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Starlight Productions - News - 4/2/05 & Article on Benefic Saturn!,......> Mark Kincaid

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Starlight Productions


Special Article on Saturn, today...




Dear Friends:


I thought you might be interested in up-coming news especially related to

what's happening with Jupiter and Saturn this year!


This year represents the first time in over 5 years, where Jupiter finally

breaks free from Saturn's (malefic) influence.


Ever since 2000, when Jupiter and Saturn first collided in Aries, the whole

World was thrust into a very frustrating and debilitating time. World

Markets fell, millions of individuals lost their jobs, almost every aspect

of Saturn grief, came during this time.


Now, in September of 2005, Jupiter moves into Libra, where it will stop

being aspected or directly influenced by Saturn.


Expect then, over the next 5 years, through 2010, a wonderful up-lifting,

Jupiter expansion cycle.



Starlight Productions


Saturn Success...




I'm very happy to report many areas of success, recently.


I think the key to getting along with Saturn, even over the last few years

is learning that always, a part of us, needs to be in-tune with the silent,

and steadfast, inner 'being' aspects of life.


As I've realized that Saturn truely, represents 'Silence'....and it's

influences, periods, and transits, are all about showing us how in-tune we

are with this aspect of life; then, my Saturn experience has totally



This is why you'll hear Saturn being described as the planet of Surrender.

Sounds like such a nice expression, though of course, there's much confusion

as to what 'surrender' really means.


Now, I realize that surrender means, to let go and 'give in' to a part of

Nature, that we're not presently enjoying and able to take advantage of.


So, the need to 'surrender' is there, when we're not consciously

experiencing enough inner stability, silence and Being.


We're then, 'attached' to too much non-being, or non-silence, and as a

result, we make the wrong decisions, we try to go ahead, when we need to be

standing still.


What Saturn does, is it innocently gives to us, the consequences of our

actions as to this kind of very natural and subtle, attunement with Nature.


Those who have very good Saturn's in their charts, or who have grown to be

more in-tune; these people are more patient. They're not so impulsive to do

this or that.

They enjoy the silent and resting phases of life. They're not so prejudice

against Saturn, and the rejuvenative stages of life; therefore they enjoy

many of the happy, and positive sides of Saturn.


Saturn will go back into Cancer on May 26th, and will then, moving through

Cancer, the sign of the Mind, show us all how in-tune we are with our own,

emotional, silent natures.


If you feel any grief, or roughness, especially sadness, worry or anxieties,

'then', this is a Saturn sign that you need 'more' Saturn goodness.


Follow the 'signs' of Saturn, and where and when you feel the malefic sides,

'surrender' to ...... the positive Saturn.


Surrendering to the more happy, benefic sides to Saturn will immediately

enliven Saturn within and without!


And, as you do that more and more, a time will come that you're totally

emersed in the inner bliss of Saturn, and being 'there' you'll find yourself

always doing the right thing.


You'll find yourself, feeling still, silent, and awake in an inner



My own experience has been realizing that Saturn's always trying to show us,

that at every moment we 'all' should have a part of us that's always still

and silent.


As I've appreciated that and allowed that to happen, then, I've found myself

enjoying exactly, those wonderful positive sides to Saturn.


But, at any moment, when I still, get too busy, stay up too late, try to do

too much,

Saturn is still there to show me the way.


The signs of Saturn trying to tell us we're out of tune include:













and death


Whenever we find ourselves experiencing any of the negative, or malefic

sides to Saturn, IF, we accept that this is Saturn's 'sign' to alert us, to

try and show us, to try in fact, to help us see, that we need to STOP!,...



take a pause,

and surrender....


So, that more positive energy of Saturn gets enlivened....


Then, if we do this, then Saturn begins to get transformed.


Doing this, surrendering, adjusting,....even studying the positive Wisdom of


is one of the best ways of increasing Saturn beneficness.


Saturn Remedies:



more Understanding, automatically brings more acceptance....


more rest

earlier to bed.... Ayurved says the hours between 10pm-2am are best for


Study and exercise better timings.



Saturn represents timings, doing this or that, at the right time. However

if we're not enough, in-tune with Saturn, we'll find ourselves doing the

wrong things, or at the wrong time. This brings much frustration whether

it's in business, financial matters or affairs of the heart!


Study then, better timings...

Moon's Cycle....

Daily Cycle....

Seasonal cycles....


Even each planet has a cycle.


The transits represent all the different timings of all the cycles of the



Learning how to be more in-tune with all these cycles, will immediately

increase Saturn goodness, and sophisticated appreciation of timings.


As you become more and more in-tune with say, the Moon cycle, you'll

immediately find yourself being more in-tune with even Saturn....


This is because Saturn rules 'timings'.


Rest more, during the Waning cycles.


Find more energy, and focus, do more during the Waxing cycles...


Follow the Moon....


As it Wanes, like now, and gets smaller and smaller, allow 'that' phase, to


in your own life.


Rest more, get more sleep, do less, vacation,....take off, re-cuperate,

rejuvenate, rest and heal!

Especially during the last week of the Waning Moon, when the Moon is



Today Moon's at the 26th degree of Sagittarius today.

Sun's at the 19th degree of Pisces.

Notice that the Moon is getting smaller, going from Sagittarius, into

Capricorn, then

Aquarius and then finally Pisces.


This represents the last phase of the Moon's cycle.


New Moon's coming - Friday, APRIL 8th,....


Sun & Moon both will be at the 24th degree of Pisces....



See if you don't notice feeling the most inward, and need to rest more, now

and over the next 6 days!


If you don't rest more, and are not able to allow this naturalness to

dominate, see, that you experience the most grief, upsetness, and

frustrations during this time.


This is traditionally thought to because of the Moon, being so small.


However, the truth is, because we're not being more in-tune with the Moon,

therefore aggravating that important planet within, we end up suffering the

frustrations of creating!, really, the malefic side to it, and to Saturn.


As soon as we get tired, of enough suffering, delays, and frustrations,

then, we'll find the motivation to adjust, and, to re-arrange our lives so

we can rest when Nature is resting, and being more in-tune with Saturn, all

sadness and grief, can be eliminated.


Rest more during the Waning Moon.

Rest more during each night.

Rest more during the Winter.

Rest more, when Saturn is dominating.


Saturn represents the time, when we should rest, more.

So, whether we're in a Saturn, dasa, important Saturn transit, or Sade Sat!,

rest more!



Saturn, unhappinesses, are like darkness. When we're in darkness all

manners and kinds of miseries happen. However there is one thing we can do

to change all of that, and that's to turn on the LIGHT!


Turning on the light of Saturn, means enlivening that inner side to life.


As we do that, and allow ourselves to be more in-tune with all the beautiful

and important benefic sides to Saturn, then the light of inner life, begins

to shine!


Then, the darkness is just found gone!


We don't have to push, we don't have to struggle.


We just have to be more easy.


Being more still, more natural, resting more, allows that inner light, to



All we have to do, is get out of the way, and Nature shines from within.


We are already that brilliant, indescribable, precious, light of the Self.


All we have to do, is appreciate the need for the inward, restful stages of

life and Nature takes care of everything else.


This is why surrender is described as a Saturn trait.


When we're being too attached to 'that' which is not positive Saturn, then,

resistance, frustrations, and pain result. Why?


To show us we're not being in-tune, enough with the positive Saturn.


We then, give up, we let go, we sit down, collect our thoughts, we do some

yoga, we take a walk, we put some oil on our joints,...take a warm bath,....

being more easy, then immediately enlivens that inner soft side of


and then, all..... negative aspects of Saturn and life,.... begin to go



Those that have the strongest, malefic Saturn's in your charts will

experience the most Saturn, wake-up calls!


If your Saturn is with your Sun or Moon, or in the first house, or in the

6th, 8th or 12th, or with your Jupiter, Mercury, or Venus, or and you're

experiencing any Saturn unhappinesses, then understand that Saturn is trying

to get your attention!


The rest is up to you!




Between now and that day May 26th, when Saturn goes back into Cancer, we'll


more and more waves of Jupiter wisdom, so that by then, we'll be ready for a

unique Saturn opportunity to bring more bliss and inner silence to the Mind

and heart of the Moon through Cancer.


Whenever you're experiencing a Saturn malefic moment, dasa period or

Transit, this is almighty Nature showing you, this is the time, to stop, to

think, to re-adjust, so that you become more in-tune with Saturn.


If you don't uncomfortableness slips into dis-ease and then if you don't

rest enough, then dis-ease slips into disease. If we don't learn, then over

time, disease slips into death. If we do, learn, if we do learn to adjust,

and learn to 'live' with more Saturn wisdom, then, all positive manners of

Saturn will be found!


We'll slip from disease, back into dis-ease, and then, dis-ease will melt

away to a quality of ease, and at-ease then, will dissolve into bliss, inner

and outer happiness and success.


Nature is trying to show us the way!


Nature wants us to have and to unfold everything.


Only Nature wants us to learn how to be appropriate in our lives.


Nature is interested in us learning Wisdom, as well as material



We can have anything, even the fulfillment of enumerable desires.


The key is the development of inner, steadfastness.


As we develop our inner awareness and faculties, then, we'll find that our

desires get fulfilled in a natural and effortless manner.


If we don't go through this safety valve of Nature's and try to accomplish

on our own, without Nature's blessings, we'll only end up crashing and



Why? Is Nature being mean to us?


Is Nature being mean to the young child who announces to her Mother, "Mom!,

I can fly"!

The child is wanting to go to the roof and jump showing it can fly!

The mother laughs and says, no, child, you can not fly!


The child knows, however, that there are no limitations. The child

remembers that there's more to life, then just walking! Maybe the child

loves watching those early morning cartoons, filled with great heroes, many

of whom can fly!


Maybe the child has inner dreams, where the normal limitations of life, are

not there, and indeed, they can fly.


So, instead of listening, the child sneaks off and climbs up onto the garage

roof. Then, with all manner of happiness and positive expectation goes

leaping from the roof!


Baam! thud! The child ends up on a heap, crying and making breaking a


"Mother!, why did this happen! I thought I could fly!" In between sobs and

cries, the Mother, again tries to comfort. "My child, I'm so sorry. I

tried to warn you." "But, I thought,.... I mean my friends on the TV, I

thought...." "You may someday be able to soar and fly, but not yet, not

today. First you have to learn to sit, to walk, and even, sit within.

Then, maybe you'll learn how to fly."


We all want more out of life.

We want to soar, to make our mark in our World.

We each have a purpose living upon this Earth.


However, Saturn is here to teach us how to do that.

Saturn is here to teach us how to develop that inner side of us, so that our

outer, World is built on a firm footing of inner stability.


First, we need to develop that inner Saturn strength, and then, enjoy the

results of 'that' in the outer.



All grace and thanks to Saturn, the left-hand of God.


If Jupiter, Guru, is the right hand of God, Saturn, then, is the left hand!


They go hand and hand.


We step forward, expanding into the World with a Jupiter foot.


We first, however, had to plant our other foot, a Saturn step.


First step, and then move.

First rest, and then awake and do.

Rest & activity are the two steps of all progress and prosperity in life.


Saturn teaches us about the rest stage.

Jupiter teaches us about the activity stage.


Both together represent the complete dynamics of life.


Appreciate and enjoy the realities of both.


If we do, then our pace and evolution of life, is easy, natural and



If we receive any 'clue' that we're not being in-tune, instead of fighting

this, don't resist, let go, adjust, even surrender, if need be,...and accept

Nature's help.


Then, being more inner awake, then automatically find more outer happiness!



Jai Guru!











Mark Kincaid








Teacher of Meditation, Ayurved


641 472-0000.







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