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2-Shonali, Saturn & marriage challenges.... > Mark Kincaid 3/25

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Thankyou for your thoughtful response, Mark. I appreciate it, and think it

would make a good example for your book!




Dear Shonali:


See below:




"Gayatri Shonali Banerjee" <sgdbanerjee

Sat, 26 Mar 2005 13:57:01 +1100

"'Mark Kincaid'" <m.kincaid

RE: 2-Shonali, Re: Saturn & marriage challenges.... > Mark Kincaid




Thankyou for your thoughtful response, Mark. I appreciate it, and think it

would make a good example for your book!


To summariseŠ

Honoring Saturn Remedy = adequate sleep, and ³ahimasa² (non violence towards

yourself & others) . I do Bikrams & Baptiste power yoga, as well as other

meditationŠshould I be getting a Sani Puja as well? Or would a 9 planet puja

be more effective? What about rudraksha beads?


The best things to produce permanet changes in Saturn, include permanent

changes in sleep

patterns, learning to meditate, regularly,....pujas can be good but they

have a very temporal effect, and permanet changes in Saturn, need permanet

changes in our restfulness!


Another thing I tell people regarding Saturn, is to pay more attention, to

being in-tune with

all the cycles of the Planets.


Saturn, is about 'timings' and people with good Saturn's can do the right

thing at the right time, and hence, negative consequences are least...


For the rest of us, Ayurved teaches that there are many cycles, and if one

strives to get more intune with these, including the daily and seasonal

cycles,...one's health will improve...


When I first heard this, it occured to me, that the Planets, too may have

cycles, that we're either in-tune with or not.


The first one I studied, and still feel today, is the most important, is the

Moon cycle.


Every month the Moon effects everything. It creates our tides. It creates

women's cycle,

it influences so many species on our planet.


And, the Moon waxes and wanes, which as it turns out, is the basic cycle of

rest and activity...


So, in addition to going to bed earlier, and getting more rest,....I'd

suggest also that you watch the Moon cycle for a month or two and you'll

experience that as the Moon's getting smaller, as it will begin to do, now,

.....then, watch how you feel....over the next 2 weeks...


The closer the Moon gets to being, nil, or New, you'll notice an ever

increasing inwardness happening...


This shows that one should be resting more during the Waning cycle, and when

the Moon swings past the New Moon and then, starts to get bigger, then, the

Waxing cycle begins and you'll feel more outward, dynamic and full of



By following this for many months and even years now, I know realize as I've

become more and more aware of this unique cycle, being more in-tune with it,

has allowed me to feel more balanced, with Nature,....and as a result, when

I need to, I'm being more inward, and as a result, my Saturn, ....and

integrated,....balance, is stronger....



Honoring Venus Remedy = shopping, clothes(!), ?dance/painting/music/beauty.

Anything else?


I'd focus on Saturn, first, as it's the most important, ... generally,....

and in your chart, especially...


Does Rahu have any role to play in that stellium?


Especially because Rahu's at the same exact degrees of your Moon,...

learning to get more in-tune with Rahu, also will help....


but because 'they' say Rahu acts a lot like Saturn....


as you accomplish more attunement with Saturn, that'll help your Rahu,





Also I have a strong JupiterŠ( I am also a doctor) How can I use it to find

my way out? I believe it is because of the grace of my Jupiter that I have

been given the opportunity to undertake and investigate remedies.


Interesting that you're a doctor. Jupiter does have that good aspect onto

the 6th house,

and your 6th house has so many planets in it...and


the Moon, 10th house lord is in the 6th.....


and yes, good Jupiter influences, will produce many, many great



Cheers, Happy Easter




Tell me also, how you're experiencing your Saturn right now...?


How well rested are you?


Do you feel frustrated, especially like you're being held back, and

delayed,.... in either,... things in general, or your desires....


Do you feel sadness, grief, loneliness,.... any negative emotional



These are 'all' signs of malefic Saturn...


The greatest thing I've learned from Jyotish and especially Saturn, is where

and when I experience Saturn,.... maleficness, ....


once I experience it, and identify it, as such....


then immediately I make an decision, to stop,...to adjust,....


and get more rest...


be more easy, more patient...


to meditate, more fully....


and as I do that, I notice the negative experiences starting to lessen, as a



So, this is the greatest thing you can do,....


is try a number of things, and see if the negative experiences, don't




Looking forward to your experience...






Mark Kincaid



pss.... you also said:


, and find relationships a big challenge.



For this, describe your experience....


and we'll hear in your thoughts and expressions that Planet or Planets that

may need to be adjusted....


Mars & Sun, though they're very happy in those signs, both, however, have

some troublesome qualties in the 7th....


So, without changeing them, but maybe refining their 'intensity',,....

experiences related to relationships may improve...



but, give me your expression as to your experience, ....and then, we'll take

it apart, Astrologically....

















Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

Saturday, 26 March 2005 4:57 AM

Gayatri Shonali Banerjee

2-Shonali, Re: Saturn & marriage challenges.... > Mark Kincaid 3/25




Dear Shonali:


Greetings! I'd be happy to help you with your chart. You can be one of my

examples for my Jyotish book coming up, on relationships! Confidentiality,

of course.


One of the things I love the most from Jyotish, is this ability to see, the

qualities and characteristics that each one of us is bringing to the



In looking at both your husband's and your charts, I can see the problems.


For your husband, he too has Mars aspecting his 7th house, if it's indeed in

his 4th house.


Though his Mars was supposed to be good being Exalted in his chart, but

obviously he had

many other problems, blaming you for his abusive nature.


Mars with Saturn can give a deep almost 'meaness' to a person.


Both of you have Mars aspecting your 7th Houses.


But, if either one of you, blames the other, then that's not helpful.


Mars tends to blame, others. Your Mars, too, is very good, being in it's

Own Sign, Aries.


However, even 'good' Mars' can generate negative effects when in important

houses, like the 7th.


Your Exalted Sun, there, along with your Mars, makes you a woman, not to be

a doormat!


In other words, you're a strong, capable woman. And you deserve a husband

who will honor

and take care of you.


I'd say your x's expression of you being the 'wife,...from...h ____" is just

because your strong,

Sun and Mars, there, in your 7th, makes you a person, able to stand up for

herself, and not

get walked all over.


He may have been looking for an oriental, doormat, but you're not that!



Your biggest malefic influence from your chart, is not just those planets in

the 7th, but,...

your Moon & Saturn together, in your 6th house.


Moon & Saturn, together, as I have in the 12th! hehe, is indicative of a

person who needs to learn more balance, and patience in life.


Moon & Saturn together, makes us rush, to not get enough rest and as a

result suffer, Saturn, malefic events.


My main suggestion, is know that you're a nice, wonderful woman, though you

have a lot of internal strength within you.


You need to be with a man, who is not afraid of a strong woman, and who will

respect and honor here, for the equal partnership that all women represent.


The main advice that comes to mind is that you, spend more time, getting

more rest, going to bed earlier, learning to meditate, and being more



This is also extremely important because those very good planets Mars & Sun,

being in Aries, will contribute you to preferring activity.


But, Saturn is here to teach us about the importance and role, of silence,

to supplement activity.


And if we experience negative Saturn consequences, this is just Nature's way

of showing us, we're not taking enough healing, rejuvenative, rest.


Put attention on creating more internal balance, and all of your life, can

automatically improve.


Good luck.


Feel free to email me again.






Mark Kincaid



See below:





"Gayatri Shonali Banerjee" <sgdbanerjee

Sat, 26 Mar 2005 04:03:45 +1100





Dear Mark,


I am writing to you directly, as I do not want my email address publicly

identified on the Remedies Forum.




I notice you have an excellent thread on understanding Saturn, and use

yourself as an example.


I have Saturn conjunct Venus and Moon and Rahu in Vedic Pisces 5th House,

and find relationships a big challenge. I also have Mars in 7th.My details

25th April 1968, London UK, time of birth unclear (between 8.30-9.30pm, note

Summer time in use) I had my chart rectified recently to 2051hrs.




I was briefly married for 7 months (10th May 1996-26th Jan 1997), and I

loved my husband very much, but he was very aggressive,

too much aggressiveness, is his exalted Mars in capricorn, in his 4th....

difficult though because that powerful Mars is negative in the 4th and

aspecting the 7th of marriage.

Strong Mars people need to utilize there Mars at work, but use their Venus'

for softer, sweeter,

interactions with others.

Good Mars is good for digging ditches, and being aggressive at work, but not

as a tool, of

interpersonal relations.


His Venus there, is obviously overwhelmed by his Mars & Saturn.

and too fond of his mother,


mean's an imbalance, which is Saturn, there.


His love of his mother, is due to Venus there....




and inflexible,


Is due to Saturn. Saturn could be good, also being in Capricorn, which is

it's Own Sign,

but association of Mars & SAturn together, obviously gets misinterpreted by


especially Mars, which creates an inflexibleness.


Saturn also aspects his Moon which is in his first house, and responsible

for both the negatives

of Mars & Saturn, going right into his Moon.


and divorced me, with no further contact. He is a doctor,


Jupiter in it's Own Sign, in the 6th house of health and healing gives

potential for being a doctor.


and knew he had many

other girls


That flipancy regarding females, is abusive and indicative of his Mars &

Venus together, in same house, in a sign, where Mars is Exalted... (too

powerful, for his poor Venus)


that he could choose from India, who would love his job and UK. He told me

³No man could be happy with you

and you are the Bride from Hell².


This is because you can stand up for yourself, with your good Sun and Mars

in your 7th, and his

wanting to be the lord of the manor, and be a kind of king, but with a

harem, mentality....


I spent a long time in deep shock, and concentrated on my career (he did not

support me

financially, and I was living alone in UK, with my family in



This is good, you can take care of yourself.


Just know if you take better care of yourself, also emotionally,

due to your Moon with Saturn, then, you'll be even more self-reliant.




Since developing astrology interest, I have performed Sun Yagna, Maha

Mritunjaya and Parvati Homam, as well as regularly fasting on Tuesdays, and

just completing an intensive course of Yoga & Meditation, and charity work.

However, I still feel lonely and rejected, and have not found my Dream man,

or remarried or children. I feel like an observer, watching the success and

happiness in relationships of those around me.

Put attention on making your Saturn more benefic, and all things can come to







I have come to realise that I was also a bit inflexible and naive, but I was

shown absolutely no tolerance, commitment or compromise in my first

marriage, and now carry the social stigma of Divorce.


Anyone who can see into Astrology will see the difficulties that reside in

your husband through his chart.


Focus on being the good person that you can be, and take more time, to make

sure your next partner is a better person!




On the other hand, I feel as if my ex has not suffered at all as a result of

the divorce. He got remarried, and progressed well in his career. (Him 8th

January 1964, 1.40am, Calcutta). (He has Mars, Saturn, and Venus in 4th in




This is part of the great injustice today, of abusive husbands.


Our laws here at least guarantee a woman, to receive at least 1/2 of the

assests that even the husband creates during the marriage.


If you weren't married long enough to receive any of that, then, focus on

finding a better husband!




I know patience and humility is required, and I will have to continue with

Yoga/Meditation long-term, but I wonder if you see me managing my Saturn

Challenge, and getting the happy, successful, productive, Positive Karma

Marriage that I have been praying for.


Yes, of course, I believe everyone can transform their Saturn's into more

positive and benefic, Saturns!



Can you suggest any other remedies/solutions? Any other insights from my



see above...


Good luck






Mark Kincaid


ps... put attention on your Exalted Venus,.... too, and you'll do fine.


But, if you don't heal your Saturn, and allow it the attention it's asking

for, then SAturn will

restrict the power of your good Venus, there, too,

in addition to the Moon...


With every step towards more silence, more inner health, and inner grace and


both your Moon & Venus', will shine forth!


Follow your feelings.


If you're ever, feeling sad, rough, depressed, or tired, these are all signs

that Saturn's trying to communicate to you, you need more rest.


And Saturn & Moon together, is like an early warning system, your Moon will

tell you you're beginning to get out of tun ewithyourSaturn,...BR

next time, when you start to feel, rushed, or worried, or anything negative

associated with your Moon, then take heed, and stop,....getting more rest,

and give to yourself emotionally.....


When your Moon finally starts to tell you, you're feeling good, happy, and

strong, positive, inside, then that'll be the sign, that your Saturn is



















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