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By Balaji Narasimhan <sherlockbalaji


NOTE: What we are discussing is more philosophical than

practical, and application should be tempered with the

proverbial pinch of salt.




In an ideal world, nobody wants to have any afflicted graha in

his chart, but then again, we do not live in an ideal world.


Among all the possible afflictions, perhaps nothing scares a

person more than knowing that some graha is neecha in his chart.

Immediately, people start looking out for neecha bhanga or

better still, neecha bhanga raja yoga.


If one may compare a graha to one's own eyes, then a neecha

graha is like an eye incapable of seeing clearly. Neecha bhanga

may then be compared to using spectacles to improve one's

vision, but, just as spectacles cannot give perfect vision,

similarly, neecha bhanga can never completely overcome all ills.

Neecha bhanga raja yoga is like using binoculars, but just as

one cannot go around with a pair of binoculars always pressed to

one's eyes, similarly, even neecha bhanga raja yoga cannot

always deliver good results.




What is it that makes a graha neecha? We need to understand this

thing first. For this, we must look beyond the obvious fact of

"graha X is neecha in rasi Y." To get to the heart of the

matter, we should look at the point where a graha is at its

lowest ebb, and study the related issues carefully.


While the relationship between the neecha graha and the lord of

the rasi in which it is neecha is of paramount importance, we

could gain further by studying the relationship between the

neecha graha and the nakshatra in which it is neecha. This helps

us to fine-tune the results, and enhances our lucidity.


At another level, we could consider the nakshatra pada in which

a graha is neecha, and study the lord of that pada, which will

correspond to the lord of the navamsa in which the said pada



For additional illumination, we could also consider the drekkan

in which a graha is fallen. Why, some might wonder, are we

studying the drekkan after studying the nakshatra and the

navamsa? The reason is simple - of all the divisions, only the

drekkans have descriptions, and an understanding of these visual

metaphors can perhaps enable us to understand the true

affliction of a neecha graha that much better. The descriptions

of the drekkans given herein have been taken from Shri BV

Raman's book "Hindu Predictive Astrology."




To understand a neecha graha, it is best to assume that some

form of fear possesses it. In a way, this may seem funny-after

all, what could perhaps cause fear to Sani, who himself causes

fear to all men? Technically speaking, a graha many not be

"afraid" in the sense people are afraid of tigers or the

Inspector of Taxes, but there is an affliction caused by the

fact that something that the graha stands for is not in good

shape. If this were not the case, then there is no reason to

pronounce that the graha is neecha!


Understanding the cause of the fear of the graha may take us one

step closer to comprehending what is actually wrong. Therefore,

we will start with the fear concept, not because a graha is

"afraid," but because fear is something that we all understand

so well. After all, does not knowing that we have a neecha graha

in our chart make us feel scared?






Surya is at the point of deepest fall at 10 degrees, Tula rasi.

This corresponds to Swati, which is ruled by Rahu, in the 2nd

pada, which is ruled by Sani, and in the 2nd drekkan, which is

also ruled by Sani.


Both Rahu and Sani are inimical to Surya, and their combined

might means that Surya feels very low indeed. Sani is humble and

relates to equality, and so does Rahu as per "Sani vad Rahu,"

and Surya, as the king, cannot digest this!


The description of the 2nd drekkan of Tula is:


"A man hungry and thirsty, with the face of a vulture, and

attached to his wife and children."


In the above context, it is worth noting that Sani is Surya's

son, and the vulture is said to be Sani's mount.




Chandra is at the point of deepest fall at 03 degrees, Vrichaka

rasi. This corresponds to Vishaka, which is ruled by Guru, in

the 4th pada, which is ruled by Chandra, and in the 1st drekkan,

which is ruled by Kuja.


It is easy to understand Surya's neechatva, but Chandra's is

more perplexing. Why is he neecha in association with Guru and

Kuja, with both of whom he forms the Gaja Kesari Yoga and the

Chandra Mangala Yoga respectively?


Guru represents wisdom, and Chandra, who personifies the mind,

doesn't like wisdom, and prefers pleasurable pursuits. Chandra

in his own pada means the mind dwelling on itself, not

positively as in the "I consciousness" but in terms of trying to

fulfil the pleasures that the mind suggests. Chandra is also

afflicted by the rashness of Kuja.


The description of the 1st drekkan of Vrichaka is:


"A beautiful young woman, quite naked, emerging out from an

ocean towards the shore, feet bound up by a serpent."


This is a sarpa drekkan, and the snake allusion indirectly links

it to Rahu and Ketu, the nodes, whom Chandra fears.




Budha is at the point of deepest fall at 15 degrees, Meena rasi.

This corresponds to Uttarabadra, which is ruled by Sani, in the

4th pada, which is ruled by Kuja, and in the 2nd drekkan, which

is ruled by Chandra.


Budha is a highly intellectual graha, and it cannot stand the

gloom of Sani, or the anger of Kuja, or the fickleness of

Chandra, all of which are inimical to rational thought. No

wonder it is neecha!


The description of the 2nd drekkan of Meena is:


"A beautiful woman, sailing in a boat with long flags towards

the other coast."


The flag is particularly interesting because it flies at the

highest point, and represents the acme. Ironically, with Budha

fallen, intelligence, which differentiates humans from beast, no

longer reigns supreme!




Sukra is at the point of deepest fall at 27 degrees, Kanya rasi.

This corresponds to Chitra, which is ruled by Kuja, in the 2nd

pada, which is ruled by Budha, and in the 3rd drekkan, which is

ruled by Sukra himself.


Sukra represents highly refined things, and this is the good

aspect. The negative thing about Sukra is his excessive pursuit

of pleasure, which leads to a lowering of morals and general

dissipation. In particular, Kuja corrupts Sukra and turns love

to lust. The fact that Budha owns the concerned pada is also

inimical to Sukra though Budha is friendly with Sukra because

those who love pleasures do not like listening to reason. The

drekkan being owned by Sukra implies a vortex of pleasure, which

can only lead to lassitude.



The description of the 3rd drekkan of Kanya is:


"A fair woman, with a yellow cloth on her body and exposing her

breasts and going to a sacred place."


What an apt description! Sukra is feminine, yellow represents

prosperity, and as a Brahmin graha, the visit to the sacred

place is also appropriate. The vulgar reference to the breasts

implies the profaning of the sacred, caused by Sukra being





Kuja is at the point of deepest fall at 28 degrees, Kataka rasi.

This corresponds to Aslesha, which is ruled by Budha, in the 4th

pada, which is ruled by Guru, and in the 3rd drekkan, which is

also ruled by Guru.


Kuja is a warrior, and doesn't like to heed either Budha's

intelligence or Guru's wisdom. All he wants to do is fight

meaninglessly, and this makes him neecha.


The description of the 3rd drekkan of Kataka is:


"A man in a boat amidst an ocean, with a serpent around his



This is a sarpa drekkan, and indirectly refers to Rahu and Ketu,

who, being daemons, are inimically disposed towards the

commander of the Gods. Since there is no reference to a storm,

we may safely assume that a boat in an ocean depicts serenity

and perhaps boredom because there is nothing to do but steer the

boat. Since there are no prospects of war, Kuja is highly





Guru is at the point of deepest fall at 05 degrees, Makara rasi.

This corresponds to Uttarashada, which is ruled by Surya, in the

3rd pada, which is ruled by Sani, and in the 1st drekkan, which

is also ruled by Sani.


Guru is a unique graha in Jyotish because it is the only graha

that is not treated as an enemy by any of the other grahas. So,

it is a little intriguing to consider why it is neecha. Perhaps,

it is neecha because both the grahas concerned, Surya and Sani,

can't stand each other. Also, Surya is arrogant and Sani

represents humble activities, and neither of them seems too

capable of appreciating the wisdom that is so dear to Guru.


The description of the 1st drekkan of Makara is:


"A man with much hair, pig-bodied and faced, and carrying a rope

and a net."


Nothing threatening about the above, but it hardly seems to be

the height of wisdom!





Sani is at the point of deepest fall at 20 degrees, Mesha rasi.

This corresponds to Bharani, which is ruled by Sukra, in the 3rd

pada, which is also ruled by Sukra, and in the 3rd drekkan,

which is ruled by Guru.


Sani is responsible for grief, and as such, he doesn't

appreciate Sukra's propensity for merrymaking. Guru symbolises

wisdom and so may be called a good teacher, but Sani is more

practical. The lessons he teaches are learnt in the University

of Life, and not from books. Thus, Sani may not be very pleased

by Guru's teachings, because he likes to teach people by

humbling them with sorrow and suffering.


The description of the 3rd drekkan of Mesha is:


"A cruel hearted man, red in colour, active, wearing red

garments, unprincipled and angry."


The above description seems to fit Kuja, who is inimical to

Sani, to a T!




It would be arrogant to presume that the above descriptions are

accurate, and represent the only way of looking at the neecha

state of a graha. However, it is a good starting point, and the

author hopes that even points above that are not agreeable to

the wise will promote thought, and lead all of us to greater

clarity and to the light, which is Jyotish.


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Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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