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2-Renu....More clarification as to my chart & Q's, > Mark Kincaid...3/25

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Dear Mark,

I was wondering if you could clarify or be more specific

into what my decision should be



Dear Renu:


What I was trying to say is because your Mars & Saturn are in the same


they'll tend to negatively influence each other.


What I meant was don't strain, due to Mars there, to go fast, whether in


or education or marriage.


Mars after all, rules your 5th house of education, so being in close

proximity with Saturn,

may give it a quality of wanting to go faster then 'nature' is naturally



The other quality that's there with Mars, is indeciseveness, due to being in



Things may also take longer then you'd wish because you're in Saturn

Mahadasa period, right?


You also said:


i got depression and left behind. now i am working

> part-time. now, i am thinking about investing in a program for a


> tech which starts in sept 2005. however, i was told that i will

> certainly marry love marriage to a guy of different faith in

> november or december 2005. i have gotten the saturn puja, shukra

> puja and swayam parvathy homam done recently. i would like to know

> if i can also marry and be able



This alerts me, to look at the quality of strain that may be there.


Mars & Saturn together often gives a quality of going too fast.


Saturn, exalted first gives an ability to work hard.


Do you notice you have had good endurance and can push yourself?


Well, you'll suffer the negative results of this, due to your delicate Moon

in your birth chart.


Therefore, be especially careful, since Moon rules your first house, to

strengthen the Moon,

in your chart...


There are several ways that can be done.


Paying special attention to how you're feeling, not straining, and giving to

yourself, and/or nourishing yourself, emotionally are all good.



Hope this is clearer.



Mark Kincaid




ps... marriage can come, but best thing to always do, is improve ourselves,

through our charts, and whenever, we find the opportunity to be married, be

sure that we understand what our weaknesses are,....


because they'll be more pronounced generally when we enter into partnerships

with others....









"renu4c" <renu4c


Fri, 25 Mar 2005 19:40:47 -0000


Attention Mark Kincaid RE: Will i have both from Renu




Dear Mark,

I was wondering if you could clarify or be more specific

into what my decision should be. Are you saying that i should hold

back on my schooling or that my marriage in nov-dec 2005 is certain

and i should focus on that. you mentioned


So, don't worry about it developing too fast. Mars in the 4th, which

> reflect a quality of you, feeling a little impulsive, so pay more


> to that exalted Saturn quality....


in developing what too fast? Are you talking about my career. And

you also said that exalted saturn quality, how should i pay

attention? also are you confirming that my love marriage will take

place in nov-dec 2005. thanks once again.


may god bless you and make you successful in your every endeavor



In , Mark Kincaid <m.kincaid@m...>


> Dear Learned Astrologers


> i would like to get help about my next

> investment.


> i would like to know

> if i can also marry and be able to continue to study for my program

> which will go on for 2.5 years


> please tell me because ...


> i don't want to

> waste my parents money on school and marriage, if i won't be able


> continue the schooling.


> Renu



> Dear Renu:


> It's very good to inquire about your concerns, since Jyotish has

such a

> great ability

> to see why 1) we're the way we are,.....and 2) why we do the

things we

> do...


> In your case, it's your Mars which rules your 5th house of


> (if you have that

> Cancer rising),....


> And Mars is in Libra, which represents a certain kind

of 'indecisiveness'

> ....

> Libra is the vision of seeing both sides of the fence, however,

not being

> able to make up one's

> mind...


> So, this is the first suggestion that you don't fall prey to this


> kind of indecisiveness,...


> The other Astrological quality that will frustrate you ... in both

> education, marriage and career,

> is your Moon.


> You were born with the Sun & Moon in the same house and sign, which

> represents being born on a New Moon.


> Therefore, you need to focus on improving and/or strengthening your

> emotional self.


> Pay special attention to your feelings and when feeling delicate or

> vulnerable, give to yourself,

> emotionally,....and especially rest, when you're feeling fragile.


> You should have the good karma of married life,... because Saturn

rules your

> 7th house, and is exalted in Libra in your chart...


> However, your Mars is in the 4th, and therefore aspecting your 7th



> So, don't worry about it developing too fast. Mars in the 4th,


> reflect a quality of you, feeling a little impulsive, so pay more


> to that exalted Saturn quality....



> ciao



> Mark Kincaid

"renu4c" <renu4c>


> Fri, 25 Mar 2005 02:07:48 -0000


> will i have both- can i afford both? please help




> Dear Learned Astrologers,

> i would like to get help about my next

> investment. Currently i have invested 10,000 of my parents income


> school to which i got depression and left behind. now i am working

> part-time. now, i am thinking about investing in a program for a


> tech which starts in sept 2005. however, i was told that i will

> certainly marry love marriage to a guy of different faith in

> november or december 2005. i have gotten the saturn puja, shukra

> puja and swayam parvathy homam done recently. i would like to know

> if i can also marry and be able to continue to study for my program

> which will go on for 2.5 years. I have posted this before, but i

> have not gotten the answer. please tell me because i don't want to

> waste my parents money on school and marriage, if i won't be able


> continue the schooling. please help me. thank you.


> my dob is june 29, 1984 at 7:50 am

> vancouver, british columbia, canada

> cancer ascendant, mithun rasi, punarvasu


> may god bless you all

> renu









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