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The Nature of Life is To Grow... 4/16 Jyotish Course #1...Philosophy, Principles & Goals of Astrology Part2

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Philosophy, Principles & Goals of Astrology

Part 2




Dear Friends:

April 16, 2005



Now, as we begin to reflect on the more specific Philosophy, principles and

Goals of Astrology;

we will do this from the point of view of life, and evolution.


There's a huge impediment to Astrology, even Jyotish, in the World today,

and that's the belief that Astrology is more about 'fate' then opportunity!


The main reason why Astrology is so important and perhaps the best Knowledge

in the entire World, is because Jyotish/Astrology, represents the best

Technology of Self-Improvement!


Jyotish/Astrology is really all about the growth, change and improvements in

our lives, as well as living the inevitable consequences, karmas or fate.


Jyotish, traditionally has emphasized the pre-determined, or karmic aspect

of life, instead of the real purpose of our live's, which "Is To Grow"....


The Nature of life is to grow, is especially important because it helps us

understand that our Chart's, or Astrology, is really, about the all the

areas that we were born to grow within!


This is essentially why Jyotish/Astrology is said to 'rule' the 8th house.

Because the 8th house is the house of 'transformation'.


Astrology, therefore is about the ways and means in which to change, adapt,

transform and grow in our lives.


Our charts, are not just about our challenges, our problems, or lessons.

Our charts, and especially our 'malefics' are really about the

opportunities, and the exact areas of those growths!


Learning how to better understand these malefic areas, is the key to this

course, as it has been, the key or essence of my insight into Jyotish.



"The Malefics in our charts, are not just symbolic of our problems, and


they're really symbolic of our opportunities." MK




In our course we will not only study the symbolisms of Jyotish/Astrology and

especially how these Astrological configurations, exist within our



But, from this very first step, we will emphasize, JYOTISH TRANSFORMATION!


It's only superificially true that our maleifics show us where we have our

problems and lessons in life.


It's even more important that we figure out how to unravel, how to improve

those or any malefic situation.



#1 Start to look differently at the so-called 'Malefics' in our charts.



These aren't just symbolic of our problems, but they indicate exactly, and

precisely what aspects of ourselves!, that .....we're supposed to change!


This is the essence of my Jyotish as it is the essence of life, that we're

already living.


This appreciates, that there is nothing horrible and terrible in life.


All problems, all set-backs, all frustrations, etc. are Nature's way of

showing us where and how we need to grow.


Problems, set-backs, pain, grief, loss, are all Nature's symbolic signs, or

indicate the precise areas in which we need to grow.


These experiences are Nature's 'feed-backs' to show us how we're doing.


If we don't get enough rest at night, the next day we're tired, listless,

and unhappy.


We tend to 'blame' our life, or environment or our neighbors, for that



The truth is our live's are a product of our individual actions and karmas.


'We' are the orchestraters or our lives!


No one stands in the way of our progress or life!


We are already only facing ourselves.


Karma is the key to understanding life, as well as Astrology.


Our charts, are the handiwork, of the deep, Principle of Karma, or as you

sow, so shall you reap.


The details of our charts, the positives and the negatives, spring forth as

a result of the actions of our past lives!


Once we understand that it is ourselves that have created this chart, then,

we can accept these as our own, and begin the process of owning, and then,

changeing our futures!


The future is in our hands!


No one else's.


Learning the details of this, is one of the greatest benefits of Astrology.


Our charts, represent all the details of our karmas, or actions.


We can see this even today.


We, stay up, or go too fast, and we have an accident or get sick!


No one does this, too us. We are freely choosing these directions and

experiences of our lives.


We choose our actions, albeit, from a more complex pattern of thoughts,

attitudes, and mind-sets, which are our charts!


However, the basic theory is sound. That it is 'we' that are the source of

our life.


Therefore, it is only through ourselves, through our own, self-referral,

that we can change!, and



We will be learning through this course, how to understand each of the

challenges and problems of our charts and lives; and even more importantly,

how to transform our thoughts, attitudes, and actions, into their more

successful, benefic forms.


Each Planet in Astrology, is basically Benefic!


You'll hear too often that so and such a planet is benefic and that one over

there is malefic!




The truth is, as the sage Maharishi Parashara and founder of Jyotish: said

in his famous book on Jyotish.


Beginning of chapter two, he says:



"In the beginning Lord Vishnu

entered into the grahas (planets)

to bestow upon his devotees,

the consequences of their actions." *





When I first read this, I realized that none of the planets are essentially

'bad' or malefic.


In Truth, any of the planets can function malefically, or in a so-called bad



Any and every planet can innocently bestow or radiate back to us, the

product of some of our actions!


Learning how to change any of these 'functionally' malefic configurations,

in our charts, is the key, to life getting better!


In addition to learning and understand which aspects of our charts, are

spontaneously responsible for our problems.


We'll learn the Wisdom of each of these, so-called, Malefic situations, so

we can change that 'maleficness' into it's natural Benefic status!


When we learn this, we'll spontaneously have mastered that negative aspect

to our live's and begin spontaneously to create better actions, and then,

begin reaping better, and more positive, and life-supporting positive




Philosophy of Jyotish/Astrology



#1 Philosophy of Astrology, is that there is an inherent relationship

between the Stars, above, and our live's below, here, on Earth.


What is that expression?



"As it is above, so shall it be below!"




#1 Principle in Astrology is the exact configuration of those Astrological

realities, of the sky, above, is a vision, or mirror as to the nature, and

characteristics of the life, being born, below.


The Astrological Chart, is a map or description of that relationship and



The Astrological Chart is really just the Astronomical symbolism of the

exact placement and configuration of the Sun, Moon, Planets and Star-signs

of our part of the Universe.


This physical configuration, the Sun is over there, in that sign, in this

part of the sky, represents all the details of our own, personal,

Psychological, Astrological realities, down here!



#2 Discovering these '1to1' Correspondences between each and every part of

our Charts, is the goal and path of good Astrology.


We'll study all the rules of Astrology, what the Planets mean, what the

Houses, and Signs, represent; but keep in mind that these configurations,

are really just the symbols of our own, individual, personal lives, within

ourselves, here, below, on Earth.


This first month, we'll focus on the lofty goals and ideals of Jyotish.


Then as the course continues, we'll begin focusing on the Taurian, or

practical goals, and principles of Astrology and how we are in fact, the

details of our charts.


Once we've learned each and every one of the 1 to 1 Correspondences between

ourselves and our charts....then....


#3.... Jyotish Discrimination is the next stage.


Once we've learned how each aspect of ourselves, is related intimately

specific, precise aspects of our charts, then, we'll begin the process of

Jyotish Discrimination.


At the basis of all improvement and transformation in life, is first, the

ability to discriminate.


We can only grow, and change, if we know where and how to change.


This takes 'discrimination'.


Jyotish has natural Discrimination between what is 'good' and what, is



Jyotish Discrimination starts with what is 'Benefic' and what is 'Malefic'.



Once we 'discover' what is positive and what tends to be negative in our

charts, then begins the true nature of Jyotish/Astrology, and in life....


Jyotish Transformation!



#4....is Jyotish Transformation!


The essence of Jyotish as it is in life, is to grow! The ability to grow

first depends upon an appreciation of where we need to grow.


If we don't understand this, then we find ourselves, too often, undermining,

or sabotaging our very selves, due to this reality of our Malefics.


Our Malefics represent where we are deluded, confused, un-clear, or



That's why our Maleifcs indicate where our failures, stumblings, challenges,

problems and lessons, reside.


This is because our Maleifics represent our illusions, delusions,

compulsions and addictions.


The nature of Maleficness, however, goes very deep and is very difficult,

generally to change.


This is because our Malefics represent where we're confused, and where we're

"spontaneously doing that which is not right for us", in spite of ourselves.


In Vedic Science this reality is called "Pragya Parads", or 'mistakes of



Where we have our illusions or confusions, these represent our ignorances,

and where we're making our mistakes, and exactly where our problems and

challenges will be and from where they come.


Where we have our benefics, these represent where we think and act,



Our Benefics represent where we're already in-tune with Life and Nature and

as a result, the significations and consequences of those planets are rosy,

positive and exciting!


The key to life, and in Jyotish/Astrology is learning how to transform our

Malefics into Benefics!


This is the essence of the very life that we're living...


Remember: The "Malefics in our charts, are not just symbolic of our

problems, but...

they're also symbolic of our opportunities, and our solutions!"


When you realize this, Jyotish will become the most magical path of pure

growth, and increasing joy and happiness!


Without this, we will continue undermining ourselves, and all the time,

confused, as to why we're not more successful and happy!


Each aspect of Astrology represents each and every important aspect of life,

that needs to be understood and Mastered!


Jyotish/Astrology's essence, is about this self-mastery.


It's path has been called the path of Self-Realization or God-Realization!


It's also been called the path of self-actualization, to put in modern



However, the essence of this path of life is the same.


Each one of us, is already involved in this great, ancient path of life.


Learning all the key, specific in's and out's of our own, unique path,....

is the key to life & of Jyotish/Astrology!



The rules and Principles of life, can not be understood, only abstractly or



All the rules and Principles of life, have to be understood in all their

specific qualities and characteristics, as they pertain to each one of us,



Each one of us, is living a spontaneous, unique path, of our own, creation.


Learning the nature, details, and all the realities of that unique path, is

the path of Jyotish/Astrology for us!



In this course, in addition to quote: 'studying' the traditional rules and

principles of Jyotish.....


We'll also learn how to utilize this Knowledge for the real purpose of our

live's and our Jyotish,

which is to grow, to evolve, to become better us!


As we do this, the essence of Jyotish and Vedic Wisdom, will be lived by us!


We will find that our live's automatically, become more effortless,

natural, and spontaneously right.


We will find ourselves experiencing all kinds of joys and positive values of

life, just because the Nature of life is to grow and the Nature of life is



During this first month, we will focus a lot on the highest potential of

life and Jyotish/Astrology so we know what the Highest Goals are and are



Then, we'll descend to the details of each one of our charts, and find the

realities of each of our individual paths, in that vast arena of life.




Feel free to email me anytime with any and all your questions.


I've found that those who communicate with me, and as if you this time and

course, to pick my brain, so to speak, gain the most out of this time,




I'm looking so forward to this course.



This course, represents the quintessence of all my years of Jyotish, and I'm

already seeing tremendous growth and encouragement in those who are hearing

these words, and looking within and discovering these truths for









Mark Kincaid







Founder of Nature's Astrology

Teacher of Meditation, Ayurveda








Next Articles:





The Course, Goal & Range of Astrology





For those of you who are still interested and haven't yet signed up.


There's still time. Contact me at:
















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