata [24] = -0

For Aswi, Kuja affecting Jeys [18] = -0

For Aswi, Kuja affecting Rohi [04] = -0

(Aswi.Kuja 0

For Aswi, Guru affecting Hast [13] = +2

For Aswi, Guru affecting UBha [26] = +2

For Aswi, Guru affecting Arid [06] = +2

For Aswi, Guru affecting PAsh [20] = +2

(Aswi.Guru 8

For Aswi, Sani affecting Purn [07] = -2

For Aswi, Sani affecting Mool [19] = -1

For Aswi, Sani affecting PBha [25] = -2

For Aswi, Sani affecting UPha [12] = -2

(Aswi.Sani -7

For Aswi, Rahu affecting Aswi [01] = -1

For Aswi, Rahu affecting PPha [11] = -0

For Aswi, Rahu affecting Rohi [04] = -0

For Aswi, Rahu affecting Jeys [18] = -0

(Aswi.Rahu -1

For Aswi, Ketu affecting Swat [15] = -0

For Aswi, Ketu affecting Sata [24] = -0

For Aswi, Ketu affecting Jeys [18] = -0

For Aswi, Ketu affecting Rohi [04] = -0

(Aswi.Ketu 0

{Aswi. 14


A splendid score, but Rahu, Surya, and Sani are afflicting

Name, while Sani and Rahu are affecting Lagna, with a little

benovelence from Budha. The Tithi is however protected by Guru.


Your Janma Nakshtra (1) is afflicted by Rahu, and this leads to

a variety of difficulties. Surya's aspect on Sanghtaic Nakshtra

(16) causes spending and lack of unity, while the terrible

affliction to the Uday Nakshtra (18) by Rahu, Ketu, and Kuja,

will ensure that all your attempts to rise will be rendered

useless, even though some relief is provided by Sukra. The

Adhana Nakshatra (19) is aspected by Vakra Sani, and Budha's

protection is again minimized by Sani's terrible gaze. Sani also

aspects the Manas Nakshatra (25), causing mental agony, but

Guru's aspect on Raj Nakshatra (26) and Budha's aspect on

Abhishek Nakshatra (27) holds some promise. I would advice you

to regularly pray to God for help.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection







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