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The Key to Success in Life.....Is Astrological.......... 4/20 > Mark Kincaid

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Key To Success in Life....

According to Astrology & Jyotish.....







Today, there are so many interesting theories and systems, even religions

are there, to help us become a success in life.


Having been a Philosophy & Education major in college, I can attest to the

wide range of different theories that abound, regarding this issue.


When I discovered Astrology, however, this very deep and important question

about 'life' became very clear.


Jyotish, understands that certain Planets need to be in their Own Signs, or

Exalted, or in great Houses, or aspected by otherwise good, or Benefic

influences for success to happen.


Astrology even understands that for the rest of us, with less then stellar,

'birth charts', success, still, is a matter of learning about the deep, and

sometimes troublesome malefic influences in our charts, and our lives.


If you look at success people you'll see these great examples of strong

Benefics, occupying important houses, and success manifesting especially

during dasa periods of these great benefic lords.


However, there's another aspect to Astrology and Jyotish and that is what

might happen if we learn our lessons?


What can happen and will we be able to become a success if we learn our

challenges and learn especially how to transform ourselves?


Normally, progress and growth in life, is allocated to the upachaya houses,

like the 3rd, 6th and the 11th.


However, there's a principle here which is at the very heart and soul of

Jyotish, as in life.


And that is, that we were born!, to discover our solutions.


Normally, it's thought that the limitations, and challenges of our live's

are due to certain karmic, and malefic influences.


These can be of many varieties.


o Certain planets are malefic in nature.

o Specific planets are malefic because of the so-called, 'malefic' houses

which they rule.

o Other planets are malefic because they're in those same, 'so-called,

malefic' houses.


The Truth, however, is these 'malefic' situations, aren't just symbolic of

our problems!


They also represent the very solutions that we were born to discover!


Take Mars, for example. He's one of those so-called malefics.


And if Mars is especially ruling any of those malefic houses, and/or in any

of the malefic houses, or with important benefic planets; then, Mars may

certainly be found acting malefically.


The way to tell if Mars is acting malefically, is to see if any of the

negative significations of Mars, happen.


We may have accidents, or skin rashes, or excessive 'pitta' dis-eases, and


We may have fights and quarrels with people, or we may attract, very

negative, abusive,

or Marish realities.

We may feel to steal, or lie, or cheat, or try to get away with something.

We may be lied, or cheated or abused ourselves.

We may tend to blame others, for our 'karmas'.

We may resent and be angry at 'so and so', or others, like our parents,

teachers, friends, co-workers, even strangers.


However, no matter what the situation, if we look at the symbolism of our

Charts, we'll discover that this malefically functioning Mars, is only doing

these things, because!

we've created the initial thoughts and actions, that created that

functioning Mars!


We can know this to be true, because the opposite is also true.


Those who have 'very good' Mars' in their charts, experience all the

positive's of Mars' Nature.


When Mars is found being Benefic, whether it's in a good House, ie. 10th, or

in a good or great sign, Aries, Scorpio or Capricorn; all the significations

of Mars are more positive.


So, this person, does not have accidents. They may even enjoy sports and

being athletic.

They may have good energy and dynamism, and not easily tired.

They may be extremely honest, and a bit of a crusader.

In other words, where fighting was the dominant quality of malefic Mars,

these people may

be crusaders for 'righteousness'.

Good Mars individuals can be found in every field, top sales people,

creative and enterprising individuals.

They may be inventors, bright in the fields of Marketing, and promotion.

They may be healers, doctors, police'persons', or in the law.


These 'benefic' situations of Mars, shows us that the reality of each planet

is neither positive or negative.


Even Jupiter can be found functioning malefically during certain situations.


So, the key thing is that we understand that all Planets are....


#1, symbolic of our past, previous actions, thoughts and behaviors.

#2, they're only symbolic of our positive and negative karmas, and as a

result, there's an implied meaning there for us!


Why do we have to experience the karmic aspect of life?


This is a very important and deep question!


Because, it's through 'karma' that evolution happens.


Where we're thinking and acting, correctly or in-tune with life, Nature, or

the Stars;

we're found enjoying rapid progress, evolution and SUCCESS, in life!


Where we're not in-tune with Nature, out of balance, or in 'ignorance',

deluded, confused, or mistaken, we create malefic influences....or are

living malefic situations.




So, that we learn!


Life is a huge, big school.


And today, on the Planet Earth, we're all attending important, and advanced

courses, in Mars, Saturn, Rahu/Ketu,...and all the other Astrological



Look at all the people in the World today, who are fighting, cheating,

thieving, and going through one or another enumerable aspects of 'that'

malefically functioning Mars!




So, that we learn.


We came into this life, with these issues.


The exact details of those challenges are right there in our charts.


Maybe we have Mars in the first house, and we go at a certain speed, but we

end up having accidents!


It seems so un-fair.


However the truth is 'Life' let's us do whatever we want.


In fact this seems to be Nature's main and most important rule!


We can do whatever we want in Life!


However, there's one, small, 'catch'!


We're going to be held responsible and experience the natural, inevitable

consequences of those actions!


It's through this amazing system of free choices and karmic repercussions,

that life moves from one level of evolution to the next and the next.


Eventually we become enlightened and reach perfection.


Right now we're in Mars school.


Maybe we're in 12th grade, but still we're going through it.


Tomorrow we could graduate!


So, we go to an Astrologer and he guesses what we're going through even if

we don't tell, them, anything.


How could he do that!


Because of the deep, powerful Wisdom of Vedic Knowledge, and especially

Jyotish which understands this incredible 'karmic' aspect of life.


Our Jyotish charts, are an example of this karmic aspect of life.


If it wasn't for this 'reality', life would be total anarchy.


If there was no repercussions or consequences of our actions, we'd all be

'free', so to speak, to do, literally anything!


And, way too many people are going about their live's exactly as if this was



That's why our grandmother's tried to teach us:


"Treat others, as you would like to be treated"!


I always loved this old adage. Of course, I thought it was pretty quaint

and naive.


Who would ever have guessed that this expression was coming from a deep

level of Understanding as to the Karmic reality of life.


That's why we say: "As you sow, so shall you reap."


Or, in the East, 'karma',....


Even in Modern Science today, this powerful Principle of Karma has been



Did you know that modern Psychics has discovered this principle? Oh, they

don't call it karma. It came originally from Newton and called his 3rd law

of motion.




"For every action, there's an equal and opposite re-action!"




Sir Issac Newton's exact words were:


"To every action there is always opposed an equal reaction; or, the mutual

actions of two bodies upon each other are always equal, and directed to

contrary parts."


This initial idea of Newton's many hundreads of years ago, has since been

has found as the underlying principle of all molecules and atoms within our

entire World, and Universe!


Atoms act this way. So, do molecules, gases, all forces, in fact.


Why hasn't this principle made it's way, up the food chain, to say, the

field of Psychology?


When Modern Psychology discovers this deep principle of life, within Human

Existence, then the field of Jyotish will have been glimpsed.


We're however, very fortunate because we've stumbled upon this great



Each one of us is growing within the Wisdom of this karmic aspect of life!


Our charts are a complete reflection of this deep karmic nature of our



Only we need to take a slightly wider perspective, to life and living.


If we're only meant to live this one life, then life, again would be pure



Who'd care?


Who would ever try to be better?


It would be pure bedlam if there was no karma or no future lives.


What would be the point?


There wouldn't be any.


Instead, life is karmic, and life has been before, and life will continue

being, in the future.


In fact, those actions that we are presently creating right now, will be the

'bed' of our future lives.


We are in fact, the champions, creating our destiny and future!


Only we don't know this.


We may agree with this idea but we're not quite convinced.


In fact, in every one of the malefic situations in our charts; right there,

shows us where we're not quite clear.


Each malefic is indicative of those aspects of ourselves, where we're not

clear or in-tune with life, and it's deeply underlying principles.


Action is for evolution.

Dynamism is to walk the path of our evolution.

We need to be able to walk, to move ahead and evolve.

If however, our 'Mars' impulse is not completely 'correct' then an accident

may be the result.


No one starts off an action, to have an accident!


We don't wake up, any morning saying: "I'm going to make a mess of my day,



No!, accidents, mis-haps, arguements, fights, etc. etc. all, happen, in

spite of our best intentions.




Because we're out of tune, with our Mars!

Or our Saturn's, or even our Moon's.


Some people aren't!


And, they're heroes to us. They're great examples of how life can be, and

lived, while being in-tune with Mars.


These situations inspire us to improve our own Mars, and/our malefic





So, that we can start creating better, Mars, Saturn even Rahu/Ketu actions,

and in our future, even very near future; we'll find ourselves living

happier futures, for ourselves, and our loved one's.


The key to Life, as it is in Success, is learning how to live the more

deeply, true, and Benefic Nature of each planet.


This is the real goal of even having Malefic situations, so we see,

up-front, the real, consequences of our actions.


Our Jyotish inspires us to develop the wisdom so we, too can begin enjoying

the real, satisfying 'fruit' of each Planets' true, Exalted Nature.


This is our life, our paths, and our situations.



The main obstacle?


We don't 'know' this, to be true.


Where we have our malefics, we're especially confused as to the very thing

we need to understand differently.


Nature, again keeps just giving us the consequences of our actions.


We, however, having souls, that are eternally, free, and full of complete

Wisdom and grace, don't like it when we fail or produce or experience

unhappy results.


These malefic situations show us, where and how we're mistaken.


Our malefics show us where and when we need to change.


As we do this, immediately, automatically, new actions get produced, and

completely new and uplifting consequences can be created.


>From this very moment we can start acting from within, deeper Wisdom as to

each Planet.


And, for those situations, which are more deeply ingrained, like obsessions,

compulsions, even addictions, intense thought patterns and habits, these,

two, need only a little bit of time.


Ayurved for example, has the great insight into how to transform ourselves

out of these 'ruts'.


Ayurved says, the patterns, or compulsions, habits, etc., come from our



The memory of how to be, how to think and how to re-act are all there within

our DNA, memory.


The key, is to learn how to change the memory.


We need to learn how to create better actions, thoughts and behaviors, and

as we do this, with each step in this direction a new memory gets implanted

in the cosmic Physiology.


As soon as the memory becomes 'intact' and is 'stronger' then the already

'there' negative or malefic patterns dissolve and become replaced with this

new, and more evolutionary memory.


Once we've done this, then that malefic situation in our live's and in our

chart's will be healed!


The very moment that the better 'way' gets stabilized within, then, that old

malefic configuration, is NO MORE!


The Key to Success, is in living Benefic synapses, in our brains and



The key to creating these benefic synapses, is discovering the truer,

Benefic Wisdom of each Planetary configuration.


And, this is a completely fun and exhilarating process.


Who wouldn't love discovering that they are a great soul, with an infinite

Nature, and relationship with almighty God?


Who wouldn't love to discover that one has powerful, compassionate, and

nourishing capacity?


Who wouldn't love discovering that one has the literal Intelligence or IQ of

the Universe!


Who can guess which of these descriptions relates to which Planet?


If you guessed: Sun, Moon, & Mercury, you were right!


Discover the truely transformative and progressive nature of life, and

Jyotish, and you will find yourself, blazing a trail of your own evolution.


Instead of suffering the frustrations, and challenges of our lower, and

unenlightened, Maleific consequences; instead, discover the hidden Benefic

Nature within,... and live the true, life,

that we were really meant to live.


It's already happening, anyway.


Even before Jyotish or Astrology it was already going on.


Now, however, with Jyotish/Astrology, we can increase this process,







Jai Guru





Mark Kincaid





ps.... In the present Jyotish course I'm teaching this Philosophy of

Success, will be at the very heart of this course.


Each one of us has these malefic situations and each one of can transform

those qualities into more healthy and positive realities.


This is the real, true, essence of Jyotish & Astrology for us.



For those interested feel free to check this out at:







Teacher of Meditation, Ayurved.


641 471-0000.











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