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ADMIN: Blaming religions

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Hello everyone


Some discussions about religions (Islam) is here for a while. This is, surely,

totally uncalled for. This is a place to discuss Vedic Astrology. Hindu religion

is very closely related to the same that is why some discussion of it is good.

But it is not for a discussion on Islam esp. when not relating to astrology and

also when blaming it for terrorism etc.


This is an international forum for all nationals and religions and this is very

obvious that when a Hindu will blame Islam for anything then the Muslim will

blame Hinduism too. That is a very natural reaction. But that serves us no

purpose and is not our aim.


As Mr. Pankaj pointed out there is no religion that promotes or encourages

terrorism. And even the one who is the hero of this thread (Named Mukund) has

written in his mail, "Why people killed IN NAME OF ISLAM." So this means Islam

is not doing this but this is done for the name of Islam - it is just the very

persons responsibility for doing so and Islam can not be blamed for doing this.

Any of you d to other list will knoe his behaviour well. A very

quarrelsome person - he was given warning of being banned in Vedic-Astrology

list for about 100 times each time being "last warning" and now his posting

ability is disabled there. The moderator Narasimha Ji is indeed very broad

hearted and kind person that is why he could tolerate it for a long time. This

person also offended me with brutal language when I sympathised for his three

divorce in life, and I did not just respond because I do not care such things

and do not like to be hero through stabbing each other, and it was the previous

day when I was going India for something good. So I really did not care. But he

was moderated recently, and I approved his message for I let you know what he





Personally I have noted (always) that there is a good distance between Hindus

and Muslims and they carry total wrong impressions about each other - it has

been there for long. Being a Muslim I have seen many Muslims think that Hindus

are "mean" and "promotes conspiracy" and I have also seen many Hindus think that

Muslims are "brutal" and "terrorists" and "ferocious" and so on. Needless to

say, none of these are true. This impression are created by a group of people

who take the advantage of Hindu-Muslim fight. This impression is far from



I have seen Islam to be blamed as 'The religion of sword', since Prophet

Muhammad had to fight a lot. The prejudice impression about the wars for Islam

creates the impression of terrorism, that Muhammad was a terrorist, a brutal

fighter, killed many people etc etc. Then, when at last Muhammad invaded Mecca

with 10,000 army and people did not even dare to fight back but surrendered, why

did not he kill anyone? Why he said that today you all are free and there is no

charge against you? If he was brutal he wouldnt lose the chance to take revenge

for what people done with him. No historist can deny this fact. No one can

change the history. Anyone who'd study such Islamic history (Wrote by even non

muslims) can know that there was no wars promoted by Muhammad but he only fought

when he had no choice. When he started to spread Islam he was tortured, beaten

to blood by a lot of people which he never fought back. These are all true. And

even since his boyhood, long before he became prophet, all used to call him 'The

Trustworthy' (Al-Amin) and this fact no one can deny.


Religions have rules and regulations and a group of people misinterprete, and

misuse them to give bad names to it.


Still, there is a lot of rules in Islam that I personally do not like, or

follow. But it does not mean anything. Those rules were needed for that age,

that area, that situation. As an example I can say Islam approves for physical

punishment to wife by husband in certain conditions. In this age, this is

brutal, and I do not support this. But then, it does not really prove Islam to

be brutal, for it was necessary for that age since then women had no literacy,

so it was very necessary that they obey husbands - and it still is the tradition

and expected in this sub continent - India, Bangladesh, Pakistan etc.


When a group of wicked people become busy to find such faults of Islam then

Muslims also become busy in finding faults of Hinduism just like burning the

wife in husbands death-ceremony (Sati Dah) and such things, also like a wife can

never marry and resettle if her husband dies.


I wonder which Hindu lady today will show respect to Hinduism by obeying this

Sati Daha and Saha Maran and which Muslim lady today will respect Islam by

allowing her husband to punish her physically?


If we find faults like this millions of faults of each religion can be found.

And no religion can be qualified.


And these so called brutal cultures do not really prove the religions to be

brutal. Because as I said, I believe those rules were very appropriate for the

age when they were made.


And I also wonder who would support the caste system these days that one born to

a lower caste should always clean toilets and do such works for all life even

having much talent and skills? Who would support this system? Even today, many

guardians follow this system and I know a lot of, a lot of failure of

relationship for this. Really painful. But I am sure in those days it was

necessary to maintain discipline in the society.


Similarly Islam approves a husband to marry again without divocing the 1st wife

and without a permission from him. This is what I do not think to be fair and do

not like.


So millions of so called "faults" can be found out of religions. But they are

not really faults, but they are not just appropriate or suitable for today. This

is because our social pattern, life, views, values everything changed totally

since those days. And this change is a must and is the way we are developing.

And this is practically true that in this modern life we can not really follow

the religion in proper way, for our social and professional life pattern. For

this reason 9th houe of religion is the 12th house (loss hosue) to the 10th

house of worldly activities. So it is even astrologically true that we are

unable to maintain religion for our worldly life since it is just being very

hard for the differences of the two.


So personally, I respect all religions. Being born in Muslim family I do not

really say Islam is not perfect and Hinduism is all bad. That's not true. Each

religion is beautiful subject to how you live it. But each religion might be

very bad if you try to find it's faults.


I know one teacher of me who is a Hindu, and was saying one day, "I like Islam

for it is very fair about male-female behaviour, our Krishna did some Leela's

etc that I do not like."


I was very stunned. Because the Rasa-Leela of Krishna and Gopis had some other

meanings, some divinity was in it. But my teacher, not even knowing or realizing

it, simply took it was an ordinary male-female mockery !


So, it shows our lack of knowledge, lack of understanding that creates a wrong

impression about the whole thing. In modern life we do not, or can not know

enough of it, the real of it and so out of prejudice, we start saying things.

This is very bad.


And after the event within 2 months the teacher's mother died. To me it is for

bad mouthing Lord Krishna without knowing, for Krishna rules Moon and in a chart

Moon rules Mother. bad mouthing of a religion weakens the 9th house which

signifies religion in a chart, but also the most important house in the chart

for happiness, overall prosperity, protection etc. So I really do not like bad

mouthing or saying ill of a religion.


It also have to be noted that it is just the will of God in which religion you

are born and follow it. If a Hindu were born in Muslim family he'd love Islam

likes he today loves Hinduism. And if a Muslim were born in Hindu family then

he'd love Hinduism like he loves Islam. So, this is just the will of god. And,

why blaming and grouping people for what only God is responsible?


I personally use "Namaste" (Hindu greeting style) while talking to respected

Hindu people and know a few learned Hindu people who use "salam" (Muslim

greetings) with me just for they know I am Muslim. When they use "salam" it does

not mean that they are inferior to me or I shall kill them for not doing so. But

it indeed is just the hallmard of their broadness showing they respect my

religious culture. But, some people can never understand that. Because not all

are of the same level of humanity and manners.


So, this is the end of the story. Enough discussion on religions. Let us focuss

to our concerned subject only. Subject to future behaviour Mukund will be

removed or banned from this list. (He is already moderated.)





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