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The Fellowship of the Stars 4/24

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The Fellowship of the Stars




Inside the ship of the Stars, the 7-Stared, bracelet shines forth.


Inside each man, there's a bracelet of celestial gold.


It has every shape and color of the rainbow.


Within each one of us, is the fulfillment of each Planet's nature.


Visit the home of each Star,


find the life that you were meant to live.


Mars is the hero.


He see's the dangers upon the horizon,

and seizes the moment to rise to the occassion.



fights for righteousness.


Mars is married to Venus, who melted his heart.


Venus loves all.

Through Venus, love, is the creation, made,

and in Mars/Venus co-creation is the creation, continuing.


Venus brings the constant vigil of love and sweetness

to the World, and a Universe that's frought with irreconciable differences.


Venus sees the half full glass.

Mars fights for that growing fullness.


And Wisdom comes from Jupiter.


Mars knows how to fight.

Jupiter knows for 'what' do we fight.

God speaks to us through his right hand, Jupiter.


Jupiter is the Guru.

Jupiter is the teacher.

Jupiter fills our parents with the desire to take care and raise

us to be the best that we can be.


Jupiter fills our hearts with faith, and the desire to know God.

Jupiter gives us a thirst of learning.

Jupiter is the beginning, the path, and the fulfillment of all pursuits.


Mercury brings us discernment.

We see, and we decide, we judge, and we discriminate.

Mercury gives us reason.

Mercury helps us understand.

Without reason we are like blind men in a sea of differences.

With Mercury we see clearly....


But, Mercury alone breaks apart the World.

Mercury sees two.


Where the heart sees only one.

Moon is that which feels, oneness.


Moon is intuition.

Knowingness without a reason.


Moon looks at Mercury's intellect, like a young child.

Moon is the Mother,

filling us with hope, and the path of growing fullness,


rest & activity.


Moon represents happiness, and fulfillment.


Sun is the father.


Moon & Sun create life.


Life gives the spark, and Moon gives the bossom,

together, life springs forth.

Moon receives the Sun's light,

Moon churns the ocean.

Out of the oceans, life begins.

Life moves, crawls across the lands, grows and dies,

with the Sun's warm grace,

together, giving rise to each family, and up-coming generation.


Saturn is the old Father, of passing ages.

Saturn represents disease and death.

Out of Saturn comes renewal and rejuvenation.

Saturn brings us to the end of each measure of our paths.

And, as one passage, falter, and ends..

a new one begins.


Saturn is the left hand of God.

Together with Jupiter, the right hand,

together they both build the castles of the Lord's mansions.


One day, Mars walked with Venus,

and along the path, wondered which way to go?

Mercury heard Mars wonder, and provided the wisdom of discernment.

At the last moment, Mercury faltered, knowing the pro's and con's of both

passages, still felt uncertain.

Moon then perked up and said:

"Take this path".


But, why said Mercury, hungering for truth.

"Just because", said the Moon.

"but why, said Mercury?"

"Just 'because' said the Moon.

and Mars & Venus began their journey.


First with one step, firmly planted, deeply rooted in the security of

right action....

Saturn was that foot, balenced, poised, and steady.

Jupiter then sprang forth, expanding into the 2nd step,

and with each step, one after the other, Jupiter & Saturn

worked together to move the life ahead.


All the while, the Sun shined forth.

Happy and content, to be the inner light.

But, at some point, all the planets, wondered?

But, what is it for?

And then, the Sun giggled, and shined slightly brighter.


In that moment, all, looked inside ....


found that resplendent Sun, shining so brightly.


Then, each lord, each part of our bodies, felt happiness

and wholeness.


Each knew their function, and each knew that they were a part of

the whole.


And, during each moment, each knew that "they too, were the Sun."


Like this, each one of us, climgs out of our births,

and into the bright sun-shine of our lives.


We each have a Mars & a Venus.

Each an intellect, Mercury, too.

Each one of us wonder's and thirsts from our Jupiter.

Each one, wonder's will I ever manifest my dreams?

Saturn says yes.

Each one of us, no matter from where we start,

each one of us, has the memory of the undisturbed,

wholesome Star family,

cursing through our veins.


The memory's there, our Mars, & Venus'

our Mercury's and Jupiter too.

Our Saturn &

Sun & Moon...


All representing the image of God, flowing from Him/Her,

to us, through our veins.


They each have a slightly different path.


One's Mercury sublime, another's disguised.

Whatever the flavor, the home

of all these Stars lies dormant within.


As we stir those memories, and visit Exalted shores,

places and friends,

the memory of our ancient heritage, gets stirred, within.


Then our own Stars begin to awaken.


Mercury feels clearer.

Mars feels more heroric.

Venus feels more love, all around.

Moon knows it's true.

Jupiter is our best friend, and helps us find

our secret companion, in our Lord.

Saturn represents our path, crosses to bare,

and wisdom and balance to unfold.


And, finally the Sun sees all.

It sees the present, it sees the future.

Knowing the past, present and future,

it fills us with supreme knowingness.


Ah, what a treasure is this life that we are.


The 7 sister, planets of the Stars,

awaken within us, and seek their divine



With each step towards their Exaltedness,

their glories, flood to us.


Mars makes us champions.

Venus makes us lovers

Mercury makes us genius,

Moon makes us the Mother, wise.

Jupiter brings us to our Divine Family,

with his divine brother of poise, balance and maturity.


the Sun, which sees all, invites all,

to come sit within, the great hall

and function together as one Wholeness.


All parts formally separate, now, finding their fullness,

begin functioning as one whole.


Such is the vision of life, revealed to us,

by the Stars.


The Lord, beyond the Heavens said:


"Let there be Light".


there was.


That light was soooo bright,

and as it cooled it became the colors of the rainbow.


With each moment and stage, Oneness began to be thought of as


and as two began, then, quickly did 3 become.

3 in 1,

and one within many.


In this World, in this Solar System,

we have a Sun,

and a Moon.

We have a Mars & a Venus,


Mercury, Jupiter & Saturn, three.


All together, all aspects of our bodies, minds, hearts,

and soul's are represented.


All the differences that we are and can be imagined,

are there, within our star patterns.


Some are burning brightly,

others seemingly lost to us.

Though lo and behold,

all, are waiting patiently within,

to awaken.


The vision and memory of that awakened state

are there.

It's just up to us, to decide how much,

and how quickly we awaken.


Father, "the sleeper has awakened!"


And so Mercury throws off it's cobwebs.

Venus' lustre shines forth and pierces all,

with it's divine love.

Mercury gives perfect understanding of

this, and that.

Perfect wisdom and discrimination flood to us,

deeply satisfying our minds.

Moon finds us our contentment.

Content to know, without a reason.

Together with Mercury both, give perfect understanding.

Jupiter sees the train of life, from God, to creation,

from God to the first Guru, to the next

and the next and the next,...

till man,...and woman,

manifest and fill the dominions.

Jupiter remains as our guide, helping us along,

With Jupiter's grace, divine benedictions and blessings shine forth.

Saturn stands watch, warning us of future dangers.

In it's fullness,

Saturn knows how to traverse the fascinating steps

of the paths of life.

Saturn knows how.

Saturn knows when.

Saturn, coupled with Mars,

are the path.


All together, the life is known,

and all together, life is revealed to itself.


As life, unfolds itself, to itself, eventually,

life is found in perfection.


In such a state, each chakra of the body shines with perfect light.

Each light flows through a Planet,

to illuminate the World and back, to the Heavens.


With this Wisdom of the Stars,

we leave the frustrations and sadnesses, of the World,

without Light.


Astrology is the light of life.

The Stars reflect the light of Being,

of the Lord, God,

forever being, and blessing,

all beginnings, travels,




May the Lord God, Guru, Sun & Moon,

bless you with their inner lights.

May the Moon, & Mercury understand the purpose of your 7-prong


May each and every parcel, begin to function as a whole.


Invite all your planets into a conference.

Ask them to talk it all out, till they come to a deeper



Give them, each the Vision, of their resplendent



As each hear's their truest natures, from within

let them all

evolve to their most natural glories!


It's not hard, it's in fact, easy

and natural.


Effortless too,

only the Will is disconnected from that Vision.


Once the Vison comes,

so comes the Will,

with the will comes all possibilities.


With each fabric of detail of oneness,

life becomes complete.


Now, life becomes a joy, and forever, full of purpose,

and unfolding splendors.


If we then, ever falter..

If we ever wonder, what's wrong?


We immeditately can identify the Planet's that's gotten tired.

We glance down at our fellow traveler,

and we say,

"come now,...

take my hand!"


We pull him up, with Mars, we may say slow down.

With Saturn we say rest more deeply.

With the Sun, we say, twinkle with your Father Sun,

with the Moon, we say, climb back into your Fullness.


Mercury may get tired, but we rest our poor intellects,

connecting with all other points of knowingness,

the mind, and Mercury intellect gets clear again.


When Jupiter or Saturn falter, we laugh and say:

"how is this possible?"

Oh, kings of the Universe.


Jupiter and Saturn then, hold hands, and get back in sync.


Holding hands each working together, to get back in-tune

with the life, that is constantly osscilating,...


from here to there,

from left to right, with each step,

the path is put back, right.


Embrace, the fellowship of the Stars,

it's who we are.


The Stars exist there, inside, let them,

come forth, and working better, together,

to evolve your life, to it's natural fulfillment.


The light of the Stars is our path,


and forever in the future.


You can learn this Star path, now,

upon this Earth,

and if you learn the lessons well,


can get a glimpse at what it might be like,

to be born,

on Jupiter which has over 20 Moons!


Or another Solar system completely.


But, all those inner lights and ideas,

will be in your future.


You learn their divine missions,

and forever in the future, you'll feel more at home.


Jai Guru



All blessing and thankfulness,

towards the teacher, maintaining this wisdom

for generation after generation





Mark Kincaid










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