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Suparna ji - 30 Jun 1973; 2:20 PM; Amritsar [31n35, 74e53]

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Suparna ji,


You have Tula Lagna and Mituna Rasi, and Lagnadipati is in the

10th, conjunct 9th lord Budha, which is good. However, in your

chart, Raja Yoga Karaka Sani is considerably afflicted by being

combust with Surya and also by Kuja's aspect.


One good thing in your chart is that both Sukra and Sani, who

are benefics for you, are considerably fortified by being Uccha

in Navamsa.


Guru is Neecha in your chart, but gets Neecha Banga because he

is Vakra. Additionally, Kuja, who would be Uccha in Guru's

place, and Guru's dispositor Sani are both in a kendra from

Chandra, and this also provides Neecha Banga. However, some

problems will still be there.


Right now, you are running Sani Dasa [Aug 1998 - Aug 2017] and

Ketu Bukti [Apr 2004 - May 2005]. Sani, though a Raja Yoga

Karaka, and possessing a good Shad Varga Vimshopak in excess of

15, which renders him quite benefic, has a very poor Ishta

Phala/Kashta Phala score of 10.9/48.6, which means that he will

give some agonies.


Sani is also in Kuja's nakshatra Mrigishira and also aspected by

Kuja, who is inimical. Additionally, Sani is also combust with

Surya, though this is not very serious because they are over 10

degrees away.


However, the biggest problem for you, career wise, is created by

Ketu, who completely eclipses both Chandra and Surya. Chandra,

who is already afflicted by being conjunct Surya since you were

born on an Amavasya, is therefore in quite a bad shape, and

since he is the lord of the 10th, this will hurt career.


Additionally,both Budha and Sukra are in Chandra's house, and

moreover, the presence of 9th lord Budha in the 10th and the

10th lord Chandra in the 9th is a very good Parivarthana Yoga,

but Chandra's affliction reduces the benefic aspect of this yoga



The 2nd concerns finances, and its lord Kuja is in the 6th,

which hurts the significances of the 2nd. Sani's aspect on him

is also bad, irrespective of Sani being Raja Yoga Karaka. This

could delay finances.


However, one good thing is that your 11th house, which is the

Labha Stana, is the strongest as per Bhava Bala, and gets a

score of 11.3, so money may not be a problem in the long term.


You will be running Sukra Bukti from end-May 2005 - Jun 2008.

Technically, Sukra is Lagnadipati and Sani is Raja Yoga Karaka,

so this should be good, but I have heard from the more learned

on this group that Sani Dasa - Sukra Bukti, and Sukra Dasa -

Sani Bukti are not usually good.


One has to consider that Sukra also rules the 8th, and is

conjunct Budha, lord of the 12th, and aspected by Guru, lord of

the 6th, and all these could play a limiting role.


As per Gochara, Sani (1), Guru (4),Ketu (4), and Rahu (10) are

all inimically placed. Guru's movement into the 5th in Sep 2005

could provide some respite.




For Arid, Sury affecting Bhar [24] = -0

For Arid, Sury affecting Makh [05] = -2

For Arid, Sury affecting Krit [25] = -2

For Arid, Sury affecting Anur [12] = -2

(Arid.Sury -6

For Arid, Chan affecting Sata [19] = +1

For Arid, Chan affecting Swat [10] = +1

For Arid, Chan affecting Push [03] = +0


(Arid.Chan 2

For Arid, Budd affecting Reva [22] = +2

For Arid, Budd affecting UPha [07] = +0

For Arid, Budd affecting Mrig [27] = +2

For Arid, Budd affecting Mool [14] = +0

(Arid.Budd 4

For Arid, Sukr affecting Krit [25] = +0

For Arid, Sukr affecting Bhar [24] = +2

For Arid, Sukr affecting Srav [17] = +2

For Arid, Sukr affecting Vish [11] = +2

(Arid.Sukr 6

For Arid, Kuja affecting Sata [19] = -1

For Arid, Kuja affecting Swat [10] = -1

For Arid, Kuja affecting Push [03] = -2


(Arid.Kuja -4

For Arid, Guru affecting Hast [08] = +2

For Arid, Guru affecting UBha [21] = +0

For Arid, Guru affecting Arid [01] = +1

For Arid, Guru affecting PAsh [15] = +2

(Arid.Guru 5

For Arid, Sani affecting Purn [02] = -0

For Arid, Sani affecting Mool [14] = -2

For Arid, Sani affecting PBha [20] = -0

For Arid, Sani affecting UPha [07] = -2

(Arid.Sani -4

For Arid, Rahu affecting Reva [22] = -0

For Arid, Rahu affecting UPha [07] = -2

For Arid, Rahu affecting Mrig [27] = -0

For Arid, Rahu affecting Mool [14] = -2

(Arid.Rahu -4

For Arid, Ketu affecting Chit [09] = -0

For Arid, Ketu affecting PBha [20] = -0

For Arid, Ketu affecting Mool [14] = -2

For Arid, Ketu affecting Mrig [27] = -0

(Arid.Ketu -2

{Arid. -3


This is a low score, but fortunately, Guru protects Janma

Nakshatra, Tithi, and Day, which is good. The only afflictions

are to Name from Kuja and Ketu,and to Lagna from Ketu, but even

here, Sukra is there to mitigate some of the ills.


Kuja is afflicting the Karma Nakshtra (10) and creating some

temporary work problems, and his aspect on the Adhana Nakshatra

(19) is also bad. Manas Nakstra (25) is affected by Surya and

Sukra, giving sorrow and happiness in equal measure. However,

the Abhishek Nakshtra (27) is aspected by Rahu and Ketu, denying

rise, and Budha cannot do much against the two.


Please pray to God, and may your troubles end soon.




Balaji Narasimhan * http://www.sherlock-holmes.com/balaji.htm

Author, Sherlock Holmes: Solutions from the Sussex Downs

Editor, The Partial Art of Detection




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