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Monty ji - 12 Aug 1967; 10:55 pm; Nasik [19n59, 73e48]

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Monty ji,


On the face of it, your chart seems ok--the lagnadipati Kuja

aspects Mesha Lagna, and solidifies it, 5th lord Surya is in the

4th with the 9th lord Guru, who is Uccha. Guru is in a kendra

from both Lagna and Chandra Lagna, and this strengthens the

Hamsa Yoga considerably. You also have Chandra Mangala Yoga

because Chandra and Kuja are conjunct, and this is also good.


However, when one sees slightly beyond the obvious, problems



For one thing, Guru is Neecha in Navamsa, and this ruins its

capabilities to do good. It is also Neecha in D-24, the

Siddamsha chart, and I suspect that though Guru is the lord of

the 9th house of higher education, and a natural karaka for

wisdom, your education could have suffered as a result.


The Lagnadipati Kuja is also afflicted by Ketu, and fortunately,

Ketu is over 11 degrees away, but still, some damage will be

there. The lord of the 5th, who governs poorva punya, is in the

4th, but the affliction of dushtana lords Guru (12) and Budha

(6) spoil his capabilities.


Regarding your residence, one has to see the 4th house, and this

house is afflicted by the lords of the 12th and the 6th, and

these two dushtana lords, given their capability to destroy the

house they occupy, might be responsible for your problems with

your residences.


For seperation, one considers the 6th house because it is 12th

from the 7th house of marriages, and so it represents loss of

marriage. The presence of this house's lord in the 4th could

work against happiness. Since you are running Budha Dasa from

Sep 1997 - Sep 2014, this problem could be more acute now.


Another problem in your chart is the presence of Rahu in Lagna,

and Sani in the 12th. Since Sani rules the 10th and the 11th,

these are destroyed by its presence in the 12th, and this could

adversely impact your career and money-making abilities. Sani

also aspects the 9th from the 12th, and this could also be

adversely afflicting your fortune.


>From gochara angle, Guru in the 12th is bad. Sani in the 9th,

Ketu in the 1st, and Rahu in the 7th are also equally adverse.

Some respite is possible in Feb-end, when Rahu transits your 6th





For Vish, Sury affecting UAsh [06] = -0

For Vish, Sury affecting Mrig [17] = -0

For Vish, Sury affecting PBha [10] = -1

For Vish, Sury affecting PPha [23] = -2

(Vish.Sury -3

For Vish, Chan affecting Aswi [13] = +2

For Vish, Chan affecting PPha [23] = +0

For Vish, Chan affecting Rohi [16] = +0

For Vish, Chan affecting Jeys [03] = +0

(Vish.Chan 2

For Vish, Budd affecting PAsh [05] = +0

For Vish, Budd affecting Arid [18] = +2

For Vish, Budd affecting UBha [11] = +2

For Vish, Budd affecting Hast [25] = +0

(Vish.Budd 4

For Vish, Sukr affecting PAsh [05] = +0

For Vish, Sukr affecting Arid [18] = +2

For Vish, Sukr affecting UBha [11] = +2

For Vish, Sukr affecting Hast [25] = +0

(Vish.Sukr 4

For Vish, Kuja affecting Jeys [03] = -2

For Vish, Kuja affecting Push [20] = -0

For Vish, Kuja affecting Swat [27] = -0

For Vish, Kuja affecting Aswi [13] = -0

(Vish.Kuja -2

For Vish, Guru affecting Chit [26] = +2

For Vish, Guru affecting PBha [10] = +1

For Vish, Guru affecting Mool [04] = +2

For Vish, Guru affecting Mrig [17] = +2

(Vish.Guru 7

For Vish, Sani affecting Purn [19] = -1

For Vish, Sani affecting Mool [04] = -0

For Vish, Sani affecting PBha [10] = -1

For Vish, Sani affecting UPha [24] = -0

(Vish.Sani -2

For Vish, Rahu affecting Aswi [13] = -0

For Vish, Rahu affecting PPha [23] = -2

For Vish, Rahu affecting Rohi [16] = -2

For Vish, Rahu affecting Jeys [03] = -2

(Vish.Rahu -6

For Vish, Ketu affecting Chit [26] = -0

For Vish, Ketu affecting PBha [10] = -1

For Vish, Ketu affecting Mool [04] = -0

For Vish, Ketu affecting Mrig [17] = -0

(Vish.Ketu -1

{Vish. 3


Your Lagna is afflicted by Sani, who is more malevolent because

he is Vakra. Rahu and Sani together afflict Name, but Budha and

Sukra save day. Budha and Sukra, along with Guru, also save

tithi from Ketu.


Karma Nakshtra (10) is saved by Guru, but the affliction by

Ketu, Surya, and Sani will still cause difficulties at work.

Rahu afflicts both the Sanghtaic Nakshtra (16) and the Vinash

Nakshtra (23), spoiling cooperation and threatening you with

destruction. Sani also afflicts the Adhana Nakshatra (19), which

is almost as important as the Janma Nakshatra (1). Kuja affects

the Abhishek Nakshatra (27) and this could mean that your

efforts cannot bear fruit. On the plus side, Sukra and Budha

aspect the Uday Nakshtra (18) and the Manas Nakshatra (25),

providing some rise and mental peace respectively. Guru also

saves the Raj Nakshatra (26) from Ketu, and this also promises



Pray to God to ensure that you tide over your difficulties. The

fact that you have started from scratch at least 4 times shows

that you possess a rare persistance, and the ability to rise

above difficulties that would have crushed a lesser man. May God

provide you with the will to keep trying, until you get

permanent success!


*** Original message below ***


Sun, 16 Jan 2005 21:50:30 -0800 (PST)

"Monty Sidhu" <montysidhu Add to Address Book


Can you plese help!




Respected Balaji,


I have been following the Jyotish group and saw

that you have helped out a lot of people. Could you

please spare some time to look at my chart?


Here are my details:


Date of Birth : Aug 12, 1967

Place of Birth : Nasik, Maharashtra

Time of Birth : 10:55PM (22:55)


I have been through very rough times in life with a

lot of changes. Atleast 4 times during ,my lifetime I

have had to close up my houses completely and start

from scratch. Recently, I got separated from my wife

and we are in the process of a divorce. There have

always been problems from small ones to big ones.


Could you please analyse my chart and let me know what

is wrong or and if anything can be done to correct the

problems / issues.


Please let me know if you need any ,more details.








Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection








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