Guest guest Posted March 7, 2005 Report Share Posted March 7, 2005 Om Krishna Guru Namaste Surya, Gurus and Learned Members, Thanks for the note on my analysis was accurate. I am sorry to hear that you have to pay some ticket/fine for the traffic violation. This time I have applied Transits method along with Daily Tithi Pravesha Chart to identify the significance of the event. I have purchased a book called "Transit" by Col AK Gour, 2 weeks ago and read few times and applied those principles in this puzzle. It looks like I have understood some of those basic transit principles layed down in that book and working very well in this particular case. I will do more study/work on this Transits, and write to the lists soon. As usual, I have also applied my "Favorite" the Daily Tithi Pravesha Chart analysis taught by Sanjay Ji and Narasimha Ji. It never failed to any one, who have applied these T.P principles correctly, such a powerful tool given to us by Gurus. Thank you. So all the credit goes to Sanjay Ji, Narasimha Ji and Col AK Gour Ji from whom I have learned these methods and applied them correctly in this puzzle. Ofcourse without the blessings of my Guru Ji and Mother Mahalakshmi I could have not applied these Jyotish principles correctly. Regards Raghunatha Rao ---- original message ---- vedic astrology/message/51591 Message 51591 "Surya Pidaparti" <suryagirija> Mon Mar 7, 2005 9:12 pm Re: What happened to me today? I received a ticket (challan in india) for failing to stop completely at a stop sign. Cost me $130. Never had a ticket in my 20 years of driving. Panditji was close and Mr. Raghunatha Rao was right on the money. --- original message --- vedic astrology/message/51537 Message 51537 Rao Nemani <raon1008> Mon Mar 7, 2005 7:30 am Re : What happened to me today? Om Krishna Guru Namste Surya, Gurus and Learned Members, Let me attempt to give the analysis by applying few different methods on this puzzle. 1) First of all let me see what dasa you are running and the Transits. In this native's chart Ashtottari is applicable as Rahu is in a quadrant from lagna lord Moon and the following Dasa's are running right now. Ashtottari Dasa (controversial nakshatra dasa): Ven MD: 1988-09-06 - 2009-09-07 Rah AD: 2003-04-04 - 2005-08-06 Jup PD: 2004-12-05 - 2005-05-01 Maha Dasa Lord Ven is 4th and 11th lord placed in 10th house from Lagna and with Sun, who is 2nd lord in Ar. Rah is the Antar Dasa Lord and who is 8th lord placed in 11th house with 6th and 9th lord Jup in Ta and who is in 4th from Moon. Pratyantar Dasa Lord Jup is placed in 11th with Rahu also A8 in Ta. Transit Ven is in 8th house with the Sun and aspecting 2nd house where Natal Mars, Maandi and Gulika are there. Transit Rahu is Lagna and aspecting the natal 10th house where Venu and Sun are placed, aspecting natal 2nd, 4th and 6th house too. Transit Jup is in 6th in Transit chart and aspecting the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th house of the Natal Chart by Rasi Drishti. Lastly let us see the Lagna Lord's transit as well. Lagna Lord is Moon, who is placed in 8th house in natal Chart. This Moon is 4th lord in Transit chart and Placed in 6th house from the Natal Chart. So this is giving an indication of the houses of promimence with 2nd, 6th and 8th and 12th house with Maandi, Gulika and few Arudha Padas of A8, A9, A7 and A6. 2) Now let me take the normal Vimsottari Dasa and see the transits also. You are running the following Dasa at the time of event. Vimsottari Dasa (started from Moon): Sat MD: 1995-08-07 - 2014-08-07 Ven AD: 2002-05-27 - 2005-07-28 Merc PD: 2004-12-09 - 2005-05-20 Maha Dasa Lord Sat is placed in in 8th house, Ven the A.D lord is placed in 10th with Sun, who is 2nd lord and having a Parivartana iwth Mar ( who is 10th lord ). This exchange is bring the Sun back to own house whre Mandi and Guika is also placed. So Venu (Vehicles/transportation), Sun(Govt, Boss, authority) and Mars(fire, police ), Maandi and Gulika( poison). Merc is 3rd and 12th lord placed in 9th house. Interestingly the Maha dasa and antar dasa lord are all aspecting each other with Sun and Mars and Ketu by Rasi Drishti. This itself is confiring the event related to some head less/mistake event happend in connection with vehicles(Ven), Sun(Govt), Mars (Police), Ketu(Flag). Now let us see the Transits: Sat is transiting native 12th house and aspecting native's 2nd, 6th and 9th house by graha dristi. Transit Ven is in 8th house with the Sun and aspecting 2nd house where Natal Mars, Maandi and Gulika are there. Transit Merc is 3rd and 6th lord of Transit Chart and transitting the 9th house in the Natal chart and aspecting the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th house of the Natal Chart by Rasi Drishti. Now let us see the Natal Lagna Lord Moon. Lagna Lord is Moon, who is placed in 8th house in natal Chart. This Moon is 4th lord in Transit chart and Placed in 6th house from the Natal Chart. So as per this dasa is also indicating the event must have happend in connection with the 3rd(short travel), 4th(residence/vehicels), 6th/8th(obstacles/problems) house. So from the above two dasa and transits, I am seeing the event happend while in a short journey in Vehicles, some headless/mistake has happend and that has trigger in involvement with Sun (authorities),Mars( police), Ketu(Flag, Justice). So this indicates some vehicular related offence has taken place. 3) Now let me see the Daily Tithi Pravesh for this event. March 6, 2005 Time: 0:07:51 Time Zone: 5:30:00 (East of GMT) Place: 78 E 28' 00", 17 N 23' 00" Hyderabad, India Hora Lord is Sun, who is 10th lord and placed in 4th with 7th and 12th lord. This Hora Lord and Venu are afflicted by Rahu and Ketu by Rasi Drishti. Vaara Lord is Sat, who is 3rd and 4th lord is placed in 8th house and aspecting the 2nd house where Mars ( 6th and Lagna Lord ) along with the Moon( Mind). You will also notice that this Sat is aspected by A8 from Vi by rasi Drishti. Unfortunatley, Jup is Vakra and not able to give the blessings here by not able to aspect Hora Lord Sun and Ven. Lagna is Sc and it is in Trines to the Natal lagna hence there is no physical damage to the native in the short trip in a vehicle. But the Lagna Co-lord is in 12th house with Gulika and A4 indicating some losses. The above also confirming our intial pointers of the event related to a short trip/travel while this event happend. Summary: Now combining all the above analysis and combinations, this is an event pointing me to: involving a Vehicular(Ven), Traffic offense (Mars-Police officers involved) causing the native to pay some money(losses by the 12th house) to Govt.(Sun and Ketu) as fine or some sort. Having said that, I will request Gurus and Learned members to review my analysis and correct me if I am wrong. Regards Raghunatha Rao --- original message --- vedic astrology/message/51462 51462 Surya Pidaparti <suryagirija> Sun Mar 6, 2005 5:54pm What happened to me today? A significant event occured in my life today (first time ever). The details are as follows: March 6, 2005 Time: 9:24 AM Location: 12 miles north of Minneapolis City Center in Minnesota USA My birth details are as follows: DOB: April 26, 1965 TOB: 13:00 hours PLace: Hyderabad India. Perhaps the learned gurus can decipher the event? Celebrate 's 10th Birthday! Netrospective: 100 Moments of the Web --- End forwarded message --- Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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