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Udaya ji - 28 Dec 1963; 12:20 am; Bangalore [12n59, 77e35]

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Udaya ji,


The native has Kanya Lagna, and Lagnadipati Budha is Vakra, but

conjunct Kuja, the lord of the 8th, and is within 10 degrees

from Ketu. The lord of the 5th, Sani, is well placed in the 5th

house, and Guru gives Hamsa Yoga by being the lord of the 7th in

the 7th. Chandra too is well placed in his Moolatrikona.


The native is running Guru Dasa [May 2001 - May 2017] and Sani

Bukti [Jul 2003 - Jan 2006]. Guru, with a Shadvarga Vimshopak of

18.80 out of 20, should technically be the most benefic graha in

the chart because no other graha gets such a high score.

However, he is a badakadipati for Kanya Lagna, and is aspected

by Kuja, the lord of the 8th. He is also aspected by Sani, and

while Sani is benefic because he owns the 5th house, Sani is

also malefic because of his ownership of the 6th house.


I also looked at some of the divisional charts, and while Guru

is reasonably well placed there, he is Neecha in the

Akshavedamsa, or the D-40 chart, which deals with general

success. My knowledge concerning the divisional charts is not

very good, but this seems to add to the problem areas.


The lord of the 10th, Budha, aspects this house and strengthens

it, but this house is occupied by Rahu, and as such, this is not

very good. This house is also aspected by Surya and Kuja, the

lords of the 12th and the 8th respectively.


Since the native's Chandra is strongly placed, a perspective

from Chandra Lagna could also throw some more light. From

Chandra Lagna, Guru is the lord of the 8th, and Sani becomes the

Badakadipati. The lord of the 2nd, which concerns money matters,

is Budha, and this graha has already been considered earlier.


However, we also need to remember that the Lagna, with a Bhava

Bala of 10.6 points, is the strongest house in this native's

chart. Chandra, who represents the mind, is also very strong,

and unafflicted by any other graha, and this should also give

the native the mental resilience to push ahead in the face of

all odds.


>From Gochara angle, things are quite good. Guru (5), Sani (3),

and Ketu (6) are all friendly, and only Rahu (12) is not. When

the Rahu-Ketu transit takes place, things will not change much,

because, while Ketu becomes unfriendly by being in the 5th

house, Rahu becomes friendly in the 11th. Sani is Vakra in the

2nd house, but when he moves into the 3rd house again, things

will definitely improve.




For Krit, Sury affecting Dhan [21] = -2

For Krit, Sury affecting Vish [14] = -2

For Krit, Sury affecting Asle [07] = -2

For Krit, Sury affecting Srav [20] = -0

(Krit.Sury -6

For Krit, Chan affecting Bhar [27] = +2

For Krit, Chan affecting Makh [08] = +2

For Krit, Chan affecting Krit [01] = +1

For Krit, Chan affecting Anur [15] = +2

(Krit.Chan 7

For Krit, Budd affecting Dhan [21] = +0

For Krit, Budd affecting Vish [14] = +0

For Krit, Budd affecting Asle [07] = +0

For Krit, Budd affecting Srav [20] = +2

(Krit.Budd 2

For Krit, Sukr affecting Srav [20] = +2

For Krit, Sukr affecting Krit [01] = +1

For Krit, Sukr affecting Dhan [21] = +0

For Krit, Sukr affecting Makh [08] = +2

(Krit.Sukr 5

For Krit, Kuja affecting Mool [17] = -0

For Krit, Kuja affecting Purn [05] = -2

For Krit, Kuja affecting Chit [12] = -2

For Krit, Kuja affecting Reva [25] = -2

(Krit.Kuja -6

For Krit, Guru affecting Chit [12] = +0

For Krit, Guru affecting PBha [23] = +0

For Krit, Guru affecting Mool [17] = +2

For Krit, Guru affecting Mrig [03] = +0

(Krit.Guru 2

For Krit, Sani affecting Purn [05] = -2

For Krit, Sani affecting Mool [17] = -0

For Krit, Sani affecting PBha [23] = -2

For Krit, Sani affecting UPha [10] = -1

(Krit.Sani -5

For Krit, Rahu affecting Aswi [26] = -0

For Krit, Rahu affecting PPha [09] = -0

For Krit, Rahu affecting Rohi [02] = -0

For Krit, Rahu affecting Jeys [16] = -2

(Krit.Rahu -2

For Krit, Ketu affecting Chit [12] = -2

For Krit, Ketu affecting PBha [23] = -2

For Krit, Ketu affecting Mool [17] = -0

For Krit, Ketu affecting Mrig [03] = -2

(Krit.Ketu -6

{Krit. -9


A low score, but Janma Nakshatra (1) is protected by Sukra, and

day, while afflicted by Surya, is also saved by Budha to an

extent. Sukra also aspects the tithi, but this point is

afflicted by Kuja and Vakra Sani, and Sukra's protection will

not be high.


The Karma Nakshtra (10) is afflicted by Sani, and the Sanghtaic

Nakshtra (16) by Rahu, and this means work difficulties and lack

of cooperation. Rahu also afflicts the Raj Nakshatra (26) and

ensures that nothing great is achieved. Kuja affects the Manas

Nakshatra (25) and promotes sorrow, but Guru protects the Vinash

Nakshtra (23) from both Sani and Ketu, so all is not lost. Ask

the person to pray to God, and may his problems soon become a

thing of the past.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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