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2-Visti....Re:VR Chanting mantra while driving bike, &Meditation & it's role with Jyotish,>Mark Kincaid

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Dear Visti:


That's a lovely story. When I was in India in 1988, I was attending an

Ayurvedic conference just south of New Delhi. We were learning all about

how Ayurved works, and especially how to use pulse diagnosis, for patients.


Later we were exposed to Jyotish and told that Jyotish and Ayurved go



At the end, in our graduation exercises, we broke up into groups and the

Ayurvedic groups would look at people via. their charts and the Jyotish

groups would look at the person through their Jyotish.


Afterwords it was explained, if we can see the same reality through both

avenues of Vedic science, then, it's much more likely that our original

diagnosis was correct.


What I especially like about utilizing Jyotish, is that Jyotish is pure,

Vedic Psychology.


Now, I understand that Ayurved works through the body, primarily, and

Jyotish works through the mind.


So, whether it is easier to gain transformation through the mind,...or

body....or both,...

the key thing is to be able to use this great Vedic angle, because Ved is

the science of being, or Consciousness.


You said:


I and others were told which form of Yoga we should practice to get the best

results. Here it wasn¹t one uniform style of Yoga, but each were told which

of the steps we should focus more on. i.e. some were told to do pranayama,

or japa or dhyana-yoga. Some were even told to focus on the yamas or




I like this point, too, because you can tell by looking at one's Jyotish

chart, which remedies or facets of ved, may be the most powerful.


I have another , on Spirituality & Jyotish:




which explores how we can discover what path of spirituality, even, we're

on, and what, especially, we need to balance, ie. what malefics are

interferring or obstructing our path, or progress... too...


Nice talking with you.








Mark Kincaid






"Visti Larsen" <visti

vedic astrology

Mon, 28 Mar 2005 18:25:58 +0200

<vedic astrology>

RE: [vedic astrology] 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while

driving bike, &Meditation & it's role with Jyotish,>Mark Kincaid



||Hare Rama Krsna||


Dear Mark and Manjunath, Namaskar


My personal experience with the incorporation of Jyotish with Yoga began

when i went for a reading at the copper-plate reader in Puri, Orissa. The

reader is supposed to be a channel for 12 students of Sri Achyuta Dasa, who

started a Jyotish Parampara in Orissa.


There I and others were told which form of Yoga we should practice to get

the best results. Here it wasn¹t one uniform style of Yoga, but each were

told which of the steps we should focus more on. i.e. some were told to do

pranayama, or japa or dhyana-yoga. Some were even told to focus on the yamas

or niyamas.


Nevertheless an interesting experience which i felt i should share with you.


Best wishes,




Visti Larsen


Email: visti


Web: http://srigaruda.com & http://astrovisti.com






Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

28 March 2005 18:09

Manjunath, T (GE Healthcare); Jyotish Remedies...; b) Astrology Group:;

TM group; Vedic Astrology; AyurvedJyotishYoga

[vedic astrology] 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving

bike, &Meditation & it's role with Jyotish,>Mark Kincaid



Dear Manju:


I've been following his Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's interest and


of all Vedic Knowledge including yoga, mediation, and Jyotish for many

years, now.


It's a very exciting thing to be happening.


good luck...



Mark Kincaid




One of my most special interests is in incorporating good and great Jyotish

with the development of consciousness through such things as meditation.


I'd love to hear of your experience and progress adding meditation, to what

I'm assuming you already have some experience in Jyotish, yes?


I however, came the opposite direction. Learned meditation first and then,

later, stumbled into Jyotish.


I now, believe that Jyotish, & Ayurved, to name just a few of the wonderful

vedic sciences, all, can have a very powerful effect on improving our

charts, especially the malefic planets that are reflective of all our

problems, in life...








> "Manjunath, T \(GE Healthcare\)" <T.Manjunath

> Mon, 28 Mar 2005 21:36:59 +0530

> "Mark Kincaid" <m.kincaid

> RE: 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving bike, &

> TMcenters in India... ,>Mark Kincaid


> Dear Mark, thank you for your wonderful attitude.


> sincerely,

> Manju



> Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

> Monday, March 28, 2005 9:32 PM

> Manjunath, T (GE Healthcare); Jyotish Remedies...; TM group;

> b)

> 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving bike, &

> TMcenters in India... ,>Mark Kincaid



> Dear Manju:


> I'd look up on the net.


> Try tm.org as a web address.


> there should be references to the many tm centers in India...


> good luck...



> you're going to love it!



> Sincerely,



> Mark KIncaid



> I've been meditating now since 1970, and I don't regret one moment of all

> these wonderful years of meditating....!





>> "Manjunath, T \(GE Healthcare\)" <T.Manjunath

>> Mon, 28 Mar 2005 20:41:36 +0530

>> <m.kincaid

>> RE: 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving bike?

>> No!,>Mark Kincaid


>> Dear Mark, thanks for the tip.


>> any idea where one may find TM centres in Bangalore ?


>> rgds

>> Manju



>> Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

>> Monday, March 28, 2005 7:40 PM


>> 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving bike?

>> No!,>Mark Kincaid




>> Dear Manju:


>> I'm sorry, but I have no experience with the Lakshmi, mantra you mentioned.


>> However, having become a teacher of Transcendental Meditation, myself, I can

>> say, that mantras are a very important Vedic ingredient, and I understand

>> the importance of learning meditation, privately, and from qualified

>> teachers.


>> Good luck.



>> Mark Kincaid






>> "Manjunath, T \(GE Healthcare\)" <T.Manjunath


>> Mon, 28 Mar 2005 19:00:29 +0530

>> <>, " TM group"

>> <Transcend-Meditation>

>> RE: 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving bike? No!,

>>> Mark Kincaid



>> Thank you Mark, though i am quite disappointed that i cannot chant mantras


>> any thoughts on the Lakshmi mantra query i posted.


>> many thanks

>> sincerely

>> Manju



>> Mark Kincaid [m.kincaid]

>> Monday, March 28, 2005 6:39 PM

>> ; TM group

>> 2-Manju....Re: Chanting mantra while driving bike? No!,

>>> Mark Kincaid

>> Importance: High




>> Dear Manju:


>> I'd suggest not practing japa, while riding a bike, or driving a car, or

>> doing anything, except

>> that mantra performance.


>> Some great Vedic Scholars, Rishis, say it actually divides the mind, to

>> practice a technique and at the same time, be doing some mental or physical

>> performance.


>> Having meditated myself, since 1970!, I'd agree.


>> However, as a result of meditating, then, one's enjoyment at riding the

>> bike, can be emmense!


>> Sincerely,



>> Mark Kincaid





>> "Manjunath, T \(GE Healthcare\)" <T.Manjunath


>> Mon, 28 Mar 2005 17:59:22 +0530

>> <>

>> Chanting mantra while driving bike



>> Dear Friends, is it okay to chant a mantra while driving?


>> i have to drive to work each day on bike & it takes upto 45 mins to an hour

>> sometimes.

>> can i chant mantras during this time ?


>> Also i want to include the following mantra with the others i do.


>> Om Shrim Mahalakshmiyei Swaha


>> the question is, i was told that we have to be cautious chanting swaha

>> mantras,

>> i am not sure why or the reasoning, so can someone advice please?


>> rgds

>> Manju















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