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Transit Alert! 4/7, 4/8....4/9 re.... Week At A Glance Star Reports, April 5 - 11th... ..

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Dear Friends:


Periodically I've been sending out Specific Transit, Warnings, when the

Transits are particularly troublesome or intense.


Today, 4/7, tomorrow, 4/8 and Saturday, 4/9th.... are 3 such days...




Transit Alert!







Mark Kincaid





(You can Scroll down below and check out the description of the Transits

from the Original Star Report from April 5th)


However, the essence of the concern over these next few days is that








have all moved into Pisces,



This alone, would give rise to a very intense transit.


This morning, however, I also realized that both





also both aspecting and therefore, influencing

Pisces too.


So, be especially careful not to get too 'tunnel vision'

during these days...


Danger is of a particular 'Piscian' quality, or in Chinese terms,

being too Yin,...

or too spacy,

or too....Heads in the Sky....


This can lead to accidents, though fortunately

Mars is not aspecting,

but because Saturn is, some losses may come during this time,

especially if you're rushing or trying to get something important


just because it's at the end of the week,

or because of an important project, you're working on.


The Jyotish Presecription then,...

is to be more in-tune with this end of the New Moon cycle...





On top of all this...


It's also a Solar Eclipse!


Only happens twice a year, and Jyotish believes that the Eclipses

are very inauspicious times, anyway....


Add on top of that, all these other qualities simultaneously

going on,




Formuala for disaster...



So, chill,

be easy,...


as much as possible...


I'm awake this morning and looking at the outside,

which so often perfectly reflects the Internal Weather of

the Transits!


It's completely overcast, rainy, cold, windy, drurry,

kind of miserable day,...

Interestingly enough that description fits quite well

the Jyotish Prescription of the




Jyotish not only sees the dangers on the Horizon!


But, has the ability to warn and buffer ourselves

so we can avoid the worst of any dangers!



Jai Guru...



Mark Kincaid



Good Luck!









Starlight Unlimited


(641) 472-0000






The Best: AAA

Very Good: A

Medium: B

Negative, or Rough: C






Highlights: Week...





Final Days of Waning Moon cycle coming up this week!


Next New Moon on April 8th....


Identify and take measures to be more in-tune with the Moon, this week!



Mercury is still not only in difficult Pisces,... however, Mercury has also

started it's Retrograde motion, which makes it doubley strange and weaker...


So, if you find yourself feeling at lost with decision makings, or making

the wrong decisions,...this is why...


And good time, to take more time, to think things through more carefully...


Exciting time right now, however, because not only Mars is Exalted, but

Venus is Exalted too! (In Pisces)


Venus is really Combust with the Sun, now... 22 & 23rd degrees...

So, if you feel self-conscious, or difficulties with the heart and

especially expressions, this is due to the Sun's blocking motion upon



Thank goodness it's at least Exalted....


Mars has moved into Capricorn, it's sign of Exaltation,...sooooo good next


weeks, for all kinds of activities, endeavors, projects and expenditures of







Week's Transits:






Tuesday April 5th ..... Moon starts off at the 14th degree of Aquarius,

today. B


No negative influence upon the Moon today!


Add on top of that, the fact that Moon is in this interesting Aquarian

nature, and these days of Moon/Aquarius, should be good!


Moon, however, is verrrrry small, so if you need it,.......take more




Wednesday April 6th......... Moon starts off at the 24th degree of Aquarius,

today! B!



Same qualities, today as yesterdays...


Though Moon's only 6 hours away from moving into Pisces, where the Sun's

also at.


Today, great day to plan an afternoon spa, or massage.


Take it easy. If frustrations or delays at work, don't worry, too much,...

more energy comes after Moon starts to Wax....




Thursday, April 7th......... Moon starts off at the 8th degree of


today.... B-Ç


Solar Eclipse...tomorrow!



Moon moves into Pisces today.


Should be a fascinating day, not only is the Moon/Pisces, but...also

Sun, Mercury, Venus, & Rahu!


Sun = 24th degree of Pisces....

Venus = 25th degree of Pisces, too,...Retrograde and major combustion...

Mercury = 8th degree of Pisces, too....

Moon's also = 8th degree....


Rahu's....at the 28th degree....


Mercury's less negatively effected now, but now, Venus, and the affairs of

the heart may be negatively....influenced....



Lot of Pisces, goings on...


If you're feeling a little light headed, ....this is why!


Try to do something more grounding today....


Take some nice walks, walk on the grass.... hold some sticks in your hand...

go work out, ....be in the body,....more...



Friday April 8th...........Moon starts off at the 22nd degree... of Pisces,


New Moon!..... B.,C!


Sun's at the 24th degree, so 4 hours from now, at appox. 11am, CDT.... the

heighth of the new Moon, today!


Maximum rest period....


See, if you feel that intense inwardness,......


That's the Moon.!!!!





Saturday, April 9th..... ... Moon starts off at the 5th degree of Aries...




Today, Moon starts it's Waxing Motion.


Though today, Moon & Sun are still awfully close...

but if you feel that pendulum shift....this is why.....


Go with it...


Enjoy now, that greater energy and outwardness....


If you rested deeply enough over the last few days, you'll feel 'better'



Not much malefic influence upon Moon today.


Exalted Mars does influence Aries, but because it's it's Own Sign, ... this

could be a geat thing!


Don't be surprised if you clean out the garage and the basement for spring




Sunday, April 10th........ Moon starts off at the 19th degree of Aries,

today. A,B!


You'll notice the Moon, being bigger, really feels it, today.


Mars still aspecting.


Don't be too hot or heated but utilize this Mars energy to accomplish.....




Monday, April 11th......Moon starts off at the 2nd degree of Taurus, today.



Moon moves into it's state of Exaltedness, today and next few days...


Good days to feel, use your intuition, have positive sweet, interpersonal

relations, or meetings, communications...




This is one of those days that we'll look back and realize....

it was completely Auspicious....


Jupiter also fully aspects Taurus, from it's placement in Virgo...


so enjoy great Jupiter, luck, compassion, and wisdom!






Mark Kincaid











New :

Created for New

Jyotish Course,

Coming up...

April 16th....





For those who would like to seriously study, Jyotish/Astrology


Join this Group...


12 month course in every aspect of learning Astrology!


Can take 1, 2,3, or 12 months of great Jyotish!


join me in discovering the Stars, for yourself,

your family,

and career...


this year!



Right now,


people signed up for this course...



Only room for a few more people.


I'd like to keep the course around 30 people to start...


So, if you have an interest, let me know soon...


Course Starting Soon!



April 16, 2005....

















For those of you who are new, the following are a brief description of our,

other, ...




Nature's Astrology: Best of Western - Eastern Astrologys...


This is the oldest , I started about 1 1/2 years ago, and has

many wonderful members, very knowledgable about Jyotish & Western


and all, exploring the realities, of 'Nature's Astrology'....






Transcend-Meditation: Examines the role of Meditation and Consciousness

raising, remedial measures to one's Jyotish/Astrology.





Ayurved,Jyotish,Yoga group: Looks at many of the unique 'transforming' and

progressive, remedial measures of Ayurveda, Yoga, and Jyotish,






Spirituality_Astrology.... Looks at the signs of Spirituality, in people's


Focus here is on how to improve our Spiritual lives, through our Astrology.





new joetisch/research group: for hose interested in participating in the

research aspect of my Jyotish/Astrology book, join here!





and for those who are interested in studying Jyotish more formally:

check out paying site: Star Reports:



































Mark Kincaid.....







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