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Attention Mark Kincaid RE: Will i have both from Renu

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Dear Mark,

I was wondering if you could clarify or be more specific

into what my decision should be. Are you saying that i should hold

back on my schooling or that my marriage in nov-dec 2005 is certain

and i should focus on that. you mentioned


So, don't worry about it developing too fast. Mars in the 4th, which

> reflect a quality of you, feeling a little impulsive, so pay more


> to that exalted Saturn quality....


in developing what too fast? Are you talking about my career. And

you also said that exalted saturn quality, how should i pay

attention? also are you confirming that my love marriage will take

place in nov-dec 2005. thanks once again.


may god bless you and make you successful in your every endeavor



In , Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...>


> Dear Learned Astrologers


> i would like to get help about my next

> investment.


> i would like to know

> if i can also marry and be able to continue to study for my program

> which will go on for 2.5 years


> please tell me because ...


> i don't want to

> waste my parents money on school and marriage, if i won't be able


> continue the schooling.


> Renu



> Dear Renu:


> It's very good to inquire about your concerns, since Jyotish has

such a

> great ability

> to see why 1) we're the way we are,.....and 2) why we do the

things we

> do...


> In your case, it's your Mars which rules your 5th house of


> (if you have that

> Cancer rising),....


> And Mars is in Libra, which represents a certain kind

of 'indecisiveness'

> ....

> Libra is the vision of seeing both sides of the fence, however,

not being

> able to make up one's

> mind...


> So, this is the first suggestion that you don't fall prey to this


> kind of indecisiveness,...


> The other Astrological quality that will frustrate you ... in both

> education, marriage and career,

> is your Moon.


> You were born with the Sun & Moon in the same house and sign, which

> represents being born on a New Moon.


> Therefore, you need to focus on improving and/or strengthening your

> emotional self.


> Pay special attention to your feelings and when feeling delicate or

> vulnerable, give to yourself,

> emotionally,....and especially rest, when you're feeling fragile.


> You should have the good karma of married life,... because Saturn

rules your

> 7th house, and is exalted in Libra in your chart...


> However, your Mars is in the 4th, and therefore aspecting your 7th



> So, don't worry about it developing too fast. Mars in the 4th,


> reflect a quality of you, feeling a little impulsive, so pay more


> to that exalted Saturn quality....



> ciao



> Mark Kincaid

"renu4c" <renu4c>


> Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:07:48 -0000


> will i have both- can i afford both? please help




> Dear Learned Astrologers,

> i would like to get help about my next

> investment. Currently i have invested 10,000 of my parents income


> school to which i got depression and left behind. now i am working

> part-time. now, i am thinking about investing in a program for a


> tech which starts in sept 2005. however, i was told that i will

> certainly marry love marriage to a guy of different faith in

> november or december 2005. i have gotten the saturn puja, shukra

> puja and swayam parvathy homam done recently. i would like to know

> if i can also marry and be able to continue to study for my program

> which will go on for 2.5 years. I have posted this before, but i

> have not gotten the answer. please tell me because i don't want to

> waste my parents money on school and marriage, if i won't be able


> continue the schooling. please help me. thank you.


> my dob is june 29, 1984 at 7:50 am

> vancouver, british columbia, canada

> cancer ascendant, mithun rasi, punarvasu


> may god bless you all

> renu









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