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what is nadi dosh and its effects and remedies if all the other points match

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what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what is

nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

married life when all the other points match very well?






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let us start first with nadi:

adi nadi.madhya nadi and antar nadi.All the stars are classified in to these

three groups.In matching of the hosroscpoes for marriage purposes.The problem is

if the temperment is not proper the wavelengths between couple will be a big

problem.This results come up 'coz of nakshtraa inter relation .This dosha is to

be avoided.both girl and boy should belong to diffrent ndis .This nadis also

signify:vata,pitta and kapha elements of temperments.nadi dosha results r not at

all to be overlooked.

About yogas i will get back soon




a##d <myst_ak47 wrote:

what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what is

nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

married life when all the other points match very well?


Jyotish Remedies

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further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want ro go by Astrology,please

follow and abide and if you do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is an

indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue of matching of horoscopes.

what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic requirement.if this is there and

confident of dasas prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if the mariage

is out of relationship/friendship,matching need not be done at all.


Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is concerned with jupiter as it

relates to progeny issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when they have

biological aspects(male and female) it is basically takes kulavardhana.Kula

basically refers to varna and is also considered as gana.between various castes

like Brahmana,vaisya and others always there is some difference in approach was

preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was preferred.while jupiter alng

with moon promotes this aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship betweeen2,

5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship between sun and mercury either by

palcement and by aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the closeness of

aditya (sun) and also eventually retrograde.It is an inner

planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury signifies intellect,sharpness ans


iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you are welcome.



a##d <myst_ak47 wrote:

what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what is

nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

married life when all the other points match very well?



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Dear Krishnan saheb,

I have a small question here, in most of the cases

when sun and mercury are forming buddhatiya yoga by

placement (both being in one house), meercury becomes

combust. Actually buddhatiya yoga are very rare to

find---as in Mercury being in the same house with sun

but still not combusted.


So my questions is how do you conclude the

manifestation, taking into account the extent to which

Mercury is combusted?



--- vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Hello,

> further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want ro

> go by Astrology,please follow and abide and if you

> do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is an

> indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue

> of matching of horoscopes.

> what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic

> requirement.if this is there and confident of dasas

> prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if

> the mariage is out of

> relationship/friendship,matching need not be done at

> all.

> Yogas:

> Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is

> concerned with jupiter as it relates to progeny

> issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when

> they have biological aspects(male and female) it is

> basically takes kulavardhana.Kula basically refers

> to varna and is also considered as gana.between

> various castes like Brahmana,vaisya and others

> always there is some difference in approach was

> preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was

> preferred.while jupiter alng with moon promotes this

> aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship

> betweeen2, 5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As

> you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

> where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship between

> sun and mercury either by palcement and by

> aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the

> closeness of aditya (sun) and also eventually

> retrograde.It is an inner

> planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury

> signifies intellect,sharpness ans skills.

> iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you are

> welcome.

> krishnan


> a##d <myst_ak47 wrote:

> what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> is

> nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

> nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

> married life when all the other points match very

> well?




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Hello Krishnan Ji,

Mercury becomes combust at 13 degrees. I have the same question as Sharma

Ji. If Mercury becomes combust, then is BudhAditya yog is still present? Does

Mercury has to be retrograde to qualify for this yog? I have 4 different charts

that matches this combination.





Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:


Dear Krishnan saheb,

I have a small question here, in most of the cases

when sun and mercury are forming buddhatiya yoga by

placement (both being in one house), meercury becomes

combust. Actually buddhatiya yoga are very rare to

find---as in Mercury being in the same house with sun

but still not combusted.


So my questions is how do you conclude the

manifestation, taking into account the extent to which

Mercury is combusted?



--- vattem krishnan wrote:


> Hello,

> further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want ro

> go by Astrology,please follow and abide and if you

> do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is an

> indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue

> of matching of horoscopes.

> what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic

> requirement.if this is there and confident of dasas

> prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if

> the mariage is out of

> relationship/friendship,matching need not be done at

> all.

> Yogas:

> Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is

> concerned with jupiter as it relates to progeny

> issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when

> they have biological aspects(male and female) it is

> basically takes kulavardhana.Kula basically refers

> to varna and is also considered as gana.between

> various castes like Brahmana,vaisya and others

> always there is some difference in approach was

> preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was

> preferred.while jupiter alng with moon promotes this

> aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship

> betweeen2, 5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As

> you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

> where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship between

> sun and mercury either by palcement and by

> aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the

> closeness of aditya (sun) and also eventually

> retrograde.It is an inner

> planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury

> signifies intellect,sharpness ans skills.

> iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you are

> welcome.

> krishnan


> a##d wrote:

> what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> is

> nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

> nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

> married life when all the other points match very

> well?




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hello shivani ji,

Budha aditya yoga is not that happens 'coz mercury becomes combust

/retrograde.Take instances as under:

sun is placed in virgo and the mercury is in leo amsa.

also mercury placed like krittika,uttara and uttra ashadha

for which is the sun is the lord.

also mercury aspecting sun with in 30 degrees but more than 13 degrees.

when ever mercury mercury becomes combust he acts like the planet where he is



Shivani Sheth <sheth_shivani wrote:

Hello Krishnan Ji,

Mercury becomes combust at 13 degrees. I have the same question as Sharma

Ji. If Mercury becomes combust, then is BudhAditya yog is still present? Does

Mercury has to be retrograde to qualify for this yog? I have 4 different charts

that matches this combination.





Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:


Dear Krishnan saheb,

I have a small question here, in most of the cases

when sun and mercury are forming buddhatiya yoga by

placement (both being in one house), meercury becomes

combust. Actually buddhatiya yoga are very rare to

find---as in Mercury being in the same house with sun

but still not combusted.


So my questions is how do you conclude the

manifestation, taking into account the extent to which

Mercury is combusted?



--- vattem krishnan wrote:


> Hello,

> further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want ro

> go by Astrology,please follow and abide and if you

> do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is an

> indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue

> of matching of horoscopes.

> what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic

> requirement.if this is there and confident of dasas

> prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if

> the mariage is out of

> relationship/friendship,matching need not be done at

> all.

> Yogas:

> Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is

> concerned with jupiter as it relates to progeny

> issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when

> they have biological aspects(male and female) it is

> basically takes kulavardhana.Kula basically refers

> to varna and is also considered as gana.between

> various castes like Brahmana,vaisya and others

> always there is some difference in approach was

> preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was

> preferred.while jupiter alng with moon promotes this

> aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship

> betweeen2, 5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As

> you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

> where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship between

> sun and mercury either by palcement and by

> aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the

> closeness of aditya (sun) and also eventually

> retrograde.It is an inner

> planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury

> signifies intellect,sharpness ans skills.

> iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you are

> welcome.

> krishnan


> a##d wrote:

> what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> is

> nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

> nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

> married life when all the other points match very

> well?




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Hello Manoj ji,

Budha aditya yoga is not that happens 'coz mercury becomes combust

/retrograde.Take instances as under:

sun is placed in virgo and the mercury is in leo amsa.

also mercury placed like krittika,uttara and uttra ashadha

for which is the sun is the lord.

also mercury aspecting sun with in 30 degrees but more than 13 degrees.

when ever mercury mercury becomes combust he acts like the planet where he is



Apart from what I have already stated manifestation can also occurs by virtue of

the stars whose lords happen to be sun and mercury.This is real driving force

than placement of planets.In any case,we have to see from other apsects apart

from planetary states.As luminary Sun is always powerful in Astrology.In

Planetary cabinet, mercury is a commandent,a minister.Both being inner

planets,astronomical phonomenons are inevitable including retrogression etc.When

we analyse we look in jyotish from different aspects for manifestations.

Yoga is always a result of interaction of 2 or more planets.Even if they are one

degree aprt we call ittesaal yoga in our Tajik.Capability to give results is

different from manifestations.A natural phenomenon always manifests.Astronomical

insight is only a technical issue.otherwise sun and mercury could not have been

assigned a different roles and placement.If leo is ruled by sun the next sign

belongs to mercury.wheres as mercury also has lordship of Gemini,a zodiac after


If at all we take combustion in to account it is the characters(karakatwas ) of

sun that will prevail and mercury is present only latently away from it's own

houses like Gemini and Virgo.It excles in Virgo and debilitates in Pisces.we

consider ability of mercury to give results from this poit of view.For Taurus

ascendents it is in mooltrikone and is also a marakesh as ruling second.

All these issues are relevant apart from yogas.




Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:

Dear Krishnan saheb,

I have a small question here, in most of the cases

when sun and mercury are forming buddhatiya yoga by

placement (both being in one house), meercury becomes

combust. Actually buddhatiya yoga are very rare to

find---as in Mercury being in the same house with sun

but still not combusted.


So my questions is how do you conclude the

manifestation, taking into account the extent to which

Mercury is combusted?



--- vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Hello,

> further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want ro

> go by Astrology,please follow and abide and if you

> do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is an

> indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue

> of matching of horoscopes.

> what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic

> requirement.if this is there and confident of dasas

> prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if

> the mariage is out of

> relationship/friendship,matching need not be done at

> all.

> Yogas:

> Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is

> concerned with jupiter as it relates to progeny

> issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when

> they have biological aspects(male and female) it is

> basically takes kulavardhana.Kula basically refers

> to varna and is also considered as gana.between

> various castes like Brahmana,vaisya and others

> always there is some difference in approach was

> preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was

> preferred.while jupiter alng with moon promotes this

> aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship

> betweeen2, 5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As

> you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

> where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship between

> sun and mercury either by palcement and by

> aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the

> closeness of aditya (sun) and also eventually

> retrograde.It is an inner

> planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury

> signifies intellect,sharpness ans skills.

> iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you are

> welcome.

> krishnan


> a##d <myst_ak47 wrote:

> what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> is

> nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

> nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

> married life when all the other points match very

> well?




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Hello Krishnan Ji,

In other words, there is no such thing as Budha Aditya yoga. Is this






vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


hello shivani ji,

Budha aditya yoga is not that happens 'coz mercury becomes combust

/retrograde.Take instances as under:

sun is placed in virgo and the mercury is in leo amsa.

also mercury placed like krittika,uttara and uttra ashadha

for which is the sun is the lord.

also mercury aspecting sun with in 30 degrees but more than 13 degrees.

when ever mercury mercury becomes combust he acts like the planet where he is



Shivani Sheth wrote:

Hello Krishnan Ji,

Mercury becomes combust at 13 degrees. I have the same question as Sharma Ji. If

Mercury becomes combust, then is BudhAditya yog is still present? Does Mercury

has to be retrograde to qualify for this yog? I have 4 different charts that

matches this combination.





Manoj Sharma wrote:


Dear Krishnan saheb,

I have a small question here, in most of the cases

when sun and mercury are forming buddhatiya yoga by

placement (both being in one house), meercury becomes

combust. Actually buddhatiya yoga are very rare to

find---as in Mercury being in the same house with sun

but still not combusted.


So my questions is how do you conclude the

manifestation, taking into account the extent to which

Mercury is combusted?



--- vattem krishnan wrote:


> Hello,

> further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want ro

> go by Astrology,please follow and abide and if you

> do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is an

> indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue

> of matching of horoscopes.

> what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic

> requirement.if this is there and confident of dasas

> prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if

> the mariage is out of

> relationship/friendship,matching need not be done at

> all.

> Yogas:

> Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is

> concerned with jupiter as it relates to progeny

> issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when

> they have biological aspects(male and female) it is

> basically takes kulavardhana.Kula basically refers

> to varna and is also considered as gana.between

> various castes like Brahmana,vaisya and others

> always there is some difference in approach was

> preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was

> preferred.while jupiter alng with moon promotes this

> aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship

> betweeen2, 5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As

> you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

> where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship between

> sun and mercury either by palcement and by

> aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the

> closeness of aditya (sun) and also eventually

> retrograde.It is an inner

> planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury

> signifies intellect,sharpness ans skills.

> iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you are

> welcome.

> krishnan


> a##d wrote:

> what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> is

> nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

> nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

> married life when all the other points match very

> well?




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so if one is blessed with kulavardhana yoga does it

have any great significance?

--- vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> Hello Manoj ji,

> Budha aditya yoga is not that happens 'coz mercury

> becomes combust /retrograde.Take instances as under:

> sun is placed in virgo and the mercury is in leo

> amsa.

> also mercury placed like krittika,uttara and uttra

> ashadha

> for which is the sun is the lord.

> also mercury aspecting sun with in 30 degrees but

> more than 13 degrees.

> when ever mercury mercury becomes combust he acts

> like the planet where he is posited.

> krishnan

> Apart from what I have already stated manifestation

> can also occurs by virtue of the stars whose lords

> happen to be sun and mercury.This is real driving

> force than placement of planets.In any case,we have

> to see from other apsects apart from planetary

> states.As luminary Sun is always powerful in

> Astrology.In Planetary cabinet, mercury is a

> commandent,a minister.Both being inner

> planets,astronomical phonomenons are inevitable

> including retrogression etc.When we analyse we look

> in jyotish from different aspects for

> manifestations.

> Yoga is always a result of interaction of 2 or more

> planets.Even if they are one degree aprt we call

> ittesaal yoga in our Tajik.Capability to give

> results is different from manifestations.A natural

> phenomenon always manifests.Astronomical insight is

> only a technical issue.otherwise sun and mercury

> could not have been assigned a different roles and

> placement.If leo is ruled by sun the next sign

> belongs to mercury.wheres as mercury also has

> lordship of Gemini,a zodiac after tarus.

> If at all we take combustion in to account it is the

> characters(karakatwas ) of sun that will prevail and

> mercury is present only latently away from it's own

> houses like Gemini and Virgo.It excles in Virgo and

> debilitates in Pisces.we consider ability of mercury

> to give results from this poit of view.For Taurus

> ascendents it is in mooltrikone and is also a

> marakesh as ruling second.

> All these issues are relevant apart from yogas.

> krishnan



> Manoj Sharma <manojsharma662000 wrote:

> Dear Krishnan saheb,

> I have a small question here, in most of the cases

> when sun and mercury are forming buddhatiya yoga by

> placement (both being in one house), meercury

> becomes

> combust. Actually buddhatiya yoga are very rare to

> find---as in Mercury being in the same house with

> sun

> but still not combusted.


> So my questions is how do you conclude the

> manifestation, taking into account the extent to

> which

> Mercury is combusted?


> Manoj

> --- vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> > Hello,

> > further to my mail, my suggestion is if you want

> ro

> > go by Astrology,please follow and abide and if you

> > do not have faith leave it.it is'coz Astrology is

> an

> > indicative science.nadi is an important item/issue

> > of matching of horoscopes.

> > what is important is graha maitri,whic is basic

> > requirement.if this is there and confident of

> dasas

> > prevailing,you can still go ahead with mariage.if

> > the mariage is out of

> > relationship/friendship,matching need not be done

> at

> > all.

> > Yogas:

> > Kulavardhna Yoga:It is related to 5th house and is

> > concerned with jupiter as it relates to progeny

> > issue.Comes out of marriage again.Two people when

> > they have biological aspects(male and female) it

> is

> > basically takes kulavardhana.Kula basically refers

> > to varna and is also considered as gana.between

> > various castes like Brahmana,vaisya and others

> > always there is some difference in approach was

> > preferred.mariages between same varna(kula) was

> > preferred.while jupiter alng with moon promotes

> this

> > aspect,Rahu afflicts this yoga.Relationship

> > betweeen2, 5,7 and 10 leads to kulavardhan yoga.As

> > you 2nd house relates to kutumba bhava.

> > where as budha aditya yoga is a relationship

> between

> > sun and mercury either by palcement and by

> > aspect.normally budha becomes conjunct with the

> > closeness of aditya (sun) and also eventually

> > retrograde.It is an inner

> > planet(mercury).combination of sun and mercury

> > signifies intellect,sharpness ans skills.

> > iam sure this satisfies you.incase of doubts,you

> are

> > welcome.

> > krishnan

> >

> > a##d <myst_ak47 wrote:

> > what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> > is

> > nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his

> dosha,if

> > nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a

> happy

> > married life when all the other points match very

> > well?

> >

> >

> >

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im sorry but i cannot understand astrological

jargons,can u pls explain me in simple trems the

effects of nadi dosha and the remedies for it?

--- vattem krishnan <bursar_99 wrote:


> hello,

> let us start first with nadi:

> adi nadi.madhya nadi and antar nadi.All the stars

> are classified in to these three groups.In matching

> of the hosroscpoes for marriage purposes.The problem

> is if the temperment is not proper the wavelengths

> between couple will be a big problem.This results

> come up 'coz of nakshtraa inter relation .This dosha

> is to be avoided.both girl and boy should belong to

> diffrent ndis .This nadis also signify:vata,pitta

> and kapha elements of temperments.nadi dosha results

> r not at all to be overlooked.

> About yogas i will get back soon


> krishnan


> a##d <myst_ak47 wrote:

> what is kulavardhana yoga,buddaditya yoga and what

> is

> nadi dosh and what are the remedies for his dosha,if

> nadi dosha exists can the couple still have a happy

> married life when all the other points match very

> well?




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