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The Universal Omkaara Form

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The Universal Omkaara Form


Sri Sarabesvara is Siva's Universal Omkaara form. He is the great

Lord who keeps the universe in check. He is the root cause of the

many divine manifestations, the pancha bootha sakthi that underlies

the physical universe, the Nava Naayakas, the Devas and all mantra,

tantra, yantra, yoga, siddhi potentialities.


He is the One who blesses all beings with peace and prosperity. If


deserve to be famous, it's Sri Sarabesa who grants us fame. If we

deserve to be courageous, it's Sri Sarabesa who grants us courage.


He's the great motivator. If we get stuck in the course of our

endeavors, He's the One who motivates us to move forward and helps


make progress. He is the grantor of peace and tranquility. He is the

dispenser of all that's good and the vanquisher of all that's evil.

He's the eternal Well Wisher of all beings.


Within Siva who is the root cause of siddhi (spiritual attainment)

and buddhi (spiritual intelligence), Sri Sarabesa is the Parasakthi

who is the Lord of bakthi (devotion) and balam (spiritual




Sarabesvara Avatar


The scriptural texts known as the Puranas have described the Lord's

Sarabesvara manifestation in detail. What we present here is that

which has been conveyed to us by the Siddhas.


The great Lord Narayana manifested as Sri Narasimha to rid the

universe of the evil that was Hiranyakasipu. Evil Incarnate

Hiranyakasipu had oppressed the universe with his tyranny. He was a

consummate egomaniac. His arrogance knew no bounds and he was


that he could do whatever he pleased. He found much pleasure in

subjecting all beings, including the Devas, to much pain and



To protect the denizens of the universe and to give the evil one his

due, Lord Narayana manifested his wrathful, aggressive Narasimha man-

lion form. Sri Narasimha tore the demon apart thus putting an end to

his tyrannical rule. To ensure that Hiranyakasipu's brand of evil is

forever banished from the universe, Sri Narasimha consumed every


of Hiranyakasipu's blood and then wore the demon's mangled body as a

garland. Thus He made sure that none of the evil one's physical

remains made contact with the universe. The inimitable man-lion

roared and performed a terrifying dance. His eyes shone like great

balls of fire and His blood curdling roar struck fear in everyone.

The universe shuddered at this aggressive form of the Lord. No one

could approach Him and no one could bear His all consuming


energy. So the Devas, Rishis and Siddhas approached Sri Siva and

requested His protection. Sri Siva, with the full support of Sri

Soolini and Prathyankira Devis and Their respective entourages,

manifested His supremely aggressive Sarabesvara form. He embraced


Narasimha, cooled Him down and made Him accessible to all beings.



Different Roles in Different Yugas


Sri Sarabesvara, being Siva's Universal Omkara form, is not a new

avatar. It was an avatar that was recreated during Sri Narasimha

avatar. Sri Sarabesa has existed through all the yugas. In each


Sri Sarabesvara takes on a role that's best suited for the

characteristics of that yuga and the state of spirituality in that



The Kritha Yuga is an age of dharma (righteousness). During this

yuga, Sri Sarabesvara takes on the role of anugraha moorthi, the

beatific Lord who blesses one and all with His grace. When

righteousness falters in this age, He assumes the role of dhanda

moorthi, the One who corrects and absolves small mistakes and



During the Tretha Yuga, He dons the role of dhanda moorthi.


In the Dvaapara Yuga, Sri Sarabesvara is a ugra moorthi, the

destroyer of sins and evil.


In the Kali Yuga (the present age), He is the prabandha moorthi who

protects the virtuous and those engaged in selfless service from

evil. He is the vanquisher of the foes of virtue. He's the protector

of the pious and the virtuous. He destroys the evil in the evil ones

and transforms them into virtuous beings.



Tranquil Forms and Aggressive Forms


The One formless, attribute-less Absolute manifests both tranquil


aggressive forms.


The Lord manifests Himself as Dakshina Moorthi, the Universal

Teacher, in a form that's the very definition of peace and

tranquility. He also manifests Himself as Sarabesvara, the Universal

Protector, in what's a supremely wrathful, aggressive form. It's the

same Lord who manifests both forms.


To bless peace loving souls like Siddhas and rishis, the Lord

manifests His peaceful, tranquil forms. To put the demonic,

egomaniacal evil ones in their place, He manifests His wrathful,

aggressive forms.


Since the Kali Yuga (the current age) is an age of evil, it's very

important that we worship the Universal Protector if we want to stay

away from evil.



Many Manifestations


It's the same Lord who manifests Himself as Siva, Narayana, Sakthi,

Ganapathi, Muruga and so on. There are many many divine

manifestations. This is because the Lord recognizes our


and our failings; He knows that different beings have different

temperaments; He knows that different forms may appeal to different

beings. Thus, out of his compassion for our failings, He manifests

His innumerable divine potencies in innumerable avatars.


Human beings are different by way of economics, education,

temperament, style of thinking, karma baggage and other factors.


also differ in the perfection of their surrender to the Divine Will

or the lack of it. So each one of us may gravitate to a different

divine manifestation. As the _expression goes, different strokes for

different folks. Different divine forms may appeal to different

people, but it's the same God who receives us all in the end. In a

time of moral decadence and rise of evil, the worship of Sri

Sarabesvara is an ideal recourse for all of humankind.


The Siddhas worship and revere all divine forms because each divine

form was manifested by God for our spiritual and material welfare.


the Siddhas do this, should we not? It's our spiritual duty to

acknowledge each divine avatar with gratitude and render worship to

all of these divine forms.


Perfect Timing


While every minute of every day is ideal for worship, The Siddhas

have specified certain time periods that are particularly suited for

the worship of Lord Sarabesvara, the Great Protector. These are the

Nitya Pradosha Kaalam and the Raahu Kaalam time periods of each day.

Raahu Kaalam is inauspicious for material activities but ideal for



These time periods on Sunday, Tuesday and Thursday are particularly

important for Sarabesvara worship.


Since the Nitya Pradosha Kaalam and Raahu Kaalam time periods

coincide on Sunday, it's of paramount importance that all of us

worship Lord Sarabesvara on Sunday during this time period. Roughly

speaking, this time period starts at two hours before sunset and


one hour after sunset. While ardent devotees of the Great Protector

will worship Him every day, all others must at the very least

dedicate this three hour period for Sarabesvara worship every week.


The Sarabesvara, Ugraha Prathyankira Devi and Narasimha avatars

happened during the Pradosham time period. The Nitya Pradosham time

period on the Thrayodasi thithi (the thirteenth thithi) is known as

Paksha Pradosham; it occurs once in each paksham. It's one of the

most spiritually potent times within each paksham (fortnight). The

Sarabesvara, Ugraha Prathyankira Devi and Narasimha avatars must be

worshipped during this time period. While it's important to worship

Lord Sarabesvara during the Nitya Pradosham time period everyday,

make sure you at least worship Him during the Paksha Pradosham time

period every fortnight.


Pradosham worship during Paksha Pradosham is very popular in Siva

temples, but it's very important that we worship Sri Narasimha also

during this time period. There are Narayana temples where this

practice is followed like in the Kaattu Azhagiya Narasimha Temple

near Trichy in south India.


A clean mind in a clean body. Before you start your worship of Lord

Sarabesvara, shower, wear clean clothes and wear the appropriate

spiritual mark on your forehead. You're now ready to glorify Sri




Kambaharesvara - The Lord in the Pillars


The divine form of Sri Sarabesvara is often found in temple pillars.

Hence He's also known as Kambaharesvara (kambam = pillar). In the

town of Thirubuvanam, near Kumbakonam in the south of India, there's

a special sanctum for Sri Sarabesvara in the Kambaharesvara temple.

Kambaharesvara also means the Lord who destroyed fear (kambam =


tremor). Lord Sarabesvara, the great protector, destroys any trace


fear in His devotees. The Great Protector manifests His unimaginable

spiritual energy in temple pillars as Kambaharesvara Linga Sakthi.


This process is set in motion by a team of great beings known as the

Sikandi Siddhas. These Siddhas first imbue these pillars with their

spiritual presence and in the process they cleanse these pillars and

make it ready for Sri Sarabesvara's entry. They then request the

Great Protector to become present in these pillars for the benefit


those who visit the temples. The ever merciful Sarabesa agrees with

their selfless plea and manifests His divine energy in these


This process is known as Sarabesvara Linga Aavaahanam. Lord Sarabesa

showers His blessings on temple visitors from this vantage point.

Worshipping the Sarabesvara form found in temple pillars is


very important, especially on Sunday evenings.


The Sikandi Siddha team is led by Sri Dhandala Maharishi. The


Siddhas are part of a class of Siddhas known as Amavasya Siddhas.


first and foremost peedam (seat) of this entire set of great beings

is adorned by Sri Kavacha Jaloosha, the composer of the extremely

potent armour mantra of Sri Sarabesvara. It's important that we

glorify Sri Kavacha Jaloosha and the Sikandi Siddhas during

Sarabesvara worship.



He's a Rarity


The unique Sarabesvara form is not that easy to find. It's not seen

in all temples. Just like a great diamond is not that easily found,

so too is the Sarabesvara form. One must put in some effort to have


vision of the Great Protector's form.


As said before, there's a special shrine for Lord Sarabesvara in the

Thirubhuvanam Kambahareswara temple. The Siddhas speak volumes about

the spiritual potency of this shrine. The Sarabesvara of


is a deena dayaala moorthi, He who pardons the sinners. He destroys

bad habits, evil tendencies and incurable addictions. He transforms

liars, thieves, addicts, rogues, lechers and violent ones into model



The Sarabesvara form can be also be seen in Thaaraasuram near

Kumbakonam, Kaaraikudi, Maadambaakkam near Madras, Koyambedu near

Madras, Thirisoolam near Madras, Arunachala, Madurai, Chidambaram

amongst other places.


The Siddhas say that celebrating Paksha Pradosham in those temples

where the Sarabesvara form is found is very very effective. If


Pradosham were to fall on a Sunday, it's that much more potent!


Use the Agasthiar Panchaangam (spiritual calendar) to identify those

Paksha Pradosham days that fall on a Sunday. On these days,


Pradosham in a temple where the Sarabesa form is present. This is a

simple Siddha prescription for making rapid spiritual progress.


To go from place A to place B, you can walk, run, ride a bus, take a

cab, drive and so on. In spirituality, following a Siddha

prescription is like riding a supersonic jet towards the ultimate

goal of seeing God, knowing God and merging with God. Follow the

Siddha prescriptions and achieve rapid spiritual progress.



The Sarabesvara Dance Gait


As the saying goes, one bad apple can spoil the entire barrel.

Likewise, the demon Hiranyakasipu's evil inspired many others to

embrace the path of evil too. It's hard to stay true to the path of

virtue, but it's easy to embrace the path of vice. And so did a lot

of souls, following Hiranyakasipu's lead. As a result of this, the

universe suffered and decayed.


Because of Hiranyakasipu, there was asura sakthi (the force of evil)

everywhere. This disturbed and confused even the virtuous ones; they

had to spend their positive energy acquired through a lot of

spiritual hardwork to counteract these evil forces. But common folk

don't have this power and hence they fell into evil ways. They got

dislodged from the path of righteousness and virtue.


It was at this stage that the great Lord Narasimha decided to rid


universe of this force of evil. As we mentioned earlier, He assumed

the frightening Man lion form and destroyed the demon. The entire

universe trembled at the aggressive energy projected by Sri

Narasimha. To combat the evil effects of Hiranyakasipu's reign of

terror and the consequent decadence of the universe, Sri Narasimha

decided to destroy the evil forces wherever they had taken hold. So

the great Lord danced in anger in all parts of the universe where

evil had taken root. He sought out every one of these locations

throughout the universe and destroyed the accumulation of asura

sakthi through His wrathful dance; the very touch of His lotus feet

destroyed evil! His bare footed dance physically consumed the evil.

Lands that had been entrenched in evil for centuries were restored


their pristine purity the moment Sri Narasimha set foot on them.


The positive energy generated by the spiritual hard work of


of rishis and Siddhas over thousands of years alone can deal with

this kind of evil, but Sri Narasimha destroyed this evil in moments

because of His divine potencies. This act of Sri Narasimha also

illustrates the importance of selfless service in a world that's

becoming more and more selfish with every passing day.


The blaze of Sri Narasimha's positivism destroyed Hiranyakasipu's

blaze of evil. Nonetheless, it was still a blaze and none could

withstand its all consuming power. Narasimha's radiance was like the

brilliance of a billion suns. Who can withstand this brilliance? The

fire of pristine purity and ultimate knowledge? No one could and

hence they petitioned Sri Siva for help.


As we mentioned before, Sri Siva manifested the Sarabesvara form and

in what was a most unique gait, placed His bare feet exactly on top

of every one of Sri Narasimha's footprints, absorbed the intense


(ugra sakthi) of Sri Narasimha into Himself and restored equilibrium

everywhere. These particular spots are unique because they have been

touched by the feet of both Hari and Hara! They are replete with

Sarabesa sakthi, His divine energy. And this unique gait of the Lord

is known as Saaluvesa nadana gathi, the Sarabesvara dance gait. To

remember this act of compassion and to show our gratitude to the

Great Protector, we must walk bare foot to the temple for Sarabesa







Fear Not


Sri Sarabesvara is the Lord of Fearlessness. His devotees have

nothing to fear from. The great Lord protected the terror stricken

Devas. Just like He solved their problem and pacified them, He

removes the fear instilled by evil ones. He protects peace loving

devotees from the oppression of the evil minded. He gives His


the courage to withstand any evil while staying true to the


path. So everyone must worship Sri Sarabesvara. If the evil minded

worship Sarabesa, they will get transformed into virtuous souls.


The Kali Yuga, the present age, is an age of decadence marked by the

rise of evil. There's a palpable onset of negative forces, an

increase in evil and vices. However, only the positive will prevail.

The pious ones who have perfect faith in God alone will endure and

prosper. But they will have to endure tests of patience; they must

persevere against the forces of evil.


It is Sri Sarabesvara who receives those virtuous souls who


these severe tests by the Sathguru's grace and who never swerve from

their devotional and selfless duties. It is He who grants them





Remover of Enmity


Enmity is an evil that's widespread in the Kali Yuga. There's enmity

amongst relatives, amongst siblings, amongst neighbors and amongst

colleagues at work. There's enmity pretty much everywhere.


This epidemic of enmity is one of the reasons we have to face a lot

of problems in the current age. Because of enmity in the family


are inheritance related problems. Because of enmity amongst

colleagues and the consequent back stabbing, there are problems at

work. Because of enmity amongst neighbors, there are problems where

you live. Thus there's no peace and tranquility because of enmity.

Many a time, one's enemies become clients of purveyors of black

magic. These evil practices can cause much harm. So how can one

protect oneself from becoming a victim of one's enemies? How can one

put an end to enmity and rise above these problems? By worshipping

Sri Sarabesvara and surrendering to His all conquering grace.


no other way, say the Siddhas.


Sri Sarabesvara is the universal panacea for the enmity problem

that's rampant in our times. He puts an end to enmity by reforming

enemies and transforming them into virtuous beings.



Fortifier of the Mind


A sound mind is crucial for spiritual progress. Mental strength is

important, but when one is beset with problems, physical or

otherwise, the first deserter is the mind; it loses its strength and

resolve to stay true to the spiritual path. The onset of disease can

make the mind lose its composure. A weakened mind leads to a

weakening of bakthi both towards God and Sathguru. And weakened

bakthi leads to spiritual downfall. To protect oneself against this

possibility, one must maintain a healthy mind in a healthy body.

Since bad health can cause spiritual ill effects like loss of faith,

it's important to maintain good health. This can be easily achieved

by the grace of Sri Sarabesvara.


Natural cures and natural medicines will help increase our faith in

God. Hence the importance of Ayurvedic and Siddha medicines. The

spiritual potency in moolika medicinal herbs keeps your spiritual

self in good stead even if your physical being is afflicted. The

chemicals in modern medicine will affect both the body the state of

one's mind. When the mind is weak, it becomes susceptible to


attacks by negative forces. These negative forces wreak havoc in

one's spiritual self; they cause bad, impure and evil thoughts to

arise in the mind. Doubts rear their ugly head and they weaken one's

spiritual resolve. For example, when one is suffering from the flu

and is running a high temperature, he can't even think of God, let

alone recite the names of the Divine. He thinks only about the body

and the pain he's going through. The mind refuses to go into prayer

mode however hard he tries. But can we protect ourselves from such

possibilities? Yes! The grace of Sri Sarabesvara can fortify the


and protect our spiritual selves.


To make sure that the mind stays true to God, we must worship Sri

Sarabesa. It's Sarabesa's grace that protects us from losing our

mental strength and fortitude. Irrespective of whether we're struck

by disease or by problems caused by enemies, Sarabesa's grace keeps

our mind in good stead. This is the first reward we get from




Even if you worship Sarabesa but once, the beneficial effects of


worship alone fortifies your moral fibre and results in enough


steel to preserve your internal strength in the face of disease and

opposition. Whatever spiritual mental strength you have collected

till then is conserved and protected by Sarabesa worship.


It doesn't mean that you have to spend thousands on Sarabesa


Simple worship as described in this article will do, if offered in a

spirit of bakthi and surrender.



No More Nightmares


However great the odds against us may be, Sri Sarabesa makes sure

that we don't lose our confidence and our mental strength. It's His

grace which helps us meet and overcome any opposition without losing

our spiritual strength. To get this mind of steel, one must worship

Sarabesa atleast every Sunday during the Raahu kaalam time period.

Place a picture of Sarabesa (like the one provided in this article)

in your home shrine and meditate on the Great Protector's love and

compassion for all beings. Request His all conquering grace. If you

have His grace, nothing can stop your spiritual efforts.


Without a strong mind, how can we make progress in spirituality?

Without a strong mind, how can we meet the obstacles that life


in our way? We will lose our mental composure and also our faith in

God. If you want to make sure that this doesn't happen to you,

worship Sri Sarabesa atleast every Sunday during the Raahu kaalam

time period.


There are many kids who wet ther beds frequently. Then there are


who cry out in terror because of nightmares. There's a simple

solution to these problems. Let these kids make sandalwood paste

themselves and apply it to the picture of Sarabesa in their home

shrine. This simple worship will put an end to their bedwetting and

other problems arising from nightmares. Recall that Sri Sarabesa is

the destroyer of fear. He is the Lord of fearlessness who is waiting

on His wings to protect both children and adults.


There are many adults who suffer from nightmares too. They see weird

dreams; they dream of snakes, of thieves, of themselves being


in dense forests and so on. These dreams can be terrifying and upset

one's state of mind. But why fear when the Great Protector is ready

to help? Before going to bed, recite the Sarabesvara kavacham hymn

(provided elsewhere in this article). Both in the morning and

evening, do archana using little spheres made out of sandalwood

paste, turmeric paste or butter while reciting the 108 lines that

glorify Sarabesa (provided elsewhere in this article). Do this

regularly. This simple worship will put an end to problems arising

from this kind of fear and panic attacks.



The Protector of Battered Wives


As we mentioned before, the Nitya Pradosham time period is an ideal

time for worshipping Sri Sarabesvara. Who can derive immediate

benefit from daily Sarabesa worship during the Nitya Pradosham time

period? Battered wives, say the Siddhas.


There are many households that are under the tyranny of demoniacal

husbands. These demons make life a living hell for everyone in that

household. Unfortunately, this is also a problem which can not be

brought out into the open easily. The wives of these maniacs thus

have to suffer in silence. What a nightmare! Can one reason with a

wife-beater? No. It's like reasoning with Hiranyakasipu. It'll be of

no avail. So what can one do?


Well, one can bring the power of Sri Sarabesa to bear on such


Womenfolk subject to this tyranny must worship Sri Sarabesa during

the Nitya Pradosha Kaalam time period everyday. The power of this

worship will quell the demoniacal qualities in their husbands and

transform them into reasonable human beings. For how can there be

evil in a household in which Sri Sarabesa is worshipped! The

protective genius of Sri Sarabesa destroys the evil in the evil ones

and transforms them into virtuous beings.



Wear the Lord's Armour


The Sarabesvara Kavacham hymn is the Lord's armour in words.


it constantly is equivalent to wearing the Lord's armour. This


is like an impregnable fortress; it makes the devotee invincible

against any negative or evil force. Thus Sarabesa worship is replete

with power. It makes rapid spiritual progress possible. Since the

power to stand up to evil forces is an important facet of

spirituality, wearing the Lord's armour is very important,


in the Kali Yuga.


The Sarabesvara kavacham hymn is a boon to womenfolk, in particular.

Those who recite it constantly can easily get rid of fear and panic

attacks. The Lord's armour promotes family unity; it gets rid of

dysfunction in family units. It reforms those husbands who have

succumbed to demoniacal tendecies. It solves pesky in-law problems.

Many are the women who feel that they lack support and protection.

These women in particular should recite the kavacham hymn


Women of the world, the Lord's armour is the one unfailing solution

to all your family problems! It's your source of endless strength,

support and protection. Embrace it with all your heart and reap the



Some families are subject to a succession of sudden and unexpected

deaths. In some other families, family members are victims of

frequent accidents. Because of these happenings, many women lead

lives filled with terror and uncertainty; they don't know what will

happen the next moment. Living with this kind of uncertainty is

torture. The Siddhas say that such women should worship Sri Sarabesa

with love and devotion, especially on Sundays during the Raahu


time period and during Nitya and Paksha Pradosham time periods. As

part of their worship, they should make sandalwood paste themesleves

and apply it to the divine form of Sri Sarabesa. The Great Protector

will protect such women; He will be their armour, their strength and

their protection. With the Great Protector on their side, they will

have nothing to fear from.



Salvation From Bad Habits and Incurable Addictions


As we have mentioned elsewhere, the Kali Yuga (the current age) is


age marked by the rise of evil. Many are the evil proclivities in

this yuga. Many beings succumb to bad habits and addictions like

alcoholism, smoking, sex related excesses, lust, covetousness,

jealousy, lying, bribery, corruption, cheating and treachery.


The result of these bad habits is a lot of bad karma baggage which

the soul must work out. There's no other way out. The soul has to go

through The effects of bad karma manifest themselves as severe trial

and tribulations in one's life, many a time in the shape of painful

diseases. The soul has to go through these problems to recompense


the bad karma. This process may take many, many lifetimes.


Alternatively a Sathguru can assume the burden of this bad karma and

burn it off with his punya sakthi (spiritual power). But this is


for a lucky few.


Is there anything else a soul can do to offset the effects of its


karma? Yes, that soul which performs pradosham worship, theertha

kandi worship and other worship procedures under the guidance of a

Sathguru can offset its bad karma with the Sathguru's grace.


The Siddhas say that the bad karma accumulated by the evil

proclivities of the Kali Yuga can best be destroyed by the worship


Sri Sarabesa, Ugraha Prathyankira Devi and Narasimha during the

Pradosham time period. Why? Because this sort of bad karma can only

be burnt by a special potency of the Lord known as the Neelakanta

Agni Sakthi which pervades the world during the Pradosham time




The Sarabesa Narasimha Duo


As we mentioned before, the Sarabesa form is like a rare diamond;

it's not that easy to find. We have mentioned some temples where


unique divine form is found. The Siddhas say that if the divine


of Sri Sarabesvara and Narasimha are found in opposite pillars


each other, the beneficial effects of this divine combination are

beyond words; the spiritual results get magnified manifold.


So here's a spiritual project for you. Seek out temples where this

divine duo is present and do your Sarabesvara pooja there. Share


findings with friends and family and involve them in Sarabesvara

worship. Do all of this from a totally selfless standpoint. This is

an easy way of pleasing Sarabesa, the Great Universal Protector.



Sarabesvara Gayatri Mantra


There's a Gayatri mantra that's specific to each and every divine

manifestation. Here's the one in honor of Lord Sarabesvara:


Om Saaluvesaaya vidhmahé

pakshi raajaaya dheemahi

thannó Sarabesvara prachodayaath


Pronunciation Guide:

é - long "eh" sound, as in mane, fame

ó - long "oh" sound, as in gold, bold.


This Gayatri mantra can also be recited while performing abishekam

for Sri Sarabesvara.



Sarabesvara Kavacham Hymn


Composed by the great Siddha, Kavacha Jaloosha, and handed down to


by Sathguru Venkataraman, this short and sweet hymn envelops the

devotee with the protective power of Lord Sarabesvara, the Great



Sarabesvara is My Armour

Narasimha uggiram udaitthu vandha

Paramasivam paravaiyaai ezhundha en kóvé

Hara Hara enach cholli aanandhamaakki unnai

urattha kuralil koovi azhaippén Saaluvésaa endré

siram irandum kan moondrum kooriya mookkudané

karam naangaai enaik kaattharulum karunaakarané

param porulé Sarabesaa vaazhi vaazhiyé


Pronunciation Guide:

é - long "eh" sound, as in mane, fame

ó - long "oh" sound, as in gold, bold.




He who quelled Narasimha's wrath

Paramasivam, My Lord! You took form as a great bird

"Hara, Hara," I say and you fill me with bliss divine

Loudly will I call out for You, O Saaluvesa!

With two heads, three eyes, a sharp beak

And hands four, You protect me, O Lord of Mercy!

You are the Primordial One, the Ultimate Truth! O Sarabesa!

Hail to You! Hail to You!

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