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Digest Number 1045 ( Responsibility ?? )

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Good question frequently asked !!!


You may do the case study of this data after reading through entire notes below:


Birth Data: 18th Aug. 1965, 20:20 hours, New Delhi


Let me explain it the accounting way - ( for ease of understanding )

The birth chart is a balance sheet of your good / bad karma.


Rules :

Case - A

If Good is more than Bad karma then the person is said to be " lucky person " as

even a small effort give him higher results ( corresponding to actual effort ).


Case - B

If the Good is equal to Bad karma then the results would be - results would

commensurate the efforts made. This category of people are those working hard

and then qualify for the awards. ( we often see them around )



If the Good is less than Bad Karma, then results achieved would be fraction of

the actual efforts made.


Explanation / Analysis


A person involved in a "evil action" in Case - A would be possibly escapes

punishment as per man made laws, in this present life cycle. Consider it as a

trade off against the huge credit karma balance he has.


A person coming under Case-B, would possibly undergo trials & tribulations in

this present life cycle itself.


A person coming under Case-C, would possibly "busy" writing off his old karmic

debts and present ones only added to existing debit list ( coming under bottom

of ledger entries ) and hence may undergo the punishment in his next birth cycle

!!! ( Typically said in Hindi - Pehle purana khaata ( account ) qaatam nahi hua,

naya wala abhi door ki bath hai !!! )


It takes few millions of births/death before a soul reaches it salvation /

moksha. If a person is facing a problem it is a result of some past action.

Just by doing a puja,..etc. you may be successful in pacifying the gods

temporalily. The scriptures are very clear that the soul has to experience the

"bad karma" and it intends to " the soul in return does introspection & realises

the wrong action leading to current situation " and if this condition is not

satisfied it implies the soul has not made any progress.


Just as we have various expenditure heads in accounting, the good / bad karma

also has it heads. ( Hope Mr. Chitra Gupt conducts training sessions on this

!!!. Mr. Chitra Gupt is accounting Head, working under Lord Yama Dharma Raj

!!). This can be proved in a way. If the native/jatak has respected / served

well his mother / father in his previous birth, one would find that Moon / Sun

would be well placed in his horoscope and vice-versa.


Whenever, you come across a horoscope where the Moon is not well placed, Sun is

well place, you may cross question a native / jatak, you will be surprised to

know the jatak confessing his deep respect to his father.


Important Note : Moon / Sun placement is in terms of its position in a sign

irrespective of the house. The more they afflicted, it means the debt to be

repayed in this present life cycle to parents is very little and hence their

love & affection is for a limited time. This is indicative of the extent of "

rinanu bandhan".


Example :A well placed Sun, but father expired at very early 10 years age of

native/jatak. Here the father had a debt towards his son/daughter,when it

squared off, resulted in his early exit.


Extend the same logic, for brothers & business partners ( Karak Mars ),

Jupiter ( Guru / Perceptor, children,. ),...etc.


Gemstones have their effectiveness, for specific periods corresponding to the

Dasha scheme. It may also give inimical results when advise given is not in

line with dasha scheme. The "purity & weight" of the stone is another big

question. The other big question the sincerity & honesty of the astrologer

himself in specifying.


Prayers always yield better results. When done by jatak himself, the holy

vibrations generated through chanting of the mantra are around himself. If he

continues with the practise the vibrations, they start vibrating within the

body. The importance given here is purity of mind & heart while doing prayers.

If object of prayer is a personal / selfish desire or an materialistic "want",

then it may indirectly result in an bad karma !!!


Hence, Sri K.N. Rao my jyotish guru & an accepted authority in field of

Astrology, singularly responsible to restore credibility to this holy science of

astrology after Sri B.V. Raman, has always given importance to prayers than to



Unfortunately, the people believe more in gem stones than in prayers. Hence,

these are comparable to the fast junk food we eat ( in a very loose sense ).

Temporarily they satisfy the hunger, in long run effect the health.


It is often my own experience that the people come running to astrologers with

problems and wants immediate remedies to it, without understanding the greater

cosmic plan. Hence, it is very much necessary for the astrologers to

understand the Karmic Balance sheet( as suggested above ), while analysing the

horoscope and then suggest the remedies.


I do understand and appreciate people are restless to hear the remedy rather

than take the "astrological counselling" in a true spirit, it is duty of

astrologers not to go into nitty gritty details of explaining the advantages of

doing pujas / wearing gemstones, but to advise them tacitly that "everything in

future" would improve provided one continues to do the puja,..etc.. Test &

verify the people about the "puja based" remedial actions taken by jatak/native.

else, assume that counselling is given to undeserving people.


I invite the learned members to express their opinions.


with regards,


Sreeram Srinivas








Wed, 04 May 2005 20:44:43 -0000

"pranasoup" <pranasoup



"The unborn Lord has many incarnations.

He has incarnated, as the 9 Planets

to bestow on the living beings

the results due to their Karmas."

- brihat parashara hora shastra


if you murder someone (perform a very bad karma)

& then try to escape punishment from the law (of karma)

by buying a brilliant legal team (gems/other jyotisha

remedies/astrological counsel/etc,,,, ) -

is this responsible?


if someone killed your child/parent/wife,

& got off because he was wealthy,

& had a great legal team -

would you be upset?


just food for thought....






Version: 7.0.308 / Virus Database: 266.11.5 - Release 5/4/2005




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